March 1, 2008

The Board of Directors meeting of Deer Lake Homeowners Association, Inc. (a.k.a. Casa Del Lago) was held on March 1, 2008 at the Casa Del Lago clubhouse.

Board Members Present: George Boyer

Joseph Hosfeld

Bob Golden

Board Members Absent:

Rob Cooper

Jeff Holiman

In attendance by invitation of the Board: Bob Gelles, Schoo Management

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by George Boyer who presided.

Proof of Notice: A copy of the Proof of Notice of the meeting was posted in accordance with Florida Statutes.

Determination of Quorum: The Board acknowledged that a quorum was present to conduct business.

Minutes of Prior Meetings: A Motion was made by Joe Hosfeld to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting of January 24, 2008 and the minutes of the Board of Directors Organizational Meeting of January 24, 2008. The Motion was seconded by Bob Golden and passed unanimously. George Boyer then mentioned that the minutes would be posted on the community website.

Opening Remarks: George Boyer opened the meeting by introducing each member of the Board to the residents in attendance. George Boyer introduced Bob Gelles, Schoo Management, as the management company for the Association.

George Boyer then provided an update on the January 2008 Financial Reports. A summary copy was provided to Board members and homeowners present at the meeting. For January, expenses were under budget by $1,535 and revenue collected was $626 over budget. As a result, the HOA net income currently $2,162 better than budget. A summary of the Balance sheet was also provided.

Old Business Issues

Collection Update

George provided an update of recent collection update. 7419 Sika Deer Way, one of the foreclosure properties has been sold January 11, 2008 and Avelo Mortgage has taken this property back and will be responsible for paying association dues from this date forward. Our attorney, DeBoest also recommended that we bill Avelo Mortgage for the prior amount owed by the previous homeowner. We have six bank foreclosures that are still pending action in the courts. In addition we have one property being foreclosed by the Homeowners Association. This case is due to be heard by the judge on March 3rd at which time we expect that we will prevail and that the judge will set a date for foreclosure sale. In February we had nine homeowners who did not pay first quarter assessments on time sent pre-lien letters by our Association attorney. These homeowners are now facing about $400 additional costs each due to legal fees. In January, we had four of our past due accounts from 2007 pay up in full. We have small amounts owed that represents $528 total in twelve different accounts. Eight accounts owe us $25 or less, three owe less than $75 and one owes $177. These have not yet been sent to the attorney for collection. These twelve homeowners have been notified by letter from Schoo management that they owe this money and that the debt may be turned over to the attorney for collection. This is less than what we have had in the past since we have cleared up a lot of the small accounts. We want to be reasonable and allow these homeowners with small amounts to pay up and not have the homeowner incur an additional $400 attorney fee which would be high in comparison to what the homeowner has not paid.

Bad Check Update

We have received a bad check from a homeowner who has since failed to make it good. A letter was sent by an attorney that demanded payment within 30 days and if not, the association may pursue either civil and/or turn it over to the state attorney for criminal prosecution. This Bad Check policy was discussed at the January 24, 2008 Board meeting and found in the approved minutes. George read the Bad Check motion in full at today’s meeting. Bob Gelles confirmed that the Bad Check has still not been paid as requested and the 30 days have expired. George then requested that Bob Gelles follow the approved Bad Check policy and as soon as possible, poll each of the Board Members. Once Bob Gelles has polled the Board Members, he should follow the wishes of the majority in regards to the Bad Check Policy. If the majority of the Board members respond in favor of pursuing the homeowner legally in collection on the Bad Check, Bob Gelles should contact our attorney at Roetzel & Address to file these complaints.

Clubhouse Lounge Chairs Motion

George mentioned that in our December meeting it was discussed that we should add additional lounge chairs for the swimming pool area. The decision was put off because local stores did not stock acceptable lounge chairs. In February, Bob Golden stated was able to look at lounge chairs in several stores and along with Joe Hosfeld the best chair at the best price is available at $99 each from Costco. Bob Golden made a motion to purchase six chairs from Costco at $99 each to add more chairs to the swimming pool area. George asked Joe if the quality appears to be acceptable to him as well. Joe said they were good chairs and very similar to the chairs that we currently have but a slightly different color. Bob Golden made a Motion to purchase the six chairs at a cost not to exceed $700 in total including tax. Joe Hosfeld seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Street Stop Sign Proposal

George mentioned that we will be delaying any discussion regarding adding additional street stop signs because we do not have two of our Board members attending.

New Business Issues:

Roof Cleaning Policy Motion

George Boyer mentioned that several homes have roof cleaning problems in the community. Bob Gelles, of Schoo Management was asked to get involved in solving this roof cleaning problem. The Board asked Bob Gelles to contact homeowners by letters where roofs needed cleaning. Bob Gelles provided at today’s meeting, a sample letter that would be sent to the homeowners for the Board to review first before having it sent out. George Boyer mentioned that we need to have a Roof Cleaning Policy to provide a clear direction on how the Board will resolve problems where homeowners have roofs that need cleaning.

Joe Hosfeld made the Motion that the Board approves a Roof Cleaning Policy that includes the Management Company sending out a First letter that is a polite and friendly reminder that the homeowner is responsible to have their roof cleaned within the next 30 days. If the homeowner after 30 days hasn’t cleaned the roof or contacted the Association Management Company regarding the First letter, then the management company would send the homeowner a Second letter that would be firm in nature and would state that if the roof is not cleaned within 30 days, that the homeowner could be subject to fines as approved by the Association Fining Committee.

Sod Replacement

Due to the fact that two board members are not present today, we will not have a discussion on sod replacement and crabgrass and Bermuda grass problems.

Parking on the Grass Policy

George stated that recently, a homeowner has parked his car on grass which could damage sprinkler heads and that parking on the grass is not allowed in the Association Homeowner documents. Because we have two absent Board members today, George tabled any discussion on a Policy to deal with this until the next Board meeting.

Widening of 6 Mile Cypress Drive

Bob Golden mentioned that the County as delayed the widening of the road project indefinitely. Bob has had discussions with the County in assuming the responsibility of maintaining the trees and landscaping at the entranceway until the date when the road will be widened. Currently Engle has a Bond in place as required by the County to maintain the landscaping at the entranceway.

Engle Bankruptcy

Bob Golden mentioned that he received notice from Engle attorneys that they have filed for bankruptcy and included a proof of claim form that should be filed. Bob gave the Board a copy of his letter.

Homeowner Comments:

George Boyer then opened up the floor to any Homeowner comments.

A homeowner asked the Board what our management company’s policy is for returning phone calls. Bob Golden said it should be within 24 hours. Bob Gelles mentioned that he did get the homeowner’s message and turned it over to the landscaping company to fix. The homeowner said that’s good but the problem is that Bob Gelles did not call him back even though he called twice with his question about what he should do about the clover in his yard. Bob Gelles apologized for not calling him back as the homeowner requested.

The homeowner then mentioned that he was concerned about the messy, littered condition of the clubhouse grounds after someone recently used it for a party and wondered if anyone has spoken to the person who rented it. The homeowner said that this same thing happened before and he is concerned. Joe Hosfeld said that we did speak to that individual that used the clubhouse and that they promptly came back and cleaned up the problems and policed the area grounds. George Boyer mentioned that we collect a $250 cleaning deposit which will be used for cleaning up a problem if the individual using the clubhouse does not return the building and grounds in the condition they found it. This is in addition to the $100 rental fee for the use of the building.

Several homeowners commented on people putting out trash containers too early or leave them out too late. Plus some homeowners are only using plastic bags and not placing the trash properly in containers. Animals will then get into the plastic trash bags and create a mess. A homeowner said that a while ago it was mentioned in the newsletter and it would be good to do that again. George Boyer said that was a good idea and that we would include an article in next month’s newsletter about this problem.


There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned.

ADJOURNMENT: At 2:12 PM Bob Golden made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Joe Hosfeld seconded the Motion and the Motion passed unanimously.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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