THE CHURCHWARDEN’S YEARBOOK 2021The annual diary and reference book for churchwardens inThe Church of England and The Church in Wales“I offer my personal gratitude to all called to exercise the vocation of churchwardens”Extract from the Archbishop of Wales’s foreword to the 2020 editionThe Churchwarden’s Yearbook is used by approximately 5500 churchwardens and some clergy in England and Wales. It includes a diary specially designed for churchwardens and reference material to help with their many tasks.The Diary Section:Advent 2020 – Epiphany 2022, with additional pages for planning 2022; One-week-to-view, starting on Sundays; Common Worship readings for the Principal Eucharistic Service and Book of Common Prayer readings for Holy Communion for every Sunday, Principal Feast, Festival and Holy Day; Liturgical colours for every season and every day of the year. Naming of all Sundays, Principal Feasts, Holy Days, Festivals, Lesser Festivals, Commemorations and Saints’ Days in the calendars of the Church of England and the Church in Wales; Flag days, church-related events, bank and public holidays, items of local, national, traditional and customary interest; Times of sunrise and sunset; Four-year calendar, year planners for 2021 and 2022; Extra pages for names, addresses, notes, churchwardens’ expenses.The Reference Section:Brief outline of churchwardens’ duties and responsibilities, safeguarding requirements, summary of Church Representation Rules 2020 and New Faculty Rules 2020, Eco-church and churchyard advice; Details of helpful organizations, sources of finance; Recommended reading matter, information and reference books; Contact details for bishops, archdeacons, diocesan secretaries, DAC secretaries, communications officers, safeguarding officers and registrars of all Anglican dioceses in England, Wales and Europe; Religious festivals of other faiths; Parochial Fees tables.Format: A5 (210x148mm), hardbound, cover colour tbc, gold blocked titles on front cover and spine, ribbon bookmark, 160 pages.Publication: September 2020 Reserve your copy now. Payment will not be processed until despatch.Price: ?13.95 (inc p&p) direct from Churchwarden Publications (Bookshop price ?15.00)NEW CHURCHWARDENS You can order the current Churchwarden’s Yearbook 2020 at the special price of ?8.95 inc p&p to help you through the remainder of this year.Payment will be processed at despatch. If paying by cheque and ordering both 2020 and 2021 yearbooks, please enclose two separate cheques.PRIORITY RESERVE AND ORDER FORM FOR THE CHURCHWARDEN’S YEARBOOK:By post: Fill in this reserve and order form and post to Churchwarden Publications, PO Box 420, Warminster, BA12 9XB. Enclose your personal/PCC cheque(s) payable to Churchwarden Publications Ltd, or details of your debit/credit card.By phone: Call 01985 840189. Please have ready your Visa/Mastercard/Maestro card. We will need details of card number, expiry date, three digit security code, plus issue no. if a Maestro card.Title:Initials:Surname:Address:Postcode:Diocese:Tel No.:E-mail: Send on publication _ _ _ _ copies of The Churchwarden’s Yearbook 2021 @ ?13.95 = ? _ _ _ _Cheque/card payment will not be processed until publication and despatch Send now _ _ _ _ copies of The Churchwarden’s Yearbook 2020 @ ?8.95 = ? _ _ _ _ I enclose personal/PCC cheque(s)/P.O payable to Churchwarden Publications Ltd. I will pay by Visa/Mastercard/Maestro card No:Expiry date:Issue No. (Maestro)3 digit security code ................

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