Corporate Policy Annual leave and bank holidays


Corporate Policy

Annual leave and bank holidays

Current Version Date:

1 February 2020

Review Date:

February 2021

Policy Owner:

Policy and Advice Team, Corporate People


Internal - not confidential


This contractual policy and procedure aims to:

? Provide information on annual leave entitlement and bank holiday arrangements

? Ensure that Barnardo¡¯s complies with the requirements of current legislation


This policy applies to all employees.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Individual is responsible for planning and requesting leave in line with the

requirements set out in this policy

Line Managers are responsible for agreeing any period of annual leave with their

employee via the myPlace system and ensuring employees are receiving the correct

entitlement. Accurate manual records must be maintained for those employees unable

to fully utilise the myPlace system due to differing entitlements (e.g.TUPE, Term Time


Local People Teams are responsible for advising and guiding employees and line

managers on this policy

Corporate People Team is responsible for ensuring this policy complies with current

legal obligations, updating it and other associated documents or processes, accordingly


Bank holiday - used here as generic term to cover bank, statutory or public holidays

Barnardo¡¯s service - defined in the Employee Handbook, Appendix B ¨C Glossary of



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Policy and procedure

1 Annual leave entitlement

The table below shows annual leave entitlement in days1 for different categories of

employees. Barnardo¡¯s offers more than the statutory minimum of 28 days, which is

inclusive of bank holidays. The number of days is related to a five day week and is prorated for part time employees

Basic leave


Over 5 years¡¯

Barnardo¡¯s service

On equivalent salary to old spinal column

points (scp) 1-33



On equivalent salary to old spinal column

points 34 and above





a) Employees with continuous start date

before 01.04.16 (except for c-e below):



b) Employees with continuous start date on

or after 01.04.16 (except for c-e below)

c) Professions allied to medicine and nursing

d) Teaching and allied employees

e) TUPE¡¯d in employees

In accordance with individual contracts

In accordance with individual contracts

The entitlement they transferred with

The increased leave entitlements apply from the leave year coming immediately after

employees have completed 5 years¡¯ service. However, where an employee (with

continuous start date before 01.04.16) is appointed/promoted part way through the year

to a role which has a higher leave entitlement, or progresses within a pay band to the

equivalent salary to old scp 34, the additional leave is pro-rated.

2 Bank holidays



Early May

Spring (May)

Summer (August)


New Year's Day

Good Friday and Easter Monday

Holiday Monday

Holiday Monday

Holiday Monday

Christmas Day and Boxing Day

Appropriate adjustments may be made as necessary for Scotland and Wales provided

the total of eight days is not exceeded. In Northern Ireland ten days are granted. The

additional days are St Patrick¡¯s Day on 17 March and Battle of the Boyne (Orangemen¡¯s

Day) on 12 July.

3 Taking, accruing and carrying over leave

The leave year commences on 1 April. In the interest of health and welfare, employees

are expected to take all the leave to which they are entitled during the twelve-month

leave period. Managers should review leave arrangements periodically and encourage


Leave is requested and recorded in hours via myPlace based on contractual hours per day


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employees to spread their leave across the leave year. If leave is not booked

voluntarily, managers may nominate specified days on which an employee must take

some or all of their statutory annual leave. Written notification must be given specifying

the dates the leave must be taken; the only condition is that the employee must be

given notice of at least twice the length of the stipulated holiday period. For example, a

minimum of four weeks¡¯ notice would be necessary to require an employee to take two

weeks¡¯ leave from a specified date. This is in accordance with the Working Time

regulations 1998.

However, circumstances may arise when this is either impractical or inconvenient.

Managers and employees should discuss and agree any leave balances to be carried

forward before 1st April each year. Any agreed carried forward balance will be reflected

on the myPlace system. Permission to carry over leave in excess of 1 week¡¯s contractual

hours will be given only in exceptional circumstances and requests must be made in

writing to the manager before the leave year ends.

Paid annual leave continues to accrue while on paid and unpaid sick leave, maternity,

adoption, fostering and shared parental leave. It may be possible for annual leave to be

taken during sickness absence, and requests for this should be made in the normal way.

4 Requesting leave

Before making arrangements for leave, employees are required to obtain the consent of

their manager by submitting a request via the myPlace system. Employees are

expected where possible to give longer notice for longer periods of leave e.g. 3 months¡¯

notice when requesting more than 2 weeks contractual hours, in order to assist with

providing cover.

Employees working in schools should take their annual leave during normal school

holiday periods, or at the discretion of the Principal.

Managers may be able in certain specific circumstances to authorise time off instead of,

or in addition to, annual leave. See these policies for details: Time off for Dependantsunpaid, Additional Leave ¨C paid and unpaid, and Extended Leave - unpaid.

5 Employees working part-time/compressed hours

For these employees, the annual leave calculation is normal weekly hours divided by 5,

multiplied by the number of days full time equivalent (FTE) annual leave entitlement, as

set out in paragraph 1, giving total number of hours leave. If daily hours fluctuate leave

is to be taken at the number of hours normally worked on that day.

Bank holiday entitlement is based on the actual number of bank holidays that fall during

Barnardo¡¯s annual leave year i.e. April to March. As the number of days will vary each

year, depending largely on when Easter falls, this will automatically be recalculated

annually on the myPlace system. Details on how the pro-rated bank holiday leave

entitlement is calculated are attached as a separate document on the ¡®Annual Leave and

Bank Holiday Entitlements¡¯ page on b-hive. The document also explains the slightly

different arrangements for staff in post before 1.12.2000.

6 As and When workers

As and When workers are entitled to annual leave at statutory levels (28 days including

bank holidays, pro rata to the hours they work) and the agreement reflects this. They

are not entitled to paid bank holidays unless they are required to work on that day, in


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which case pay will be at the appropriate rate. At the end of each assignment they are

paid in lieu of any accrued but untaken holiday for the holiday year in which the

assignment ends.

7 Employees leaving

If an employee joins or leaves the organisation part way through a leave year, the prorated bank holiday entitlement will automatically be calculated on the myPlace system to

reflect the actual number of bank holidays that fall during that period.

Such employees shall be allowed a pro rata of their annual leave entitlement according

to the number of completed days worked during the current leave year. Barnardo¡¯s

reserves the right to reclaim salary paid for leave taken in excess of this entitlement.

Some employees, especially in Children¡¯s Services, leave Barnardo's to take employment

with a Local Authority. These authorities may recognise Barnardo¡¯s employment for

continuous service purposes, and employees may wish to seek information on this

matter from their potential employer.

8 Working on a bank holiday

Some employees, in particular those in residential units, may be required to work on a

bank holiday. Pay rates for this are set out in the Enhanced rates and overtime policy.

9 The effect of regular and settled overtime on annual leave payments

If you work and are paid regular overtime over and above your normal fixed

contractual hours, your ¡®normal¡¯ pay (for the purposes of calculating holiday pay) may

be more than your basic contractual pay. Please refer to the Enhanced rates and

overtime policy for further information.

Associated guidance and documents

Employee Handbook Section 2 & Appendix B

Time off for Dependants ¨C unpaid

Additional leave ¨C paid and unpaid

Extended leave - unpaid

Annual Leave and Bank Holiday Calculator and Guidance Notes

Enhanced rates and overtime policy


Working Time Regulations





Local People Teams monitoring of general adherence to policy

Feedback from UNISON and Barnardo¡¯s Forums


Document History









New format, reordered






Policy and

Advice Team

Policy and

Advice Team

Policy and

Leave entitlements for new

starters from 01.04.16 added

Change of references in staff


Barnardo¡¯s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605


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Advice Team

Policy and

Advice Team




Strategy and




Barnardo¡¯s Registered Charity Nos. 216250 and SC037605


To reflect new system of

booking and carrying over

leave via myPlace

Updated to included New

section 9

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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