Big Stone City

CITY OF BIG STONE CITYBig Stone City, South DakotaMarch 2, 20207:00 p.m.The Big Stone City council met in regular session on Monday March 2, 2020 meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with Mayor Wiik presiding. Roll Call: Athey, Stecker, Redfield, Brown, and Hughes present. Others present: William Coester, Bryan Austin, Bob Athey, Bob Goergen, Emily Sigler, Gary Longhenry, Bill Wiik, Lou Brown, Teresa Goergen, Jayne Stecker, Zach Wiese, Julie Enstad, Kathy Tyler, Betty Zahnow, Bob Zahnow, Mary Smithwick, Jim Laub, Steve Weber, Blake Swanson, Justin Harman, Deputy Orville Folk, Sue Westermeyer, and Joe Wiik. The Pledge of Allegiance and the South Dakota State Pledge were recited. Motion to accept the minutes from the February 3rd meeting was made by Redfield. Motion died on the floor due to the lack of a second. Deputy Orville Folk gave the following Sheriff’s office report: Hours worked within the city: 107 hours 17 minutes, subject to call 24 hours per day. Written Citations: 6. Written Warnings: 22. Investigations/events and incidents responded to: 5. Some incidents responded to included: death investigation, welfare checks, medical calls, burglary, and theft. The sheriff’s office would like all residents to make sure they have house numbers on their homes and that they are visible. A motion was made by Stecker to also receive a report from the Big Stone City Police Department monthly and seconded by Hughes. Voting in favor: Athey, Stecker, Brown, and Hughes. Opposed: Redfield. Blake Swanson and Justin Harman from South Dakota Game, Fish, & Parks came to speak to the council about a city deer hunt and answer any questions the council or public has. Swanson stated that when first looking at a city deer hunt, we need to identify what herd of deer we would target and what time frame. Swanson also gave other options of keep deer out of certain areas of town. After a discussion and input from the public the council decided to hold off on a city deer hunt. They decided to go with a suggestion of Swanson of having residents used a scented wick available from the SDGFP that helps deter deer and are recharged from moisture. To get more information on the subject please call Blake Swanson from SDGFP, stop at the city office, or speak to your councilman.The following claims were presented for payment.FARNER BOCKEN COMPANY$776.82 REPUBLIC BEVERAGE COMPANY$1,113.64 RURAL DEVELOPMENT$4,108.00 Sewer Bond LoanREPUBLIC BEVERAGE COMPANY$1,677.36 SDCS$353.08 SDCS$353.08 AFLAC$224.50 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE$2,738.45 Payroll TaxesINTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE$41.54 Payroll TaxesINTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE$2,562.31 Payroll TaxesABE DORRY$650.19 BANK OF AMERICA$205.38 BERNATELLO S PIZZA INC$225.00 BEST WESTERN PLUS RAMKOTA$234.98 BIG STONE AREA HARDWARE$113.45 BIG STONE RADIO$150.00 Monthly AdvertisingBORDER STATES INDUSTRIES INC$4,799.76 CHS$139.25 CINTAS CORPORATION$434.83 CITY OF BIG STONE CITY$5,130.57 Utility billsCOCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.$242.25 PopCOESTER LAW OFFICE$2,959.00 legal fee'sCONROY ELECTRIC INC$324.02 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP$6,695.28 ELLWEIN BROTHERS INC.$12,777.15 FS3, INC.$29.66 GRANT COUNTY AUDITOR$7,500.00 GRANT COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS$30.00 GRANT COUNTY REVIEW$121.15 publishingGRANT ROBERTS RURAL WATER$10,114.00 HARRYS FROZEN FOODS$212.00 Pizza'sHEALTH POOL OF SD$6,890.38 Health InsuranceINFOTECH SOLUTIONS$2,728.99 JIM DANDY SNACK FOOD CO.$69.00 JerkyJOHNSON BROTHERS FAMOUS BRANDS$4,445.11 MAC DADDY S DRIVE IN$482.04 MIDCO$81.70MIDCO$403.28MIDCO$40.85MISSOURI RIVER ENERGY SERVICES$2,914.00 MOMAR, INC.$566.21 Enzymes for lagoonsNORTHWESTERN ENERGY$134.68 ORTONVILLE INDEPENDENT$205.00 Liquor Store Ad'sPEPSI COLA CO. OF ORTONVILLE$231.70 PopPLUNKETT S PEST CONTROL.$83.68 Pest ControlPORTER DISTRIBUTING CO.$643.50 QUILL CORPORATION$47.99 Toilet bowl cleanerRONGLIEN EXCAVATING, INC$265.20 RUNNINGS$19.99 SD DEPARTMENT OF LABOR&REG.$109.52 SD DEPT OF GAME, FISH & PARKS$176.00 Monthly BillingSDML$138.00 SOUTH DAKOTA RETIREMENT SYSTEM$2,069.06 SOUTHERN GLAZERSS OF SD$357.85 STURDEVANT AUTO PARTS$432.98 VALLEY OFFICE PRODUCTS$6.19 VALLEY SHOPPER$372.00 AdvertisingVERIZON WIRELESS$147.05 WESCO RECEIVABLES CORP.$735.69 WILDUNG IMPLEMENT$108.78 WITH THE WIND VINEYARD&WINERY$247.56 XEROX CORP. COPIER$16.62 SD DEPT. OF REVENUE$5,934.73WORLD PAY$239.41PRINCIPAL$71.78FRITO LAY$205.92WASTE MANAGEMENT$3,989.47HARLAND CLARKE$189.92MISSOURI RIVER$10,323.00DEPT. OF ENERGY$18,011.91MISSOURI RIVER$26,223.99SD DEPT OF REVENUE$1,989.38General Fund 101$7,758.25February PayrollLiquor Fund 601$6,668.39February PayrollWater Fund 602$2,484.67February PayrollElectric Fund 603$4,664.60February PayrollSewer Fund 604$1,274.95February PayrollMotion to pay the presented claims was made by Redfield and seconded by Stecker. All in favor. Motion carried. A motion to approve the second reading of Ordinance 2020-02 was made by Athey and seconded by Brown. All in favor, motion carried. ORDINANCE #2020-02AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ON SALE LIQUOR LICENSING OF FULL-SERVICE RESTAURANTS WITHIN THE CITY OF BIG STONE CITYBE IT ORDAINED by the City of Big Stone City, South Dakota that Section 5-2-3 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Big Stone City, South Dakota be added to read as follows:5-2-3. LICENSING – FULL-SERVICE RESTAURANT LICENSEAn On-Premise Full-Service Restaurant Liquor License may be issued to a qualifying full-service restaurant meeting all the requirements of SDCL 35-4-110 through 35-4-120 upon payment of the license fee determined pursuant to SDCL 35-4-116. A full-service restaurant liquor license may be renewed annually only if the requirements of SDCL 35-4-113 are fulfilled and the license fee pursuant to SDCL 35-4-116 is paid._____________________________Deborah Wiik, MayorATTEST:________________________________Emily Sigler, Finance OfficerCouncilman Brown read a letter from Lori Seidell explaining her plans to do a raffle fundraiser to help with the cost of the ballfield project. The drawing would be during the 135th Celebration on Friday night between the two ball games. She plans on starting middle of march with the fundraiser. Mr. Coester advised the council such raffle was legal. A motion was made by Brown to approve the ballfield raffle and seconded by Hughes. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Wiik informed the council off the payoff amount of the Sewer Bond. A brief discussion was held on possible funds to pay for this. The city will be looking into the use of the 2% city tax money and where the funds should be delegated. The city received one application for the concession stand use this summer from Lori Seidell/Lions Pride PTO. They ran the concession stand last year and would like to continue doing so and would be run by volunteers of summer rec and the PTO. A motion was made by Hughes and seconded by Brown to approve the application from Lori Seidell/Lions Pride PTO. All in favor, motion carried. Councilman Hughes addressed the council about the finance officer being salaried and going to an hourly rate of pay. After a discussion, a motion was made by Hughes to change Emily Sigler from being salaried to hourly at the hourly equivalent of the salary of $17.33 per hour and seconded by Athey. All in favor, motion carried. After a discussion with the council and input from the public a motion was made by Hughes to adopt the first reading of Ordinance #2020-03(Liquor Ordinance) with Memorial Day and Christmas Day removed and seconded by Redfield. All in favor, motion carried. Mayor Wiik informed the council of the retirement of Pam Steinke from the cleaning position at the community center. There are ad’s in the paper for the position and have been getting interest in the position. Mayor Wiik informed the council of injuries that have occurred during reading of electric meters due to the ice and snow. Bryan Austin gave some info on new meters and pricing. The council asked him to reach out to the company to have them get an updated quote and speak to the council.Being no further business a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Hughes and seconded by Brown. All in favor, motion carried. ____________________________ATTEST:Deb Wiik, Mayor_________________________________ Emily Sigler, Finance Officer ................

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