Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Introduction: Reporting About Resources

In this chapter you will begin learning about the purpose and process of accounting. You will see that the information produced by a company's accounting system is aimed at answering specific questions about the company's resources. Information for answering the questions is often provided in the form of financial statements.


A goal is something to work toward. It is something you try to achieve. For example, right now you may be trying to prepare yourself to earn a high grade in this accounting course. On the other hand, your goal for the next few minutes might simply be to stay awake until it's time to go to lunch or dinner! People have numerous goals. Many people strive to develop and maintain happy families. Some people work to get a higher paying job. Some people try to be in perfect health, or at least in great physical shape. Still other people have earning a high-quality education as their goal.

Similar to people, companies have goals. Health centers and medical practices have as their goal the providing of quality, affordable health care. Broadway theaters strive to provide diverse, live entertainment. Clothing stores try to sell blouses, slacks, shirts, pants, and sweaters to customers. Automobile companies attempt to manufacture and sell cars. Reporting sales o over $400 billion for its twelve-month period ended December 31, 2010, Walmart is the world’s largest retailer. The following comments about Walmart’s goals were made by Mr. S. Robson Walton, Chairman of Walmart’s Board of Directors.

My dad did not set out to make Walmart the world’s largest retailer. His goal was simply to make Walmart better every day, and he thought constantly about how to do just that.

Our management teams are more focused than ever on executing a strategic plan based on three clear priorities – growth, leverage and returns – that are designed to improve shareholder value. Just as important, our businesses around the world have never been more aligned behind our mission to save people money so they can live better.

Goals and Resources

How do people and companies achieve their goals? The obvious answer is through hard work. However, if hard work is the only requirement many more people and companies would be successful. Resources are some of the most important requirements for companies and people to achieve their goals. Resources are the things you have to work with. Personally, your resources consist of things like cash, textbooks, pencils, notebooks, clothes, car, stereo, and CDs. A company's resources include cash, land, buildings, and machines.

Resources and Personal Goals Why do people want resources? If cash is a resource in which you are interested, consider what you can do with more of it. If you had only $25, you would be quite concerned about how you could buy food, clothes, gasoline, or pay your rent. On the other hand, if you had $10,000, buying food or clothes probably wouldn't be a problem for a while. Furthermore, if you had $10,000,000, you would definitely not be concerned about food or clothes, but would be able to consider such things as buying property, taking trips, providing for your relatives, or helping friends.

How do resources help you achieve your goals? Consider, for example, your goal of achieving a high-quality education. Without sufficient resources you might have to work 15-20 hours per week at a part-time job to attend school. If you had sufficient resources, you could avoid the part-time job and use the hours to study.

Resources and Business Goals Companies want resources for the same basic reason people do: the more resources a company has, the more alternatives the company has and the better are its chances of achieving its goals. For example, if a company has resources of only $50,000, it would be limited in the size of the building space it could buy or rent, the number of employees it could hire, and the volume of products and services it could buy. If the same company had $50,000,000 of resources, it could afford to buy or rent much more space, hire many more employees, and buy many more products and services.

In a simplistic way, a company's desire for resources can be understood by remembering your experiences with the game Monopoly. To win at Monopoly, you either eliminated all other players or accumulated more cash, property, and buildings at the end of the game than any other player. As you played the game, you tried to acquire property, houses, and hotels so that you could charge more rent. Without property, you could not charge rent. Without buildings, you could only charge a small amount of rent. In other words, as you acquired more resources, the alternatives available to you increased. As you acquired more property and buildings and if you were fortunate enough to avoid your competitors' property while they landed on yours, your resources increased. If your resources increased enough, you eventually won the game.

Businesses want resources for the same reason you wanted cash, property, houses, and hotels when you played Monopoly. The more resources a company has, the more alternatives or opportunities it has. Without resources, it is virtually impossible for a company to achieve its goals. A health center cannot provide medical care without examining rooms and medical supplies. An automobile manufacturer cannot produce cars without buildings, equipment, and materials. As an example of resources available to companies, consider the French bank, BNP Paribas. With December 31, 2009 resources of over two trillion euros, BNP Paribas is the world’s largest company when measured in terms of resources. In United States dollars, BNP Paribas’ resources were approximately $3 trillion on December 31, 2009.

Sources of Resources

Companies obtain resources in three ways: (1) some resources are borrowed, (2) some resources are invested by owners, and (3) some resources are generated through management's operation of the companies.

Borrowed Resources Borrowing is one important way companies obtain resources. When resources are borrowed, the resources or an equal amount of cash must be repaid to the person or company from whom the resources were borrowed. In many cases, an additional dollar amount, called interest, must be paid by the borrower for the use of the resources. Companies borrow resources in several ways, such as bank loans, issuing bonds and notes, and credit purchases.

Bank Loans Banks commonly lend money to companies. To obtain a loan, a company usually must present an organized plan detailing what the money will be used for and how the money will be repaid. An important feature of a loan is the fee, or interest, charged for the amount loaned by the bank. For example, if a company borrows $10,000 from a bank at the rate of 8% per year, the company would have to pay the bank $800 ($10,000 x .08) per year interest for the use of the bank's money. At some agreed upon time, the company would also have to return the $10,000 to the bank. As evidence of the importance of borrowing as a source of resources, consider Bank of America, which is the largest United States bank when measured in terms of resources. As of December 31, 2009, companies owed Bank of America approximately $300 billion for loans made to them by Bank of America.

Bonds and Notes Companies often borrow resources from other companies and individuals by issuing bonds and notes. Bonds and notes are contracts in which companies promise to pay interest and a certain lump sum amount in return for cash. For example, a bond might require a company to pay interest of $5,000 a year and a lump sum of $50,000 at the end of five years. The process of issuing bonds or notes and obtaining cash is very organized in the United States and is covered in detail in Chapter 11. One example of a company that obtained a large amount of resources through long-term borrowing through bonds and notes is IBM, the world’s largest provider of software and services during 2009. As of December 31, 2009, IBM had obtained approximately $22 billion of resources through the use of long-term debt. While IBM has to repay most of the $22 billion by 2020, some of the debt does not have to be repaid by IBM until 2096!

Credit Purchases Another way companies often borrow resources is to purchase items on credit. For example, a company might buy $3,000 of supplies by promising to pay the $3,000 within 30 days after the supplies are purchased. In effect, the company buying the supplies is borrowing $3,000 of resources. Of course, if the company does not pay for the supplies within the 30 days, it could be charged interest or, under certain conditions, may be required to return the supplies. For example, on March 31, 2010, Toyota, the world’s largest distributor of automobiles, owed approximately 2 trillion yen for items it purchased. In United States dollars, on March 31, 2010, Toyota owed over $20 billion to its suppliers.

Owner Invested Resources The second major way in which companies obtain resources is through investments by owners. One important reason people invest their money in companies is that, as owners of the companies, they have a right to all the resources generated through management operations. For example, if a company starts with $100,000 and management generates an additional $20,000 by providing services or products to customers, the owners have a right to the $20,000. The more resources management generates through operations, the more the rights of the owners increase. It is important to note that owners do not have a right to borrowed resources. The companies from which the resources were borrowed have a right to those. Microsoft is an example of a company that has received a large amount of resources from owners. As of June 30, 2009, Microsoft’s owners had provided Microsoft with resources in excess of $62 billion.

Resources Generated Through Management Operations The third major way companies obtain resources is they generate them through management's daily operations. For example, in 2009, Exxon Mobil's management generated resources of $20 billion by doing such things as refining oil and distributing gasoline and oil to companies and individuals. Exxon Mobil's owners have a right to this $20 billion of resources generated through management operations in 2009. It is important to note, however, that Exxon Mobil's owners did not actually receive the $20 billion in cash. The owners received approximately $8 billion, called dividends, and the company kept the remaining amount, approximately $12 billion, in the company for management to use to generate more resources in future years.

Resources and Financial Reporting

The importance of resources to the goals of companies has had a significant

impact on the development of financial reporting. Financial reporting is concerned with gathering, organizing, and communicating information about a company. Resources and where they came from are at the heart of modern financial reporting systems and they are the basis around which the accounting system explored in this text is organized.

Since a company's resources must have come from somewhere, the accounting system can be represented as the following simple equation.

| | |The total dollar amount of resources obtained from its |

|The total dollar amount of a company's resources |= |sources of resources |

or, more simply

|Resources |= |Sources of Resources |

As stated earlier, a company may acquire resources in three ways: resources may be borrowed, resources may be invested by owners, or resources may be generated through management's operation of the company. Thus, the above equation can be expanded to the following.

| | | | | | |the dollar amount of resources |

| | | | |the dollar amount of resources | |generated through management |

|The total dollar amount of a | |the dollar amount of resources | |invested by owners | |operations |

|company's resources |= |borrowed |+ | |+ | |

or, more simply

| | | | |Sources of Owner | | Sources of Management |

|Total |= |Sources of |+ |Invested |+ |Generated |

|Resources | |Borrowed | |Resources | |Resources |

| | |Resources | | | | |

The above equation, by showing the relationship between resources and their sources, provides information used to answer four basic questions: (1) what is the company's total dollar amount of resources, (2) where did the company get its resources (were they borrowed, invested by owners, or generated through management operations), (3) what did the company's management do with the resources (did they use them to generate more resources), and (4) what did the company do with the resources generated through management operations (were the resources given to owners or were they kept in the business). Each of these questions will be examined more fully in the following sections. A fifth question, which is concerned specifically with the company's cash resources, will be discussed in detail in Chapter 14.

** You now have the background to do exercises 1.1 and 1.2.

Financial Reporting Illustrated

Let's assume that Nick Parks decides to use his knowledge of computers by starting his own computer repair company on July 1. We will examine how several events of the Parks Computer Service Corporation can be viewed in terms of the company's resources and sources of resources. You will see how the financial reporting system generates information to show what the company's resources are on July 31, where they came from, what the company's management did with the resources during July, and what the company did with the resources generated by management. Before we examine the Parks Computer Service Corporation it is important that you notice that our questions relate to a specific time period or point in time. We are interested in what happened to the company during July and how the company is at the end of July. As a result, the accounting reports we will produce will relate directly to the company's July activities. We will not, for example, consider what happens to the company in August or December.

Getting resources from the owner On July 1, Nick Parks invests $5,000 of his own cash in his new company, Parks Computer Service Corporation. Nick invests his cash by opening a checking account in the company's name at the Somerville National Bank. This event will have the following effects on the company's resources and sources of resources.

|Resources |= |Sources of resources |

|+ $5,000 |= |+ $5,000 |

As shown above, when the company receives the $5,000 cash its resources increase. This effect seems pretty straightforward: the company's resources go from $0 to $5,000. Similarly, the resources must come from somewhere: the $5,000 do not just magically appear. Thus, the company’s sources of resources must also increase by $5,000. Since the company receives the $5,000 as a result of the owner's investment, the effects could be shown as follows.

| | | | |Sources of | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of |

| | | | |Borrowed | |Invested | |Management |

|Event | |Total Resources |= |Resources |+ |Resources |+ |Generated |

| | | | | | | | |Resources |

|Owner's cash investment | |+ $5,000 | | | |+ $5,000 | | |

After the first event occurred, the equation shows that the company has $5,000 of resources and that the $5,000 were obtained from the owner. At this point, the company has not borrowed any resources, nor has it generated any resources through management providing computer services.

Suppose that in addition to wanting to know the company's total resources and where they came from, we want to know more about what the specific resources are and where they came from. In other words, does the company have cash resources or does it have a building or a car? To answer these questions, we might want to change our equation to include more detail, as follows.

| | | | |Sources of | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of Management|

| | | | |Borrowed | |Invested | |Generated |

| | |Total Resources |= |Resources |+ |Resources |+ |Resources |

| | | | | | |Common | | |

|Event | |Cash |= | | |Stock | | |

|Owner's cash investment | |+ $5,000 | | | |+ $5,000 | | |

Notice in the above equation the $5,000 increase in resources is shown as a + $5,000 in the cash column and the $5,000 increase in sources of resources is shown as a + $5,000 in the common stock column. The equation is in balance because we added $5,000 to both sides: $5,000 were added to resources and $5,000 were added to sources of resources. Using this system, we can see the company has resources of $5,000 cash. The resources came from the owner's investment. In return for his $5,000, since the company was established as a corporation, the owner received shares of common stock. Corporations and common stock are examined in detail in Chapter 12. At this point you should simply be aware of the fact that the owner's interest in a corporation is represented by stock certificates. Stock certificates may be printed on paper or recorded in computer files. Hopefully, by the end of Chapter 12 you will know much more about stock and corporations.

In accounting systems, the terms cash and common stock are known as accounts. An account can be anything about which you want to gather information. As you will see as we examine more events of the Parks Computer Service Corporation, we can add appropriate accounts as we need them.

Using resources to buy other resources On July 3, the Parks Computer Service Corporation pays $25 cash for supplies to be used to service customers. Nick needs supplies such as paper, pens, pencils, envelopes, stamps, and books. Most of the supplies will be used up in two or three months. Since cash and supplies are both resources, but are not the same resource, this event increases resources when the supplies are bought and decreases resources when the cash is paid, as follows.

|Resources |= |Sources of resources |

|$5,000 |= |$5,000 |

|+ $25 | | |

|- $25 | | |

|$5,000 |= |$5,000 |

In order to provide information about the cash resource separate from information about the supplies resource, we would add a supplies account to our system, as follows.

| | | | |Sources of | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of |

| | | | |Borrowed | |Invested | |Management |

| | | |= |Resources |+ |Resources |+ |Generated |

| | |Total Resources | | | | | |Resources |

| | | | |

|Event | |Cas|+ |

| | |h | |

Notice in the above equation the $25 decrease in cash is shown as a - $25 in the cash column and the $25 increase in supplies is shown as a + $25 in the supplies column. The equation is in balance because the totals of both sides were unchanged: $25 were added to resources and $25 were subtracted from resources. After the supplies purchase, the equation shows the company has $5,000 of resources and they were obtained from the owner (common stock). We can also see the company's resources consist of $4,975 cash and $25 supplies. Thus, the use of one resource to purchase another did not change the company's total resources, but merely changed the form of the resources. The $5,000 cash was converted into $4,975 cash and $25 supplies. From a business standpoint, converting cash into supplies was necessary if the company needs supplies to provide service to its customers. At this point, the company has not borrowed any resources, nor has it generated any resources through management providing computer services.

Borrowing resources On July 7, the company buys additional supplies of $135. The company does not immediately pay cash for the supplies, but agrees to pay cash within the next 30 days. Buying supplies by promising to pay for them in the future means, in effect, the company borrows the resources from a company that sells supplies. When the Parks Computer Service Corporation gets the supplies, its resources increase. Since the supplies must be paid for in the future, the source of resources is considered to be borrowing. Thus, the company's resources and sources of resources both increase by $135, as shown below.

|Resources |= |Sources of resources |

|$5,000 |= |$5,000 |

|+ $135 |= |+ $135 |

|$5,135 |= |$5,135 |

To clearly identify the $135 source of resources, a new account called accounts payable would be added to the accounting system, showing the Parks Computer Service Corporation owes $135 to a supplier. The result of this transaction is as follows.

| | | | |Sources of | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of |

| | | | |Borrowed | |Invested | |Management |

| | | |= |Resources |+ |Resources |+ |Generated |

| | |Total Resources | | | | | |Resources |

| | | | |

|Event | |Cas|+ |

| | |h | |

Notice in the above equation the $135 increase in supplies is shown as a + $135 in the supplies column and the $135 increase in accounts payable is shown as a + $135 in the accounts payable column. The equation is in balance because we added $135 to both sides: $135 were added to resources and $135 were added to sources of resources. After this supplies purchase, the equation shows the company now has $5,135 of resources. $135 of the resources were obtained through borrowing (accounts payable) and $5,000 were obtained from the owner (common stock). We can also see the company's resources consist of $4,975 cash and $160 supplies. At this point, the company has still not generated any resources through management providing computer services.

Generating resources through management operations On July 10, Nick advises a customer on the customer's needs for a computer system. In return for this service, the Parks Computer Service Corporation receives $200 cash. The act of providing service to a customer and receiving cash increases the company's resources. The increased resources are not borrowed nor invested by the owner. They are generated through management's operation of the company. As a result, the company's resources and sources of resources both increase by $200, as shown below.

|Resources |= |Sources of resources |

|$5,135 |= |$5,135 |

|+ $200 |= |+ $200 |

|$5,335 |= |$5,335 |

To clearly identify the $200 source of resources, a new account called retained earnings is added to our accounting system. The retained earnings account is used to show the increase in resources is the result of management providing services to customers. Later we will see the retained earnings account is also used to show decreases as resources are used up by management in providing services to customers or given to owners.

| | | | |Sources of | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of |

| | | | |Borrowed | |Invested | |Management |

| | | |= |Resources |+ |Resources |+ |Generated |

| | |Total Resources | | | | | |Resources |

| | | | |

|Event | |Cas|+ |

| | |h | |

Notice in the above equation the $200 increase in cash is shown as a + $200 in the cash column and the $200 increase in retained earnings is shown as a + $200 in the retained earnings column. The equation is in balance because we added $200 to both sides: $200 were added to resources and $200 were added to sources of resources. After providing service to a customer, the equation shows the company now has $5,335 of resources. $135 of the resources were obtained through borrowing (accounts payable), $5,000 were obtained from the owner (common stock), and $200 were obtained through management providing computer services (retained earnings) to a customer. We can also see the company's resources consist of $5,175 cash and $160 supplies.

Paying for borrowed resources On July 16, the Parks Computer Service Corporation pays $70 of the $135 owed for supplies purchased on July 7. The remaining $65 will be paid in August. The $70 cash payment reduces resources (cash) and the amount owed (accounts payable) for such resources by $70. In other words, the company's resources and sources of resources both decrease by $70.

|Resources |= |Sources of resources |

|$5,335 |= |$5,335 |

|- $70 |= |- $70 |

|$5,265 |= |$5,265 |

After the $70 cash is paid, only $65 of resources (supplies) were obtained from borrowing. Remember, $135 of supplies were purchased on account. Once the company pays the $70, in effect, the $135 supplies came from $70 of the company's cash and $65 of borrowing. This event affects our accounting system as follows.

| | | | |Sources of | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of |

| | | | |Borrowed | |Invested | |Management |

| | | |= |Resources |+ |Resources |+ |Generated |

| | |Total Resources | | | | | |Resources |

| | | | |

|Event | |Cas|+ |

| | |h | |

Notice in the above equation the $70 decrease in cash is shown as a - $70 in the cash column and the $70 decrease in accounts payable is shown as a - $70 in the accounts payable column. The equation is in balance because we subtracted $70 from both sides: $70 were subtracted from resources and $70 were subtracted from sources of resources. After paying part of what the company owed, the equation shows the company now has $5,265 of resources. $65 of the resources were obtained through borrowing (accounts payable), $5,000 were obtained from the owner (common stock), and $200 were obtained through management providing computer services (retained earnings) to a customer. We can also see the company's resources consist of $5,105 cash and $160 supplies.

Generating resources through management operations On July 20, Nick assists in the design of a computer system for another customer. In return for this service, the Parks Computer Service Corporation does not immediately receive cash, but the customer agrees to pay $250 by August 19. The act of providing service to a customer and receiving a promise of cash increases the company's resources. Customer promises of cash are called accounts receivable. Such promises are resources because the Parks Computer Service Corporation can benefit from them. One way the company can benefit is to simply wait until August 19, when the promise will be turned into cash. A second benefit of accounts receivable is they can be used as collateral for borrowing money from banks or other financial institutions. At this point, it is important that you realize customer promises are valuable. They can be used. Thus, providing services to customers does increase resources, even though those resources are not immediately in the form of cash. The source of these resources is management's operation of the company.

|Resources |= |Sources of resources |

|$5,265 |= |$5,265 |

|+ $250 |= |+ $250 |

|$5,515 |= |$5,515 |

To clearly identify the $250 resource, the accounts receivable account would be added to the accounting system. Note also that since the $250 of resources (accounts receivable) are being generated through management's operation of the company, the source of the resources is again reported as part of retained earnings. The retained earnings account is used to show the increase in resources is the result of management providing services to customers.

| | | | |Sources of | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of Management|

| | | | |Borrowed | |Invested | |Generated |

| | | |= |Resources |+ |Resources |+ |Resources |

| | |Total Resources | | | | | | |

| | | | |

|Event | |Ca|+ |

| | |sh| |

Notice in the above equation the $250 increase in accounts receivable is shown as a + $250 in the accounts receivable column and the $250 increase in retained earnings is shown as a + $250 in the retained earnings column. The equation is in balance because we added $250 to both sides: $250 were added to resources and $250 were added to sources of resources. After providing services to customers, the company now has $5,515 of resources. $65 of the resources were obtained through borrowing (accounts payable), $5,000 were obtained from the owner (common stock), and $450 were obtained through management providing computer services (retained earnings) to customers. We can also see the company's resources consist of $5,105 cash, $250 accounts receivable, and $160 supplies.

Converting one resource into another On July 25, the Parks Computer Service Corporation receives $100 of cash from the customer serviced on July 20. No additional work is done for the client on July 25. Since no additional work is performed for the customer, the receipt of the $100 cash does not increase the Parks Computer Service Corporation's resources. The form of the resources changes, however, as one resource (cash) increases and another resource (accounts receivable) decreases, as reflected below.

|Resources |= |Sources of resources |

|$5,515 |= |$5,515 |

|+ $100 | | |

|- $100 | | |

|$5,515 |= |$5,515 |

The $100 change in the form of resources from accounts receivable to cash would affect the accounting system as follows.

| | | | |Sources of | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of |

| | | | |Borrowed | |Invested | |Management |

| | | |= |Resources |+ |Resources |+ |Generated |

| | |Total Resources | | | | | |Resources |

| | | | |

|Event | |Cas|+ |

| | |h | |

Notice in the above equation the $100 increase in cash is shown as a + $100 in the cash column and the $100 decrease in accounts receivable is shown as a - $100 in the accounts receivable column. The equation is in balance because the totals of both sides were unchanged: $100 were added to resources and $100 were subtracted from resources. After collecting from its customer, the company still has $5,515 of resources. $65 of the resources were obtained through borrowing (accounts payable), $5,000 were obtained from the owner (common stock), and $450 were obtained through management providing computer services (retained earnings) to customers. We can also see the company's resources now consist of $5,205 cash, $150 accounts receivable, and $160 supplies.

Using up resources in management operations On July 30, Nick examines his supplies and determines that of the $160 supplies purchased, only $110 of supplies are still left in the company. In other words, the company's management used $50 of supplies in providing services to customers in July. As the company's supplies are used up, its resources decrease. Inasmuch as the resources must have gone somewhere, in this case to customers serviced, the company's sources of resources decrease as well, as reflected below.

|Resources |= |Sources of resources |

|$5,515 |= |$5,515 |

|- $50 |= |- $50 |

|$5,465 |= |$5,465 |

As the company's supplies are used up, its resources decrease through a decrease in the supplies account. Since the resources are used up in order to provide services to customers, the retained earnings account would also decrease. This decrease in retained earnings is often a difficult idea for students to accept. However, remember how management generates resources through operations: it generates resources by providing computer services to customers. When the company received resources of $450 for services to customers in July, resources increased and retained earnings increased. Logically then, when resources, such as supplies are used up as part of providing services to customers, resources should decrease and retained earnings should decrease. The accounting system shows these effects as follows.

| | | | |Sources of | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of |

| | | | |Borrowed | |Invested | |Management |

| | | |= |Resources |+ |Resources |+ |Generated |

| | |Total Resources | | | | | |Resources |

| | | | |

|Event | |Cas|+ |

| | |h | |

Notice in the above equation the $50 decrease in supplies is shown as a - $50 in the supplies column and the $50 decrease in retained earnings is shown as a - $50 in the retained earnings column. The equation is in balance because we subtracted $50 from both sides: $50 were subtracted from resources and $50 were subtracted from sources of resources. After using supplies to service its customers, the company has $5,465 of resources. $65 of the resources were obtained through borrowing (accounts payable), $5,000 were obtained from the owner (common stock), and $400 were obtained through management providing computer services (retained earnings) to customers. We can also see the company's resources now consist of $5,205 cash, $150 accounts receivable, and $110 supplies.

Distributing resources to the owner Owners of companies have rights to the resources they invest in the companies. They also have rights to the resources generated through management operations. As the owner of Parks Computer Service Corporation, Nick has a right to the $400 of resources generated through management operations in July. Owners usually receive the actual resources when the companies distribute them as dividends. A dividend is the distribution to owners of resources generated through management operations. When the Parks Computer Service Corporation pays a $75 dividend to Nick, the company's resources decrease and its sources of resources decrease as the resources go to Nick, as shown below.

|Resources |= |Sources of resources |

|$5,465 |= |$5,465 |

|- $75 |= |- $75 |

|$5,390 |= |$5,390 |

A cash dividend reduces resources (cash). The source of resources that is reduced by a dividend is retained earnings. Remember, retained earnings is the account we use to keep track of the source of resources generated through management operations. Since management generated resources increase resources and retained earnings, the distribution of some of these management generated resources to owners reduces resources and retained earnings. A $75 cash dividend to Nick would affect the accounting system as follows.

| | | | |Sources of | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of |

| | | | |Borrowed | |Invested | |Management |

| | | |= |Resources |+ |Resources |+ |Generated |

| | |Total Resources | | | | | |Resources |

| | | | |

|Event | |Cas|+ |

| | |h | |

Notice in the above equation the $75 decrease in cash is shown as a - $75 in the cash column and the $75 decrease in retained earnings is shown as a - $75 in the retained earnings column. The equation is in balance because we subtracted $75 from both sides: $75 were subtracted from resources and $75 were subtracted from sources of resources. After paying the dividend to the owner, the company has $5,390 of resources. $65 of the resources were obtained through borrowing (accounts payable), $5,000 were obtained from the owner (common stock), and $325 were obtained through management providing computer services and kept (or retained) in the company (retained earnings). You can now see why we use the term retained earnings. After the company distributed $75 in dividends, $325 of the $400 resources management generated were left or retained in the company. We can also see the company's resources now consist of $5,130 cash, $150 accounts receivable, and $110 supplies.

** You now have the background to do exercise 1.3.

Financial Statements

The information produced by financial accounting systems is often communicated in the form of financial statements. A company's financial statements provide information about its resources, where the resources came from, what the company's management did with the resources, and what the company did with resources generated through management operations.

Income Statement

The financial statement that provides information about what a company's management did with its resources is the income statement. The income statement reports the dollar amount of resources generated through management operations. It shows the dollar amount of resources received from customers for providing services to them and the dollar amount of resources used up by the company in providing such services. Remember, the Parks Computer Service Corporation generated resources of $400 by servicing its customers. The company received resources of $450 from customers ($200 cash on July 10 plus $250 accounts receivable on July 20) and used resources of $50 in providing the services ($50 supplies on July 30). An increase in resources through management operations is called a revenue. Thus, the company's source of the $450 of resources received from customers could be called Fees Revenue. A decrease in resources through management operations is called an expense. Thus, the company's use of $50 of supplies could be called Supplies Expense. The income statement for management operations of the company in July would appear as follows.

|Parks Computer Service Corporation |

|Income Statement |

|For the Month Ended July 31 |

|Fees Revenue |$450 |

|Supplies Expense |$50 |

|Net Income |$400 |

From the Parks Computer Service Corporation's income statement we can see that the company's management used the company's resources in July to generate $400 of additional resources (net income). The income statement shows that the company brought in resources of $450 (fees revenue) and used $50 of resources (supplies expense). Remember, generating resources through management operations is one important way that companies get resources. Company owners are very interested in the amount of resources generated through management operations because the owners have rights to such resources. The more a company's resources increase through management operations, the more resources its owners have rights to.

One question often asked about income statements is: "Why are a company's dividends not reported on its income statement?" The answer to this question is that management is not responsible for dividends. The company's board of directors is responsible for dividends. A company's board of directors is a group of people elected by the company's owners to establish major business policies for the company. Some of the specific responsibilities of directors are to determine the dollar amount of dividends and when they will be paid to the owners of the company. Since the income statement reports on what management did with the company's resources, not what the directors did, the company's dividends are not reported on the income statement. More information about the differences between management's responsibilities and those of the board of directors is presented in chapter 12.

Statement of Retained Earnings

The financial statement that provides information about what a company did with the resources management generated through operating the company is the statement of retained earnings. In its simplest terms, a company has two alternatives from which to choose with regard to resources generated through management operations: (1) the resources can be given to owners or (2) they can be kept in the business. The dollar amount of resources given to owners is called dividends. The dollar amount of resources kept in the company is called retained earnings. The Parks Computer Service Corporation's July statement of retained earnings would appear as follows.

|Parks Computer Service Corporation |

|Statement of Retained Earnings |

|for the Month Ended July 31 |

|Retained Earnings, July 1 |$0 |

|Plus: Net Income for July |$400 |

|Subtotal |$400 |

|Less: Dividends |$75 |

|Retained Earnings, July 31 |$325 |

From the Parks Computer Service Corporation's statement of retained earnings we can see that of the $400 resources generated through management operations in July (net income reported on the income statement), $75 were distributed to the owner (dividends). In other words, the company retained in the business $325 of the resources generated through management operations.

You should note that the Parks Computer Service Corporation's July 1 retained earnings balance was $0 because the company began operations in July. The beginning retained earnings balance on the August statement of retained earnings would be $325.

You should also note the company's net income for July appears on two separate financial statements, the income statement and the statement of retained earnings. As you become more familiar with financial statements you will see they are closely related to one another.

Balance Sheet

The financial statement that provides information about what a company's resources are and where they came from is the balance sheet. The balance sheet reports the dollar amount of a company's resources (called assets), the amount of borrowed resources (called liabilities), and both the amount of resources obtained from owners and the amount of resources generated by management and kept in the company (called stockholders' equity). The Parks Computer Service Corporation's July 31 balance sheet would appear as follows.

|Parks Computer Service Corporation |

|Balance Sheet |

|July 31 |

|Assets | | |Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity | |

|Cash |$5,130 | |Liabilities | |

|Accounts Receivable |$150 | |Accounts Payable |$65 |

|Supplies |$110 | | | |

|Total Assets |$5,390 | |Stockholders' Equity | |

| | | |Common Stock |$5,000 |

| | | |Retained Earnings |$325 |

| | | |Total Stockholders' Equity |$5,325 |

| | | |Total Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity |$5,390 |

The company's balance sheet shows on July 31 the company had resources (assets) of $5,390. $65 of the resources were borrowed (liabilities). $5,000 of the resources were invested by the owner (common stock). $325 of resources were generated through management operations and retained in the company (retained earnings).

You should also note the company's July 31 retained earnings balance appears on two separate financial statements, the statement of retained earnings and the balance sheet. Once again, the financial statements are closely related to one another.

Information from Financial Statements

The information produced by a company's accounting system is aimed at answering specific questions about the company's resources. Using the financial statements of the Parks Computer Service Corporation, we can see how a company's financial statements provide information about its resources, where the resources came from, what the company's management did with the resources, and what the company did with resources generated by management.

The July income statement shows management used the company's resources to generate an additional $400 of resources (net income). Through management's action of providing services to customers, the company had $400 more resources at the end of July than it did at the beginning.

The July statement of retained earnings shows that of the $400 of resources generated by management, the company gave $75 to the owner. The company retained for future use $325 of resources generated through management action.

The balance sheet shows on July 31 the company had resources of $5,390, consisting of $5,130 cash, $150 accounts receivable, and $110 supplies. $65 of the resources were borrowed, $5,000 came from the owner, and $325 were generated through management operations and retained in the company.

** You now have the background to do exercise 1.4.

The Accounting Equation

As discussed earlier in this chapter, resources and where they came from are at the heart of modern financial reporting systems. Since a company's resources must come from somewhere, we represented the accounting system as the following simple equation.

|Resources |= |Sources of Resources |

Since a company may acquire resources in three ways, borrowing, owners' investments, or generating through management operations, the above equation was expanded to the following.

| | | | |Sources of Owner | |Sources of Management |

|Total |= |Sources of |+ |Invested |+ |Generated |

|Resources | |Borrowed | |Resources | |Resources |

| | |Resources | | | | |

Using business terms, the above equation can be restated to its final form, which has become known as the accounting equation, as follows:

|Assets |= |Liabilities |+ |Stockholders' Equity |

The accounting equation shows a company's resources (assets) come from either borrowing (liabilities) or from owners and management(stockholders' equity). At this point it is very important that you notice stockholders' equity includes both the dollar amount of resources invested by owners and the dollar amount of resources generated through management operations and retained in the company. Students often have a difficult time accepting the idea that the amount of resources generated through management operations and retained in the company should be included in stockholders' equity. Remember, one of the reasons owners invest in a company is that owners have rights to all resources generated through management operations of the company. Since the owners have rights to such resources, the dollar amount of the source of such resources (retained earnings) is included as part of stockholders' equity.

Importance of the Accounting Equation

to Financial Reporting

Remember the accounting process discussed earlier. Briefly, the process involved (1) analyzing events that affected a company, (2) interpreting the events' effects on the company and the accounting equation, and (3) preparing financial statements by using the information in the equation. Of these three steps, if step two is done properly, the financial statements (step 3) can be prepared even if step one is done incorrectly. In other words, the proper use of the assets = liabilities + stockholders' equity equation guarantees that mathematically logical financial statements can be prepared even if events are incorrectly analyzed. To illustrate this, consider the equation that resulted from the analysis of July's events of the Parks Computer Service Corporation.

| | | | | | |Sources of Owner |

| | | | |Sources of | |Invested |

| | | |= |Borrowed |+ |Resources |

| | |Total Resources | |Resources | | |

| | | | |Accounts | | |

|Event | |Cash |+ |Receivable |+ |Supplies |

| | | | |

|Event | |Cas|+ |

| | |h | |

From the information in the equation we generated three financial statements. The income statement showed the company's management generated resources of $400 by operating the company in July. The statement of retained earnings showed the company distributed $75 of these $400 of generated resources to the owners as dividends and retained the other $325 in the company. The balance sheet reported that at the end of July, the company had $5,390 in resources. $65 of the resources were obtained through borrowing, $5,000 were obtained from the owner, and $325 were obtained through management providing computer services and retained in the company.

Errors that do not result in an unbalanced accounting equation Suppose, however, we made a mistake in our analysis of the July 10 event in which the Parks Computer Service Corporation received $200 cash for providing services to a customer. The equation below shows what would happen if we mistakenly used $500 instead of the correct $200.

| | | | | | |Sources of Owner| |Management |

| | | | |Sources of | |Invested | |Generated |

| | | |= |Borrowed |+ |Resources |+ |Resources |

| | |Total Resources | |Resources | | | | |

| | |Assets |= |Liabilities |+ |Stockholders' Equity |

| | | | |Accounts | | | |Accounts |

|Event | |Cash |+ |Receivable |+ |Supplies |= |Payable |

| | |Assets |= |Liabilities |+ |Stockholders' Equity |

| | | | |

|Event | |Cas|+ |

| | |h | |

How did the error of using $500 instead of $200 affect the accounting system? Cash, which we had previously correctly reported as $5,130 at the end of July, now is incorrectly reported as $5,430 after the error. Similarly, retained earnings we previously correctly reported as $325, now is incorrectly reported as $625 after the error. Thus, the error results in two incorrect accounts.

But, what about the accounting equation? Do assets still equal liabilities + stockholders' equity? Since the error resulted in a $300 increase in cash (from $5,130 to $5,430) and a $300 increase in retained earnings (from $325 to $625), the accounting equation should still be in balance, even though some of the dollar amounts are incorrect. In fact, as shown above, after the error total assets were $5,690 and total liabilities plus stockholders' equity were $5,690.

Finally, what about the financial statements, which are presented below? Are they still mathematically logical?

|Parks Computer Service Corporation |

|Income Statement |

|for the Month Ended July 31 |

|Fees Revenue |$750 |

|Supplies Expense |$50 |

|Net Income |$700 |

After the error the above income statement shows fees revenue of $750, supplies expense of $50, and net income of $700. Remember, without the error, net income was $400.

|Parks Computer Service Corporation |

|Statement of Retained Earnings |

|for the Month Ended July 31 |

|Retained Earnings, July 1 |$0 |

|Plus: Net Income for July |$700 |

|Subtotal |$700 |

|Less: Dividends |$75 |

|Retained Earnings, July 31 |$625 |

After the error the above statement of retained earnings shows net income of $700, dividends of $75, and an ending retained earnings balance of $625. Remember, without the error, the ending retained earning balance was $325.

|Parks Computer Service Corporation |

|Balance Sheet |

|July 31 |

|Assets | | |Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity | |

|Cash |$5,430 | |Liabilities | |

|Accounts Receivable |$150 | |Accounts Payable |$65 |

|Supplies |$110 | | | |

|Total Assets |$5,690 | |Stockholders' Equity | |

| | | |Common Stock |$5,000 |

| | | |Retained Earnings |$625 |

| | | |Total Stockholders' Equity |$5,625 |

| | | |Total Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity |$5,690 |

After the error the above balance sheet shows assets of $5,690 and total liabilities plus stockholders' equity of $5,690. Remember, without the error, assets were $5,390 and liabilities and stockholders' equity totaled $5,390.

As seen from the above financial statements, even though the error resulted in incorrect cash and retained earnings accounts, the financial statements were still mathematically logical. That is, the information flowed from the income statement through the statement of retained earnings to the balance sheet and, importantly, the balance sheet balanced: assets = liabilities + owners' equity. From this you should conclude that as long as the equality of the accounting equation is maintained, you will be able to generate mathematically logical financial statements. Furthermore, you should realize that while maintaining the equality of the accounting equation will enable you to generate mathematically logical financial statements, the information on the statements may not be correct. Remember, the $300 error discussed above resulted in some information on all three financial statements being incorrect. As you will learn in later chapters, there are additional parts of the accounting process that will help produce correct information on the financial statements.

Errors that result in an unbalanced accounting equation Now, suppose in our analysis of the July 10 event in which the Parks Computer Service Corporation received $200 cash for providing service to a customer we correctly increased the cash account by $200, but we mistakenly increased the retained earnings account by only $20. The equation below shows what would happen as a result of our error.

| | | | | | |Sources of Owner| |Sources of |

| | | | |Sources of | |Invested | |Management |

| | | |= |Borrowed |+ |Resources |+ |Generated |

| | |Total Resources | |Resources | | | |Resources |

| | |Assets |= |Liabilities |+ |Stockholders' Equity |

| | | | |

|Event | |Cas|+ |

| | |h | |

How did the error affect the accounting system? The retained earnings we had previously correctly reported as $325 at the end of July, now is incorrectly reported as $145 after the error. All other accounts are correctly stated.

But, what about the accounting equation? Do assets still equal liabilities + stockholders' equity? Since the error resulted in only one incorrect account, the accounting equation must be out of balance. In fact, as shown above, after the error total assets were $5,390 and total liabilities plus stockholders' equity were $5,210.

Finally, what about the financial statements, which are presented below? Are they still mathematically logical?

|Parks Computer Service Corporation |

|Income Statement |

|for the Month Ended July 31 |

|Fees Revenue |$270 |

|Supplies Expense |$50 |

|Net Income |$220 |

After the error the above income statement shows fees revenue of $270, supplies expense of $50, and net income of $220. Remember, without the error, net income was $400.

|Parks Computer Service Corporation |

|Statement of Retained Earnings |

|for the Month Ended July 31 |

|Retained Earnings, July 1 |$0 |

|Plus: Net Income for July |$220 |

|Subtotal |$220 |

|Less: Dividends |75 |

|Retained Earnings, July 31 |$145 |

After the error the above statement of retained earnings shows net income of $220, dividends of $75, and an ending retained earnings balance of $145. Remember, without the error, the ending retained earning balance was $325.

|Parks Computer Service Corporation |

|Balance Sheet |

|July 31 |

|Assets | | |Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity | |

|Cash |$5,130 | |Liabilities | |

|Accounts Receivable |$150 | |Accounts Payable |$65 |

|Supplies |$110 | | | |

|Total Assets |$5,390 | |Stockholders' Equity | |

| | | |Common Stock |$5,000 |

| | | |Retained Earnings |$145 |

| | | |Total Stockholders' Equity |$5,145 |

| | | |Total Liabilities & Stockholders' Equity |$5,210 |

After the error the above balance sheet shows assets of $5,390 and total liabilities plus stockholders' equity of only $5,210. Remember, without the error, assets were $5,390 and liabilities and stockholders' equity totaled $5,390. The incorrect financial statements report the company has more resources (assets = $5,390) than it has borrowed (liabilities = $65), obtained from owners (common stock = $5,000), and were generated by management and kept in the company (retained earnings = $145). From a business standpoint, it is impossible for a company to have more resources than it has borrowed, obtained from owners, or generated by management and kept in the company. Resources do not magically appear. Thus, errors resulting in only one incorrect account (in this case, retained earnings) cause the financial statements to be mathematically illogical. From this you should conclude that if the equality of the accounting equation is not maintained, you will be unable to generate mathematically logical financial statements.

In summary, then, we can say that the accounting equation is important in financial reporting because if it is in balance it guarantees that the financial statements will be mathematically logical. That is, the income statement will relate to the statement of retained earnings, the statement of retained earnings will relate to the balance sheet, and the balance sheet will in fact balance. If the accounting equation is not in balance, the financial statements will be mathematically illogical because the balance sheet will not balance.

If financial statements are not mathematically logical, they cannot be relied upon to provide useful information about a company's resources. For example, decision makers would not use the Parks Computer Service Corporation's financial statements if its balance sheet reported assets of $5,390 but liabilities and stockholders' equity of only $5,210, as shown above. This balance sheet is obviously incorrect because it reports that the company has more resources ($5,390) than it obtained from borrowing, owners' investments, and management operations ($5,210). Where did the company get the other $180 of resources ($5,290 - $5,210)? Did they just magically appear? Obviously there is a problem with the company's financial statements and they should not be relied upon.

Finally, it is important to again note that just because financial statements are mathematically logical, does not mean the information in them should be used. Maintaining the equality of the accounting equation is necessary for useful financial statements, but it is not the only requirement. As you will see in the following chapters, in order to provide useful information, there is more to the accounting system than just maintaining the balance in the accounting equation.

** You now have the background to do exercises 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, and problems 1.1 and 1.2.

Chapter 1 Critical Points

• One of the most important requirements for companies to achieve their goals is resources.

• Financial accounting systems are designed to provide information to answer four questions about a company's resources.

• What is the company's total dollar amount of resources?

• Where did the company get its resources (were they borrowed, invested by owners, or generated through management operations)?

• What did the company's management do with the resources (did they use them to generate more resources)?

• What did the company do with the resources generated through management operations (were the resources given to owners or were they kept in the company)?

• Financial accounting systems provide information in the form of financial statements.

• The income statement provides information about what a company's management did with its resources.

• The statement of retained earnings provides information about what a company did with the resources management generated through operating the company.

• The balance sheet provides information about a company's resources and where they came from.

• The accounting equation, assets = liabilities + stockholders' equity is important in financial reporting because if it is in balance it guarantees that the financial statements are mathematically logical.

Chapter One Questions

1. List four of your personal resources.

2. Why do businesses want resources?

3. List three ways that companies get resources.

4. When companies borrow money from banks, what is the name of the fee that the companies are charged for using the banks' money?

5. Why do owners invest their money in companies?

6. List the four questions for which financial reporting systems provide information.

7. Identify the two things that a company can do with any resources management generates through operations.

8. What are the pieces of paper called that owners receive when they invest in corporations?

9. What is the name of the source of resources account that shows a company owes money to a supplier?

10. What is the name of the resource account that shows a company's customers owe it money?

11. What is the name of the source of resources account that shows the dollar amount of resources generated through operations and kept in the business?

12. How do owners actually receive from companies some of the resources generated through management operations?

13. What is the name of the financial statement that provides information about what management did with the company's resources?

14. Define the term revenue.

15. Define the term expense.

16. What is the difference between revenues and expenses called?

17. Why are a company's dividends not reported on its income statement?

18. What is the name of the financial statement that provides information about what the company did with resources generated by management's operation of the business?

19. What is the dollar amount of resources generated through management operations and given to owners called?

20. What is the dollar amount of resources generated through management operations and kept in the business called?

21. Name the two financial statements on which a company's net income appears.

22. What is the name of the financial statement that provides information about the company's resources and where they came from?

23. What is the term used to identify a company's resources?

24. What is the term used to identify the dollar amount of a company's borrowed resources?

25. What is the term used to identify the dollar amount of a company's resources obtained from owners or to which owners have rights?

26. Name the two financial statements on which a company's retained earnings appears.

27. Why is retained earnings considered a part of stockholders' equity?

28. Why is it so important that the accounting equation, assets = liabilities + stockholders' equity, is always maintained?

Chapter One Exercises

Exercise 1.1: Resources = Sources of Resources

Curven Corporation began business on September 3. During its first year, the corporation acquired total resources of $130,000. At the end of its second year, the corporation's total sources of resources were $180,000. During its third year, the corporation acquired an additional $40,000 in resources.

1. Determine the Curven Corporation's total sources of resources at the end of its first year.

2. Determine the Curven Corporation's total resources on at the end of its second year.

3. Determine the Curven Corporation's total sources of resources at the end of its third year.

Exercise 1.2: Sources of Resources

Determine the dollar amount of the Ng Corporation's sources of resources for each of the following independent situations.

1. On February 5, the Ng Corporation's total resources were $245,000. $50,000 of resources had been invested by owners and $23,000 of resources had been generated through management's operation of the business. What is the dollar amount of borrowed resources?

2. On February 5, the Ng Corporation's total resources were $452,000. $250,000 of resources had been borrowed and $93,000 of resources had been generated through management's operation of the business. What is the dollar amount of resources invested by owners?

3. On February 5, the Ng Corporation's total resources were $524,000. $306,000 of resources had been borrowed and $120,000 of resources had been invested by owners. What is the dollar amount of resources generated through management's operation of the business?

Exercise 1.3: Resources = Sources of Resources

During the first week in March, the Hale Corporation experienced the events presented below. For each event, determine the effects on the corporation's resources and sources of resources. The first event has been done for you.

1. The owners invested $10,000 in the business.

|Resources |= |Sources of Resources |

|+ $10,000 | |+ $10,000 |

2. The corporation purchased $2,000 of supplies for cash.

|Resources |= |Sources of Resources |

| | | |

3. The corporation provided $1,200 services to a customer. The customer promised to pay for the services within 30 days.

|Resources |= |Sources of Resources |

| | | |

4. The corporation purchased $500 of supplies on account.

|Resources |= |Sources of Resources |

| | | |

5. The corporation paid its employees wages of $800.

|Resources |= |Sources of Resources |

| | | |

6. The corporation paid a $100 dividend to its owners.

|Resources |= |Sources of Resources |

| | | |

Exercise 1.4: Sources of Resources: Retained Earnings

During the year, the Stryker Corporation's resources increased by $95,000. $20,000 of this increase was from borrowing and $75,000 was from resources generated by management's operations and kept (or retained) in the business. The $20,000 increase in resources also increased the corporation’s liabilities by $20,000, while the $75,000 increase in resources also increased retained earnings by $75,000. Determine the appropriate dollar amounts for each of the following independent situations.

1. An analysis of the Stryker Corporation's retained earnings account showed revenues of $180,000 and expenses of $100,000. Determine the corporation's dividends for the year.

2. An analysis of the Stryker Corporation's retained earnings account showed revenues of $220,000 and dividends of $30,000. Determine the corporation's expenses for the year.

3. An analysis of the Stryker Corporation's retained earnings account showed expenses of $140,000 and dividends of $25,000. Determine the corporation's revenues for the year.

Exercise 1.5: Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders' Equity

Calculate the appropriate amount for the Ruiz Corporation in each of the following independent situations.

1. The corporation's liabilities are $300,000 and its stockholders' equity is $100,000. Determine the corporation's assets.

2. The corporation's assets are $900,000 and its stockholders' equity is $360,000. Determine the corporation's liabilities.

3. The corporation's assets are $675,000 and its liabilities are $250,000. Determine the corporation's stockholders' equity.

4. At the beginning of the year, the corporation's assets were $580,000 and its liabilities were $370,000. During the year, assets increased by $90,000 and stockholders' equity increased by $20,000. Determine the corporation's liabilities at the end of the year.

Exercise 1.6: Accounting Equation

During the first week in August, the Sok Corporation experienced the events presented below. For each event, determine the effects on the corporation's assets, liabilities, and stockholders' equity. The first event has been done for you.

1. The owners invested $18,000 in the business.

|Assets |= |Liabilities |+ |Stockholders' Equity |

|+ $18,000 | | | |+ $18,000 |

2. The corporation provided $1,800 services to a customer for cash.

|Assets |= |Liabilities |+ |Stockholders' Equity |

| | | | | |

3. The corporation purchased $1,400 of supplies on account.

|Assets |= |Liabilities |+ |Stockholders' Equity |

| | | | | |

4. The corporation paid its employees wages of $500.

|Assets |= |Liabilities |+ |Stockholders' Equity |

| | | | | |

5. The corporation paid for half the supplies purchased on account in part 3.

|Assets |= |Liabilities |+ |Stockholders' Equity |

| | | | | |

6. The corporation paid a $90 dividend to its owners.

|Assets |= |Liabilities |+ |Stockholders' Equity |

| | | | | |

Exercise 1.7: Financial Statements

Determine the dollar amounts that correspond to the letters in the financial statements of the Farina Corporation.

|Income Statement |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 |

|Revenues |$2,400 |H= |$3,700 |

|Expenses |$1,800 |$2,200 |Q= |

|Net Income |A= |G= |$1,300 |

| | | | |

|Statement of Retained Earnings | | | |

|Beginning Balance |$4,300 |I= |R= |

|Net Income |B= |$900 |S= |

|Subtotal |C= |J= |T= |

|Dividends |$200 |L= |$500 |

|Ending Balance |$4,700 |K= |U= |

| | | | |

|Balance Sheet | | | |

|Assets |$22,000 |M= |$25,000 |

|Liabilities |$9,300 |$9,500 |Y= |

|Stockholders' Equity | | | |

|Common Stock |$8,000 |P= |$9,000 |

|Retained Earnings |D= |$5,300 |V= |

|Total Stockholders' Equity |E= |N= |W= |

|Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity |F= |$23,300 |X= |

Exercise 1.8: Financial Statements

The following information concerning the Darling Corporation became available at the end of its first year of operations. Accounts Payable, $5,600; Accounts Receivable, $9,500; Cash, $5,000; Common Stock, $8,500; Dividends, $400; Expenses, $18,500; Revenues, $21,000; Supplies, $1,700.

Determine the following for the Darling Corporation.

1. Net income for the year.

2. Retained earnings at the end of the year.

3. Total assets at the end of the year.

4. Total liabilities at the end of the year.

5. Total stockholders' equity at the end of the year.

Chapter One Problem

Problem 1.1: Accounting Equation: Effects of Transactions

Belanger's Consulting, Inc. engaged in the following transactions in June.

A. Dan Belanger invested $6,500 in Belanger's Consulting, Inc. Dan received 6,500 shares of $1 par common stock in return for his investment.

B. Belanger's Consulting provided $1,300 of consulting services to a customer. The customer did not pay cash for the services, but agreed to pay cash within the next the next 30 days.

C. Belanger's Consulting purchased $260 of supplies. No cash was paid for the supplies, but Belanger's Consulting agreed to pay cash within the next 30 days.

D. Belanger's Consulting paid $390 to Kim Worthington for assistance in providing services on the consulting project mentioned in part B above.

E. $975 cash was received from the customer mentioned in part B above. The remaining $325 will be paid by the customer next week.

F. Belanger's Consulting provided $1,040 of consulting services to a customer who paid cash for the services.

G. Belanger's Consulting declared and paid a $65 cash dividend.

H. Belanger's Consulting paid the phone bill for $40 of telephone services used during June.

I. Belanger's Consulting paid cash for one-half of the supplies purchased in part C above. The company will pay the remaining amount due next month.

1. By addition and subtraction, show the effects of the transactions on Belanger's Consulting, Inc.'s resources and sources of resources. Notice that the first two transactions have been processed for you.

| |Total |Total |

| |Resources |Sources of Resources |

|A |+ $6,500 |+ $6,500 |

|B |+ $1,300 |+ $1,300 |

|C |________ |________ |

|Subtotals |__$8,060 |__$8,060 |

|D |________ |________ |

|E |________ |________ |

|F |________ |________ |

|Subtotals |__$8,710 |__$8,710 |

|G |________ |________ |

|H |________ |________ |

|I |________ |________ |

|Totals |__$8,475 |__$8,475 |

2. By addition and subtraction, show the effects of the transactions on the accounting equation of Belanger's Consulting, Inc. Notice that the first two transactions have been processed for you.

| | | |Sources of Owner |Sources of |

| | |Sources of |Invested |Management |

| |Total Resources |Borrowed |Resources |Generated |

| | |Resources | |Resources |

| | | |Stockholders’ Equity |

| |Assets |Liabilities | |

| | |Accounts | |Accounts |Common |Retained |

| |Cash |Receivable |Supplies |Payable |Stock |Earnings |

|A |+ $6,500 |________ |_______ |_______ |+ $6,500 |________ |

|B |________ |+ $1,300 |_______ |_______ |________ |+ $1,300 |

|C |_______ |________ |_______ |_______ |________ |________ |

|Subtotals |_$6,500 |__$1,300 |___$260 |___$260 |__$6,500 |__$1,300 |

|D |_______ |________ |_______ |_______ |________ |________ |

|E |_______ |________ |_______ |_______ |________ |________ |

|F |_______ |________ |_______ |_______ |________ |________ |

|Subtotals |_$8,125 |____$325 |___$260 |___$260 |__$6,500 |__$1,950 |

|G |_______ |________ |_______ |_______ |________ |________ |

|H |_______ |________ |_______ |_______ |________ |________ |

|I |_______ |________ |_______ |_______ |________ |________ |

|Totals |_$7,890 |____$325 |___$260 |___$130 |__$6,500 |$1,845 |

3. The dollar amount of Belanger's Consulting, Inc.'s total resources at the end of June is $_______________.

4. The dollar amount of resources on hand at the end of June that Belanger's Consulting, Inc. obtained through borrowing is $_______________.

5. The dollar amount of resources on hand at the end of June that Belanger's Consulting, Inc. obtained through owner's investments is $_______________.

6. Belanger's Consulting, Inc.'s net income for June is $_______________.

7. The net dollar amount of resources that Belanger's Consulting, Inc. generated through management operations in June is $_______________.

8. The dollar amount of resources on hand at the end of June that Belanger's Consulting, Inc. obtained through management operations and kept in the company is $_______________.


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