Applicants must complete ALL sections of the form in order ...

Applicants must complete ALL sections of the form in order for the application to be processed. This Intake Form will become part of your contract. Our time is as valuable as yours, so please, only serious applications from individuals who know what they need and have the funds to pay for the requested service. Email to newloans@ or fax to 832-201-8437 Attn: Proof of Funds Dept.


|Principal Name |      |

|Nationality |      |

|Drivers' License or Passport # |      |

|Expiration Date |      |

|Date Of Birth |      |

|Permanent Address |      |

|Primary Phone Number |      |

|Secondary Phone Number |      |

|Fax Number |      |

|E-mail Address |      |


|Name of Bank |      |

|Branch |      |

|Bank Address |      |

|Telephone & Fax |      |

|Account Number |      |

|S.W.I.F.T. Code |      |

|Bank Officer #1 |      |

|Bank Officer #2 |      |

|Account Name |      |

|Account Signatory |      |

|Funds Set Aside To Pay Fee’s | |

|Are Funds Liquid, Free & Clear? | YES NO |


|Name of Company |      |

|Type of Business Conducted |      |

|Business Address |      |

|Registered Office |      |

|Telephone & Fax Number |      |

|Do You Have Any Outstanding Judgments, Law Suits |      |

|or Tax Liens? | |

|Place of Incorporation |      |

|Date of Incorporation |      |

|Corporation Registration Number |      |

|Legal Advisor & Company Name |      |

|Employer Tax ID Number - EIN |      |

|Principal Structure of Business | Corporation Partnership Individual LLC |


|What Kind of Service Do You Need? | POF Blocked Account Bank Instrument |

|Size of Instruments Needed | |

|Do You Have 2.50% of This Amount? |      |

|If “NO” Then How Much Do You Have? |      |

|Type of Instrument [If Applicable] | BG CD x SBLC/BG |

|Desired Leasing Term | |

|Desired Closing Date |      |

|Do You Require Monetization | Yes No |

|Recourse or Non-recourse loan |      |

|Desired Bank |     USA Top A1/P1 Rated |

|Type of Account Confirmation Required | By Phone Statement MT799 MT760 |


The following persons are recognized as our Referring Agent(s):

|Referring Broker Name |      |

|Referring Broker Email & Phone # |      |

| | |

|Referring Broker Name |      |

|Referring Agent Email & Phone # |      |


Provide a detailed description of how you will be using the account/instrument – be as detailed as possible. Applications will be turned down if the description is only 1 -2 sentences. Provide ALL necessary information including required ‘text’, payment and delivery methods:

|      |


All information requested is in accordance with International Money Laundering Regulations and the US Patriot Act

In compliance with the Uniting and strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (US Patriot Actof 2001) and other counter-terrorism laws. Client hereby certifies under penalty of perjury the following:

That all monies tendered or to be deposited in escrow by or on behalf of Client are from a source that is in compliance with all applicable United States of America anti-terrorist financing and asset control laws, statutes and executive orders, and

That all monies received by or on behalf of Client will be used by Client strictly in compliance with all applicable United States of America anti-terrorist and asset control laws, statutes and executive orders.


I personally represent and warrant, under penalty of perjury, that the information provided is accurate and complete. Further, I warrant that I have the legal authority to sign on behalf of my self and/or my company. I agree to notify the leasing provider if the information which has been supplied changes in any manner.



|Name of Authorized Signatory |      |

|Title |      |

|Date |      |


Please attach the following documents when submitting your application:

• Companies: Corporate applicants must provide a Certificate of Incorporation and Corporate Resolution, along with proper identification documents.

• Individuals:  Individual applicants must supply two documents which show identification (Color Copy of Passport, State ID, Utility Bill, Etc.)

• Authorized Persons: Associated or authorized applicants must provide two forms of identification to prove their residence and identity.

• Proof Of Funds: all applications must provide a statement showing the funds available for payment of bank fees. All broker fees are paid following the successful deliver of the instrument or monetization if the Monetizer is referred by our group. .

• Executive Summary of Business Plan

• History of Management Group

• Private Placement Non-Solicitation Statement

• Payment of Service Fees: Applications must be submitted with a bank statement showing the ability to pay the amount equal to the leasing fee unless payment will be by ICPO or MT700 following delivery. If payment will be by ICPO. 24 hours following delivery of the instrument, applicant must verify how many days bank needs to pay the service fee upon delivery. (normal is 1-7) No proof is required when requesting monetization services.

• Verbiage:  Applicants must clearly define the verbiage needed for their transaction if there are special conditions. Please provide receiving bank’s requested MT760 verbiage if delivery is to your bank.

• Delivery of SBLC/BG to unknown Monetizer. Applicant must provide the delivery and fee payment procedures of the Monetizer if not utilizing a Monetizer referred by our group.



|PASSPORT #: |       |

|TELEPHONE + FAX#: |       |

|EMAIL: |       |

|BANK NAME: |       |

|BANK ADDRESS: |       |

|ACCOUNT NAME: |       |

|ACCOUNT NUMBER: |       |

|SWIFT CODE: |       |

|ABA - ROUTING #: |       |

|BANK OFFICER: |       |

|BANK OFFICER PHONE / FAX #: |       |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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