Pravin Banker , Director - The Financial Network

Pravin Banker Resident of Greenwich, CT, USA US Citizen

Current Position: Director of Global Financial Network Inc., a financial advisor with wide experience in the global capital markets that specializes in the emerging countries of Latin America, Russia/CIS/ Central Europe, Asia South, and Southeast Asia, serving a roster of clients that span the globe including a number of emerging country governmental agencies and central banks.

Prior position: Principal in Prabank Capital Ltd, a New York registered broker-dealer from 1988-1996. Financial Advisor to Global Financial Group Ltd from 1985 to 1995, an emerging country fund. Clients serviced included Bco Nacional and Bco Itau in Brazil, Banamex in Mexico, Essar Steel Ltd, Kothari Industries, and IFCI in India, Doverie group and Darik radio in Bulgaria, Venepal in Venezuela, Banco Centrals de Guatemala and Paraguay, Natl Bank of Yugoslavia, Mellon Bank, Fleet Bank, Bank of America in the USA, Societe Generale Bank in France, amongst others.

Prior position: Director of Treasury Operations IBM World Trade Corporation 1982, Senior Treasury Consultant to IBM Treasurer in 1983/1984

Education: Masters degree from Columbia University, New York City

Early Education: St Peters College in Colombo, Sri Lanka

Publications: The Financial Network Daily Market Commentary distributed to Citibank, Fidelity, Standard Bank etc. and carried on Bridge Telerate pages 1744-1747

Harvard Business, Review, International Herald Tribune, McGraw Hill

Cited in: Wall Street Journal, Barrons, Weedenco, CBS Market Watch, CnnFn

Litigation 1984 Negotiated issuance of A251 bonds by Republic of Argentina

Experience 1985 Negotiated issuance of Promissory Notes in settlement of trade arrears with

Republic of Nigeria

1985 Negotiated resolution of dispute over Mexico trade between Midlantic/Mellon Banks

1987/1988 Debt buybacks for the national bank of Yugoslavia

1989. Negotiated settlement of bank debt syndicate with Bco Central de Guatemala

1991 Litigation defense team of Bco Central do Paraguay against Lazards/Credit Agricole

1996 Landmark judgement against Republic of Peru

Litigation defense team of Bankers Trust before London High Court against predator

Hedge funds over Sidek (Mexico) default

1999 Resolution of collections between Societe Generale and Paraguay finance ministry

1999 Expert witness for Green Mining against Guyana before UK Tribunal

2000. Settlement/collection against Ukraine and Turkmenistan on Paris/Swedish

Tribunal jusgements.

2002 Settlement of Russia Vnesheconombank payables to Bulgaria .. Ongoing


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