Chancery Clerk and Master of Metropolitan Nashville ...

|1 |

|05/17/2019 |

|Status Conference |

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|Foundation Building Materials, LLC |

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|vs - 18-1089-III |

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|Mr Drywall Services LLC; Philibert, Raymond |

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|Huff, David O.; |

|Panther, Todd E. |

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|2 |

|08/14/2019 |

|Rule 16 Conference |

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|Voya Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company |

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|vs - 15-1297-III |

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|Johnson, Mary Beth |

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|Roberts, Lauren P. |

|Rich, David Matthew |

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|3 |

|07/11/2019 |

|Motion for Summary Judgment |

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|08/26/2019 |

|Response to Motion |

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|Earl, Mark J.; Earl, Shannon K. |

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|vs - 19-0498-III |

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|Lankford Decorating & Construction, Inc.; Trust Development, LLC |

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|Baltz, Kevin C |

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|Brewer, J. Paul; Pflaum, David J. |

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|Deft Trust Development, LLC's Motion for Summary Judgment |

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|4 |

|06/05/2019 |

|Motion for Summary Judgment |

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|08/23/2019 |

|Response to Motion |

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|Bank of America, National Association |

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|vs - 18-1015-III |

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|Chicago Title Insurance Company; Tennessee Title Services, LLC |

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|Huff, David O. |

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|Collins, Chris |

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|Defendants' Joint Motion for Summary Judgment |

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|5 |

|08/07/2019 |

|Motion to Compel |

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|08/26/2019 |

|Response to Motion |

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|Leymon, Renee; Rogers, Justin |

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|vs - 18-0488-III |

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|A/C Doctor Heating and Air Conditioning LLC; El Assuli, Mohamed; Lassonde, Michael; Rezba, Mike; Travelers Casualty And Surety Company |

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|Huff, David O. |

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|McCaskill, William G.; Lee, Melissa Jane |

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|Defts A/C Doctor Heating and Air Conditioning LLC and Mohamed El-Assuli's Motion to Compel |

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|6 |

|05/15/2019 |

|Motion to Dismiss |

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|08/26/2019 |

|Response to Motion |

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|Digital Law Marketing, Inc. |

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|vs - 19-0509-III |

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|Advisory Concepts Evolvers, LLC; Fasanella, Mary Ann |

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|Craft, Perry A. |

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|Smith, Gary K. |

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|Respondents' Motion to Dismiss Petition |

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|7 |

|08/08/2019 |

|Motion |

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|08/27/2019 |

|Response to Motion |

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|Hill, Subrina C. |

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|vs - 19-0220-III |

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|Harvey, Darryl; Jane Does and John Does |

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|Haines, Marjorie K. |

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|Bulso, Eugene N., JR |

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|Counterclaimant, Darryl Harvey's Motion for Partial Judgment on the Pleadings |

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|8 |

|08/12/2019 |

|Motion |

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|08/23/2019 |

|Response to Motion |

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|Beach, John D.; Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church; Green, Sam; Walden, John D.; Walden, Sue |

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|vs - 18-1112-III |

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|Curry, Claudia S.; Curry, Durel J. |

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|Kooperman, Martin A. |

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|Pro Se |

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|Defts' Motion to Proceed in forma pauperis |

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