Comment Issue Types Resolved by CS Department / GN …

COMMENT ISSUE TYPES RESOLVED BY RECOUNSELING DEPARTMENTIssue TypeDepartmentUsed ByReasons For UsingInfo OnlyAny DepartmentAnyoneThis is used to make a note on an account that does NOT require any action to be taken. If follow-up is needed on the account, then "Info Only" is not used.RC-New IssueRecounselingAnyoneThis issue is opened for clients that need to speak with RC about a problem or issue with their budget, payments, credit report or score; collections, bankruptcy, settling accounts, creditors or any call CS or DI does not know how to handle. RC department will attempt to contact the client 3 times within 3 days. If the client does not respond, the issue is resolved.RC-ReinstateRecounselingAnyoneUsed when a client contacts us to reinstate into the Debt Management Program. If a CS representative speaks with a client who is interested in reinstating, the CS representative should be determining if the client needs to be reinstated by completing a counseling session with Counseling or be reactivated by Recounseling after going over all of the reinstate process with the client. An RC-Reinstate issue should be opened and the call should be transferred to RC (1923). If the client is being reinstated by completing a counseling session with Counseling, the client should be prescreened first. After the client is prescreened, the client will then be informed of their reference number and will be transferred to the Counseling Center (1910). RC-Save ClientRecounselingRecounselingThis is used when a RC representative is able to save a client from terminating from the Debt Management Program. ................

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