The student must read these conditions, fill in the required information at the bottom of this page, sign it and send it, TOGETHER WITH PROOF OF BANK TRANSFER as an attachment to formacion@. Please include in the subject: registration/enrolment and proof of payment of (student’s name). Any incomplete application or unaccompanied by proof of payment will not be valid. Do not send this form without the proof of payment

I AM APPLYING FOR: (mark as appropriate)

|Registration fee | |

|Course enrolment | |

|Registration (only for visa applicants) |Registration fee: 200 |

|Mark the course you are enrolling in |Fee |

|Crowd disasters |600 |

|Emergency management |600 |

|Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) |600 |

|Disaster Response and recovery |600 |

|Training of Trainers (ToT) |600 |

|International Disaster management Course |2.200 |

|Security and field deployment |1.100 |

Payments must be done in the following bank account:

Bank name: BANKIA

Bank account name: C.E.D.E.M., S.L.

Bank account number: 2038 1142 09 6000767312

In case of transfers from outside Spain:

I.B.A.N (International Bank Account Number): ES53   2038   1142   0960 0076   7312

BIC (Bank Identifier Code): CAHMESMMXXX

Intermediary bank (if needed): CITY BANK or BANK OF AMERICA

Bank address: BANKIA

C/Blasco de Garay 38

28015 Madrid-España

  ++ 34 91 591 00 90

Course Terms and Conditions

1. Course fees: If you need a visa, you must make complete the course reservation, pay a fee of 200 euro, and send it to the aforementioned a-mail with proof of payment. Only afterwards we will send the invitation letter. If you are accepted, this will be deducted from the remaining full fee. The reservation fee will not be reimbursed.

2. If you don´t need a visa, you must send the full fee and the completed form with proof of payment to reserve a seat

3. Enrolled students will receive both theory and practical training as described in the course information provided. Although the essence and teaching objectives of the course are in no way altered, the contents of the course may suffer minor variations in order to improve the quality of the course. The fee Includes tuition, training materials, coffee and lunch (in class days) transport to AID CAMP and return to Madrid. Ration meals during the stay in AID CAMP will be provided

4. If the student decides to cancel the enrolment after payment he/she will be entitled to a refund of no more than 80% of the tuition fees. Furthermore, if the cancellation is made within the ten working days prior to the start of the course, the student will not receive any refund.

5. In the exceptional case of CEDEM had to cancel the course before the time programmed for it, students will be reimbursed the full amount corresponding to the tuition fees paid.

6. During the course, CEDEM will provide the student with training materials. These materials will be handed out on the first day of the course, during the course or after, in printed or digital format.

7. The use of laptops and mobile phones during classes (including the silent mode, texting or leaving the classroom to attend calls) IS STRICTLY FORBIDEN.

8. In order to obtain a certificate of attendance for the course, CEDEM requires for students to attend to the entire course.

9. CEDEM may take pictures and/or film in class with the intent of either learning or disseminating the activities being carried out. CEDEM reserves the right to use the material as a teaching tool for coming courses, communication activities, and other relevant events.



COUNTRY: CITY: TELEPHONE (With int. code):

I accept the terms of the course: Signature: ______________________________________


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