Women in Fisheries Fiji – The Women in Fisheries Network ...

Women in Fisheries Network – Fiji 15 Ma’afu St, SuvaPh: 3313075/9404398Membership Application FormINDIVIDUAL MEMBER DETAILS AND CONTACT INFORMATIONNameOccupation or student statusPostal AddressHome NumberMobile NumberEmailORGANISATIONAL MEMBER DETAILS AND CONTACT INFORMATIONOrganisation NameContact PersonJob TitleMain Activities of OrganisationStreet AddressPostal AddressWork NumberMobile NumberEmailWebsiteORGANISATION TYPE (Tick where necessary)Private Sector CompanyNGOGovernmentCorporate AgencyTrustCommunity/Village CommitteeMEMBERSHIP FEES AND BENEFITSPleasetickMEMBERTYPEAnnualMembershipFeeIndividual$10Student$10Community Groups$20Corporate Member$25 MEMBERSHIP BENEFITSParticipate in a dynamic learning network of individuals, communities and organisations committed to supporting women in the fisheries sector!Receive information on current projectsAccess to resources and data on women in the fisheries industryBi-annual newsletterAttend member events and forumsMEMBERSHIP TERMS AND CONDITIONSA prepaid membership is valid for 12 months from the date of issue and any membership fee paid is non-refundableWomen in Fisheries Network–Fiji (WIFN-Fiji) will apply the following criteria when evaluating an application for membership: the applicant is a person or organisation that supports the mission and core values of WIFN-Fiji andthe applicant has interests, program and/or initiatives that supports women engaged in the fisheries sectorThe membership benefits may be varied from time to time and may vary during special events and functions without prior noticeMETHOD OF PAYMENTCash payment can be made at WIFN–Fiji officeElectronic transfers can also be made using the following bank account details: 7440286350Account Name: Women in Fisheries Network - FijiBank: Bank South PacificAccount Number: 82211110BSB: 069 - 04Swift Code: BOSPFJFJ(Please enter identifying information with an electronic transfer)00Account Name: Women in Fisheries Network - FijiBank: Bank South PacificAccount Number: 82211110BSB: 069 - 04Swift Code: BOSPFJFJ(Please enter identifying information with an electronic transfer) Signed:……………………………………………........................Date:……………………………………………….. ................

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