Charter Amendment-Annual Meeting

Charter Amendment-Special Meeting


) ss.

COUNTY OF       )

I hereby certify that a meeting of the Board of Directors of       , located in      ,Illinois was held on the       day of       , 20     , at which a quorum of the directors was present and that it was resolved to call a special meeting of the stockholders of the bank for the purpose of considering the question of amending the charter of the bank. And I further certify that at a special meeting of the stockholders held on the       day of       , 20     , pursuant to the notice required by Section 17 of the Illinois Banking Act, 205 ILCS 5/17, as now or hereafter amended, the following resolution amending the bank's charter was adopted:

IL-505-0195 - This form is required under the provisions of Section 17(3) of the Illinois Banking Act, 205 ILCS 5/17(3). Failure to properly complete this Notice will result in its not being processed.

I further certify that the capital stock of the bank is divided into       shares of $      par, that       shares were represented either in person or by proxy at the meeting and that       shares, at least two-thirds of all of the outstanding shares of stock entitled to vote at such meeting, voted in favor of the above resolution.



I,       , hereby declare that I am President/Vice President/Cashier of the bank mentioned in the foregoing certificate and verify that the statements made therein are true in substance and in fact.

WHEREAS, I have hereunto set my hand and

caused the seal of said corporation to be affixed

this       day of      , 20     .

(SEAL OF THE      

CORPORATION) President/Vice President/Cashier

IL-505-0195 (11/06)


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