


September 2010


This company profile has been broken down into the following sections:

| | |

|Description |Page Number |

|Introduction ----------------------------------------- |3 |

|Vision ------------------------------------------------- |3 |

|Mission Statement --------------------------------- |3 |

|Services ----------------------------------------- |3 |

|Ownership & Management ------------------------- |4 |

|Approach ----------------------------------------- |4 |

|Experience ----------------------------------------- |4 |

|Resources ----------------------------------------- |6 |

|Contact Us ----------------------------------------- |6 |

|Conclusion ----------------------------------------- |7 |

| | |

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|Annexure |No of Pages |

|A Shareholding --------------------------------- |1 |

|B Professional Affiliations ------------------------ |1 |

|C Project / Employment References ------------- |1 |

|D Banking Details ------------------------------- |1 |

| | |

| | |


Artwicar Consulting Engineers cc was registered specifically to deal with building and Civil Engineering projects as a division within the Artwicar Consulting (Pty) LTD group.

Artwicar Consulting (Pty) LTD was established in 1999 as a Project and Programme Management, and Cost Consulting practise, however due to the changing built environment and the growing needs of our Clients; it became necessary to broaden the services that could be provided by Artwicar, so as to offer multi-disciplinary management consulting services, information technology and civil engineering under one banner. Artwicar has added to our portfolio a full-time IT Programmer for custom-built Management Information Systems (MIS) and other software applications.

Artwicar has continued to strive towards becoming a complete multi-disciplinary practise offering our Clients the specialist individual attention and solutions required by an ever-changing project environment. Artwicar sees teamwork on every project as the key success element and is responsible for creating this environment. The over-all project manager is duty-bound in ensuring efficient and regular communication to all stakeholders and at all levels.

Artwicar believes in a hands-on approach on all projects. That is why a Director of the firm will always be in control of the key functions on our projects. Artwicar is equipped with the latest technology and has the necessary staff and resources to ensure the best professional service is provided at all times. The firm is backed up by up-to-date Professional Indemnity Insurance by the Glenrand MIB group, which can be extended to cover risk on any size project the firm undertakes both locally and abroad.


Our vision is to grow our multi-disciplinary team in order to offer a broad spectrum of specialist Engineering, Information Technology and Management Consulting services to become our Clients' preferred Professional Service Provider (PSP) choice through excellence and efficiency in all aspects of the project life cycle. Whether it is a building project, civil engineering project, implementation of a project management system, or programme management of a multi-facetted initiative, Artwicar is a leading practice that will exceed expectations and set new standards!

Mission Statement

Our Mission is to offer excellent service in each of our professional disciplines, in accordance with statutory practices, codes of conduct and integrity, thereby developing our team and providing a leading platform from which to service the built environment and in particular, our valued Clients.


Being a multi-disciplinary consultancy, Artwicar offers a wide range of Engineering, Project/Programme Management and Information Technology services. These include:

➢ Bulk and Internal Civil Engineering Services (Urban and Rural)

➢ Roads and Stormwater Infrastructure

➢ Municipal Infrastructure Provision and Funding Applications

➢ Project and Programme Management

➢ Information Management Systems (custom developed software systems)

➢ Construction Management and Cost Consulting

➢ Site Supervision and Management

➢ Contract Administration and Documentation

➢ Procurement Documentation and Contractual Dispute Support and Advice

➢ Storm-water Management Planning

➢ Integrated Development Planning

➢ Municipal planning & Project Lifecycle analysis

Ownership & Management

Affirmative Action is important to Artwicar, which is why the company has taken a leading role in the recruitment and training of Previously or Historically Disadvantaged Individuals. We recognise the social and financial imbalances of our society and seek to apply capacity building and training initiatives to address these areas.

The company is a level 4 B-BBEE contributor with 100% procurement recognition level and is headed by a dynamic, motivated and efficient team currently led by our Managing Director, Mr Mark Muckle (PrTech Eng). Mr Muckle is assisted by Mr Willem van Niekerk (PrQS) and staff.


Artwicar sees teamwork on every project as the key success ingredient and are responsible for creating this environment. The overall project manager is duty-bound in ensuring effective communication to all stakeholders and at all levels. Teams are built by combining the strengths of the individual members and refining skills to meet and exceed the Client’s expectations.

We also believe in a hands-on approach on all our projects. This is why a Director of the firm will always be in control of the key functions on a project. Artwicar is equipped with the latest technology and has the necessary staff and resources to ensure the best professional service is provided at all times.


Artwicar has a combined professional experience of some 60 years among its Principals and Members. Listed below are the projects that the firm has undertaken:

|Project |Client |Value and Financial Year |

|Converting of Residential Complexes to |Eastern Cape Development Corporation |R3 million (‘10/’11) |

|Sectional Title Schemes |(ECDC) | |

|Engineering Services for Stutterheim |Architectural Design Inc |R3,2 million (’10) |

|Development of 48 Plots | | |

|Upgrading of the Mdantsane Labour Centre |Department of Public Works (National) |R7 million (08’/’10) |

|CHDM: Inter-Modal Public Transport |Chris Hani District Municipality |R15 million (‘09/’10, ‘10/’11) |

|Facility | | |

|Project Management Unit Support |Buffalo City Municipality |R575 million (‘08/’09) |

|Acceleration of Development Fund |Development Bank of Southern Africa |R12 million (‘07/’08, ‘08/’09, ‘09/’10 |

|Expenditure – Eastern Cape, Western Cape,|(DBSA) |and ‘10/’11) |

|Northern Cape and Kwa-Zulu Natal | | |

|Project Management of Vulindlela Village |Coega Development Corporation and MADG |R89 million (‘08/’09) |

|Ph 1B | | |

|Rehab Kuebung Access Road |Elundini Municipality |R1,6 million (‘08/’09) |

|PMU Support |Amathole DM |R250,000 (‘08/’09, ‘09/’10) |

|Management and Technical support to Local|Elundini Local Municipality |R200,000 (‘07/’08) |

|Government | | |

|Development of Standard Procurement |Buffalo City Municipality |R70,000 (‘07/’08 and ‘08/’09) |

|Documentation under CIDB Regulations | | |

|Engineering and Technical services on |Intsika Yethu Local Municipality |R11,200,000 (‘07/’08 to ‘10/’11) |

|Roads and Taxi Ranks | | |

|Programme Management of the Municipal |The Dept. of Housing, Local Government & |R 886 Million (‘04/’05) |

|Infrastructure Grant |Traditional Affairs |R 1,1 Billion (‘05/’06) |

| | |R 1,3 Billion (‘06/’07) |

|Disaster & Flood Relief Programme |The Dept. of Housing, Local Government & |R 369 Million (‘06/’07) |

|Management administered via MIG |Traditional Affairs (‘06/’07) | |

|Programme Management of Consolidated |The Dept. of Housing, Local Government & |R 567 Million (‘03/’04 and ‘04/’05) |

|Municipal Infrastructure Programme (CMIP)|Traditional Affairs | |

|Bucket Eradication Programme |The Dept. of Housing, Local Government & |R 20 million (‘04/’05) |

| |Traditional Affairs |R 24 million (‘05/’06) |

| | |R 22 million (‘06/’07) |

|Technical Assessments of Schools |The United Nations & ECA International |€ 24,000 (‘05/’06) |

| |(Barcelona, Spain) | |

|Departmental Infrastructure Plans |AFRICON Joint Venture (Dept. Provincial |R 500,000 (‘05/’06) |

| |Treasury & RIDA) | |

|Water Demand Management: Amahlati |Amathole DM |R 2,5 Million (‘05/’06 to ‘09/’10) |

|Municipality | | |

|Upgrading of VCT Clinics |AFRICON Joint Venture (Dept. Health and |R 6 Million (‘05/’06) |

| |Welfare & DBSA) | |

|New Water Treatment Works for Kei Mouth |Amathole DM, Eastern Cape Province |R 2,5 Million (‘05/’06 to ‘09/’10) |

|in Great Kei Municipality | | |

|Ngqushwa Multi Purpose Community Centre |Ngqushwa Municipality, Eastern Cape |R 12,8 million (‘05/’06) |

| |Province | |

|Programme Management of the Schools |The Dept. of Education |R 400 Million (‘02/’03, ‘03/’04 and |

|Building Programme | |‘04/’05) |

|Development of custom software for |Examples include IEC database, Asset |Various (’05 to ’10) |

|applications including Medical Aids, |Management tracker, Helpdesk systems, | |

|Financial and Accounting, Project |Programme/Project Tracking, | |

|management and process management |Transportation logistics, etc. | |

|Upgrading of the Jan Smuts Stadium in |Buffalo City Municipality |R 16 Million (‘03/’04) |

|East London | | |

|Vodacom School & Clinic |Vodacom |R 10 Million (‘01/’02) |



Mark Muckle Pr Tech Eng (Civil), AMSAICE, MIMIESA, MIPET, NQF7 (LIC)

Willem van Niekerk PrQS, PMAQS


Richard Harebottle Engineering Technician*,

Gareth Schroeter Engineering Technician*

Siya Botya (N.Dip: IT, A+) Database Management

Nicky Jonker (Database Management and Project Administration)

* (N.Dip Eng: Civil) 2 subjects outstanding

Design/Software Platforms

Artwicar is a Civil Designer ® (from Knowledgebase) based consultancy and has registered modules dating to 2011 for: Water, Sewers, AllyCAD, MAP. Turn, Roads and Survey & Terrain, including Design Centre. Stormwater projects are designed using Sinotech “Utility Programs for Drainage software” and the latest publications governing best practise and design code (SANS 1200 Series and other relevant standards, SANRAL Road drainage Manual and Guidelines for Human Settlement Planning and Design, etc.).

The firm makes use for BILL and Conan software from CivilSoft ® for Estimates, Bills of Quantities and Payment certificate generation/production. As Artwicar has an IT division, the firm has custom built software for Drawing Registers, Office Administration and various design utilities for repetitive tasks, e.g. quantity calculations, etc.


Artwicar has a state-of-the-art boardroom boasting HD flat screen projection, Data projection, Digital White Board, conferencing and catering facilities. The firm has company vehicles, GPS facilities, cameras, Laptops, Printers and Plotting equipment is equipped to deal with project-related facilities and equipment needed to satisfy the requirements of our Clients at any time.

Support and Specialist Services Input

The firm is equipped to undertake works of geotechnical, structural, health and safety and/or environmental categories via specialist service providers that the firm has established excellent working relations with. The firm also has accounts with support and administrative organisations, e.g. stationary, Courier Services, Travel Services, etc. which can be made use of via project-related expenses.

Contact us

Artwicar can be contacted as follows:

Postal Address

P O Box 1199

East London


Physical Address

“The Ridge” Office Block

2nd Floor

3 Berea Terrace


East London


Contact Numbers

+27 (0) 43 726 0350/64 (t)

+27 (0) 86 639 5661 (f)

+27 (0) 82 372 7473 (c)




Artwicar is a capable and dedicated multi-disciplinary management consultancy with the correct solution-based approach in meeting and exceeding our Client’s expectations.

Our experienced and focussed team are well placed and equipped and contain the correct experience and qualifications to carry out their functions with diligence and skill. It is our vision that Artwicar may be of service to all prospective Clients in the Private, Professional and Public sector.

Please direct all enquiries and/or requests for additional information to Artwicar on the details provided above and let us provide you with excellent service, proving our motto of “Development you can trust. . . “


|Name |Competence |% Shares |% Voting |PDI ? |Woman ? |

|W. van Niekerk |Quantity Surveyor, Project |30 |30 |No |No |

| |Manager | | | | |

|M. Muckle |Civil Engineer, Project Manager |70 |70 |No |No |

|Totals | |100 |

|W. van Niekerk (PrQS) |The South African Council for the |2074 |

| |Quantity Surveying Profession | |

|M. Muckle (PrTech: Eng) |Engineering Council of South Africa |2000 40 101 |

| |(ECSA) |2003 70 157 |

| |Institute of Municipal Engineering of |M988 |

| |South Africa (IMESA) | |

| |South African Institute of Civil |203472 |

| |Engineering (SAICE) | |

| |Institute of Professional Engineering |3026 M |

| |Technologists (IPET) | |


|Client |Project |Reference |Tel No |

|The Development bank of Southern Africa |DBSA special interventions for |Mr Norman Weitz (Senior Specialst: |+27 (0)11 313 3248 |

|(DBSA) |Development Fund |Development Fund) | |

|The Department of Public Works |Mdantsane Labour Centre |Mr Een Greyling (Regional Project |+27 (0)41 408 2077 |

|(National) | |Manager) | |

|The Department of Housing, Local |CMIP, MIG, BEP and Disaster |Mr Tshitsho Majavu (Director |+27 (0)40 609 5566 |

|Government & Traditional Affairs |Management |Infrastructure) | |

|(Eastern Cape) | | | |

|AFRICON International (East London) |Dept. Agriculture Infrastructure |Mr Phillip Pratt (Office Manager: East|+27 (0)43 721 0900 |

| |Plans, VCT Clinics |London) | |

|ECA International (Barcelona, Spain) |Technical Assessments of European |Ms Natalia Diaz (Project Manager) |+34 (0)93 253 2244 |

| |Commission Schools | | |

|Amathole District Municipality (East |Amahlati Water Demand Management, |Mr Nico Jonker (Director Engineering |+27 (0)43 701 4064 |

|London) |Kei Mouth Water Treatment Works, |Services) | |

| |PMU Support | | |

|Elundini Local Municipality (Maclear) |Various infrastructure projects and|Mr Khayalethu Gashi (Municipal |+27 (0)45 932 1085 |

| |PMU Support |Manager) | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|* Refer to “Experience”, pg 4 |

Artwicar Consulting (Pty) LTD


Bank : ABSA Bank

Branch : Frere Square Branch (East London)

Branch Code : 632 005

Account Number : 405 912 3421

Account Name : Artwicar Consulting

Account Type : Cheque/Current Account

Branch Contact No. : +27 (0) 43 709 7000

Artwicar Consulting Engineers cc


Bank : ABSA Bank

Branch : Frere Square Branch (East London)

Branch Code : 632 005

Account Number : 407 630 6789

Account Name : Artwicar 3

Account Type : Cheque/Current Account

Branch Contact No. : +27 (0) 43 709 7000


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