University of Alberta

Peronismo and the BodyLook at the all the films to see how her body is constructedIntegrate peronism and its historyIntegrate the philosophy of peronismoThe history of Eva Peron’s bodyUse the films to see how Body, peronismo, popular culture? connection between peronismo and Bo/Sarli-role of peron and the church and sexualityDaniel James, “Peron and the People”siding with lower classes James develops a nicely argued piece about the philosophical ideology behind Peron he contextualizes the beginning of the Peron movement to the “decada infamy” began after the 1930 coup on Yrigoyen. ISI by the mid 1930s argentina was an industrialized economy - the effects of this new economic reality meant that “new members were now drawn from the interior provinces of Argentina …They were attracted to the expanding urban centres… By 1947, some 1,368,000 migrants from the interior had arrived in BA attracted by he rapid industrial expansion.” 274this rapid expansion of the economy did not benefit the working class - James argues that in fact there existed cynicism and fear of loosing jobscoup of 1943 - Peron was the secretary of labourhe began to address some of the concerns of the working class and eradicating the competitors in the working classgrowing working class support for person first crystallized on October 17, 1945 demonstration that secured his release from confinement and launched him on the path to victory in presidential elections of Feb 1946-before Peron - influence of organizationally fragmented labour movement on the working class was limited-argues that from 1943 to 1946 improvements in the working conditions and social legislation but it’s from 1946-1955 where most profound effect on the working class’ position in argentine society-increase in the organizational strength and social weight of the working class-rapid increase in the extension of trad unionism 1948 risen to 30.5% and in 1954 to 42.5%.-contracts in period from 1946-48 regulated wage scales and job descriptions and also included a whole array of social provisions concerning sick leaves, maternity leave and cations-very important was the role of the state in overseeing and articulating this structure of the trade unions- gave the union rights and most importantly made the state the ultimate guarantor of and overseer of this process -unions conduits of government policy among the workers-role of incorporating the working class into the state-at first saw workers as inexperienced dupes -revisionists saw them as logical involvement of labor in a state directed reformist project that promised labor concrete material gains- shift from passive manipulated mass to class conscious actors being a realistic path for satisfaction of material needsBUT james argues that there is a new allegiance - that’s why examines political vision of Peron and nature of his rhetoric-appeal was Peron’s ability to redefine citizenship - started with Yrigoyen -struggles against the oligarchy which was undone during the decade inflame mainly in the provinces - not the capitalsystem of institutionalized fraud and corruptioncynicism - crisis of legitimacyrights of citizenship had long existed since the saenz pena law of 1912 -peronism was a claim of reestablishment of recognized rights recast the issue of citizenship in a new social contextextended citizenship to participation in social and economic life of the nationnot in the abstract “liberty” democracy etc. - he argued that these masked inequities beyond philosophical idea of democracy - real life focus in material conditionspremised recognition of the working class as a distinct social force that demand recognitionthe state was a space where the workers as a class (not isolated individuals) could act politically and socially to establish corporate rights elements of personalist caudillismo but the basis for the support is that affirmation of the social and organizations strength of the working classalso absorbed strands of nationalist thought Argentina potency in contrast to Argentina granja this dichotomy was not accurate working class recognized in his espousal of industrial development a vital role as an actor in greatly expanded public spheremade social justice and national sovereignty credible interrelated themes rather than simply enunciated abstract slogansthe people became the working people the nation and the workersnationalism in terms of concrete economic issues-glorified everyday and the ordinary as sufficient basis for the rapid attainment of a juster societyappeal was plebeian eschewed need for enlightened political elite tango lyrics and la vieja adjectives chabacano and burdo to describe his supporters and Peron -utopian but crediblePeron cumple present with the past - saviour from that past humiliating and frustrating time-reality where everything is corrupt and badwhile commercialization can cloud and make a tenuous relationship between the people and the culture - BUT the immense popularity of these tangos among the working class attest to the fact that whatever the manipulation of the culture industry- responded to certain attitudes and experiences recognized as authentic CONTINUATION IN THE BOOKperonist discourse ability to articulate these unformulated experiences was the basis oaf its heretical powerdescamisado - terms now become central to the new language of powerworking clothes and took term inverted by Peron “Wel with Peron we were all machos”attenmpt to instituionalize and control the heretical challenge and absorb the challenge within a new state sponsored orthodoxyfrom state to works to go peacefully “from home to work and from work to home”-iculcate notions of class harmonyefficacy of official ideology depended on its ability to tie in with working-class perceptions and experiencesmarked critical conjuncture in the emergence and formation of the modern argentine working classits existence and sense of identity as a coherent national forcerehtoric as a most convenient vehicle to satisfy its material needs remained a heretical voice giving expression to the hopes of the oppressed with the factory and byond as a claim for social dignity and equalityrecognized the dangers of such ambivalenceReligious Liberty in Argentina during the First Peron regime, 1943-1955 David D’Amicoconfuses the military government with Peron - conflation of dates and events - history does not substantiate his opinionsmany are just opinions without real evidencefrom a protestant perspective and looking at protestant libertiesCatholic Action - organized in the 1930s fostered a hierarchy - nationalistic, right wing and fanatic- produced harassment of masons jews protestants and communistsPeron’s role in religious intolerance letter issued by the archbishops in jan of 1945 - suggested the changes that would take place one month later and catholic religious instruction in public school had been instituted by he provisional military government1943 protestants sponsored 10-15 radio programs throughout Argentinafeb 18, 1945 all broadcasts were suspended because: 1. radio waves belonged to state 2. catholicism is religion established by the state3. radio cannot be used to propagate views contrary to state 4. freedom of worship does not imply freedom to propagate evangelical views1949 the broadcasts were suspended for 5 years 1947 the government purchased all private radio stations for national security1949 to 1954 freedom of press suffered and so did the radio programsPeron in power from June 4, 1946effected freedom to propagate by radio, to move and act without government checking personnel, finances, and property; to buy property and erect churches; compulsory catholic religious instruction in public schools and restrictions in evangelization of aborigines (THATS what he says!!!)last year of Peron’s regime liberty was curtailed for catholicsclaims that P endorsed religious instruction in public schools before 1946 election gave government money to endow seminaries and episcopal palaces subsidized eucharistic congresses raised the salaries of clergy and used clergy in government agenciesCatholic action was a significant political force after coup of 19431954 there was a shift- why?public pronoucements legislation offensive to the church physical persecution of clergy and burning os churchsuppressing commission for religious instruction and legalizing both divorce and prostitution activist priests were imprisoned, religious holidays canceled and and in April 1955 religious instruction in public school was suspended may 1955 he was calling for constitutional convention to disestablish the church overthrown in September expulsion of papal nuncio from Argentina and Pope Pius xii excommunication of Peronchurch’s alliance with the military and oligarchy to overthrow Peron was resented by peronistas Review in Chasqui about Feminine body, mourning and nation by Viviana Plotkinlots of good references for scholarship on Eva - look up for this scholarshipBeatriz Sarlo - La pasion y la excepcion 2003Alicia Dujovne Ortiz Eva Peron 1995Education and the Church-State clash in Argentina, 1954-55 Virginia Leonardargument is that Peron’s conflict with the church was purposeful and The New Cultural History of Peronism“Introduction” -Karush and Chamosa. -gives a good overview of the scholarship on Peronwhat are the peronist strongholds: industrial belt and secondary cities, small towns and rural communities and not in high and middle income urban districtsmany of central images and rhetrical moves remain staples of political discourseHalperin suggest the transformation was radical enough to sow seeds of brutal and seemingly unending conflict for decadesdefine it as cultural is to reframe it as an object of historical inquiryhe got into power with help of army, press, academia and the church who had aspirations of upward mobility but once economic development allowed this group meet its expectations the sectors abandoned the class alliance - Di TellaLaclau talks about popular democratic interpellations oppositional to the ideology of the dominant blocLaclau and Ipola had uncovered the importance of peronist languageDaniel James -why Peron’s rhetoric and political style appeal to the people- bottom up approach resurrected the pioneering research - focus on reception revealed potential for a culturalist approach popular consciousness is not determined by interests that are in some way prior to discourse nor is the state an autonomous and omnipotent actor able to shape identities - cultural history must reconceptualize this encounterthere have been some good cultural analysis but their reliance on relatively simplistic historical accounts have weakened their arguments i.e. cultural studies is not historical enough actors engaged with multiple discourses in a struggle over meaning avoids dominance and resistance more dynamic process of hegemonic processes he proposes cultural history as a way of studying politics -encounter between masses and stateconstructed own identities with engagement with peronist project as they pushed and pulled it in new directionsthreat to the enemy was the invasion of the migrants and attract on traditional hierarchiesgendered aspects of peronist discourseintersection between state, market and masses-contraditions that characterized peronism toppled class hierarchies yet upheld bourgeois respectability and aesthetics mobilized the masses yet it instituionalized itself and allowed the masses to have power within the stateembraced the cabecitas engross but it emphasized snappishness “Populism, melodrama and the market” M Karush-revisit the period before 1943 to uncover cultural elements that provided discursive material out of which the heretical appeal was built -traces connections melodramatic mass culture in 1930s and political appeals crafted by person between 1943 and 1946-argues that Peron was able to appropriate discursive elements that circulated in mass culture and refashion them into powereful political appealcommercial imperatives reinforced the heretical meanings implicit in argentine melodrama encouraged conformism and quest for upward mobilitypopulism was outcome of particular pattern of mass cultural development-basis for his discourse idea poor as teachers of the rich - one asectct of peronism’s heretical inversion of hierarchy and anti intellectualism characteristic of the movementBO WAS ANIT INTELLECTUAL TOO-binary moralism is moleramatic and he argues lies in the mass culture of 1930s-1930s (influenced by Irigoyen) wealth functioned as a sign of malice - tango plotuses films to show this-Peron’s insistence on equating workers, pueblo and nation reproduces mass culture’s depiction of hard working long suffering poor as authentic argentine-use of lunfardo and his tango tropes-he argues that Peron appropriated and rearticulated discursive elements and in so doing transformed them-catholic social thought offered one possible source for this notion as well for rejection of individualism and bourgeois materialism-catholicism experienced a resurgence in 1930s -Manuel Romero and Luis Cesar Amadori and in tango Francisco Lomuto and Enrique Santos Discepolo promoted peronismo-pressure to compete with jazz reinforced the authenticity of tango-three claims of authenticity in tango: rooted in the past, it was melancholy and rooted in popular not elite culture= sadness, resistance to moderbnity and affiliation with plebeian-tango and melodrama = systematically depoliticized social conflicts and contradictions by transposing them onto stories of frustrated love-during the 1930s a new international tango became popular told stories of love and betrayal less rooted in the suburbs-market power of hollywood tightened local cinema’s claim of argentine popular culture-effort in the late 1930s to attract more elite audiences-but melodrama persisted-society divided between selfish rich and noble poor-Romero transformed class conflict into morality tales but insisted on siding with poor-poor represented the nation and the past-mass culture was ambivalent oscillating between heretical and conformist views-says that ambivalence originated in mass culture of 1930s-peronismo gave collective a sense of upward mobility without them thinking they were selfish as it was not frame in individual mode-not about accepting the status quo -absence of factory workers in the movies and omnipresence of nostalgia reflected a deep disjuncture between authenticity and modernity-authenticity compensated poor for fatalistic acceptance of subordination-poor as primary beneficiaries of industrialization-would appropriate melodrama’s worldview without its fatalismarticulate authenticity and modernityWHERE IS BO IN REGARD TO AUTHENTICITY AND MODERNITY? HIS TEXTS ARE MELODRAMATIC AND THEY TALK AOBUT THE WORKERS BUT HOW DOES HE CHANGE THINGS-limits were consequence of having built his movement from melodrama rather than marxismcontradictions : active role in history but stay off the streetsonce in control of the state he reverted to discipline and social control. -mass culture visceral anti elitism as it de politicized class conflict and suggested futility of social transormation. says that peronisms assault on social harmony betryas its roots i would disagree as social harmony was maintained****“Peronists and Cabecitas: Stereotypes and Anxieties at the Peak of Social Change” Natalia Milanesiocabecita- not being clean, using poor people’s clothes, being ignorant, behaviour based on instinctalso being a peronistoriginally an argentine birdemerged in mid 1940sby 1947 17% had migrated from the provinces where they were born and 68 percent of the migrants had settled in buenos airesexamines the construction of stereotypes of popular classes during person’s government representation of persist as violent, uneducated, vulgar and criminal cabecitas engross to middle and upper class antiperonistsanti peronisma is central to the compressive understanding of peronismconsiders this stance as a constructed ideology that operated through stereotypes of political opponent grounded in a cultural biasresponse from this sector to the threat to urban lifestyle, class identity and social statusanxieties over invasion of cities, interclass coexistence in public spaces and safety and property, loss of exclusivity and inability to command respect along with portrayals of lower class as aggressive, criminal, ignorant, intruding and insolentboth sides represented these people in a similar manner although they assessed and interpreted in radically contrasting waysPeron avoided ethnic or racial language suborning it to class consciousness and loyalty-vulgarity and unacceptable behaviour - grasa which means greasersomeone of very cheap and bad tastenegros is another term - denounciation of race was illegitimate given naziclass bias was a sound strategycondemning internal migrants lifestyle meant prejudices against the interiorfolklore and music and dances was proof that city known for its taste for european culture was changingOctober 17, 1945 was stressed how the suburbs had taken the centreviolent horde or the montonera a group of mounted gauchos they were the last expression of Juan manuel de rosas and his plebe and irigoyen and his chasmloss of exclusivity of the city and places of mar del plataalpargatas became a symbol of person’s sympathizers- linked to rural inhabitants the shoe came to represent urban industrial worker rural labourer and poordescamisado was masculine - referred to to ideologically close to Mussolini’s blackshirts and also recalled sans culottes of the french revolutionterm comes from December 15 1945 a speech of Peron’s descamisados did wear jackets three men soaking their feet in the fountain in plaza de mayo were wearing jacketsboth sides constructed the image of persist as people in ragsfor the elite is his people’s inability to follow etiquette rules inability to adapt to urban space and uncouth tastefor peron it was proof of poverty and marginalization but this also proved that people could afford to buy clothes with higher salaries sometimes it was hard to differentiate between the employee and employer as the working class was improving its standard of living in 1950 working class wages had tripled and white collar salaries doubled while professional’s income remained unchangedp69 female fashion women of popular classes abandoned rural outfits chicas divitos curvy, exuberant bodies and extremely small waits - sensually exalted by body hugging tube skirts- style that would move from lower class women to higher class womenwore tube skirts and pantsrather than purifying tastes the lower classes were contaminating the tastes of the elites men from outskirts bringing disorder and aggression that the oligarchy had inflicted on working class neighbourhoods with impunity for decades zoological alluvion as caged racial inferiors and mindless uneducated creatures driven by primary needs, basic instincts and predatory appetitesmenace to upper class masculinity -unruly rowdy menattacked the legitimacy of the government by condemning the character of its constituencymigrants embodied a process of transformation that changed rhythms and appearance of principal cities, redefined social manners and codes of urban civility, broke with traditional standards of deference and respect, and liberalized norms of appropriateness and tastestereotypes exposed anxieties and concerns about process of social economic and cultural change “Working Class Beauty Queens Under Peronism” Mirta Zaida Lobato, Maria Damilakou and Libel Tornayduring first period of person’s rule 1946-1955 there were 8 queens of labor for the annual labor celebration on first o f MayMay day was initiated in 1890 by the most militant of workers culmiinated in a criolla beauty rep of the union or regional industry 1955 these celebrations ended until 1974 and 1975 thoroughly transformed political, social and cultural life-changes in 1970sspeaks to public exhibition of female body, plebeian royalty of monarchical representations and limited democraciespart of mass culture political spectacle that particular formulation of feminine beauty that could not be recuperated 20 years laterBECAUSE the conception of beauty had changed drastically from 1955 to 1974faced with the traditions of may day - peronism produced a rupture and change in the meaning of the ritualmay day battle for control of social space1950 acquired celebratory tone until 19551st in 1946 just 3 months after being elected meanings were not definedEva Peron and Juan Domingo Peron and Domingo Mercante (governor of province of BA) all led the parade- 1st time state led the parade - became a day for celebration instead of the day for pain and misfortuneyesterday was protesters and police brutalitytoday was happiness and celebrationwomen were in photographs showing blisses of domestic life in harmonious homes, female nurse willing to give her life for others as a peronist symbolreplicated a certain type of beauty- argentine beauties- new era of happinessanalysis of the images- conflict to harmonywomen good workers and beautiful -1st contest organized by El laborista newspaper in march 1947a political proposal for a popular mobilization that would end by honouring a working women as queen of workin 1947 by cgt and government jury would include union leaders, peron, and even monsignor santiago copal the archbishop of BAspectacle, politics, leisure, the sceptre that they had was augmented by an industrial gear at is tipcriolla beauty- variation in hair colour but the queens were all fair skinned criollos with no other ethnic markersfeminine beauty as harmonyevery job was honourable and deserved respect embodied beauty and spirit of argentine peopleindustriousness and beautyhumility, beauty and kindnesspart of process of dignifying labourSIMILAR TO SARLIpersonality and morality simple modest diligent and affableaspirations were to marry, have children, build home, and be efficient housewives -like Eva story of a humble young woman who became queen of her peopleambivalent fixed traditional images of gender and demerits them to the massesafter the fall of Peron the changes affected young men and women particularly in area of sexual moralityextramarital relations, the acceptance of enjoyment and search for sexual pleasure, liberation from fear of motherhood thanks to to the contraceptive pill, independence, a taste for reading, politics and film all became part of women’s liveswhen person returned to argentina Campora it was young men and women more than workers who won the streetstension between the old peronist past and new leftist blockPeronist youth and montoneros sought to break the clique Isabel Peron crowned the 1974 queen people chanted there is only one evitajudges had changed -women from the beauty industry- beauty was the top priory and mass mobilization and union participation had lost relevancemake up emphasized eyes, long, loose hair and psychedelic clothing in 1975 she had studied french theatre and sports loved to read drama she was cultured mentioned her taste for modern literature and expressionist musicbeauty grace and harmony as result of natural giftbeauty to honour labor and challenge images of pasttribute to eva peronneeded to be tied to moral values so that it was not dangerouscosmetic and fashion companies began to sponsor events in 1955 this new trend beganby 1974 less political and union mobilization beauty entered in the face and not the body, because body had been more destablizing potentialtoday memory is about respect for the female workerreasons why they could not establish the same political performances was the tensions with radicalized youth, union leaders and right wing peronism and the result of cultural transformations created new challenges and opportunities for women.“Peronism in Good Taste” Eduardo ElenaArgentina- peronist publication to probe connections between populist politics and world of mass consumptionProject a vision of peronism in good tasteCOULD PERONISM BE CHANGING AT THIS TIME SO THAT THE CABECITA WAS NOT THE NORM IN THE MOVMENT? SO IT WAS TRYING TO LEGITIMATE ITSELF AS IT STARTED TO INCORPORATE THE MIDDLE CLASSES?Pursuit of cultural orthodoxyParadox why did authorities of self consciously popular movement embraced repeatedly orthodox norms of taste? 210Catholic, conservative and nationalist leanings of Argentina within priorities of PeronismoMagazine was between high brow intellectual culture and low brow entertainmentOscar Ivannissevich – catholic and lead editor of argentina Eliminate the cabecita with cultural interventions, uplifting the downtrodden and developing social conscience of social responsibility Published by government but not official publicationState support but not ownershipDesigned to align the behavior of readers with moral and tasteful norms of conductConvince public that good taste and peronism were not incompatibleFamiliarity with hight arts literature, music as markers of tasteTango or cultural products associated with lower classes was ignoredTeaching about how to be cultoPresented working class as orderly and rose workers to middle class counterparts in regard to tasteWanted to be public intellectualsDid not dismiss the possibility of social mobility but stressed the cultural emulation of middle class norms as path to progressEditors highlighted imporantce of nationalism catholic religion and moralityDismay about seeing Hollywood ganster films imported comic books an other threats to moralityEspecially childrenPerception of reality vs attempt to contradict perceptionGood taste meant admiring quality while rejecting immoral enticements of sesx and violence in mass produced commercial cultureUpheld existing hierarchies of tasteGrowing antagonism between peron and catholic church made it less attractiveExaggerated even kitsch versions of bourgeois style CAN THIS BE THE DESCRIPTION OF BO?“Political Emotions and the origins of the peronist resistence” Cesar Sevesoemotions wer inextricable from exercise and contestation of power between peronist and anti peronist after overthrow of peronemotions structre the memories of those who participated in the only major pro peron popular uprising that followed coup in sept. humiliation to shame to anger and prideDaniel james explained bitterness, pride and sense of class solidarity shaped working class consciousness after 1955Emotional economy of anti peronists – vengefulness, righteousness and affirmation of manhoodLa nacion is anti peronistAlliance between anti peronists and churchAramburu and lonardi abolished celebration of October 17General aramburu prohibited images symbols signs doctrines articles and artistic works that could be construed by the government as propagating peronist ideologyRosario was the only place in argentina where massive pro peron against the coup took placeUse of bodies in the production of gendered emotionWomen were protecting statue of evita with bodies and they tore off their blouses and shirts to expose breasts in defiant gesture toward troopsFemale body enacted peronist’s cultural construction of emotionthreatening marching shirtless women exposing breasts is regendered transvestite version of descamisadosaramburu repression removing monuments and prohibiting words shameful objectperonists wanted to awaken dormant heretical memorymemories of survivors “Final Reflexions” Mariano Ben Plotkinperonism generated a strong system of symbolic exchange has an important political connectionnot at level of ideology where one should look for coherence in peron’s creation (see Menem and Kirchner)worker’s lives improved during Peron p.273 for statsbut he wasn’t against capitalism or private propertyplaza de mayo as one f the places of memory of argentinaand it became associated with peronismomachine of symbolic productionillusion of consensus but not in reality based on social symbolic spacein 1946 peron was the catholic candidatep.278 the emergence of Catholicism and peronismlook at grand probles but in context obscure enough to take the capital letters off them Elizabeth jelin personal recollections are immersed in collective narratives “Women in Argentina during the 1960s” Maria del Carmen Fijoo and Marcela M.A Nari translated by Luis A Fierro Latin American Perspectives issue 88 vol 23.1 winter 1996 7-26-August 19 downloaded from the U of A library - see the bibliography-women’s voices are missing. years of modernization and secularization p. 7p.8 brought substantial change article focuses on the middle classachieved an autonomycontraception and more freedomruptures and deeper continuitiesdaily life that influenced women began with cuban revolution and ended with may 1968 student movements and the argentine cordobazo- struggle for workers and studentsp9 Cuba created a left wing for peronism and nationalized the leftexclusion of peronist identity in 1955 and identification by many at trade union level and underground resistencerepeal of all legislation passed in previous powerIMF as the organizer of the economyperonism had allowed women to become visible as political actors-women’s branch of the party, the right to vote, las 13.010 quota and access to divorce were importantbut even so these changes were individual and did not go for all after Peron many women went to jailothers worked for the resistance in reproductive tasks- hiding and helping others outmany leftists were influence by sartre lefebvre and marcusemarxism became the lingua franca of the leftI WONDER IF THIS REALLY ONLY REFLECTS THE MIDDLE CLASS - INFLUENCED FROM THE CUBAN REVOLUTION AND MARXISM AND THESE VERY ELITE VERSIONS OF MARXISM - WHAT ABOUT THE LOWER CLASSES? THERE WAS A CLASS SPLIT- WOULD THEY HAVE BEEN JUST PERONIST?Frondizi -modernizing discourse with national, traditional and popular themes made him popular choiceFrondizi legalization of peronist party, end of political persecution and the restoration of CGTdecade was divided by the 1966 coup by OnganiaDi Tella - created in 1958 by funds provided by Siam Di Tella and later by Ford Foundationart that was pushing the limitsinterest in folklore- revision of the pastwomen joined the labour force to gain access to new forms of consumerismarmed forces were divided in Blues and Reds in regard to peronism -both were antiblues - saw peronism and nationalistic christian force that had liberated working class from influence of communism reds - saw peronism as violent sectarian class movement that can lead to communismin 1962 9 peronist candidates won in the provinces including BAFrondizi was deposed and replaced by Guido1963 Illia won with 25% of the vote1966 was coup by Onganiaadvances made by the unions was threat to bourgeoisieOngania disoved congress, provincial legislatures and political parties, magazines were banned and police chief was appointed guardian of morality and national universities taken over by policefocos would beginnew left to replace the complacent models set up by PeronCGT de los argentinos was a more radical union - creation of popular alliance of students and workerscatholic church priests - 1967 Movement of priests for the third worldmilitary intervention in universities drove students to popular and national oppositional campby the end of the decade guerrilla movements cordobazo 1969 -returning to democracy was not an option“women became enthusiastic because those strange clothes interpreted them fully: it was the exact uniform for expressing their disorientation, their desire to participate in an unprecedented era, their vehement need for independence.” (Confirmado june 9, 1966, 38, 43)men were still behaviour that was virile and depreciated womenuses the confent of magazines to analyze the role of womenmotherhood was still centralconservative sectors Federacion argentina de entidades democráticas anticomunistas FAEDAevolved into tradicion, familia y propiedad printed apocalyptic ads in the press predicting the end of society unless good morals were establishedpolice arrested long haired youth and women were not allowed to wear pantspolice would raid telos asking for proof of marital statusmarcha de la broncaliberalization was an imitation of model imposed by dominant classsocial and national goals priority over gendersecond sex was bourgeois for womenmontonera eva was being developed the specific gender component was neutralizedfeminism was distraction of the main struggle (people vs oligarchy, national vs imperialism)feminism came from higher classes and that’s why it was viewed as hostilechanges were ambiguous and threateningminiskirt was suspiciousresponse was reactionary from left and the right: monogamy, orthodox politics and customs, and new sexual morality (more critical of the bourgeois hypocrisy than its formsreproduced same relationships1970s space opened up autonomous feminism - drew ideas from marxism but adapted it to the private sphere1970s and 80s reproduced a deep questioning of power relationships between the sexes"A Discreet Revolution the New Sexual Paradigm in Buenos Aires (1960-1975)" Isabella CosseSecuencia 77 may-august 2010-particularidad en argentina El papel de la familia tiene que ver con el papel del estado y las elited politicas e intelectuales-el peso de la iglesia-mujeres redujeron los hijos que tenian – average decreased -generational questioning of family and domestic moral sexual-politics of peronismo and its distribution of wealth that allowed youth to forgo adult responsibility and spend more time studying, and in leisure activities-economic crisis of 50s nor fall of peronism interrupted this tendency-cultural effervescence happened in a time of advancement of authoritarian climate repressive and moralistic-transformations were limited to professional and intellectual circles-censorship and traditional reactions were maintained-article talks about how the changes affect the sexual paradigms focusing on three feonomenon – public treatment of sexuality, valorization of feminine virginity , and respect for sexual relations pre and extra matrimonial-60s opened a discreet sexual revolution (THERE’S NOTHING DISCREET ABOUT SARLI)-mid 50s sexual paradigm was detrmined by religious, moral and medical discourses-Gino Germani – modernization with the moving into cities- new type of family- urban modern family-tabus were seen as backward, patriarchal and arcaicMariano Plotkin – psychoanalysis new language and system of ideas to understand sexuality-psychoanalysis expanded in th eicty of BA – new experts in the field of psychology-new studies came out that referenced Kinsey report, etc.-magazines editorial were affirming the importance of sexual pleasure and were not restricting themselves to the matrimonial relationships-linked to sexual education – insitutions and individuals (psychoanalysts) p124-sexuality was present from birth-feminism was all over the press but it was weak-even though there were movements p.125- second wave-church had developed organizations at the end of the 40s due to its conflictive relationship with Peronismo to reaffirm customes and marriage legitimate and heterosexual- names of organizations p.125- 1960s against abstract moral decline but also concrete practices such as mini skirts premarital sex and telos2nd Vatican council – opened relationships between laicos and sacerdotes but this did not affect morality1965 sexuality era un don de Dios- created body and soul and differentiated between woman and manyouth conducted towards virginity, celebate and matrimony-magazine Claudia since it appeared in 1957- actualizada y moderna-emphasized masturbation part of sexual development- female pleasureSatiricon- aparecio 1972 – humoristic popular mag reflected these ideas in a humoristic way-Claudia- encuesta – youth less education accepted the idea of sex before marriage p.129-long history of extramatrimonial births- popular sectors- -virginity was questioned by new stream of free women by 1970-sex as a preparation for marriageRodolfo Kuhn Los jovenes viejos- critical face of sexuality- changed by the end of the 60sAdan – imitation of playboy for the professionals- reinforced virility-beginning of the 70s – when sex and flirting expanded- broke the natural association between legitimate sex and matrimony- now necessary to figure compatability, normal for love-psychology and sociology – new ideas that would change the attitude on sin and prohibition-homosexuality was a desviacion – psychological perversion and unbalance-many fissures meant different forms of rupture-gradual transformation “Myth Turned Monument: Documenting the Historical Imaginary in BA and Beyond,’ Karen Bishop-interesting article about inaccessibility of history-“our view of history is untenable, for Benjamin, because it makes room only for archiving of progress or the progression of archiving, -does not allow for the possibility of history does not reinvent itself- is in fact one single catastrophe – does not move us forward but entraps us in ta conceptual and ethical standstill, the confines of which we perceive to be the limits of humanities instead of what limits humanity“it makes sense, then that any project involved in redefining how we construct history should seek out alternate forms and versions of historical documentation, and that fiction is valid venue for the production of history.” 155-what is not there what we cannot attest to- turning that access into the only evidence we can access-inconsistencies in any attempt at documenting the past-historical because it proved a moment inaccessible to history“Sexualizing Youth: Morality Campaigns and Representations of Youth in Early 1960s” Valeria Manzano between Oct 1960 and may 1961- arrests made on youth – rhetoric was to defend youth from indecencyjuly and November 1966 – second morality campaign –harras and arrest females who wore miniskirts and young boys with long hairinspections of places where rock and roll bands playedfrom 1950s youth locus of hopes and concerns in Argentina, especially BAfrondizi accelerated modernization of country- include argentina as one of the developed nations- reserved for youth a paramount role- represented modernizationperon was not modern early 1960s aesthetic projects claimed as signs of renewals and symbols of youthrebellion in private contestation of sexual normsnot one comprehensive study on youth – simple one sided perception of 1960s path to sexual freedomdiscourse of youth started in 1950s and part of Frondiziearly 60s youth and sex were intertwinedanxieties and concerns that youth awoke during these rebel dayshow did middle class teenagers become sexualizedin early 60s anxieties of effects about modernization and fears about penetration of communism into minds and bodies of youthin first campaign raided middle class neighbourhoods in both campaignsmade the youth a distinct middle class categoryfrom innocent youth to lost youthcampaigns acted as prelude and paved way for repression in the decade that followed19th century prostitutes and homosexuals became targets of surveillance and repressiondanger for the health of the national body and sexual activities had to be regulated to ensure nuclear family (Donna Guy)arrest of more than 400 homosexuals and signed a decree authorized reopening of bordellos in 1944bordellos and casa de citas remined open with telos during mid 50sdiscontent articulated through the notion of excess- attack on excess“excess highlighted the theatricalizatin of the moral drama that was supposed to impress BA society and were a the core of the moral panic” 441middle class family ideal of respectability and stability to prevent social chaos and cultural decayleagues p 442 activally contributed to morality campaignArgentine Patriotic League – 1919 as an anti-labour movementNational council of minors protection the surveillance of cinemas and other places of public spectacle Both of these sought to complement or enhance police activityThe league of family mothers supporter INTERESTING LINK TO MOTHERSYouth fragility and innocence- transitional position made them vulnerable to sex temptationYouth as a problemCatholic family front or national council of minors’ protection and federal policePeronism achieved its peak in 1959- large scale strikes and political radicalization of vast sectors of labour movementCommunism and youth were both equal in dividing the attentionTwo greatest threat in society and especially its Weak members Confine youth in safety of middle class homes which needed to be safeguardedThe youth as a metaphor of hope became target of concern and suspicionImmorality, delinquency, communism could prescribe its mark IMPORTANT FOR BODuring this period crucial for history of sexuality – new subject was born whose sexuality would become a new explicit object of scrutiny and public problematization Innocent youth represent locus of dangerous sexuality1962 Caggiano- “the deviation and perversion of the moral sense” gravest problem of timein particular pernicious effects of cinema and TV on catholics’ morals and ideas of family p447concerned to increase presence in censorship apparatus and educating parentshonorary council – permanent members 7 representatives of catholic family front including family mothers and family farhters and of note national council of minor’s protectionrepresentation of a sexualized but prudent normal youth emberged in 1960smain objective of ongania was to combat communism1955 to 1966 public universities had become significant sites for discussing and developing modernizing projects new mayor of BA Col. Enrique Schettini launched a campaign to struggle against all that affected Christian sense of familypg 457 connection between sexuality and communismexplicity linked communism to immorality but also reinscribed in youth behaviorsexualized youth constructed by liberal modernizing actors in early 60s turned out to be incarnation of evil that affected the national being in 1960-61 campaigns there was an explicit consent but not in 1966in 1966 all youth were targeted discontent was heard and Maragaride and Urien resignedconvergence of working class and students organization crucial lead to fall of onganiawhat she argues is that youth and sexuality were interrelated problemsyouth and sex were site different agents projected ansieties fears and hopes argentine revolution sexualized subject already had the evils only solution was repression late 1960s youth would be defined by its revolutionary politics and not its sexualitysexuality was repressed againTRUE AND WHY PERONISMO AT THAT TIME DISTANCES ITSELF FROM BOBeatriz Sarlo, La pasion y la excepcion talks about Spinoza about the body 1980talks about the double body of the king kantorowiczel proyecto politico de arambaruagamben Homo sacerthis book brings together the disappearance of Eva Peron’s cadaver, the assassination of Ararmburu and some of JL Borges’ storiesbegins by talking about Eva Peron una lumpen fascinante e inmortal realiza fantasi de todas las prostituas las ofendidas y las humilladasgrandiosidad del melodrama y del campreferences Copi – la excepcionalisdad de Eva peron es el tema alguien que defiende su cuerpovestidos de Paco Jaramandurumelodrama vestido cuerpo teatrocombinacion de elementos communes la convierte en un personaje para un scenario Nuevoexceptionalidad hubo un fuera de lugar y una pasión clise hipérbole y redundancia lengua peronista fundación se separaba por el exceso de sociedades de beneficencia cuerpo emblemático del régimen, traductor de la necesidades de unos en acción de otros, de los deseo en respuestas, de los afectos en lealtades, cuerpo puentehipérbole dice la verdad exagerándola no miente presenta una modalidad estética cultural de slos atributosdesde la escena de la pop cultura en la de las políticas de masashasta 1943 es invisiblerubia y muy delgadahacia cosas excepcionales tuteaba a los hombres se mezclaba en las discusiones de poder siempre que es fotografiada junto a mujeres de políticos o militares es la mas joven y es distintacara original con el vestimentono es graciosa ni suave ni lánguida se parece a los estilos modernos del cinemujer no normalpeinado con pelo tirante es únicaentre 1943 y 1945 empeiza a distinguirse por el estiloPeron eligio un dise?ador para evita Jaumandreu Las memorias de Paco Jaumandreu- tiene sensibilidad campPieza de la maquina que monto un espectáculo Le dio el look ultramoderno ese look garbo de Eva Peron tuvo la idea de perfeccionar la imagen de evita Entre garbo y Audrey hepburnCuerpo sin curvas cada vez mas delgado Con el traje sastre Intercesora representatnte puente interprete y escudo de peronCuerpo es auratico tiene esta palabra en los escritos de benjhamin produce autencidad por su sola presencia – su relación con el peronismo esta encarnada y es únicaCuerpo de eva da cuerpo a las sociedad de los peronismstas y a la sociedad de los opositores- el peronismo fue una identificación No basaba su poder en las instituciones sino en los sindicatos y un dispositivo cultural y propoaganidstico Fundación eva peron remplazo a todas las sociedades beneficencias especialmente la de la oligarquía pero era una instituicion publica independiente del gobierno rama del estado Abundancia del cuerpo – estado de abundanciaCuerpo político solidad indestructible percepción llena de contradicciones – ocupación de eva por un espíritu masculinoUna gracia que cae sobre la tiera y lo convierte en cuerpo publico cuerpo de la políticaTonalidad religiosa que une a eva con el peronismoEncuentro con peron como una conversiónEva como una película estrellaMovimiento que la pone mas alla del buen gusto – con las vestidos y joyas Exceso queda adherido a un cuerpo donde se ha investido el poder *CAMPLa ficción del régimen: por un lado la mujer humilde e ignorante por otro la manifestación concreta del régimen peronista Mostraba la posibilidad de obtener esa belleza para el puebloGestualidad original La enfermedad le dio un pathos que es trágico y sublimeSu belleza se ajusta a canones futuros – es una excepción Cuerpo ocupado por la política – con su cuerpo dijo mas que lo que dijo Opuesto a la natural gesticularidadNo hay limite entre lo privado y lo publico Montonera porque encontró dos temas la juventud transparente y volutad política contra los obstáculos 2 cuerpos político y material – se arceca a lo sublimela infinitud de los sublime se alcanza solo por el camino del exceso pasionaldoble cuerpo: restos materiales conservado en cima de su belleza que la muerte había transformado en sublime y representacin de una autoridad de un tipo de régimen tanto el amor y el odio identificaron lo mismo en ese cuerpo que los dos bandos quisieron poseer para siempreEma Zunz de Borges – venganza- medio de la vengaza se convierte en fuente de conocimiento Actua en exceso – el vengador informe a la victimaCuerpo con vida propia- deleuze y Spinoza los desconocido del cuerpo Cuerpo que debía ser instrumento se convierte en causa de sus actosExcepcional el asesinato de aramburu porque solo había un ex presidente de la revolución que había derrocado a peron condenándolo al ostracisimmo y robado el cuerpo mistico del movimiento nacional encarnado en el cadáver de Eva Por eso es un hecho excepcional y pasional de la venganzaes un hecho fundacional baustimal, identicatorio y pedagógico2 hechos eran importantes: fusilamiento de junio de 1956 “reparación por los asesinatos de junio del 56” y el robo del cadáver de eva y el golpe que preparaba aramburu para suceder a onganiarespuesta de peron fechada el 20 febrero de 1971 –se intificara la lucha y hara necesaria la integralidad de los medios toda la simbología peronista se reordeno en ese acto que independientemente de los móviles de quienes lo realizaron fue un momento incandescente de pasión política violencia y pecado teología de ambos montoneros surge de este cruce histórico de la radicalización política con la religiosanombre de montoneros sale de esa tradición y tiene resonancias plebeyas y nacionales la montonera es la formación gaucha original operación aramburu fue su marca de nacimiento y con ella la organización demostró las virtudes sobre las que sostendría una segunda guerra de independencia nacionalidea de construir un cuerpo colectivo el cuerpo combatiente que trasciende los cuerpos de cada uno de los combatientes vivos o muertos afirma la unidad política y moral cuerpos cansados no vencidos de combatientes populares carne de nuestra carne …venganza es aceptada cuando no hay otra posibilidad de lavar una injuria antes las institucionesacto de venganza es criminal cuando existe la posibilidad de un acto despersonalizado de justiciapara Borges el ethos del coraje como un valor premodernodefinen un imaginario ese ethosla era de la venganza es pasional y concreta la era de la justicia es intelectual y abstractaexcepción es una especia de la exclusión es un caso singular que esta excluido de la norma general – Agambenexcepcion para fundar las bases de un nuevo ordenamiento de ideas como de mitos divide un antes y un después anormalidad por su carácter de irrepetible robo de un cadáver solo puede cerrarse con una humillación dea magnitud equivalentese toco un limite- institución judicial es formalista abstracta antipopular ciega la venganza es una justicia sustancial, concreta, popular y sensible a la magnitude de los crímenes cometidosmontoneros es una vanguardialos montoneros quedan unidos a esa figura la de evita revolucionaria cuya imagen consolidan en sus carteles y consignas se fundo un mito político todo parecía posibleBorges presenta el movimiento pasional de la muerte buscada siguiendo las reglas de un arteMezcla de enfrentamiento barbaro y contenida formalidad del trato es un ideal estético- civilidad del estilo criollo distancia respetuosa e ironica = understatment borgeano Rechaza el understatment – el exceso El saber de los cuerposConclusion: el cadaver de Eva y el secuestro de aramaburu trabajo al mismo tiempo sobre el cuerpo de su victima y sobre el cuerpo de un mito nacional – compormetia el cuerpo del mito – actualizaba una historiaExcepcionalidad de eva tipologia feminina de época ; la excepción desde lo que falta y no desde lo que se tiene Secuestro de su cadáver tocal la sustancia material y simbolica del mito peronista y cuando los montoneros reclaman ese cuerpo en 1970 entienden que sus actos responden a ese sustrato imaginario del peronismo llegan desde afuera para colocarse en centro del movimiento What to read:Daniel James, Dona maria’s storySpektorowski, The Origins of Argentina’s Revolution of the rightZanatta, Del Estado liberal a la nacion catolica Sirven, Peron y los medios de comunicaciónconception of beauty “La nuevaolera Nuevos patrones de sexualidad y belleza en la television argentina” – Alina Mazzaferromodelos corpororales y la transfromacion de la imagen femeninalooks at El club del clan from November 10, 1962 on channel 13new and modern young body on TV1950s two stereotypes Pinky – 1958 became famous from commercials- sensualComo te quiero Ana – imitation of I love lucy – no sensualityHistory is inscribed in the bodyVery clean cutMen and women always wore different clothes – ie never both wearing pantsVery puffy and well groomed hairGestures – romantic look frentetic movements – pop and hair dressingDesire to be successful BUT also to find a man to marryCarreras did the El club del clan moviesFilosofia y letras was radical Man represents rupture – so do the women but not entirelyEnd matrimony always wins – like Dorris Day and Rock HudsonSexuality is only kisses- body limited especially from the waist downTv shows youth outside all social conflict – sign of renovation, modernity and newness on screen but it’s the same strategy to bring a familial and conservative messageWomen – can show legs, rebel against parents, etc BUT limit to such a rupture and not very different from antecedentsThese youths are inofensivos, rebels but not really threatening the old generations- conservative when it comes to sexualityVioleta Rivas- rebels in form – does not confront ideals of parent’s generationThey are offscreen in 1969 after Woodstock, French may, el cordobaza, youth political movementsALL THE STUDIES THAT LOOK AT THE PERIOD SEEM TO BE POINTING OUT THAT REBELLION FROM THE YOUTH WAS NOT AS RADICAL AS ONE WOULD THINK. THERE WAS MEASURED CHANGE. MAYBE BECAUSE THE NATION WAS NOT READY FOR TOO MUCH CHANGE AT ONCE. In this very tense environment where players were scared to make changes – the ones who tried were mainly stopped by the censors.Nini Marshall: el humor como refugio - Marily Contreras1941 Walt Disney comes to Argentina as embasador and tells CIAA that they have no intention of cutting ties with Germany or Italy1943 the coup campaign to correct the language – change the way popular classes spoke – lunfardoen medio del rodaje de la pelicula de 1943 se presentaron unos jerarcas del gobiernoprohibited since 1943Apold who has worked for Argentina Sono Film becomes head of the Secretaria de prensa and dictates what should run and what notEvita did not like her Nini Marshall: Artesana de la risa Spoken Spanish was scrutinized – proper speech was expected on the radioShe refused to see Juan Duarte who was friends with Fanny NavarroShe had offers from Hollywood, mexico, etc.Censorship and black lists were not existent according to justicialismo – seemed that the final decision came to EvaShe was told by Mentasti that she could not continue making films for them- Eva had demanded itTo get more film – Eva gave them the condition that they could not use MarshallShe tried to see Peron but Juan Duarte said that she would see him – “Senora, dice el senor Duarte que se acuerde cuando en un fiesta de pitucos, vestida de prostitua imito a su Hermana.” She denies itOn her return she received a call from Raul Appold Director of Prensa – he asked her why she didn’t work in the country – she told him why – he said that that was impossible becasuse Peron always admired her- he showed her a card dated 1943 apologizing for not being present at premier of CarmenAfter this Argentina changed and there were persecutions like Hugo Del Carril, Juan Carlos Thorry and his wife Analia GadeTango y cine nacional -el negro Ferreyra fue el primer director argentine que alcanzo un exito masivo con libertad lamarque Compa?eros – Pablo Hernandez Eva Duarte- actrices de radio y cine – foco para la clase obrera especialmente las mujeres de clase pobreAntena en mayo de 1939 foto de Eva DuarteClase obrera menos tabues sexualesEco has an essay about bad tasteHugo del carril- had a relationship with peron – one of the passengers of the charter which brought peron in 1972Jaramandreu- he was threatened Sarli became peronista since Meant social climbingLeonardo FavioLa cultura Popular del peronismoRevolution 1943 – contradictory- mccarthyist persecution of leftCampaign of moralizing on the radioLeave the arrabalPeronismo meant something more organic from the massesArgentine film was seen as something lowlyWhen was el trueno filmed? Before September 1955?Abel posse argues that 1955 meant the death of cinema because it was related to the massesHugo del Carril was the most important filmmaker of peron’s timeJune 1944 first decree to protect the cinema by Secretaria de trabajo y presionFirst decade of peronismo – film – many decrees that contributed to its expansionAt beginning of 1955 prohibited from entering the country virgin filmCensorship was not as powerful as self censorshipPueblo especially the interior was best represented by the industry from 1945-1955It’s height“Porno –Revolution el fiord and the eva peronist state” John Kraniauskas El Fiord shows a peronist unreason as a kind of perverse, cruel theatre that enacts yet another argentine revolution nota proletarian revolution but a porno revolution which reinstalls peronist lawFigure of eva peron her image as a woman of the state that grounds and centres the languages of lamgorhini’s violently illuminating reflectionSemiotic regime articulating and rearticulating connecting and reconnecting social forces Body of eva peron a woman of the capitalist state?Her body and spectral memory came to symbolize the potential operation of democratizing, hegemonic, incorporation of the working class and women in modern and corporativist argentina and overthrow – contradictory process of simultaneous poticial mobilization and containment- symptomatic excessIn criticism eva peron is only a key to interpreting her husband but her cultural effects have been the object of important literary scrutinyPeronisms literary unconscious not photographic but audio visual cinematic active in the spectacular constitution of peronismBorges and Bioy carnivalises peronism Lamboufhini remains obsceneLogic of political representation fod into logics of culture industry and sentimentally eroticized formats of melodramaHer aura is pot auratic, mechanical, aura a mediascape endowing her with tantalizing presene of star and commodityState apparatus became theatre emptied by the revolutionCarnivalesque about El fiord’s violent representation of sexualityMaternal body as a support of unconscious imaginary Strengthens law by dissmention from public square to privateFigure of evita montonera holds general’s authority in placeNEITHER EVA NOR SARLI EVER HAD CHILDREN – not mothersInfedelities: Morality, Revolution, and Sexuality in Left-wing guerrilla organizations in 1960s and 1970s argentina – Isabella Cosselike how she sets up the methodology section shows intricacies of different periods of organization talks about class and gender as they become large issues and factorslooks at role played by sexuality in construction of evolutionary morality as key dimension for understanding left wing guerrilla groups active in Argntina contrast to Europe and US sexual changes were foster by “permissive moment in Argentina the traditional family was challenged against backdrop of rusing authoritarianism moral crusades and deteriorating social and economic conditionsmembers from guerrilla groups held strong views on family, sexuality, relationshipscompulsory heterosexualityexalting virility and promoting ideal image of revolutionary couple heterosexual and monogamousGOOD READS PAGE 417Three approaches; 1. heterogeneity of sexual morality 2. Porous lines separated world of activisim from wider culture 3. Diachronic reconstruction of different historical moments Thesis – sexuality dense area of conflicts – p.418P.419 her methodology nicely explainedYoung people middle and working class lead to growing social and political unrestGuevarra’s image embodies an eroticized virility as a way of loving that fell outside the bourgeois family She talks about the Christian origin in these organization sSacrifice was glorified tied tradition of Christianity to the left like CheFamily was sacred for leaders of the north who were still influencde by Catholicism 1969 cordobazo like student movements in paris, mexico, and Montevideofounding members were influenced by Christian tradition and had met carlos mujica a major activist for the poor in 1960s argentina priest and liberation theologistthe new man cannot be irresponsiblevalue placed on infidelity owed to Christian seual morality and peronist tradition as loyalty celebrated loyalty day was anniversary of peronist movementhigh value on self restratint by 1970 antiestablishment line was not limited to polticsnorthern provices provided bulk of new crecruits1975 half members under 25 years old and 2/3 under 40, ? were women, and even number from working and middle class familieshector campora even encouraged destape sexual – new discussions on divorce and greater visibility of feminist and homosexual organizations only lasted 49 days and no messures were taken in these areashomophobia was widespread and viewed as threat to internal securitymacho stereotype was still powerful romantic fidelity and poltical loyality entwinedmany turned to sex as release and experimentation but leaders saw this as a need to discipline and reulate these behaviourssome still saw women as weaker sex and would challenge the male powerimposing punishment on women- unfair treatment of womenthis return meant the questioning of many issues in regard to sex but peron foused as in his first first two presidences on imaortance of the family as foundation of society and celebrated a domestic life for womn pronatalist tradition and decree that restricted the sale of contraceptives and meant triumph of the catholic churchbut the reality was that sexual freedom existed and it wasn’t limited to mensource of disagreement among montoneros contradiction between moral uprightness and actual experience which favored more open fluid and fleeting couplingby 1975 montoneros were imposing strict rules of personal conduct and applying harsh penalites to anyone who deviatedexaltation of heterosexual virility which counteracted the right’s portrayal of guerrillas as effeminates and drug addictsOctober 1975 consejo nacional montoneros decided to implement a political strategy adopted the codigo de justicia penal revolucionario Article 16 defied infidelity as having sexual relations with someone other than one’s partner and equated it with crime of disloyaltyIn 1972 precedent code where infidelity was not addressed HOW THE VIEW ON SEXUALITY CHANGED WITHIN THE REGIME DIFFERED FROM SPRING STEP BACKWARDSHad to do with security concern and selfishnessPersonal became political Concern that sexual behavior could effect military strategies and glorified family values and heterosexuality as a way of countering the accusations of Immorality and sexual excess Different tensions, interest and visions were at play in conflicts created around sexualityGender inequality and class differences were interwovenThree key moments: 1. origins of organizations combining these elements with loyalty 2. Growing explosion of sexual conflicts because growth of membership especially women 3. Escalating repression and state violence and terrorism Sexual violence that came with torture –organizations confused romantic infidelity with political treason and exert greater control over members – for those with whom affection love and sex was the only weapon they had to make them feel that life was possibleI LIKE HOW SHE WEAVES THIS STORY – DOES NOT SEE YOUTH AS COMPLETELY CONTESTORY – SHE STAYS AWAY FROM THIS ARGUMETN AND CONCENTRATES ON OTHER ISSUES THAT GET THE CRUX OF THE PROBLEM BY SHOWING THE COMPLEX INTERRELATION THAT THIS ISSUE CAN CREATEJuventud y modernizacion sociocultural en la argentina de los sesenta – Varia Manzanojuventud es una categoria sociocultural que se constitutyo en relacion con la expansion de la escolarizacion y la cultura del consume gano relevancia como promesa de cambioextension de espacios de ocio y conumo y la concomitante juevnilizacion de la cultura de masas y como se imbricaron con la redifinicion de las relaciones de genero y de moral sexualcultural contestaria1951 la ligas de madres y padres – defender la familia que veian amenazada por los medios 1960 participaron de la creacion de organizacion Americana de salvaguarda moral (sexualidad y la politica se veian como igual) p.366guardians de la moral y la costumbres60s la juventud como agentes de cambiomas educados y mas mujeres educados entre 1956 y 1966 see page 371 for statsbrought about creation of CONICET and creation of new degrees at UBAthere was a bohemian culture around the UBA and these faculties revolucion argentina was a break with university lifemass culture was becoming youngreaction against rock had nothing to do with race as in US but sexualityClub del clan was central for juvenization of mass cultureShowed how a young man can overcome circumstances and gain fameEl club del clan Embodied mersa – de mal gusto Jeans locally made used by working class had social and sexual attitudes that were threateningVaqueros and jeans – had to do with good taste and badRock and long hair return to consumption and seen as an actor with own strengthsWomen contributed to changing sexual morality Would leave home by changing relations between men and women and experimenting with sexualityJoined the work force – see stats p.381 and also went to schoolWore mini skirts and pants including jeans show a new relationship with their bodies a disposition to exhibit them more openly linking to the transnational rock movementAuthority demanded hacerse hombre 1969 cutting hair demanded by school authorities promoted respect to hierarchy and respectability of bodyduring 1960s more people were in school – high school and university – and consolidation of new forms of consumption and sociability youth experience more homogenous than in other periods also for expectation of social mobility but the world was becoming more authoritarian women who better embodied the generational divide – their expectations were further from their mother’s than that of boys and their fathersSARLI BO HAD ASPECTS OF THIS REBELION BUT IN MIDDLE OF REPRESSION THIS REBELION HAD TO BE SOFOCADA BY TRADITIONAL ELEMENTS WITH EVERYTHIGN THAT WAS HAPPENING IT’S SIMPLE TO DEFINE A TEXT AS REBELIOUS BUT NOT OF A WHOLE OEUVRE BECAUSE OF CENSORSHIP AND DIFFERENT PERIODS Films:El trueno entre las hojas (1956)-made one year after Peron was exiled and coup against him- film is about a man who arrives in Paititi -Roa Bastos novel-problem with the myth of her body and her -she was suppose to have secondary status in the film it was really about social issues-but she became a sensation-it’s true that Bo had an intention to do the first argentine nude-movie has guarani language-first film duo made and it was a coproduction – see chapter 5Analyze the first shot of SarliShots of the Indians- being shot by the people-first shot of Isabel Sarli’s body19 min an indigenous woman who is nakedpatron calls her viboraSabaleros -shot in 1958-Agusto Roa Bastosgauchos in water on horsesfishermanshe is wearing a dress but she is working hard as is everyone elserepresentative of humility and hard work of country folk.wearing pantstreated poorly even though she is the boss’ daughtershe still has to worklunfardoshe takes a bath in lake as the worker looks at hernaked in the waterfolklore musiclots of cutsstampeded by horses - idea that they are horses the masses- later told that they are horsesAngelica and Bruco fight on the beach -film from above - cat fight mud lots of windshe almost diesscene where she does really get sick and a mention in Fuego about the same thingwhen she looks in the mirror the mirror is broken and she puts on a piece of jewelry that anglia finds in the waternude scenes and attempted rapewhat was cutpoor humble hardly speaks India-3rd movie-lost but found 5 decades laterabout race thanks to Paraguay and aborigines and Missions-distance from the racial problem -Viruta a criminal struggles in the wilderness to escape-goes to Missiones-in guarani? with subtitles-beginning makes the connection between paraguay and missions-and the aborigineswomen wore nothing on top and yet she had to wear a dressshe blends in as an indian womanshe is a mix- her father had a white wife and Ansise is the product of thatpaz y amor entre indios y blancoslas piedras -edificiostodos tengamos comida y paz y no haya desgraciashows them a treasure - treasure taken by the white manshe catches him taking the jewelsbut she cures his evilnessshe bathespara voswatch her dance - see how others watch herdreaming she is bathing in waterfall and red circles covering her she is naked in the dance sequencered spirals so that you can’t really seemakes you want to see moreindian takes her awaysets the forest on firehe says seras mia y nadie mashe doesn’t learn native tonguedies and before this asks for redemption -christian momentwhite people can cure hertakes her awaysee a waterfall they have to jumpsee the iguana fallsand all its beautytakes her to the hospitalneeds to rest cross in the hospital above her headhe works for moneyshe gets out- oh my god wearing alpargatasis arrested by the inspectorbut asks to take Ansises to her fatherselva mas cruel de piedra que hace mal a los hombresel destino siempre nos alejaits not Bo who is the protagonistthey have to be apart the inspector looks at them Dardo and Ansiseme equivoque muchacho no era vos a quien buscabaanda no mas ends with the two going back to the IndiansY el demonio creo a los hombres – get from officeFavela – get from officeLa burrerita – on youtube- he becomes the author of the filmLujuria tropical – don’t haveLa diosa impura – get from officeLa Leona –do not haveLa mujer del Zapatero- get from officeLos dias calientes –beginning on youtubeLa tentacion desnuda – on youtubeLa senora del intendenteLa mujer de mi padreCarneDesnuda en la arenaFuegoExtasis tropicalEmbrujada – on youtubeFiebreIntimidades de una cualquieraFuria infernal – on youtubeEl sexo y el amorLa diosa virginUna mariposa en la nocheInsaciableEl ultimo amor en tierra del fuego – pelicula completaUna viuda descocadaWhat the films have in common with peronism:Trace the image of the body from 1950s to 1960s to 1970sShift from face to the body that takes place in 1960s and in Sarli and Bo’s workShow that there are different phases in the work of Bo - early phase with more ingenue thought about love but it also had clear distinctions about workers, the provinces, and marginalized indiansno sex in the early days only images of sarli nakedshift from morality to sex and independence and from workers to youth culture takes place in the films of sarli and boWhat I will be doing:Arguing that we need to understand Peron in order to understand Bo/Sarli. Their work arises at a time when Peron was exiled and coincides with the exile, return, and end of the dictatorship. This time is a volatile time in Argentine history and to understand this history one will understand how popular culture is both a reflection of this history and a construction of it. I will also be arguing that this time, when Peronism, was outlawed, society experiences many shifts that can be seen in the films of Bo/Sarli. In many ways Bo/Sarli are tied to peronism. They borrowed from its tradition (melodrama-Karush) and appealed to its base (cabecita and workers- where were they popular?-greater BA and la plata) in many ways Bo’s films (social justice, melodramas, plight of the marginal) and his persona (anti intellectualism) were very much in line with peronism and could easily be seen as such by peronism’s opponents. i am suggesting that perhaps the difficulty he had with the censors would be in part because of this reason. But this is a complex question and only really applies to part of his work, the part that was his early work, before the exported mass produced products being sold by colombia pictures international. StateChurch- understand the problematic relationship that the movement had with the church which will impact the policies of the revolution libertadora that would follow peron. problematic relationship with women- beauty contests and beauty defined but also - domestication that does not exist in the films of bohow taste is constructed and what role they have in this constructionopponents would easily associate bo’s films with peronism but would peronism support bo?Body and female pleasureI am hopefully finishing a book about the sexploitation duo, director Armando Bo and star Isabel Sarli who made soft-core sex films in the 1960s and 1970s, a very volatile period in Argentine history. I link their work, which coincides with the fall of Juan Domingo Peron until the end of the last dictatorship, to the popular and populist imaginary at the time and use archives (those that exist and those that have conveniently disappeared) to understand the reasons behind the censorship that was taking place in their films. In this way, by historically grounding their work in new archival research, I am making a case for the value of studying their popular and populist appeal. ................

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