West Virginia Conservation Agency

Little Kanawha Conservation District

Board of Supervisors Meeting

October 11, 2018, 10:00 a.m.

Mill Run Agricultural Service Center, Parkersburg, WV

Attending were:

* Supervisors Attending ( Supervisors by Conference Call

Ivan Banks, Ritchie County

*Bob Buchanan, Wood County

*Dexter Graham, Wood County

*Mike Nichols, Ritchie County

*Sam Sheets, Roane County

( Thanh Ashman, Roane County

*Roger Shaver, Wirt County

*Roseann Adams, Wirt County

Others attending or ( Others by Conference Call:

Mikayla Hayes, LKCD

Jeff McGrady, DNR

Delmas Carr, Associate Supervisor

Jerry Waybright, Associate Supervisor

DJ Allen, LK RC&D

Matt Murphy, NRCS

Nick Beaver, NRCS

Kaitlyn Murphy, WVCA

Kim Fisher, WVCA

Chuck Copeland, Forestry

Mary Murdock, Forestry

Jessica Nichols, WVCA

Call to order & Pledge of Allegiance

Meeting called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Mike Nichols. Pledge led by Delmas Carr and recited by all.

Introduction of Visitors – Joseph Pring

District Business

Minutes of Previous Meeting –

Bob Buchannan moves to approve the minutes from the September Board Meeting and seconded by Roger Shaver. Majority approved. Motion carried. Please see appendix A.

Approval of Financial Reported Items

• Have the audit coming up soon. The cost will be $2,500.00.

Bob Buchannan approved to file the financials for audit and seconded by Roger Shaver. Majority approved. Motion carried. Please see Appendix B.

Approval of Cooperators

Agreements – None

Terminations – None

Correspondence – Non-Action Items

• Ag Day Banners: Change the white lettering to black for the top of banner 2. Change invasive to invasive species. Please see Appendix C.

• Potesta: Mikayla Hayes informed the supervisors of receiving the mussel study year 1 invoice. Please see Appendix D.

• LOR Update: Mikayla Hayes reported that we have received most of all the LOR’S last Thursday.

Correspondence – Action Items –

• Norma Collins- Resignation letter: Please see Appendix E. Bob Buchanan moves to accept Norma Collins resignation letter and to send it off to the State Community and seconded by Roger Shaver. Majority approved. Motion carried.

• 2019 Appalachian Grazing Conference: Please see Appendix F. Roger Shaver moves to accept to pay $1,000.00 to the 2019 Appalachian Grazing Conference and seconded by Sam Sheets. Majority approved. Motion carried.

• Ritchie Gazette Invoice: Please see Appendix G. Bob Buchanan moves to approve to pay the Ritchie Gazette invoice from the equipment being posted in the paper and seconded by Roseann Adams. Majority approved. Motion carried.

Report of Agencies and Others

LKCD Associates Supervisors Report-

• Jerry Waybright reported that John Carr has passed away last Saturday. His Funeral is this Saturday in New Martinsville.

Field Staff Report, NRCS, District, Matt Murphy and Nick Beaver

• Working on a short signup for High Tunnels, ends October 12, 2018.

• 6 maybe 7 High Tunnels in Spencer and 7 or 8 in Parkersburg.

• This Friday is the last day for the first round of sign ups.

Field Staff Report, LKCD, Kaitlyn Murphy

• Finished up getting cooperators to come in and sign their contracts.

• Have 2 cooperators who didn’t sign contract.

• 1 haven’t heard from them and other was due to health issues.

• Audit for AgEP scheduled soon.

Field Staff Report, LKCD, Mikayla Hayes

• Income Sheet: Discussed- Please see appendix H.

• Check Stock: Please see appendix I. Reported that she had to send more checks to Guthrie while Jessica was out. Also, that all check stock is back in the building now.

• Listening Session: Discussed. Dexter Graham, Rose Ann Adams, Roger Shaver, Bob Buchanan, Sam Sheets, Nick beaver and Mikayla Hayes attended the event. District spent $112.00 on refreshments which will be reimbursed from Agency.

• Communication Call: Roseann and Mikayla attended. Discussion on Ag Banners, upcoming meetings, and what other districts are doing.

Field Staff Report, Forestry

• Fire season has started at the beginning of October 1 until December.

• Written report. Please see Appendix J.

Field Staff Report, WVCA

• Staff unable to attend. Written report. If any questions give her a call. Please see appendix K.

WV DNR, Jeff McGrady

• Deer in Wood County has tested positive for Hemorrhagic Disease. It’s not harmful to humans.

• No deer can be transported to Ohio for processing.

• General Mass is down, however the white oak mass in this area is up.

LK RC&D Report

• Project Sharing received more items for the warehouse.

• Have someone interested in using the greenhouse.

• Next meeting is October 25th 10:00 p.m.

• Sam Sheets attended the Mid-Atlantic RC&D Meeting in Frostburg, Maryland. He shared pictures from the event. They had built greenhouses on old strip mines and put raised beds in with old road signs. He enjoyed the tours and brought back lots of information.

Solid Waste Authority Report

• Wrapped up collecting items from the clean ups.

• Sponsoring different activities

• Thinks Solid Waste and Conservation District should work with Wild Turkey Federation and Duck Unlimited.

Special Items of Interest

Emergency Watershed Program/Stream Protection & Restoration Program

Nothing at this time.

North Fork Hughes River Updates & Issues

• Debris Removal Update – Discussion was held, decided not to accept the current bids, but to pursue with Tygart Valley Conservation District to do the job. Bob Buchanan made a motion to reject the current bids of $118,000.00 from JC Bossley Construction Inc. and $89,000.00 from Nehemiah Construction LLC and seconded by Rose Ann Adams, Majority approved. Motion carried. Bob will get in contact with Tygart’s Valley by the end of today. They will have until the end of November for the work to be completed.

• Sam Sheets suggested there needed to be a cage built around the riser to prevent problems with debris build up.

• Gas Well Update – Waiting on letter to be returned from Department of Agricultural.

• Mussel Study- Nothing at this time.

Local, National & State Meeting Report

Envirothon Committee

• Teacher Training kits, each high school gets 1, if 4-H groups or scout groups had a team they obtain 1 kit.

• Roane County plans to have 2 or 3 teams.

Grazing Conference Committee

Nothing at this time.

Grassland Committee

Nothing at this time.

Active District Committee Reports

Equipment Committee

• 4 Ton Conventional: Dexter Graham reported that we have got the PTO Shaft in. He plans to put on later this week. Then the 4- Ton will be back up and running.

• Weed Wiper: Dexter reported that we have the harness and tank ordered. Once they come in he will repair the equipment. During the winter months, plans to park the weed wiper inside the building.

• 2 Ton Lanco: Bid Opening: Have three bids: Andrew Boone $2,052.00, Jeffrey McElfresh $2,500.00, and Jean Freeland family $2025.00. Discussion was held and information on appraisals on Lanco Spreader from Bridgeport Equipment for $6,000.00- $8,000.00 and Middletown Tractor Sales for $5,000.00- $8,000.00 after discussion. Rose Ann Adams moved to reject the bids for the 2 Ton Lanco Spreader, to keep it and possibly sell at Spring Camp Barbe Auction and seconded by Roger Shaver. Majority approved. Motion Carried.

• Try to keep all the equipment from the LKCD office in Parkersburg at the fairgrounds in Wirt County. Roseann Adams will look into this.

Awards Banquet Committee

• Program Discussion: Mike Nichols as Master of Ceremony, Dexter Graham to lead Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation by Sam Sheets, Conservation Farm Awards done by each county supervisors, door prizes by Dexter Graham, and Benediction by Sam Sheets.

• We have 42 people who have RSVP.

Ag Enhancement Committee/Report

• We need to request a letter from Gary Mosor stating he was injured and was unable to accept his Exclusion Fencing with this sign up, so he will be able to sign up in the spring. Bob Buchanan moves to cancel Charles Stump agreement for not signing his contract and seconded by Sam Sheets. Majority approved. Motion Carried.

Budget Committee

Nothing at this time.

District Manager, Jessica Nichols

• She is working on getting caught back up to speed as to what is going on after her extended absence.

• Brought up the Athens Soil and Water Conservation District Tree and Wildlife Packet sales for district to think about tree sales. Please see Appendix K.

WVCA Report, Kim Fisher

• Discussed the Memorandum from Brain Farkas, needs on next month agenda for motion for travel and per diem. Please see Appendix L.

• Discussed written report. Please see Appendix M.

Closing Activities

Calendar of Events

District Board Mtg. – October 11th – 10:00 a.m. – Mill Run Ag Service Center, Parkersburg

Grassland Steering Conference- October 12th-10:00 a.m. - Sutton Office

Quarterly Meeting- October 15th-16th- Flatwoods

Education Meeting: October 23rd- Mount Claire- 10:00 a.m.

LKCD Banquet: October 23rd- 2 Runs Community Building- 6:00 p.m.

Communication Call: - October 24th- Skye- 9:00 a.m.

LK RC&D Meeting: October 25th- Mountwood State Park- 10:00 p.m.

Woman in Agricultural Conference- November 2-3rd – Oglebay Resort and Conference Center Wheeling

District Board Mtg. – November 13th – 10:00 a.m. - Mill Run Ag Service Center, Parkersburg

District Board Mtg.– December 13th – 9:00 a.m. – Mountwood Park Admin Bldg., Waverly

Dexter Graham moved to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Sam Sheets. Majority approved. Motion carried.

These minutes respectfully submitted by Roseann Adams, LKCD Secretary and Mikayla Hayes.

____________________________ ______________________________

Mike Nichols, LKCD Chairman Roseann Adams, LKCD Secretary

Date approved: ___________________


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