CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS - Springvale Baptist Church




Section 1. The name of this body shall be Springvale Baptist Church of Kershaw

County, Lugoff, South Carolina.

Section 2. The purpose of this church shall be to foster and maintain public worship,

to carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, and to promote Christian fellowship and growth among its members.


Section 1. The membership of this church shall be composed of persons who have given evidence of regeneration, who have been baptized by immersion, who have subscribed to the Covenant and Constitution of this church. They also must have a consultation with and have been recommended by the Pastor and/or an Administrative Deacon; and been received by a majority vote of the members.

Section 2. Members may be received upon public profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, by transfer of membership from another church of like faith and order, by statement satisfactory to the church to the effect that they have previously been members of a church of like faith and order, or by restoration.

Section 3. This church shall dismiss from its membership those who are removed by death, those who unite with churches of other faiths to which this church does not grant letters, credible evidence of membership in another church, those who request a transfer letter to a church of like faith and order, those who may request membership to cease, and those who are found guilty of unchristian conduct, and this only after due process of dealing with such members as hereinafter provided.

Section 4. Members shall be expected to be faithful in all the duties of the Christian life, to be regular in attendance at the services of the church, to give regularly and systematically to its support and to Kingdom causes and to share in its organized work.

Section 5. Members may be received into the fellowship of the church at any worship service.

Section 6. Any question as to qualifications or conditions of acceptance shall be resolved in the consultation with the Pastor and/or Administrative Deacons, with a recommendation to the church in conference as appropriate.

Section 7. NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION - New members of the church are expected to participate in the new member orientation.


Section 1. The primary officers of this church shall be Pastor, Administrative Deacons, Treasurer, Trustees, Clerk, Sunday School Director, Discipleship Director, and Vacation Bible School Director. The duties of these officers shall be those common to the office and in accordance with the Scriptures.

Section 2. This church shall have such other officers as wisdom and the Holy Spirit may direct to carry out the purpose of this church. The duties of such officers shall be those connected with the offices they fill and according to the instruction of the church.

Section 3. Election of all officers shall be in accordance with the plan of the church as hereinafter provided in the Bylaws.


Section 1. This church shall have committees appointed and approved by the nomination committee, the church, and deacons to carry out its mission. A full list of these committees can be found in the Church Policy Manual. The duties of these committees shall be those inherent with the name of the committee, and as described in the Church Policy Manual. The Pastor shall be an Ex Officio member of all committees.

Section 2. This church shall have such other committees as wisdom and the Holy Spirit may direct as necessary for carrying on the work of the church.

Section 3. Election of committees shall be in accordance with the plan of the church as hereinafter provided in the Bylaws.


Section 1. This church shall conduct regular worship services on each Lord’s Day and on Wednesday evenings. The Lord’s Supper shall be observed at least once each quarter. The church shall provide all necessary services for the educational, stewardship, missionary, evangelistic and promotional functions of the church.

Section 2. This church shall conduct regular business meetings on Wednesday night following the first Sunday of each month. If necessary, these may be changed by the Pastor or Moderator. The Chairman of Administrative Deacons shall serve as Moderator of the business session. In his absence, or upon his request, the Pastor, or some other person chosen by the church may serve as Moderator.

Section 3. Special business meetings shall be called by the Pastor; but in the event the pastorate is vacant, the Chairman of the Deacons shall call such meetings. Such called meetings must be announced at a service of the church at least one week prior to the called meeting and/or by written notice sent to the resident membership of the church at least one week prior to the called meeting. No matters shall be considered at the called meeting except those for which it was called and previously announced.


Section 1. This Constitution shall be considered adopted and in immediate effect when 2/3 of the members voting shall vote in favor of same.

Section 2. This Constitution may be amended, altered, or repealed by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at any regular business meeting of the church, provided that such amendment, alteration, or repeal be given to the clerk in writing and that such proposed change shall be presented to the church at least 30 days prior to the time the vote is taken.

Section 3. The adoption of this Constitution shall effect a repeal of all previously adopted rules in conflict herewith.



Section 1. The government of the church shall be in the hands of the members. Members present at a regular business session shall constitute a quorum. A simple majority of votes cast shall be sufficient for the adoption of any motion except those specifically requiring a 2/3 majority.

Section 2. The church year shall begin September 1 and end August 31. The fiscal year shall begin January 1 and end December 31.

Section 3. The church business meeting shall observe the following order of business:

A. Reading of Minutes

B. Report of Officers (i.e., S.S., D.T., W.M.U., Brotherhood, Treasurer, etc.)

C. Report of Committees

D. Old Business

E. New Business

F. Adjournment

Section 4. The church business meeting shall be guided by Roberts Rules of Order except in cases especially provided for in these bylaws.


Section 1. All officers and members of committees must be members of this church. All officers and members of committees except Trustees, Finance, Personnel, and Administrative Deacons shall be elected for a one year term, or until their successors shall be elected. Standing committees may be elected for

three (3) years.

Section 2. Three members of the Nominating Committee and the Sunday School

Director shall be recommended by the Administrative Deacons at the May business meeting each year and approved by the church. Nominations may be made from the floor. Upon approval by the church, these committee members and this officer will complete the Nominating Committee.

Section 3. The Finance Committee shall be a three member core, rotating committee

with members serving for a three year term. The Administrative deacons will recommend one person to fill the expiring term at the September business meeting each year. Nominations may be made from the floor. Upon approval by the church, these members along with the Treasurer and the Finance Deacon shall comprise the Finance Committee. The fiscal year’s budget shall be presented by the committee at the December business meeting for church vote.

Section 4. The Nominating Committee shall nominate the Clerk, Assistant Clerk,

Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Sunday School Secretary, Assistant

Sunday School Director, Discipleship Director, Vacation Bible

School Director and all members of committees except the Finance

Committee, Personnel Committee, and Nominating Committee. The nominations shall be presented at the August business meeting for church vote. The floor shall be open for nominations.

Section 5. The Pastor Search Committee shall consist of the Vice Chairman of Deacons, Sunday School Director, President of the choir, Chairman of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, and one member elected by the church. An alternate member shall also be elected by the church and shall participate in all activities of the Pastor Search Committee. The alternate member shall not vote however, unless one of the standing members of the committee is unable to continue to serve. In the event that one or more of the above named offices shall be vacant at the time of the creation of the committee, the church shall elect an additional member from the congregation for each vacancy. Such election shall be for service on the Pastor Search Committee only. The Chairman of Deacons shall call a special business meeting for the purpose of electing the necessary members mentioned above. The Chairman of Deacons shall also be responsible for calling the initial meeting of the Pastor’s Search Committee, at which time the working committee shall elect a chairman.

Section 6. The Personnel Committee shall be a six member rotating committee with members serving for a three year term. Two members will rotate off this committee each year. The Administrative Deacons will recommend two persons to fill the expiring terms at the September business meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor. The principle function of this committee will be to assist the church in administrative matters related to all employed personnel.

Section 7. Administrative Deacon Elections: Nominations for Administrative Deacons shall be submitted by the church from the second Sunday in June to the second Sunday in July. The church body shall be supplied with the nomination forms. The forms will be collected by the Administrative Deacon Nomination Team. This team will prayerfully review the nominations by the church, request completed assessments from those candidates that, in total, receive 95% of votes. and conduct interviews to insure that the individuals meet the qualifications for the position of deacon. Their list of nominees will be passed on to the Administrative Deacon Team for approval and the names of the candidates will be presented to the church for a vote by secret ballot the third Sunday of August (This date can be changed if necessary, but must be completed by the last Sunday of August).

Nominees for Deacon must meet the following requirements:

1) Comply with 1 Timothy 3 qualifications. 2) Must be a member of the church for a minimum of 2 years. 3) If divorced, at least 1 year from the legal date of the divorce must have elapsed. 4) Church Staff and Immediate Family Members of Church Staff are not eligible for service as an Administrative Deacon.

The shall be 12 Administrative Deacons. The term of office for an Administrative Deacon shall be three (3) years on a rotating basis. A retiring deacon is ineligible for service as such for a period of one year.

In the event of any vacancy, the procedure above concerning nomination

and election shall be used to fill such vacancy. A person so elected will be under the same restrictions of service as the predecessor.

Section 8. There shall be three (3) Trustees to hold in trust the title to all property of the church and to represent the church in all matters of legal responsibility subject to the action of the church. The term of office for a Trustee shall be three (3) years on a rotating basis. A retiring Trustee is ineligible for service as such for a period of one year. The Administrative deacons will recommend one person to fill the expiring term at the September business meeting each year. Nominations may be made from the floor.


Section 1. The church may subject discipline to its members who persistently refuse to live up to the standards of the Church Covenant. The church shall at all times abide by the scriptural methods and Spirit for handling such matters (Matt. 5:23 & 24 and Matt. 18:15 & 16).

Section 2. No member shall be dealt with except after efforts of the Administrative Deacons to bring about reconciliation and except that member has been informed of the specific charge against them and they have been cited to appear before the church and given an opportunity to answer. Exception to the above rule shall be when the member cannot be conveniently reached, in which case the summons may be made through a sealed communication by the Secretary of the Deacons.

Section 3. Should any member fail to give satisfaction to the church concerning any charge, or refuse or neglect to answer a summons to appear before the church, he shall be excluded.


Section 1. We agree to and uphold the standards of faith proclaimed in the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message of the Southern Baptist Convention. This document in its entirety can be found in the Church Policy Manual.

Section 2. The Holy Bible is our authoritative standard.

Section 3. We hold to the teaching of Scripture that marriage is the union between one man and one woman. We will not recognize same sex marriages nor will we accept into membership anyone who is practicing homosexuality.


Section 1. These Bylaws shall be considered adopted and in effect when a majority of the members present at any regular or called business meeting shall vote in favor of the same.

Section 2. Any of these Bylaws may be amended, altered or repealed by a majority vote at any regular business meeting provided that such amendment, alteration or repeal shall be given to the Clerk in writing and that such proposed change shall be presented to the church at least 30 days prior to the time the vote is taken.

Latest Revisions: May 4, 2016


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