First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church

of Manlius

408 Pleasant Street

Manlius, NY 13104

(315) 682-8941



~ Mother’s Day ~

Sunday, May 8, 2005


Sunday School – 9:30 a.m.

Worship Service –10:45 a.m.

And she made a vow, saying, “O Lord Almighty,

if you will only look upon your servant’s misery

and remember me, and not forget your servant

but give her a son, then I will give him to the

Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor

will ever be used on his head.” –1 Samuel 1:11

Quiet Time of Prayer

Songs of Praise and Preparation See Insert

Meditation Joyce McCartney

*Hymn of Praise Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken No. 376

*Invocation and Lord’s Prayer

Special Music Love Is a Special Thing Joyful Sounds Choir with the Mothers

Offering/Offertory Every Day and Night the Lord is With Me Joyful Sounds Choir

*Doxology and Dedication of Offering

Children’s Corner** “What Came First . . . the Chicken or the Egg?”

Mrs. Cindy Mapstone

Family Prayers (Joys and Concerns)

*Hymn of Preparation I Am Not Skilled to Understand No. 94

Scripture 1 Samuel 1:1-11 Page 418

Message “Have You Ever Been Desperate?” Mrs. Cindy Mapstone

*Hymn of Response Be Still My Soul No. 77


Postlude Joyce McCartney


*If you are able, please stand.

**4 & 5 year olds are welcome to go with Mrs. Guynup following the Children’s Corner; all those children in Grades 1 and older are invited to join the rehearsal of the Joyful Sounds Choir under the direction of Shirley Mapstone.

Worship Music copying permission given through CCLI #750603.



• Guests are invited to sign the guest book or fill out a visitor card.

• Hearing devices are available from an usher.

• Worship Leader: Mary Schwarz

• Greeting: Keith, Ellen, Allison, and Joanna Butler

• Ushers: Bill Lyon and Rich Richardson

• Child Care: Colleen Guynup

• Flowers: this morning are in celebration of Mike and Ellen Everly’s 29 years of marriage.


Prayer Needs: Please call Sandy Haase at 682-8907 to contact the prayer chain.

In Case of If you or anyone you know is in need of food

Emergency: in times of sickness or family emergency, please notify Shirley Mapstone at 682-8169.

Caregiver in Action: This week please keep Beth Greene in your prayers, as well as her Caregivers, Ken and Elsie Bex.

Rev. John Baker, Pastor Emeritus

John Spradling, Music Director

Joyce McCartney, Organist

Elaine LaFollette, Betsy Miller, Secretaries

Michael McCartney, Custodian

Cindy Mapstone, Christian Enrichment Coordinator

Kathie Shevchuk, Christian Enrichment Coordinator

Shirley Mapstone, Joyful Sounds Director

Mary Schwarz, Praise Team Director

Wendy Mapstone, Playschool Director

Marge Edwards, King’s Kids Director


SUNDAY, May 8th – Mother’s Day

9:30 a.m. Adult Education and Sunday School

10:45 a.m. Worship Service/Cindy Mapstone Preaching

12:15 p.m. Ministry Support Committee Meeting

Monday, May 9th

7:00 p.m. Never Ending Bible Study in the Library

TUESDAY, May 10th

6:30 p.m. Mother-Daughter Banquet in the gym


7:00 p.m. Executive Committee Meeting

THURSDAY, May 12th

6:00 p.m. King’s Kids Committee Meeting in the Library

FRIDAY, May 13th

1:00 p.m. Drop off of tools, etc. for Playground Assembly until 5:00 p.m.

6:30 p.m. Scrapbook Workshop in the Chapel until 10:00 p.m.

SATURDAY, May 14th

8:00 a.m. Playground Assembly (rain or shine) until 5:00 p.m.

11:00 a.m. ABW Cayuga-Onondaga Assoc. Mtg. at Eastwood Baptist Church


9:30 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Education

10:45 a.m. Worship Service/Damon Gagnier Preaching

12:15 p.m. Missions Board Meeting

7:00 p.m. Diaconate Board Meeting


The Nominating Committee Needs filled: Treasurer, 1 person for Missions, and 2 people for King’s Kids Please contact Al Dominy, JoAnn Mostar, or Jill Doss if you are interested. Thank you.

Spring Church Directory – will be ready Sun., May 29th. Please look over the draft in the Narthex to make your changes and/or additions. T-you.


- Charles Struwing – needs prayers for improved health. Please keep his wife, Arlene, in your prayers also.

- Fred Goddard – hospitalized at Community General.


Please Pray for: Requested by:

Rev. John Baker and his wife, Wanda Nancy Bishop

Rosa Cano’s mother (dementia) Ana Corona

Rosa’s husband and daughter Ana Corona

Steve Poole Dave Knaebel

Lowell Smith, Ellen Butler’s father

Cecile White’s Uncle John

Rev. Bill Kerr

George Davenport’ son, Rob

Doreen Helsher

Sandy Haase

Carol Davenport

Thelma Buckley

Mac MacLinden

Daral Dunagan


A Birthday “Thank you” to everyone who remembered my birthday and made me feel special; thank you very much. To my Secret Pal, my flowers still look beautiful. You each made my day special. –Joni Dominy

“Thank you to the Christian Education Board for my beautiful cactus terrarium and to Mary Schwarz and Kathie Shevchuk for cards and goodies in recognition of Secretary’s Day! –Elaine LaFollette

Do you have a prayer request or praise to share?

Please call Elaine in the Church office by Wednesday morning.



Men’s Meeting – the next meeting will be on Saturday, May 21st, 9:00 a.m. at the Manlius United Methodist Church. All men are welcome!

Misplaced Guitar - Ross Binder loaned his guitar to someone, and forgot who. Will the guitar player please tell Ross?

College Scholarships – Anyone interested in applying for college scholarships can find an application in the church office. These applications need to be turned into the Church office by Friday, June 1st. If you have any questions, please cal Bob Mapstone at 682-8169.

Weigh Down Workshop – The first meeting will be on Tuesday, May 17, 7:00 p.m. in the Library. Please call JoAnn Mostar (682-6802) w/questions.

Please Help!! - Everyone loves the delicious goodies and warm beverages on Sunday morning. Parents, please remind your children/youth they are welcome to partake in these snacks, but all food is to be consumed in this area. Thank you for you co-operation.

Sunday School gentle reminder for Parents - Presently, Sunday School for ages Pre-K through 5th grade, is ending as a group in the gym at 10:30. We would appreciate it if you would personally come to the gym and pick up your child promptly at 10:30. We thank you, Christian Education.

ABW Ministries News - Mother-Daughter Banquet is Tuesday, May 10th at 6:30 p.m. in the gym. See insert for further information and to sign up for your reservation!! Questions, please call Shirley Mapstone 682-8169.

- Cayuga-Onondaga Association Mtg., Eastwood Baptist Church, Sat., May 14th, 11:00 a.m. A salad luncheon will be served and officers will be installed. Please bring a salad and table service. Transportation will be provided.

- The Annual Picnic for ABW will be Tuesday, June 14th, at 6:00 p.m. at Dottie Ammann’s home. Committee: Janet Norris, Erma Bullard, and Carole Guynup. All are invited!

SLOW BOAT TO CHINA …with dinner and dessert

4 Saturday, May 21st, 2005 @ 6:30 PM 4

Unity Fellowship is pleased to announce its program for May. Join us for dinner, dessert and a fabulous slide presentation of China.

We are honored to have Mr. John Dalton,

former educator and administrator in

the Marcellus School District.

John taught European and Asian History

along with World Geography.

John is a great story teller and has traveled to China on four occasions. He has visited areas that many tourists never see. His love of history and people, combined with his National Geographic quality slides, are certain to leave you wanting to see more.

Bring a dish to pass, your table setting, and we will provide dessert and beverages.

Child care provided upon request by May 15th.

Please reserve your seat by May 14th.

∍∍ Erm & Laura Ferris 682-9054 ∍∍



Been to an old Fashioned Barn Raising lately?

Saturday May 14th we’re “Raising” our new Playground and we need YOU!!! to make it all come together. Come share in the work and the sense of accomplishment.

The following is the schedule and the number of volunteers we need to install the playground.

8:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m. -- We need 20 people

12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. -- Lunch (Donations and Volunteers

needed to help serve)

1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. -- We need 20 people

All volunteers please bring a rake, shovel and ratchet. (Ladies ask your husbands ~ they seem to have tools you never even knew about.) If you can use a rake, we NEED YOU!!

There will be snacks and drinks provided along with lunch. There will also be childcare provided for both shifts inside the church for Moms and Dads that want to give us a hand. So if getting down and dirty is just not your thing, we could use your help with food and drinks or for childcare. As you can see, there is a place for EVERYONE to help us “raise our barn.”

Please let Debbie Oley/682-3198 or Wendy Mapstone/416-3374 know if you can help.

Other Needs

We have some tools and equipment already, but below is a list of items still needed to make our day a success. If you can’t be there that day but would still like to help, feel free to lend us your items. You can drop them off at the Church Friday, May 13th, between 1 p.m-5 p.m. If you know someone that may be willing to donate some of the large items or give us a price break, please let us know.

Tools still needed:

5 Ratchet sets 3 Wrench sets 3 Goggles

Ratchets Rakes Shovels

Supplies: 2 shade trees ~ 3” caliper or greater

2 canopy-style tents to cover tables

Food: The Mission Board is coordinating the food for this event. Money is needed to help defray the cost. Please call Shirley Mapstone (682-8169) if you can help.

Mother-Daughter Banquet

(Sponsored by the ABW Ministries)

“Clowning Around with Mom”

Tuesday, May 10h at 6:30 p.m. (gym)

Reservations are requested – Pay at the Door

$6.50 – Adults & Children 12 yrs. & older

$3.50 – Children 6-11 years old

FREE – Children 5 years and younger


Rainbow-layered Salad

Tossed Salad

Parmesan Herb Chicken

Dill Potatoes



Ice Cream with Strawberries



Name ___________________________________________

# of Adults (12 yrs. & older) __________________

# of Children (6-11 yrs.) __________________

# of Children (5 and under) __________________


|Friday, May 20th, 4:30—7:00 p.m. |

|  |

|To benefit |

|King’s Kids Christian Child Care |

|Sue Crayton Memorial Fund |

|  All proceeds from this event will provide financial |

|assistance for children who require loving child care while their parents are at work.  |

|∍€ 682-5034 for more information.  ∍ |


|•          Ice Cream Social  |

|•          Silent Auction |

|•          Garage Sale |

|•          Food and beverages |

|•          Games and prizes |

|•          No admission charge |

|to this fund raiser  |

|  |

Please call JoAnn Mostar with donations (682-6802).



No limits on age or ability






FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2005

7:00 – 10:00 PM

COST $2.00 per game and includes shoe rental



RSVP Kathie Shevchuk @ 682-8678 by May 26th.




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