Nota stampa finale - Rimini Fiera

Final Press Release


144,803 trade visitors at the expo (18% more than 2012).

A further increase in foreign visitors: 26,247 - a 10% rise

A success resulting in business for companies considering export as an immense opportunity for development

Rimini, 24th January 2013 – SIGEP makes a great leap forward and, along with A.B.TECH EXPO, achieves an extraordinary success: 144,803 trade visitors on the five expo days, with an increase of 18% on last January’s edition.

There was further impressive growth, in terms of both quantity and quality, in foreign trade visitors, who rose this year to 26,247, with an increase of 10%.

This is a confirmation of the attention of the global demand for artisan confectionery and bakery produce made in Italy (food products, know-how and technologies), to which SIGEP and A.B. TECH EXPO provided a concrete response at the expo, organizing initiatives and projects favouring companies’ internationalization. As well as the great numbers, the high profile of domestic and international trade members also stood out. Exhibiting firms remarked on the further rise in the quality of the expo, to the advantage of orders confirmed directly during the five expo days.

The 34th SIGEP (International Exhibition of artisan Gelato, Confectionery and Bakery production) and the 3rd A.B.TECH EXPO (International Exhibition of Technologies and Products for Bakery, Pastry and Confectionery) occupied the entire expo centre: 16 halls with over 1,000 companies. The expo was integrated with dozens of international events and a great calendar of exhibitions and competitions with the participation of the world’s most famous masters.

The two exhibitions were inaugurated on Saturday 19th January by the president of the Emilia Romagna Region Vasco Errani and Rimini Fiera chairman Lorenzo Cagnoni, with the participation of the regional councillor for Tourism, Maurizio Melucci, the president of the Province of Rimini Stefano Vitali and Rimini’s municipal councillor for the environment, Sara Visintin. The event’s exceptional testimonial was Alex Zanardi, taking part in support of a charity initiative.

The key project at SIGEP and A.B. TECH EXPO was entitled Platform SISTEMA SIGEP - A.B. TECH for internationalization, a project that features a calendar of initiatives at the disposal of companies wanting to be accompanied or supported in their foreign business development. The “platform” is operational all year.

SIGEP also focussed attention on newly founded enterprises. By means of the SIGEP NEO project, approximately 700 new entrepreneurs were guided at the expo in order to obtain an overall informative insight useful for opening a business.

The third project supporting the market was SIGEP ACADEMY, which at this edition featured over 350 training events dedicated to trade members.

The five days at Rimini were followed worldwide thanks to live TV streaming coverage, every day in Italian and English, as well as the recordings aired at night to favour viewers in countries in different time zones.


Rimini Fiera chairman Lorenzo Cagnoni comments, “SIGEP closes with an extraordinary growth. This is a success for which the whole of Rimini Fiera worked with great commitment, showing it is a reliable competent partner for enterprises. The acquisition of A.B. TECH EXPO has been seen to be strategic and productive for the market. Together, the two events showed how fundamental an expo with such a high profile and an international leader in the sector is for companies.

We shall consolidate and strengthen the event, also working on new projects to maintain this leadership.”

Rimini Fiera business unit manager Patrizia Cecchi confirms, “The day to day work done in recent months, along with the associations, individual companies and professionals, gives SIGEP the peculiarity of an expo focussed on business development, both in Italy and on the world markets with the greatest expansion potential.

The experience of 34 editions enables us to create business opportunities in sync with the needs of companies, whose opinions on the number of contacts made and business done at the expo have all been positive. SIGEP and A.B. TECH EXPO also represent a dynamic innovative system, open to new enterprises. This strengthens the entire production cycle and enables the expo, with the number of sectors involved, to become increasingly interesting and a must for international buyers.”



Rimini Fiera hosted the official presentation of the Gelato World Tour 2013-14, the artisan gelato Olympics organized by Carpigiani Gelato University and SIGEP. Its mission is to spread the culture of this fresh high-quality food. Eight cities on the five continents will become the capitals of artisan gelato and host thousands of people in their squares.

On each date of the Gelato World Tour, a special committee, made up of experts and trade associations, will select the 16 best gelato makers of the host nation. The first three at each date will have the right to take part in the Grand Finale on Rimini’s beach (in September 2014), when finalists will compete for the title of the “World’s Best Gelato Maker”. The first date is in Rome, followed by Chicago, Valencia, Berlin, South America, Australia, Arab Emirates and China.


Date to be saved: 24th March is the date of the first European Artisan Gelato Day, officially established last 5th July by the Strasbourg Parliament.

The initiative was presented by ARTGLACE (confederation of associations of European artisan gelato makers) and chairman Ferdinando Buonocore presented a program of events that will be held simultaneously in Italy, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland, Portugal, Czech Republic, as well as in the United Kingdom, Canada and Argentina. On 24th March, a logo will appear in every European gelato parlour and in non-European nations participating in the project and gelato makers taking part in the initiative will propose the flavour Fantasia d’Europa (European Fantasy - plain chocolate streaked fior di latte with sugared almonds). A cup will cost 1 euro all over Europe.


Presented at the expo an extremely important strategic project promoted by Rimini Fiera and Sistema Leader: the “SISTEMA SIGEP - A.B. TECH Platform for internationalization”. This is a consultancy service and observatory operating all year. The objective is to help companies internationalize, providing ideas for locations and financial instruments to support the necessary economic investment. This issue was covered at the workshop organized by SIGEP and SISTEMA GELATO Servizi per la Filiera del Gelato - a division of Sistema Leader Srl entitled “Location, location, location: find the ideal location for your business activity worldwide here and now”.


The winners of the single tests, who therefore gained the right to wear Italy’s colours were: Stefano Biasini, gelato maker from l’Aquila, Luca Mazzotta, ice sculptor from Belmonte Calabro (Casereta), Marco Martinelli, chef from Brescia and Massimo Carnio chocolatier from Valdobbiadene (Treviso). The new members of the Italian team will train for next January with Diego Crosara at Cast Alimenti.

The Italian team’s reserve will be Antonio Mezzalira, gelato maker from Gazzo Padovano. Gelato maker Luigi Tirabassi from Subiaco (Rome), on the other hand, won the prize for tidiness and cleanness conceived by master gelato maker Carlo Pozzi. The contest was organized by Rimini Fiera in collaboration with Co.Gel.–Fipe Confcommercio and Gelato e Cultura.


Two young Italians are the world pastry champions, Junior category (under-23). Gianluca Forino, a 22 year-old from Rome and Davide Verga, aged 21 from Cabiate (Como), routed the competition and won the prestigious title at SIGEP. The competition also had pairs of young pastry chefs from Brazil, Taiwan, Australia, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, South Korea, New Zealand and France. This was a confirmation for Italy: the competition is biennial and Italians also won in 2011.

Second place went to Japan, with Tomohiro Tabata and Narutoshi Nambu; in third place was Singapore with Nee Way Ang Jaysline and Seet Hwe Leng.

{0>Fuori concorso, la prova mondiale a squadre del caffè frozen, la cui particolarità risiedeva nel fatto che ad ogni team veniva affiancato un barista di fama.Out of competition, the world frozen coffee team trial, the particularity of which was the fact that each team had a famous barista alongside it.La giuria internazionale ha decretato vincitrice la compagine di Singapore, abbinata al campione Emilio Repetti, seguita da quella italiana (al secondo posto) e da quella di Taiwan (terzo).The international panel announced the Singapore team as the winners, along with champion Emilio Repetti, followed by the Italian team (in second place) and Taiwan (third). ................

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