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 Decatur County Area Plan Commission October Minutes 20201st Floor Meeting Room of Decatur County CourthouseThe regular scheduled meeting for the Decatur County Area Plan Commission was called to order by Todd Mauer at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. There were 7 board members present with Paul Stone and Brad Schutte absent. Also attending was Melissa Scholl – Area Plan Commission Attorney, Debbie Martin – Administrative Assistant, Rick Nobbe – Decatur County Commissioner and Kevin Fleetwood – Greensburg City Council.Todd Mauer opened the meeting and read the following: to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Decatur County requests that participants in this meeting complete a voluntary, anonymous survey that is available on the table in the back of the room.*Approval of minutes of the September 2, 2020: approved as mailed.* APC Petition 2020-19 – Danial McLean II is requesting to rezone approx. 3.20 acres from an A-1 zoning classification to a B-2 zoning classification for construction of self-storage units. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 1125(32). The property is owned by the petitioner and is located at 4068 N CR 880 E, Greensburg in Fugit Township. Dan McLean: looking to put up self-storage units starting out with just a couple of buildings and possibly doing up to 6 buildings in 4-5 years. Todd; how many are you saying that you are looking to build? Dan; 6 total and also a boat and camper outdoor storage area. Eric; will you have water or sewage on site? Dan; no, not in that location. My building next door does. Todd; your highway department approved the driveway. Dan; yes, I spoke with Mark and he told me what exactly needs to be done. Tom H.; will there be a fence around the buildings? Dan; not starting out, no. All exterior lighting will be aimed in towards the building and not out towards the field. Eric; is the existing building staying? Dan; the existing building there has been removed, I spoke with Kenny and waiting on final inspection on my building, it is just a hobby building for boats and things like that. It will be on its own, it will not be in that zoned area. Audience: Debbie read a letter sent in by and adjoining property owner. We state the following reasons why this “Re-zone” request should be denied.County Road 880 E is a narrow road used primarily for ag and residential traffic. There are no other similar zonings on this road. Will additional residences or farm fields on this road be re-zoned in the future? Will this lot be expanded? If this lot is approved for business, could this owner or another owner change the nature of the business? Perhaps the next business will be even less desirable.Concert venues belong in/near a town or on a major road or highway.Will this become a loud party scene? Alcohol? There are families with children and grandchildren, as well as retired people, who live nearby. A concert venue could disturb the peace that these families sought by purchasing a county home.It is our persuasion that, if this request is not denied, the re-zoning request should be should be re-advertised with a letter that clearly states that zoning for a concert venue is being requested.Sincerely, Carl & Rhonda JacksonDan; that is not the purpose at all, it’s not a concert, it will be storage units. The building location, that road is 880E, it is narrow as you go north. This is right off of 400 where it is wide. There are no residences there except the one directly next to me and he had no problems with it. The next residence, there is a house going up ? mile away, it’s not those folks and then there is really no other residence, at least a mile off the road. Tom C.; where would these people have gotten the idea that it could be a concert venue? Dan; I don’t know, if they know me, they know that I am a musician, I have played in bands but that is not what this is. Obviously, the self-storage units have low ceilings, we are taking up all the property, there is not going to be an area for that at all. Melissa; if I might interject, in the Marketing Plan it talks about that so that is where that comes from, it says “we will be hosting music events on the adjoining property to benefit wounded veteran organization and promote local businesses that donate.” Dan; we did that at my last business, we don’t have any plans necessarily, but if we do it’s a benefit concert, but that is not on the area. That is on my individual property. We have not had one of those in 7 years. Audience: Lacey McAllister; we have livestock that is around that, what is the plan from stopping people from feeding through the fence, trash, and if someone’s animal gets loose from the property how they will prevent or will be responsible if an animal gets off and gets into the pasture with my animals. Will there be a privacy fence to stop the trash from blowing in? Dan; the buildings are down by the road, they are not back by…. And actually I think that you have the cattle that is behind my building, not behind where the self-storage will be. Lacey; correct, but will the wind blow trash from the storage unit from the north west? Dan; self-storage units typically everything is contained inside. Lacey; so trash from someone’s car that blows out or if someone can walk over to the fence… Dan; if you have a copy of the drawing, they are nowhere near that side, that is actually close to…. Lacey; but there are 5 acres total there, it’s far enough away from our property then I don’t think you can say that no trash will be blowing into my pasture, because if one of my valuable animals would happen to eat a plastic bag, that is life ending, and that is important to me. I would like to know why you were only zoning off 3.2 acres and not 5.2 as that seems a little odd. Dan; it’s simple, I have my hobby building on the one section, it does have a restroom in it and so it has a septic and a well. The other property does not. The only thing behind it is a cornfield, the pasture where the animals are, they are barely to the edge of my other property, or actually more over behind the neighbors, they have 3 dogs that get into the trash, I don’t have any animals. Trash wouldn’t be coming from my property, I believe that you saw what that property looked like beforehand and what it looks like now. There was literally trash that was lining the drive all the way up and around. We cleaned all of that up. From out aspect and where ours is it is kept very clean, now the other neighbors I can see where you can have issues with them because they have animals that get into their trash, but not on our property. The buildings are down a hill and at the edge of the road. I believe it is 375’ back to the edge, which is a corn field and then the pasture area that Lacey is talking about comes to the southeast corner of my other property, there is 2 acres there before you get to the self-storage. Todd; so the 3.2 acres is on the north part? Dan; yes and their property is on 400 which is 100-200 yards from where my buildings would be. We will have to put surveillance and things like that there, so any trash will be picked up. There is more potential for trash from the neighbors that from me. They have 3 dogs and dogs will be dogs. Lacey; I spoke with Robbie Stewart, he was not able to come tonight and he was not able to come here tonight, he said that he was against this and he is definitely against all of the noise, that is not what he envisioned while living there. I also talked to Courtney Moss, she lives across from Robbie and she is also against it because of all of the traffic that would be going in and the noise. We also need to discuss the tiles, there are some sink holes along the property line, we need to be assured that in the future they will correct them or make sure to leave the tile lines open so it doesn’t affect the pasture and neighboring farm ground. Kevin; will you have concrete poured in these units? Dan; yes. Kevin; so when you put concrete down, there is tile under that, how do you propose that you will fix it if we get an issue going forward? Dan; that whole area, everything slopes, there is a natural drainage that is in between, right next to the property that is not rezoned and of course all of those buildings are downhill from there. The other tile is further to the south than where the buildings are going. Kevin; do you have this on a map. Dan; no, I don’t have any maps of where any water lines….. is there easements that you have for those, because those will be from the corn field behind, is that your field? Kevin; that is Joe Ravers field. There is tile that goes through the pasture, we have tile that is right on your property line that has a sink hole there, that is right there on that fence on your side, that will need to be addressed. Dan; that is behind our building, that is not where these new buildings are going. That shouldn’t have anything to do with the tile. Kevin; there is still going to be tile that runs in there, referencing a map, that runs toward the creek, all that tile runs into that creek and goes south. Every tile that comes from the north, it will all tie into a big main that drains into Salt Creek. Dan; those are not going to be disturbed. This concrete is going to be on the surface…. Kevin; you have a sink hole and are putting concrete in, 12” thick, the tile is 36” underground, you get a sink hole under there now you are putting dirt into my field tile and pulling that dirt towards my ground and it will eventually make a bunch of sink holes on my land, it backs everything up. Todd; I understand your concern with tile, you are saying that your field tile drains through his property? Kevin; his drains into mine which is a big main…. Todd; do you have a map of the field tiles? Kevin; no, it is old clay tile and I just know from probing there is no, as far as I know it was put in back in the 60’s, I don’t know if they mapped it. I do know that the tile runs there because I have fixed tile holes. I know about where it lays. Dan; where the tile will be would be to the south, even my building that is already up… Todd; which way does that drain, is it towards the lake? Kevin; to the south (referencing map), everything drains towards Salt Creek. Dan; that is on the property adjacent to mine. Melissa; there is a Decatur County Drainage Ordinance, if there is any tile that gets disturbed with any type of a project, it has to be dealt with, you just cannot cut if off or cause it to not work, you cannot back up water onto an adjoining property owner. Whatever would happen from this project, if there is a resulting issue with the drainage is that it would have to be corrected. Mike Odgen; I’m an adjoining property owner and I am here to seek 3 things; 1) education 2) clarification and 3) compromise. We are building our forever home and we are less than 300’ from this, not ? mile. I’m disappointed that this is how we have to meet, we do things difference around here and part of that is you talk to your neighbors and explain what is going on. The reason we are here is because I read your business plan, one of the biggest miss that you have on the marketing is word of mouth from the local community, you can build a support system that can help promote your business. Our property has been in our family farm for 100 years. We are weeks away from completing our home. I don’t know what any of this means to be honest, I don’t know what the field tile drainage is or the traffic, the infrastructure and the roads are in bad shape right now. There are a lot of questions that are being brought up tonight, I have a list of over 20 some questions that the adjoining property owners have brought to my attention, that all could have been solved outside of here. When I’m asking for compromise, I’m asking for a continuance, I can be a mediator on this with the adjoining property owners, we can sit down and look into this business plan and find out exactly what they want to do with that property. The tensions are high about the events, the marketing events because no one really knows what that means. My driveway is less than 300’ from your driveway that you have mapped out. The adjoining property, inaudible….. for the concert events, we don’t have any clarification on what that means, so a loose statement like that causes tensions and emotions to run high, where people show up in a setting like this trying to figure out what is going on, when we could have had these conversations prior to this meeting tonight where we are asking to rezone a property that none of us know what it does. I hope you understand where we are coming from there. Dan; sure and actually I did stop by there and spoke to an older gentleman and I’m not sure, he was some kind of family to you, and I did tell him what was going on briefly, I told him I’m looking to put up some storage units over here and he said that he didn’t think it would be a problem and introduced myself. It was when I was building the current building. Mike; it would not have been my family, it would have been someone who purchased the tillable acreage. Dan; he introduced himself so I don’t remember. Mike; what I am trying to avoid is scenarios that have happened in the past from minutes I have read, when businesses come in and they are zoned as business, what happens from there, once it is commercial, is that a lifetime, you can do whatever you want with that business. I don’t know what that means, so it can start out as storage units and can roll into something else. I’m not saying that that is how you operate so I don’t want it to sound like I’m pointing fingers. We need education on what that means as home owners. Todd; there are different classifications, Melissa can you give us a better idea of what a B-2 is? Melissa; once the property is rezoned to a zoning classification, so if it is rezoned to a B-2, under our current ordinance there are over 40 categories that can be utilized in that class, so if the property does sell the zoning goes with that property, so it remains a B-2. There are over 40 things that can be in that zone. Mike; I’m not here tonight to say that your intentions are bad, because that is not my intent at all, it is for the homeowners, the adjoining property owners, to set down and discuss this and we come to a compromise, we map out a better defined business proposal that sets out the exact intentions of the business and that we have clarification around what it is before we rezone this as a business. Dan; just for clarification, Carl Root, he has nothing to do with the self-storage units. Mike; then can we set down with you? I’m just seeking the clarity so that everyone knows what is about to happen here. Five years down the road there are 112 potential businesses…. I want to tell you that I am a huge proponent of supporting local business, if I can buy local I will do it, the reason that I am building local is because I plan to live and die here in Decatur County. I just want to make sure that we are not doing something do damage the community and there are things that can be done as a business owner to give back to the community that wasn’t spelled out. So help educate me, the intent is to vote tonight to rezone this as a business, correct? Todd; yes. Mike; so to me from that point forward any of those 40 items can go there, correct? Dan; I am more than willing to get with you, the self-storage units are what is going up there, those buildings by their structure and nature are not geared for other, and if you are familiar with it we have self-storage outside of the lake that are always full and you don’t see…. It’s not heavy traffic going in there. The opening of the back gate I’m sure was probably of more concern to you….. Mike; the back gate created an interstate. Dan; with the traffic that we will have there within the first 100’ of 400, 400 has more traffic… I think if you saw that property before, just how much of a train wreck that was. Mike; I will tell you that we were bragging about how fast you got it cleaned up. We see what was a pig sty, I’m not denying that at all, I just want to be sure we are all on the same page with what the intentions are 5 years from now with 112 customers in there. What does it look like 5 years from now? I don’t want an eye sore that looks just as bad as what we had before because we have allowed this business just to take off and just leave it because it’s a cash flow. Dan; like I said, hopefully by judging what I have done and in the way I’m keeping the property, the rest of that will be cleaned up as soon as we can get the fencing down and what we do with the rest of the property, it depends on what is determined here tonight, or when it is determined but the property as you testified is 110 times what it was. I know we don’t know each other so I know it is hard to take my word just on its merit. Hopefully by looking at what I have done and the shape that I keep it gives you a good indication…. And I am more than willing to sit down with you and go over anything whatsoever. Mike; I think that it is just more than me seeking clarification. As a property owner and doing your due diligence as a neighbor and talking with us, that can all be settled outside of here. Dan; I apologize, I didn’t mean to step on your toes by any means, this is my first experience with having to go in front of a board for rezoning, I was more concerned about getting the proper paperwork for this versus, and I didn’t think because of the eye sore that it was, there is not a whole lot of traffic or anything that….. been to the self-storage unit most of the time people come in, put their stuff in and they only come back every few months to either add or pull something out, it is not a constant in and out. Mike; I am not experienced in that area, I don’t have anything else. Linda Jackson; Carl and I own the property across the road. We have had in the last 10-15 years several 100 year floods, even a 500 year flood a time or two and the drainage from the farm to the north of us comes in to our bottom and there is a large pipe that goes under the road onto the Hamilton property, it is not large enough to get the water cleared out and the water will be several feet deep on our side, has anyone looked at adding roof lines on the east side of the road. That drains to the south, obviously that water would go through first before the drainage of the farms that are to the north of us that land in our bottom. Flooding concerns, I don’t know if this could de-stabilize the road in a heavy flood, so I think that that should be looked at and the priority should be in a farming community, allowing the farm to get the drainage and without complicating it with additional roof lines. Dan; I believe that Mark kind of looked at that when he came out and said that he didn’t foresee any problems. He told me exactly what we would need to do. That is kind of was the reasoning for having to get this approval, I believe, he went over that and spoke with me in depth and said he didn’t think there would be any problem and told me exactly what would have to be done. I bought this off of the Hamilton’s, the other property to the south is also owned by I believe a Hamilton. Todd; Mark’s not here just says that the drive backslope would have to be addressed. Kevin; we have the same concerns as Mr. Odgen, we recently purchased the property this year and we plan to build a house there or fix up this one and live there a long time. When we found out about this, it didn’t sit well with me, I would like to have met you before now. Dan; I did meet your wife one day. (inaudible) Dan; I was surprised when she said Robert had some objections, I talked to him personally, of course he is right next door to me. He didn’t have any issue at that time. Kevin; naturally we have concerns as we are right up against your property. Will there be a scheduled time that you will close the gates and open the gates in the morning? Will there be lights that will shine in my windows? Will there be a privacy fence? We didn’t buy our property to look at storage units. Is there a reason that you are not zoning the entire property, you say that you will host music events on your private land, I have concerns with how big your events will be. If they will be so big how will you address parking? I assume they will be held in the building that you just built. Will these be scheduled events or will they happen randomly? Will there be an end time? Are you planning on serving alcohol? Will you be getting a bartender’s license? Dan; the buildings will be down the hill, the lights will not be on at all times, they are motion censored. They will shine at the buildings, not out away from them. The charity events that we hosted were for wounded warriors, a good cause, they started in the early afternoon and we are done by 10 p.m. Todd; but they won’t be on this property? So it has nothing with what we do tonight. Dan; it has nothing to do with the zoned property whatsoever. Kevin; if they are not in the zoning…. Todd; you said he would host these that are not in the 3.2 acres, we are worried about the 3.2 acres here tonight. If you have issues with the other 2 acres and a noise ordinance, you need to take that up with someone else, not us here tonight. Kevin; why is it in the plans, we need to take that out. Dan; it was very rudimentary, just to show you guys the basic of what we are doing. Todd; am I wrong, the 2 acres next to it has nothing to do with what we are doing here tonight? Melissa; what we are looking at tonight is to rezone the property for storage units. If he wants to redact that out of his business plan because it does not pertain to this property, he can do that now and it can be reflected in our minutes. It probably should not have been in the business plan if it is occurring on a different property, the property he is indicating tonight that it is happening on is not what is in front of us tonight. Dan; that can be taken out completely as far as on the business plan, when we do those, obviously the buildings are right next door, they will get exposure. When we do those, they are purely for the benefit of wounded warriors, we have not done one in seven years but we had two or three of them. We never had any complaints. There is no alcohol served, people bring coolers. It is just a free festival, free parking, no charge to come in, we put donations to the wounded warriors. Everything was done by 10 p.m., we normally did it in September and had fireworks from about 9:30 – 10 and that was the end of the event. No one hurt, no one arrested. Eddy Haskamp; when you zone something B2 I can say that I am going to put whatever to make you happy, but tomorrow when I get it zoned I can do whatever I want to, of those 40 items, that is what they did to me a long time ago, they made me do a business plan that I can only do this, this and this on that property. I think you can even put a gas station on it if you want to. The question I have is the existing building you have is not (inaudible), there is too much of that in the county where they build it for a hobby shop and then they run a business out of it. You know as well as I do that he is running a business out of it. There is the problem, I can say I will do something and then do something different, there is no repercussion of that. I know what I went through, that is why mine is hidden back behind everything, the neighbors said that I had to do that to comply. That is where I can see things that need to be addressed because B2 opens up a world of stuff as far as the zoning, there are 40 things you can do with it. Dan; as far as zoning a B2, Krista advised me that I was to do for self-storage units, so I went with her recommendations. I can say that what is going up there is self-storage units. Todd; does self-storage need to be in a B2 zoning? Melissa; yes. Todd; before I do call for a motion, I will state that we are down 2 members tonight, it does require a 5 yes vote, you do have the right to table it until we have a full board otherwise I will look for a motion. Dan; can I ask how they will vote first? If we table it there is no guarantee that I will have a full board? Todd; I just want you to understand that it is not a quorum of who is here, it is a 5 of us must vote of yes to pass. Dan; and if it would go no, which I understand there are concerns, I think I have addressed all of them, what would be the steps to come back? Melissa; to reapply it would be one year. Dan; I think I will take my chances, it took a long time to get here this evening. Sheila Kirchhoff made a motion to vote on APC 2020-19; Tom Cherry seconded the motion with a vote 5 members present voting yes and 2 members present voting no. Todd; it does pass 5-2, keep in touch with the ladies in the office as you get ready to build. * APC Petition 2020-20 – CARTRIMIC / Adrian Scripture is requesting to rezone approx. 12.714 acres from an I-1 zoning classification to a B-2 zoning classification to operate an event center. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 1125. The property is owned by the petitioner and is located at 4858 E State Road 46, Greensburg in Washington Township.Adrian Scripture: Thank you for listening to our petition, the property that we are talking about is owned by CARTRIMIC Maintenance which is a family owned division Heritage Industrial. As you commonly know this property as the Circle S Ranch or maybe even better as the Stapp Zoo. It was a property that housed exotic animals, the property is in conjunction with Heritage Industrial which is a light industrial property where we do industrial maintenance and manufacturing. Very similar to what happened at Custom Conveyor. The property was purchased by, basically our family in 2013. We purchased the old Circle S property out of a foreclosure sale. It was in bad disrepair, we have cleaned it up. We have gone through the process with the Indiana State Homeland Security to get a variance from the Fire Protection people, they have authorized us to have events in the building at 254 people with us making the upgrades to the property, we are in the process of doing it now. We are asking for it to be changed from I-1 to B-2, the ideal thing for this is to do what we are trying to do what we are wanting to do. I will be honest with you, I have not talked with the neighbors, they are aware of what is going on there. We will be advertising this, it will be an April – October schedule, it is an outdoor venue in the barn with probably a couple of tents. It will have to meet all of the criteria for an event center. It is a very detailed, it had been a very expensive process, we have gone with a consultant company out of Indy, all we need to do is to get the zoning correct as per Krista’s recommendation so that we can proceed with the building project part of it. We will convert the restrooms to ADA and get the property to function as an event center. Todd; you say that you have everything done so far as the State? Adrian; yes, you should have received notification from Scott Perez…. Debbie; they have that letter and I believe that I have seen the State Design Release on file. Adrian; I should have brought pictures, it is an attractive property and is well maintained and I think is it something that the community can be proud of. I think that it is an asset to the community. Sheila; is there good parking? Adrian; yes, we had a grandchild’s graduation party and had up to 300 people, with tents, we had no problem with parking. We do have parking monitors when we are out there to be sure people know where to park. It won’t be a free for all. There is alcohol involved with some of these events. Tom C.; how do you access this? Adrian; you will enter through the old Custom Conveyer area, that is the actual access to the property. Sheila; for the events you are talking weddings, receptions or whatever? Adrian; yes, we will market it as a wedding and reception venue. Also small and medium size events such as showers, etc. There are two separate buildings. Eric Whitaker made a motion to vote on APC 2020-20; Jeff Hermesch seconded the motion with all 7 members present voting yes. Adrian; thank you, I appreciate your confidence. Todd; good luck.* APC Petition 2020-21 – Beth & Greg Roy is requesting to rezone approx. 2.99 acres out of 46.09 acres from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2 zoning classification for construction of a single-family detached dwelling. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 915 & 920(7). The property is owned by the petitioners and is located just East of 2468 S CR 60 SW, Greensburg in Washington Township.Greg Roy: My wife and I are asking to have the 2.99 acres rezoned so that we can build our home. Todd; have we done septic borings? Greg; yes. The preliminary driveway approval has been in as well and the soil test. Todd; looks like you do have an easement to get to your property. Greg; yes sir. Todd; is that where the driveway will be put? Greg; yes sir. Todd; will you be the only one using the drive and will maintain it? Greg; yes, just us. Eric; will you have a well or rural water? Greg; a well is what I anticipate, we will explore to see what options there are. Eric; is the 2.99 acres mostly wooded area, is any of that tillable that you are building on? Greg; the lower field where the house is is tillable now, the blue square is approximately where the house will be. Mike Robbins is the one who is farming that now, I haven’t talked to him yet as to how much will be farmed once we build our home, we do intent to probably keep the other fields farmed. Audience; Chris Taylor: where will the easement be? Greg; it is already there, it is right off of SW 60? Chris; is it where it comes across the creek? Greg; yes sir. Right at that corner. And that was an existing easement for the property. Tom Cherry made a motion to vote on APC 2020-21; Sheila Kirchhoff seconded the motion with all 7 members present voting yes. Todd; the petition passes, I ask that you stay in touch with the ladies in the office as you get ready to build and keep them informed of what is going on. * APC Petition 2020-22 – Erwin Schroder is requesting to rezone approx. 2.99 acres out of 4.82 acres from an A-1 zoning classification to an A-2 zoning classification for construction of a single-family detached dwelling. This request falls under Decatur County Ordinance Section Number 915 & 920(7). The property is owned by Courtney Speer and is located at 6387 N CR 700 E, Greensburg in Fugit Township.Erwin Schroder: We bought a piece of property and would like to build a house there. We have lived in Decatur County for years, left and have now come back and want to build a home. Eric; is the #1 & #2 on the map your septic sites? Erwin; yes. We have the core drillings and the driveway checked. Audience: Debbie; I received a call from an adjoining property owner, Patricia Roberts, she stated that she has no problems with this APC request whatsoever.Sheila Kirchhoff made a motion to vote on APC 2020-22; Jeff Hermesch seconded the motion with all 7 members present voting yes. Todd: stay in touch with the ladies in the office as your go through the building process and keep them informed and thank you for following the process.* APC Petition 2020-23 – Sarah Green is requesting to modify the “Green Acres Minor Subdivision” and vacate Lot #1 and Lot #2. This request falls under Decatur County Subdivision Control Ordinance Section Number 280-288. The property is owned by Shawn & Sarah Green and is located at 2887 S US Hwy 421, Greensburg in Washington Township.Shawn Green: Following the rules of the County we request that this be zoned I-1, so they said that it has to be de-zoned before it can be rezoned. Debbie; you have to remove it from the plat because it is a platted minor subdivision. Shawn; so that is why I am here, just following the rules. Todd; tonight we are just taking it out of the subdivision. Shawn; yes but I would request your approval for this to be contingent on approval of the rezoning to an I-1. Melissa; so to clarify, if it doesn’t get zoned I-1 then you want it to be part of the sub-division? Shawn; why would…. I don’t want to devalue, correct. Melissa; so the motion would read that it would be removed from the platted subdivision, is it called Green Acres? Shawn; yes. Melissa; conditioned upon it getting approval for a rezone to an I-1 zoning classification, if it does not get approved to an I-1 zoning classification, I believe it is an A1 currently, is that correct? Shawn; residential. Melissa; A-2, then it would revert and say the A-2 zoning classification and remain a part of the Green Acres Subdivision plat. Shawn; thank you. Todd; so it is currently divided into three lots as part of the subdivision. Sheila; so originally Shawn you had thoughts that you may put other homes there and that has been something that you have not wanted to do once you got your ….. Shawn; yes, I think we have been there 16 years now and some things have changed. Sheila; so with an I-1 zoning do you have intentions of light industrial, is that what that zoning is? Melissa; yes, I-1 is light industrial, under the current ordinance we have 3 classes of industrial zoning, I-1, I-2 and I-3, light/moderate/heavy. Shawn; yes, it seems like that’s where the area is going. Sheila; and none of that is tillable at this time? Shawn; correct. Sheila Kirchhoff made a motion to vote on APC 2020-23 with the stipulations that the request is to remove from the Plat of Green Acres Minor Subdivision, Lot #1 & Lot #2 conditioned upon approval of the Lot #1 and Lot #2 acreage to be rezoned to an I-1 zoning classification. If the acreage located or the current Lot #1 and Lot #2 does not receive approval to be rezoned to an I-1 then the property shall remain part of the Green Acres Minor Subdivision referred to as Lot #1 and Lot #2; Tom Cherry seconded the motion with all 7 members present voting yes. Todd; I guess you can proceed. Shawn; so do I have to pay money to come back again? Melissa; it is another application and fee. Shawn; question for the lawyer; the request earlier tonight and many of them before, people take items out of one zone and put them into another and they don’t have to come back to two meetings, I’m just curious on why you are being selective with enforcement on that. Melissa; I don’t understand your question, give me a specific example. Shawn; for example moving it from agricultural to residential or Mr. Scripture moving it from I-1 or I-2 to a Business, just confusing, why are they making us pull it out and go through two steps. Melissa; because you are in a residential subdivision, it was platted as a minor subdivision, you cannot have an industrial lot in a minor residential subdivision, the properties they are talking about were not in a subdivision. Shawn; so a sub-division makes it unique? Melissa; it is the subdivision plat that requires the two steps, all the other properties tonight, none of them were contained, they had not been subdivided and platted. Shawn; ok, thank you. With no other business before the board the meeting was adjourned at 8:23 p.m.ATTEST________________________________________________________________Secretary, Todd MauerPresident, Paul StoneDecatur County Area Plan CommissionDecatur County Area Plan Commission ................

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