Mayfield City School District

Barnes and Noble Nook E-ReaderMiddle School Consent Form?Introduction?The Barnes and Noble Nook is a convenient, portable reading device. The lightweight device is capable of holding over 1,000 books and allows us to share the same book on multiple devices. It allows students to make notes, highlight text, change font size, and lookup unknown words instantly in the dictionary included on the device. The chance to use this device is a privilege that we are able to provide to students. The students must use extra caution when using, transporting, and storing these devices. Each Nook is valued at $105 and has multiple components that students will be responsible for: the Nook device, the power cord, and the protective book cover. For this reason, we require a parent signature before the Nook can be assigned to a student. ?Parent Responsibilities and Permission?I am authorizing the assignment of a Nook to my child. I understand that it is to be used as a tool for reading and learning and that my child will comply with the Mayfield School District’s acceptable use policy. I will help ensure the safe and timely return of the Nook within the loan period that will be communicated to the student. I also understand that I am financially responsible for any damage to the Nook or any of the components as well as any charges resulting from content downloaded to the device during your child’s loan period. I understand that my child will lose future loan privileges if the Nook or any of the components are not returned in a timely manner. ?Replacement Costs:Nook Device - $75Protective Cover - $30Power Cord - $15?GUARDIAN NAME (printed) __________________________________________________________GUARDIAN SIGNATURE ____________________________________________ DATE___________GUARDIAN CONTACT INFO (phone and email)? __________________________________________?Student Responsibilities and PermissionI agree to take care of the Mayfield Middle School Nook while it is in my possession. I understand that this device is more expensive and breakable than most printed books and I will do everything in my power to protect it from damage or theft. I will not give the Nook to another student for his/her use, and I will use it appropriately. I will not download any additional books to the device. I agree to return the Nook and its components in good condition and in a timely manner at the end of the loan period. ?STUDENT NAME (printed) _____________________________________________________________STUDENT SIGNATURE ________________________________________________ DATE __________ ................

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