Dear [FIRSTNAME], - Bly

A Mini-Course in

How to

Come Up with

Million-Dollar Ideas

By David Deutsch


Lesson #1 ............................................................................. 2

Lesson #2 ............................................................................. 4

Lesson #3 ............................................................................. 6

Lesson #4 ............................................................................. 8

Lesson #5 ............................................................................. 10


Lesson #1


You’re on your way to greater financial success—much greater financial success. Because the key to financial success is ideas. And in these lessons, you’ll discover how to come up with more and better money-making ideas than you ever thought possible.

In fact, let me prove to you right now just how easy coming up with ideas can be once you discover a fascinating secret...

Start acting like a kid again!

Ever watch a kid come up with ideas? They’re like Robin Williams after 6 cups of coffee: “We could do this and we could do this and we could do that and we could take this and turn it into a car and drive to the store and make an airplane out of...”

You were a kid once, weren’t you? What happened to all that marvelous free-flowing creativity?

You grew up, that’s what happened!

As we “mature” we turn that humongous pipeline connecting us to the idea-generating part of our brains into a clogged garden hose—gunked up with all sorts of preconceived notions about what’s good, what’s bad, what’s correct, what’s incorrect, and what the idea or solution should (or shouldn’t) look like.

That’s why the most important thing you can do to stimulate the flow of ideas is to get back to your child-like innocence. And here’s how to do just that...

The trick is speed and quantity. You simply push yourself to come up with so many ideas so fast that the grumpy adult critic in your brain, who sits in judgment of everything before it comes out, hasn’t got time to hold court.

So right now, pick a problem or opportunity for which you need ideas or solutions. Try to come up with at least 30 ideas in 10 minutes.

That means you’re going to have to really push yourself. Don’t think about whether the ideas are good or bad, right or wrong, crazy or sane. Just get them down on the page (or the screen). In fact, deliberately trying to come with some bad, wrong, or crazy ideas.

Be a kid again. Have some fun!

It may feel uncomfortable at first, but you’ll soon find a momentum building that will break right through that judgmental part of your brain.

Please really do this! It’s the only way you can experience your mind’s unlimited potential for coming up with ideas. I promise you that you’ll never look at coming up with ideas the same way.

When you’re done, look over your list with your critical mind back in gear. You’ll find plenty of ideas you may need to toss into the trash can. But I’ll bet you find quite a few terrific ones that you never would have thought of without this amazing technique.

In your next lesson, I’ll show you how some of the boxes from my MILLION-DOLLAR IDEAS SYSTEM can turbo charge this process and broaden the range of ideas you come up with.


In your last lesson, I showed you how easy it was to come up with good ideas simply by making yourself come up with lots of ideas quickly—and not worrying whether the ideas are good or bad.

Now I’ll show you how to turbo charge that process—to further improve the quantity and quality of your money-making ideas.

It’s as easy as asking yourself questions that make you think some powerful idea-generating “boxes.”

Let’s look inside Box #1: Add a New Dimension. Ask yourself: How can I solve this problem or take advantage of this opportunity by adding a new dimension to some aspect of it.

For example, can you add something related to one of the five senses—something to do with sight, touch, hearing, tasting, or smell? How can you add these elements to your marketing? Can you add any of them to what you write about your product (for example: “imagine yourself successful, seeing your new luxury car in the driveway and hearing the envy of your friends...”)?

You can also ask yourself what the idea of seeing, or touching, or hearing, or tasting, or smelling makes you think of in relation to what you’re trying to come up with ideas about. Don’t take these idea-triggers (or any of the idea-triggers you’ll learn about) too literally. Just let them free flow to trigger ideas.

For example, let’s take the challenge of coming up with ideas for using a paper clip.

“Seeing” might make you think of using a shiny paper clip to hypnotize someone (“watch the shiny paper clip—you are getting sleepy”).

“Touching” might make you think of using a paper clip to stimulate someone’s acupressure points or to scratch an itch.

“Hearing” might make you think of using a paper clip to check someone’s hearing by flicking it close to their ear and seeing if they can hear the sound.

“Tasting” might make you think of using an unwound paper clip to spear hors d’ouvres, as you would a toothpick. (Which might make you think of also using it to scrape plaque off your teeth!)

“Smelling” might make you think of using a paper clip to pinch your nose closed and avoid an offending smell.

See how easy and powerful it is?!

This is just one part of the Add a New Dimension box. And this box is just one of 15 boxes in THE MILLION-DOLLAR IDEAS SYSTEM.

We’ll look at a few more boxes in the next lesson...


In your first lesson, you saw that purposely coming up with lots of ideas as quickly as possible is a great way to bypass your inner critic. And come up with more and better ideas.

In your second lesson, you saw that thinking inside a box—the Add a New Dimension Box—could kick your idea generation into a higher gear.

In this lesson, we’ll quickly look at a few more boxes.

Box #4 is Take Something Out. So when you generate ideas to solve a problem or to take advantage of an opportunity, ask yourself what you could remove from the problem, situation or opportunity.

For example, would the removal of a person from the situation help? A constraint? An element of the product? An assumption about the situation? (Remember, there is no bad, or wrong, or crazy when you’re generating these ideas—so just let yourself go!)

Box #5 is Bring Some Things Together. What (or whom) could you make work together instead of separately? Where are the opportunities for synergy? What products or services or ideas could be combined?

And finally, Box #3 is Divide It Up. What can you divide up? A market (into segments that are easier to target)? A department (so it’s more manageable)? A task? A problem? A responsibility? A product? A service? An idea?

Getting back to the challenge of coming up with ideas for using a paper clip...

Box #4, “Take something out” might make you think of using the paper clip as a hook to catch fish (taking them out of the water).

Box #5, “Bring some things together,” might make you think of stringing together many paper clips to make a necklace.

Box #3, “Divide it up,” might make you think of cutting up the paper clip into many small pieces and using them for wires in jewelry making.

And because this has stimulated my thinking in general, I just thought of using a paper clip as a bookmark! And as a weapon (with a rubber band catapult).

It gets easier and easier, doesn’t it? Can you feel the new idea-generating power flowing through your veins?

Great! Because in your next lesson, I’ll show you how to use that power to make more money. Lots more money.

Meanwhile, you can get the complete story on all 15 boxes at .


In your last lesson, I promised to show you how using this system can help you make more money.

And I think the best way to do that is to show you how ideas HAVE made money based on the boxes we’ve been looking at.

For example...

Box #1: Add a New Dimension – Apple took an iPod, added the dimension of sight and got their insanely popular iPod video. Barnes & Noble added the dimension of “taste” to set up their cafes and found a profit center as well as an additional reason for people to come to their stores (and buy more books).

Box #4: Take Something Out – Much of the popularity of General Motor’s Saturn division is that their “no haggling” policy removed the much-hated negotiation process from buying cars.

Box #5: Bring Some Things Together – Amazon brought together book buying and the Internet, while eBay brought together auctioning and selling merchandise and the Internet. Fortunes were created.

Box #3: Divide It Up – Cable TV channels such as The Food Channel and The Golf Channel realized that by dividing up viewership, they could make lots of money by reaching passionate niche audiences more effectively and attracting more advertisers. (Can you make more money by subdividing your market? Your product?)

Are you beginning to see how connected ideas are to making money? Whether you implement the idea yourself or are simply paid to come with them, ideas are in demand and well rewarded. Clearly, if you want to make more money and be more successful, you need more and better ideas. (Especially in times like these!)

(For more on using ideas to get rich, see the free special report, How Ideas Can Make You Rich, that comes with THE MILLION-DOLLAR IDEAS SYSTEM ().


One final idea...

Research has shown that the difference between people who consistently come up with great ideas and those who do not isn’t some natural talent, attribute, or learned skill.

Such “creative” people aren’t smarter, or different in any way except...

They BELIEVE that they are creative.

So believe in your natural, inborn creativity and it will appear for you. Especially if you THINK INSIDE THE BOX.

And good luck in all your endeavors—creative or otherwise.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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