General Comments

Third Consultation EventCuckney Village Hall, Wednesday 19th MarchIntroductionThe third consultation event focussed specifically on getting local resident’s views and opinions on the suitability of a number of potential development sites in the plan area, that Welbeck had indicated that it was prepared to release and develop.The event was held at Cuckney Village Hall on the 19th March 2014, on a drop-in basis, running from 4:00pm-7:00pm. The event was organised to run in tandem with Bassetlaw District Council’s consultation event on the Preferred Site Allocations document. This allocated only one site in the whole plan area, for the delivery of 5 new homes. A representative from BDC was available for local residents to speak to regarding the site.The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group felt that this was an opportunity to use the Bassetlaw Consultation event, to ask local residents their views on these other potential development sites in the Plan area. Maps of these sites, as well as brief descriptions of the sites, and information such as their potential usages, were presented on display boards. Steering Group members were available for open discussions with local residents about the sites, and invited them to write down their comments on the suitability and preferred use of each site, as well as to indicate their level of support for the site through using a simple traffic light system with stickers provided.The event was widely advertised by the Steering Group in the weeks preceding the event. An initial leaflet was hand-delivered to all households in the Plan area, as an insert into the monthly newsletter. This was delivered in the first week in March. To ensure that attendance was as high as possible, a second leaflet was hand delivered to all households in the Plan area between the 15-17th March, acting as a reminder of the date, time, nature and location of the event.AttendanceAs a result of the significant advertisement of the event, a turnout of 45 residents was achieved. Of the 45 villagers attending there were:31 from Cuckney7 from Norton6 from Holbeck1 from WelbeckOf these 45 villagers:7 had attended the inaugural meeting only but neither of subsequent two consultation events3 had attended the inaugural meeting and one of the subsequent consultation events.4 had missed the inaugural meeting but been to one or other of the consultation events10 had been to all three meeting21 had been to none of the three meetings22 of the 45 villagers knew of the website and to date 10 of them had accessed it.Also in attendance at the meeting were:Miss Natalie Cockrell. Chief Community Planning Officer; Bassetlaw District CouncilMr. James Green, Community Panning Officer; Bassetlaw District CouncilMr. T Dawson, Planning Officer; Bassetlaw District CouncilResults16 sites in total were presented at the event. Below is a list of the sites, with a description of possible usage of each site that was given at the meeting on display boards. There is an accompanying map of each site that was also exhibited. This is followed by the specific comments that local residents wrote at the event. There are then some general comments voiced by local residents at the event that were recorded by Steering Group members, regarding issues associated with any development in the Plan area. Finally there is the scoring of the sites using the traffic light system. One of these 16 sites – site 1 – is the site identified by Bassetlaw Planning as its single preferred option.Cuckney Sites:Site 1. -- Budby Road Site. This is the preferred option of Bassetlaw Planning Dept. Below are comments received regarding the site:Preferred use is for residential but the issue of access is very important, the houses should front Budby Road but access should be to the rear to maintain building line along the road.Do not want to see high-rise properties on the site, also some issues with flooding on the road opposite.Parking for the houses should be around the back, with double yellow lines along the road in frontSite 2. – Land opposite St Mary’s Church, Norton Lane, Cuckney.Below are comments received regarding the site:Support residential development of the site as this will create a real village centre, site would be a good location for bungalows.Site 3: Land opposite New Cottages, Cresswell Road, Cuckney.Below are comments received regarding the site:Would only support residential development on the site, as long as development is in keeping with the rest of the village.Site 4: Cuckney Depot and adjacent land, Cuckney.Below are comments received regarding the site:Would be concerned about development of this site if access was from A60.Some problem with car access and would prefer employment and residential use.Access would be a problem here.Housing would be a good idea, would require some work on highways, such as provision of an island at the junction.Site 5; Land adjacent to Cuckney house, CuckneyBelow are comments received regarding the site:Most suitable for employment, who would want to live directly on the A60? Access is very important issue to ensure risk of accidents is minimised.Housing is a good idea if we can have traffic lights or roundabout at the junction.Site 6: Former Allotments, CuckneyBelow are comments received regarding the site:A good idea to cater for the older age group on this site by building bungalows on it, as this is central to the village and near the bus stops.Definitely need a school car park and more affordable housing provided for young families, to buy and not rent.Site 7: Redundant Barn, Baker’s Lane, CuckneyBelow are comments received regarding the site:Would support residential, but with parking at the rear.Would possibly support residential here, but would need a car park for the school provided as part of any development, too much traffic already.Site 8: Land to rear of Riverside Close, Cuckney.Below are comments received regarding the site: Residential would be suitable but it is important it relates well to Riverside Close.Development of this site will create a small estate within the village, in addition to proposed development of the allotments which could also be considered as additional development beyond the 14 year plan period would destroy the character of this side of the village.Site 9: Cuckney House.No specific comments received regarding this site.Norton SitesSite 10: Lady Margaret Crescent, Norton.Below are comments received regarding the site:Would support 2-4 bungalows being developed on the siteSite 11: Main Street, NortonBelow are comments received regarding the site:Would support 2-4 bungalows on the site, as well as workshops in farm buildings.Out of Settlement SitesSite 12: Hazel Gap Farm, NortonNo specific comments received regarding this site.Site 13: Hatfield Plantation, Budby Road.No specific comments received regarding this site.Holbeck Woodhouse SitesSite14: Former Warreners Barns, Holbeck Lane, HolbeckNo specific comments received regarding this siteSite 15: Lady Margaret Hall, Holbeck.No specific comments received regarding this siteSite 16: Woodhouse Farm Barns, Holbeck. No specific comments received regarding this siteGeneral CommentsThese are comments made about and type of development we are considering in the neighbourhood plan programme Concerns were expressed regarding the private water supply provided by Welbeck Estates. Water pressure is already low in Norton, concerned that more housing would effect this further is this problem is not addressed.No new housing should have drainage leading to a septic tank, need for improvements to the drainage system.Tenure of any new housing is an issue, there was a feeling that there should be a mix of both freehold and rented property, so people who wish to live in the area, but also would like to own their own home, have the opportunity to do so.Any development in the area must be in keeping with its current character, especially with regard to the development of barns in Holbeck.Desire to see more family housing provided in the area.Sites ScoresA traffic light system was used to try and give the Steering Group and Neighbourhood in general more clarity on the levels of community support for the different sites. The following was the system used:GREEN: Support the group exploring the potential of the site further.YELLOW: Unsure if support would be given for the site being developed for identified use.RED: Oppose the development of the site.-1014095-4064000 ................

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