Indian River Land Trust

[Pages:9]Indian River Land Trust

Celebrating a Year of Firsts! | ANNUAL REPORT | July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012

Board of Directors:

William H. Helmly, Chairman Peter Moor, Vice Chairman Kelly Kite, Jr., Treasurer Myra Zilahy, Secretary

Karen Abell Carolyn H. Antenen William Beardslee Edward H. Bragg, Jr. Theodore Brickman Ned Dayton Gena K. Grove Britain A. Hogan John G. Johnson Paula Knier Christopher H. Marine Louis Schacht Ann Smith Henry G. Stifel Barry R. Sullivan Bonnie Veron Georgia Welles Grant Withers

Advisors William C. Buck Elizabeth A. Gillick Charlotte K. Higgins Charles L. Johnson Jill M. Kaneb W. Jay Kirby Barry MacTaggart Sheila Marshall Michael O'Haire Don Riefler Kathleen Schulke David A. Smith Stephanie M. Smith Carolyn Stutt

Directors Emeriti Thomas P. Lowe Richard Paull Toni Robinson

Our Mission

Promote the preservation, conservation and improvement of Indian River County's natural resources and special places for the benefit of the general public and future generations


Ken Grudens, Executive Director Ralph Monticello, Director of Land Protection

Ann Cabot Alleva Taylor, Director of Development Lois Fay, Database Administrator

Dana MacDougall, Conservation Assistant Julie Hanson, Stewardship Outreach Specialist

A Message From the Chair

The past year has been one of significant accomplishments and some major firsts for the Indian River Land Trust. We take pride in sharing these firsts with you because you were integral in making them possible.

First Public Dedication - Through the generosity of Northern Trust Company and the family of the late John K. Moore, Jr., we opened the John K. and Patricia S. Moore Park. This neighborhood "pocket park" at the southeastern intersection of A1A and Causeway Boulevard near the foot of the Alma Lee Loy Memorial Bridge now greets barrier island residents and visitors and is a perpetually maintained garden respite.

First Major Gift of Conservation Land - In May 2012, we completed the transfer of a privately owned 130 acre parcel that comprises the northern end of Pine Island in the Indian River Lagoon This parcel, along with 60 acres purchased at auction, places over 190 acres of conservation land in trust, protecting an extraordinary wading bird habitat.

First Major Federal Conservation Grant - Last spring the Indian River Land Trust received notification through the US Fish and Wildlife Service under the North American Wetlands Conservation Act, that our application for a $1 million grant to assist with the permanent protection of Bee Gum Point was approved. Bee Gum Point is a 111-acre bird sanctuary located directly along the Atlantic Flyway in the Indian River Lagoon. Prior to its being acquired by the Land Trust, it was the largest remaining parcel of unprotected land on the barrier island.

With your generous support, the Land Trust has now placed in conservation over 625 acres along the Indian River Lagoon encompassing over six miles of shoreline.We commend you and thank you for helping us make this vision of the Indian River Land Trust a reality.

Even though we proudly celebrate these successes with you, our window of opportunity is narrowing and our work is not done.We continue to identify strategically important Lagoon shoreline properties for conservation. We hope you will continue to support us in the protection of those properties and that you will share your enthusiasm throughout our community.

Sincere best wishes,

William H. Helmly Chairman

} "The Preservation of our Lagoon is a necessity, not a luxury." unknown

625 Acres of Natural Habitat containing over 6 miles of Lagoon Shoreline

With the value of Lagoon shoreline properties at a generational low, the IRLT Board of Directors recognized a historic opportunity to make a lasting impact in our community. The parcels described here represent the LandTrust's astounding accomplishments to date.

Toni Robinson Waterfront Trail

Two parcels purchased by the land trust in 2009 make up theWaterfrontTrail.These parcels opened up a 40-acre block of conservation land containing live oaks and other local flora and fauna.

Quay Dock Kayak Launch

This four-acre parcel of conservation land on the west side of the Lagoon is located at the end of Quay Dock Road, a historic wagon road used by early settlers.

IRLT Salt Marsh

This 47-acre conservation area contains the last remaining intact high salt marsh in Indian River County and one?quarter mile of Lagoon shoreline. This property is adjacent to Spoonbill Marsh, a man-made marsh managed by the County.

Bee Gum Point

Situated on the Atlantic Flyway, a critically important corridor for millions of migrating birds, this 111acre property contained one of the largest blocks of unprotected land on the barrier island. It encompasses one mile of Lagoon shoreline and several interior ponds that provide food and shelter for a variety of migrating and resident bird species.

Lagoon Greenway

The IRLT spearheaded a public/ private partnership to establish a recreational and educational trail system on 187 acres of conservation land, including 66 acres acquired by the LandTrust in the 1990s.

South Vero Conservation Area

In 2011, the LandTrust purchased 185 acres located on the west side of the Indian River Lagoon.The property contains tropical oak hammocks, wetlands and ponds as well as a mile of Lagoon shoreline.

" By maintaining natural vegetation along the shore, IRLT is helping to protect the Lagoon from polluted runoff. I hope they keep doing what they are doing."

} Warren Falls, Managing Director Ocean Research & Conservation Association



Pine Island

Jungle Trail

Pine Island: Our First Donation

The LandTrust acquired a 60-acre Lagoon shoreline property on Pine Island in March 2012, at auction. Pine Island just south of theWabasso Bridge was also the site of a donation of an important 130-acre property. This donation, along with the 60-acres, has allowed the LandTrust to assemble 190-acres of wading bird habitat!


The numerous bays and coves account for two miles of protected Lagoon shoreline!
















Indian River Lagoon


Properties Conserved by IRLT

Priority Conservation Areas for 2012

Other Conservation Areas as of 2012

Atlantic Ocean

Toni Robinson Waterfront Trail

Pine Island Quay Dock Kayak Launch IRLT Salt Marsh Bee Gum Point

Lagoon Greenway

South Vero Conservation Land

} " Besides protecting water quality, the mangroves and salt marshes the Land Trust is saving are critically important nurseries for game fish and, without them, our whole sport fishing industry will collapse."

Richard Baker,

President Pelican

Island Audubon Society

The Land Steward Volunteer Program Begins:

IRLT introduces Rody Johnson ? Bee Gum Point Steward

Rody Johnson moved to Vero as a child and was raised on 20 acres west of town across the road from Waldo Sexton's home and dairy. He grew up fishing the Indian River and hunting and fishing the inland marshes.

With his children he fished the Bee Gum ponds in the 1960s before John's Island was developed. The area has been familiarly known in his family as the "The Tarpon Hole" for the large quantity of tarpon that were trapped within the mosquito impoundment. He recalls the great number and variety of water birds that inhabited the area including his once seeing a flock of roseate spoonbills presumably performing a mating dance at sunset.

Rody is a graduate of the University of Virginia and spent most of his career with the Harris Corporation in Melbourne. He was later publisher of the Sebastian Sun newspaper. He is the author of four books, two of which pertain to the local area: "The Rise and Fall of Dodgertown" and "Different Battles," the latter about a U-boat attack off Vero in 1942.

He has been a director of the Laura Riding Jackson Foundation, the Sebastian River Chamber of Commerce, The Indian River Historical Society, and the Vero Beach Art Club.

Welcome Rody, pictured with son Charlie and grandsons: Will, Mac and Bo.

Indian River Land Trust Contributors

The Board of Directors, Advisors and Staff of the Indian River Land Trust would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone who supported the organization by making a contribution to annual operations from July 1, 2011 ? June 30, 2012. It is through the dedication and generosity of our supporters that we are able to continue our mission to conserve and protect the land and water resources of Indian River County.

Every effort has been made to present a thorough and accurate list based on cumulative giving. Please contact Indian River Land Trust with any corrections or omissions.

$10,000 and above

Sally and Dick Brickman (Brickman Foundation)

Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Edward N. Dayton Dr. and Mrs. Fredy E. Delacruz Mr. and Mrs. Barry MacTaggart Orin and Stephanie Smith Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Stifel Mrs. Georgia E. Welles

$5,000 - $9,999 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. D. Allatt, Jr. Mrs. Stanley C. Baron Mr. and Mrs. R. William Becker Mr. Bradford M. Endicott Garden Club of Indian River County, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Max Habernickel III Mr. and Mrs. John G. Johnson Long Shadows Cattle Company

(Beth and Ray Smith) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Marcum The Prentice Foundation

(Mr. and Mrs. Jaromir Babicka) Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Rich Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Riefler Rock City Gardens

(Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lowe) Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Schwerin Dace and King Stubbs

(through Indian River Community Foundation) Mr. and Mrs. James W. Titelman George E. Warren Corporation

$1,000 - $4,999

Anonymous Mr. Nicholas F. Adams III

Ms. Rosamond W. Allen and Mr. Paul E. Landry

Ms. Sally S. Anderson Mrs. Elliot A. Baines Mr. Douglas F. Barnard Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T. Barrow Mr. and Mrs. William R. Beardslee, Jr. Mrs. Herman F. Becker Mr. and Mrs. D. Theodore Berghorst Mr. E. Garrett Bewkes, Jr. Ms. Sofia Nason Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boarman Mr. and Mrs. John P. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Bragg, Jr. Mrs. Charles W. Brashears Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Brashears Mr. and Mrs. John V. Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Broadbent Ms. Carole Beecher Brown Mr. Walter H. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Buebendorf Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Burgoon The Peter W. Busch Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. A. James Clark Mrs. Robert A. Cline, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip I. Corso Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Covill Mr. and Mrs. James L. Currie Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. DeCrane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hugh Devlin Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dobbs Mr. and Mrs. John F. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Stewart A. Dunn, Jr. Mrs. James C. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Farnsworth, Jr. Mrs. Florence B. Fowlkes Mr. and Mrs. William L. Frick Ms. Elizabeth A. Gillick

Mr. Thomas A. Graul Mr. and Mrs. Doug Graybill Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyler Grove Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Gullquist Mr. David F. Harris, Jr. Mr. David Haynes

and Ms. Anita H. Kolleeny Mr. and Mrs. George D. Higgs Mr. and Mrs. John H. Higgs Mr. and Mrs. Sherman R. Hotchkiss Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Hultquist Ms. Barbara Becker Hurley Indian River Exchange Packers Mr. and Mrs. Maurice N. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. William H. John John's Island Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. Henry Justi Paul and Jill Kaneb Family

Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Kass Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Kasten, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kelsey Ms. Gisela Kenyon Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirby Mr. Kelly P. Kite, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Knier Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Lahey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth LaVine, Jr. Leigh Jewelers Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Wayne B. Macomber Mr. and Mrs. James L. Manley Mrs. Ethel K. Marran Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. McCabe Dr. and Mrs. David J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeff Mennen

Moor & Associates, Architects, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Moore III Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Moore Mr. Timothy Muris

and Ms. Pamela Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Muzzy, Jr. Norris & Company Real Estate Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Haire Mrs. David A. Olsen Mr. and Mrs. John A. O'Steen Mrs. George F. B. Owens, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Patterson Mr. Peter G. Peterson

and Ms. Joan G. Cooney PNC Wealth Management Mrs. Frederic G. Powers, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Price Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Proctor, Jr. Bob and Nancy Puff

(through the Indian River Community Foundation) Mr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts Mrs. Toni Robinson Mr. and Mrs. C. Graydon Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Rogers Mr. Vin J. Ryan and Ms. Carla E. Meyer Susan and Larry Salustro Schacht Groves Ms. Kathleen A. Schulke Mr. and Mrs. William P. Scully Seacoast National Bank Mr. and Mrs. M. Gerald Sedam II Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. David A. Smith Mrs. Donald K. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Loren E. Smith Soiree Kitchen to Table Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Somers

} "The Land Trust has taken up the cause for the county..."

Roland DeBlois,

County Environmental Chief

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stutt Mr. and Mrs. Barry R. Sullivan Taurian Florida Properties LLC Mr. and Mrs. William T. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Twyman Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ughetta Mr. and Mrs. Ital Veron Mrs. Frank E. Weise III Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Welsh Mrs. Beatrice H. Werhahn Windsor Properties Mrs. Robert Wolcott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Woodruff Chip and Kate Woody Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Zern

$500 - $999

Adventure Kayaking Tours Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jay Antenen, Jr.

Capt. and Mrs. Stephen M. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. James R. Baumgardt Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Benedict Mr. and Mrs. William D. Biersach Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Gordon F. Brunner Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Burr, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Clark Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Corr Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cotter Countryside Citrus Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Crutchfield Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Daly Mr. and Mrs. Rene J. Donars Mr. and Mrs. Hubert P. Earle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Allen A. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Todd W. Fennell

Mr. and Mrs. David K. FitzSimons Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ford III Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Fredell The Garden Group Gould, Cooksey, Fennell, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. H. Varley Grantham Mr. Michael D. Griffin

and Mrs. Molly Butler Hart Mrs. William H. Gruppe Mr. and Mrs. Roger Haines Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hastings Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hessian Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Higgins The Inn at Captain Hiram's Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. John F. Horn Mr. and Mrs. Dale F. Jacobs John's Island Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley Jones Mr. and Mrs. Armen Kalaydjian Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kelly

Dr. and Mrs. Donald R. Kelly Mrs. Thomas P. Knapp II Ms. Dawn K. Lenfest Mr. and Mrs. William E. MacDonald III Marine Bank & Trust Mr. and Mrs. H. Theodore Meyer Mr. Richard W. Morris

and Ms. Paula Sutton Moulton Layne, P.L. Mr. Joseph E. Mullaney Mr. and Mrs. Reginald B. Newman II Mrs. Carl W. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Tad Niederriter Orchid Island Realty Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pastor Mr. Richard W. Paull Mr. and Mrs. Drew Rankin RBC Bank Mrs. Stanley H. Rose, Jr. Rossway Moore Taylor & Swan, P.L.C. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Rowe

Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sacerdote Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick Schulke Dr. Michaela G. Scott Mr. and Mrs. O. Griffith Sexton Sir Neil Shaw and Lady Elizabeth Shaw Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Spackman Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Stewart Technology Partners Mr. and Mrs. Asheton C. Toland Treasure Coast Financial Planning Mr. and Mrs. Stevan K. Trooboff Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Uyterhoeven Vero Insurance, Inc. Vero Marine Center Waddell Insurance Group Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Warhover Mr. and Mrs. Leon P. Washut Mr. and Mrs. Chip Watson Mrs. Frederic H. Williams Mr. Grant Withers

$101 - $499

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Sabin C. Abell, Jr. The Alexis Agency Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Alford Mrs. Brenda Y. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Calvin R. Allen Mr. Philip Allen

and Ms. Sybille B. Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Anglada

Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton G. Arden, Jr. Ms. Shelley Atwood Mr. and Mrs. St. John Bain Mr. and Mrs. James Balph Mr. Sidney M. Banack, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beath Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Richard Beeman Mr. and Mrs. Leroy D. Bence Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Benedict Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bergeman Mr. and Mrs. John T. Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Blaicher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee N. Blatt Mr. and Mrs. Dudley S. Blossom III Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bosetti Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Brinckerhoff Mr. and Mrs. James S. Broadhurst Ms. Deborah D. Brower Ms. Kathryn W. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Brown Mr. and Mrs. L. Harvey Buek Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook Bugbee Mrs. William J. Bumsted Mr. Scott H. Buzby Mr. and Mrs. William Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Arthur T. Castillo Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Catullo Mrs. Henry M. Chaffee Mr. and Mrs. William J. Christie Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Christopher

Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Christy Mr. and Mrs. Randall L. Clark Ms. Holly Coale Mrs. John J. Cohane Ms. Jill S. Collinson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Condie III Mr. and Mrs. George Connelly Mr. and Mrs. John L. Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Frederic L. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Coviello Dr. David L. Cox and Dr. Lorraine Heisler Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Craigmyle Jack and Loretta Curley Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Daeschler Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P. Dane Mrs. Patricia B. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Norton A. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Guido Deganello Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Dennison Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Dillon Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Doggett III Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoffman Dolan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett M. Donlin Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. David Ederer Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Edmiston Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Edmonds Mr. and Mrs. Dudley A. Eppel Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Erpenbeck Mr. and Mrs. John S. Estey

Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Evans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chandler H. Everett Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Fay Mr. and Mrs. H. James Field, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Forrester Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Fox Mr. and Mrs. William H. Friesell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Frobouck Mr. and Mrs. James W. Fulmer Mr. and Mrs. John R. Furrer Mr. and Mrs. Ned M. Gartner Ms. Lucinda H. Gedeon

and Mr. Francis A. Sprout Mr. and Mrs. E. Martin Gibson Mr. and Mrs. E. Guy Gollner Mr. and Mrs. William J. Grealis William and Patricia Gundy Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hanks Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harris Mr. George J. Hauptfuhrer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hauptfuhrer Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Hauser Mrs. Ernest Hazel III Mrs. James Heile Mr. and Mrs. William H. Helmly Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Hiaasen Mr. and Mrs. Smith Hickenlooper III Mr. and Mrs. Toby Hill Mrs. Roland H. Hoguet

Moore Park is Dedicated

The John K. and Patricia S. Moore Park donated by NorthernTrust was dedicated on April 27, 2012. The Board of Directors of the LandTrust decided to accept the property donation to ensure it would remain as a green swath of land welcoming residents crossing the 17th Street Bridge or traveling north or south on Hwy A1A. The ATM kiosk was removed by Northern Trust and the land was donated to the LandTrust in December 2011. Following the donation of the property, several members of the Moore family donated funds to assist with maintenance of the property.

Mr. and Mr. Robert L. Honstein Mrs. C. Alexander Howard Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howard Mr. and Mrs. John R. Howell Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hull, Jr. Mrs. Roger W. Hull Mrs. William C. Hurtt Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hutchins iN TUNE Mrs. Nancy H. Ireland Mrs. Elizabeth S. Jacobsen Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Joachim Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Jones III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Keeler Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kielley Dr. and Mrs. Donald L. King Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Koontz, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kozak Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ladwig Ms. Anne H. Lanier Ms. Marjorie E. Leopold Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Lewis, Jr. Ms. Wanda Lincoln

and Mr. Richard Chadwell Miss Marilyn C. Link Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lloyd, Jr. Ms. Barbara S. Longfellow Mr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Longwell Miss Alma Lee Loy Mr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Lynch Mr. Robert D. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Mackay Mr. and Mrs. James R. MacLean Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Mann Mr. and Mrs. David L. Marable Mrs. Marian Marill Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Marquis Mr. and Mrs. Leonard L. Marshall

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Matteson Mr. and Mrs. Archibald McClure Mr. and Mrs. John C. McCord Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McGinnes Mrs. Laura McKee Mr. and Mrs. William F. McKinley Mr. and Mrs. James G. McSweeney Ms. Lynn S. Merrell Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Merriman Mr. and Mrs. Marvin G. Messex Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Metzler Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Meurer Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Michael Mr. and Mrs. George F. Michals Mr. and Mrs. David M. Millner Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Minton Mr. and Mrs. David B. Minuse Mr. Ralph R. Monticello

and Ms. Virginia Best Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Moore Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Moore

Mr. and Mrs. David W. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Moritz Mr. and Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson, Jr. Mr. Richard F. Mullens

and Ms. Heidi Levy Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Murdough Mr. and Mrs. Rey Neville Ms. Maureen S. O'Brien Ms. Cindy J. O'Dare Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. O'Haire Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Pack Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Parks Mr. and Mrs. William Peirce Mrs. Chiswell D. L. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Phillips S. Peter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Pfau Mr. and Mrs. Arland Phelps Mrs. C. Gorham Phillips Ms. Suzan Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Prindiville Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Prosser

Prudential Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William J. Regan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Rennick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ripp Dr. and Mrs. Marc C. Rose Mrs. Barbara K. Russell Mrs. Richard Salisbury Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Schaus Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Schlage Mr. and Mrs. William H. Schneebeck Mr. and Mrs. S. Van Zandt Schreiber Mr. James V. Shea

and Mrs. Christine F. Beach Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah J. Sheehan Mrs. Francis R. Shottes Mr. and Mrs. David K. Sims Mr. Trevor Smith Ms. Marcia L. Smythe Jacque and Lucy Sohm Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Spitzmiller Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stallkamp

Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer Standish Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Stefanelli Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Stein Ms. Marie C. Stiefel Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Stowe Dr. and Mrs. Cary Stowe Mr. and Mrs. John Stuber Mr. and Mrs. Byron M. Sugahara Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sumner Mr. and Mrs. William F. Surette The Sweet Family

(in memory of Earl Crittenden) Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thomas Mr. Thomas W. Tierney

and Mrs. Lisa M. Kahle Mrs. Henry N. Tifft Mr. and Mrs. H. James Toffey Jens and Melissa Tripson Mrs. Heidi Truscott

Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Tulloch Mr. and Mrs. Al Turner Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tuttle Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Unruh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Van Pelt Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Voorhees Mr. and Mrs. Wallace H. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Watson Mrs. James L. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Herbert V. Whittall Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Williams Mrs. Kendrick R. Wilson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wilson Bonnie B. and Alwyn E. Wolfarth Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Wonham Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Wood Ms. Camille Yates Ms. Myra Zilahy

$35 - $100

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ahrens Ms. Carolyn Amos Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Bakule Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Barrett Mr. J. Addison Bartush Ms. Jennifer N. Bater Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauschard Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Beard Ms. Ann Benjey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berran Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Bertman Mr. Richard Bianco Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Biasotti Mr. Michael C. Bielecki

and Mrs. Erin Grall Dr. and Mrs. S. Thomas Bigos Mr. and Mrs. Todd P. Biron Ms. Sally A. Blackman Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Blair

Mr. Glen R. Blair Mrs. Mary H. Blair Mr. and Mrs. Max Bleck Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Blynn Ms. Leah Blythe Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Bohan Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Borders, Jr. Ms. Marilyn A. Bosland Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brackett Mrs. Doris K. Brandi Mr. Pinckney J. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. Galen Brewster Dr. O. Gilbert Brim Ms. Janice C. Broda

and Mr. Robert E. Bruce Ms. Patricia Brown Mr. and Mrs. Warren S. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burchfield Mr. J. Burklew Mrs. Marilyn J. Cance Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Carey

Dr. and Mrs. Richard Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Carney Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Castlow Ms. Jean M. Catchpole Ms. Susan L. Chenault Mrs. E. Taylor Chewning, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Chrostowski Mr. and Mrs. Roger Clark Chester Clem, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cockey Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Cohan Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Collings, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jose L. Conrado Mrs. Carton C. Conway Mr. Robert L. Cooney

and Mrs. Anne Stubbs Cooney Dr. E. Newbold Cooper, Jr. Mrs. John T. Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Coxhead Mr. Henry E. Cravens Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Crawford

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. N. Gene Criss Ms. Rita A. Curry Ms. Linda D'Angelo Mrs. Donald B. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. David Decker Mrs. Barbara Coryell Devor Ms. Holly S. Dill Reverend and Mrs. S. George Dirghalli Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Downey III Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Dussing, Jr. Mrs. Juliet P. Dykstra Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Ecker Ms. Wendy P. Eckert Ms. Linda D. Edwards Mrs. J. Robert Edwards Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Eggleston Mrs. Priscilla M. Elder Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Emerson Mrs. Charles M. Fairchild Ms. Jacqueline P. Farrell

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Faunce III Ms. Ellen E. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Flannery Mr. and Mrs. C. Temple Fontaine III Mr. and Mrs. Alan Friedman Mr. Michael Frothingham Mr. Charles E. Garris Mr. and Mrs. John O. Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Norbert W. Gits Mr. Ralph Glaser, Jr.

and Mr. John A. Pfeifer Mr. Timothy C. Glover Mr. James H. Goddard, Jr.

and Ms. Judith Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Alan Goldie Mr. and Mrs. David Goodwin Mrs. Kirby S. Graham Mr. and Mrs. T. Flint Gray, Jr. Grove Isle Fishing,

Environment & Wildlife Club Ms. Ren? C. Guerin

Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Hail Ms. Susan B. Hale Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hamner, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harper Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Hayes III Mr. and Mrs. Edmund B. Higginbotham Mrs. Royce A. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hoder III Ms. Britain A. Hogan

and Mr. Anthony Dzielski Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Honiss Ms. Jeannette M. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Bill Isaacson Ms. Susan Isom Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Jensen Mr. Charles L. and Dr. Helen B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Johnston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Johnson SGM and Mrs. Frank T. Jones III Ms. Susan F. Kamer

and Dr. Michael Beechem Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kappus Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kasten II Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kelley III Dr. and Mrs. Alastair C. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kilner Mr. Ralph T. King Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Kinney Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Kite Mr. and Mrs. Terence M. Klee Mr. Mark Mendelsohn

and Ms. Jessica L. Knapp Mrs. Richard P. Kremer Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kucinsky Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Laboon Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lanam Mrs. Debbie Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Larson Ms. Barbara M. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Frederick LePage Mrs. Carol Lewis Buffum Mr. and Mrs. Trent H. Leyda Capt. and Mrs. Carl Lidel Ms. Suzanne L. Liggett Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lightfoot

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Lincoln Mr. and Mrs. Jon R. Lind Ms. Ann P. Linn Ms. Doris M. Lisle Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Loftus William F. Loftus, Ph.D. Mr. Walter L. Loucks* Mrs. William F. Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacGowan Mrs. Janecke C. Madsen Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Maggiore Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mahony Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Malin Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Mancini Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Mansy Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Marchese Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Maresi Mrs. Florine Martin Ms. Suzanne L. Mason Mrs. Carol H. Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Neil J. McCurry Mr. Thompson H. McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. McDermott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McIntire Mr. and Mrs. James F. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. McLachlan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Mead Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mellin Mr. William E. Menzies Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Mero Mr. and Mrs. William T. Moller Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Moloney Mr. and Mrs. John H. Moor, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Morey Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Moseley III Mrs. Maria Murray Ms. Carolyn B. Norton Ms. Lorraine Notchey Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. O'Bryan Mr. and Mrs. James J. O'Connor III Mrs. Jean W. O'Connor Mrs. Majken Olander Dr. Allan R. Olson Orchid Island Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. Reuben T. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Parsons Ms. Mary Jo Peed

Mr. Gilbert Peirce Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Penni Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pepper, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Peschio Ms. Maya Peterson Mrs. Roger Phillips Mr. R. Paul Pickel Mr. and Mrs. John D. McCullers Mrs. Janet Meaken Poor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Porter Mrs. Michael Poutiatine Mr. and Mrs. David G. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Powell Mrs. Richard G. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Reisman Ms. Rebecca A. Rickey Ms. Amy Robinson Mr. and Mrs. George J. Robinson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin W. Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Russell Romeyn Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Ross Mr. and Mrs. George R. Roth Mrs. Susan Fitzgerald

and Mr. Walter W. Rowan Mr. Michael Russak Charles H. Sanford Law Offices, P.L. Mr. and Mrs. David C. Schimansky Ms. Jane Schnee Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Schnetzler Mr. and Mrs. G. William Seawright Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Seed Ms. Eleanor G. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Sexton Mr. and Mrs. David T. Shelby Mrs. Warren Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. John W. Shipley Mr. and Mrs. John F. Shupe Ms. Katherine M. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. John H. Sirich Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Slack III Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Sloan Mr. Gary P. Smith Mr. Robert L. Smith

and Ms. Patricia L. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Solari Ms. Nancy Soucy Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Sperry, Jr. Mr. John J. Spillane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Stanbridge

Mr. Norman W. Stewart and Dr. Ann Stewart

Mr. and Mrs. Peter N. Stoll Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Stoner Mrs. Anne Louise Strachan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Strain Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Strout Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Swenson Mr. and Mrs. Carter S.D. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. James H. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. William J. Taylor III Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Teschemacher Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Thompson David and Joyce Thompson Mrs. William D. Thompson Mrs. Joseph Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. Coyt Tillman Ms. Barbara R. Tilney Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Tily III Mr. and Mrs. Skip Tolette Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Travis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trucano Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Jerrain O. VanTuyl Mr. and Mrs. Jacques M. Veeneman, Jr. Mrs. Martin Victor Ms. Anne D. Wallace Mrs. James H. Walsh III Mrs. Oakley D. Walters Mr. and Mrs. David Ward Mr. John D. Ward Mrs. Brent Welch Mr. James S. Welles Mrs. Marian S. Wenzel Mr. and Mrs. William Whaley Mr. Richard E. Whittaker

and Ms. Margaret McCann Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Widmann Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wigdale Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Williams Ms. Sharon L. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Winslow Mr. and Mrs. Chip Worthington Mrs. Ouida L. Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zecher Dr. and Mrs. David O. Zenker

* Denotes deceased donor

The Indian River Land Trust would like to thank everyone who has contributed to IRLT's efforts to Save Our Indian River Lagoon. Thanks to their support, IRLT will continue to retain the special qualities that make our county unique by preserving wildlife habitat, protecting scenic waterfront, and providing public access.

Save Our Indian River Lagoon Supporters

$1,000,000 and above Sally and Dick Brickman

(Brickman Foundation) Mr. and Mrs. Whitney MacMillan Georgia E. Welles

$500,000 - $999,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Kaneb Stephanie and Orin Smith

$250,000 - $499,999 Anonymous Edward Dayton Family Fund Drs. Wayne T. and Mary T. Hockmeyer Mr. and Mrs. William P. Scully Bill and Carolyn Stutt

$100,000 - $249,999 Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck Thomas L. and Carol M. Corr Mr. and Mrs. S. Hallock du Pont, Jr. The Educational Foundation of America (Mr. and Mrs. Jaromir Babicka) Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Smithers Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Stifel

$50,000 - $99,999 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Puff, Jr. Vin Ryan and Carla Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Schwerin Charles R. and Nancy L. Shoemate

(Shoemate Foundation)

$25,000 - $49,999 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. D. Allatt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. DeWolfe Mr. and Mrs. Max Habernickel III Mr. Edward B. Hauser Paula and Fred Knier Barry and Robin MacTaggart

Mr. and Mrs. John C. McCord Mr. and Mrs. Kyle L. Miller Dace and King Stubbs Mrs. Frank Weise

$5,000 - $24,999 Anonymous Rosamond W. Allen and Paul E. Landry Mrs. Elliot Baines Mr. and Mrs. William R. Beardslee, Jr. Jayne and Paul Becker Mrs. James Beckwith III Margaret and Ed Bragg Lyn and Tony Buford The Crutchfield Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dobbs Tyler and Gena Grove Charlotte and Stephen Higgins Mr. and Mrs. John F. Horn John and Linda Johnson Robert R. Larsen/Larsen Fund Charlie and Peggy Long Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Haire Bieber/Redfield Family Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Rhoads Don and Patsy Riefler Mr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts Toni Robinson Kathleen A. Schulke Mr. and Mrs. David A. Smith Ann and Barry Sullivan Grant Withers Judy and Allen Zern

Under $5,000 Sabin and Karen Abell Mr. Nicholas F. Adams III Carolyn and Jay Antenen Mr. and Mrs. David M. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Barrett Ms. Sofia N. Blanchard

The Fulton and Susie Collins Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. DeCrane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Estey Lois and Kevin Fay Elizabeth A. Gillick Ken Grudens and Ellen Brady Mr. George J. Hauptfuhrer, Jr.

(in memory of Barbara Baines Hauptfuhrer) Mr. and Mrs. William H. Helmly Britain Hogan and Anthony Dzielski Dorothy Hudson Charlie and Helen Johnson Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley Jones Alexander and Nancy Kasten Kite Tax Lien Capital Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lowe Christopher and Debby Marine Dana McDougall and Family Virginia A. Best and Ralph Monticello Moor & Associates, Architects, P.A. Richard W. Paull Dr. Donald and Mrs. Allison Proctor Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Prosser Louis Schacht and Kelly Brown Mr. and Mrs. O. Griffith Sexton Ann and Loren Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Thomas Bonnie and Ital Veron Mark and Kelley Williams Chip and Kate Woody Myra Zilahy

In Kind Support

Fiscal Year 2011-2012

The Admiralty Gallery Adventure Kayaking Tours Mr. Sean Clinton Coastal Technology Corporation Complete Cleaning David Cox Consulting, LLC Mr. Paul R. Davis Mr. Robin Dunlap Mrs. Joan S. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. William B. Ferrell Ms. Ellen E. Fischer The Frugal Framer Ms. Elizabeth A. Gillick Gold Coast Landscape Lighting Gould, Cooksey, Fennell, P.A. Ms. Ren? C. Guerin Ms. Dorothy A. Hudson, Esq. Mr. George J. Katilus III Mr. J. Scott Kelly

Knight, McGuire & Associates, Inc. Ms. Shotsi C. Lajoie Mr. Nicholas Martin Mrs. Judy Mercer O'Haire, Quinn, Candler & Casalino, Chartered Mr. Joseph Reed Rock City Gardens Mr. Sean Sexton Mrs. Glenda D. Taylor Mrs. Lillie M. Taylor Mr. Chuck Toll Ms. Rita M. Ziegler

Special thanks to our many volunteers and committee members who donate their time and talent to support our mission.

Financial Highlights

July 1, 2011 ? June 30, 2012

From Audited Financial Statements*

Statement of Financial Position (6-30-12)

Assets Cash and cash equivalents$ 686,575 Pledges$ 1,653,914 Land$ 7,884,687 Office equipment and other assets$ 8,719 Total Assets$10,233,895

Liabilities Accounts payable$ 5,718 Accrued interest payable$ 90,653 Deferred revenue$ 32,000 Notes payable$ 2,113,272

Total Liabilities$ 2,241,643

Total Net Assets$ 7,992,252

Percentage of Total Revenues ? $2,813,787

Save our IR Lagoon Campaign 83% Membership and Public Support 12% Annual Benefit 2011 5%

Statement of Activities

Total Revenues

Membership and Public Support$ 328,436 Annual Benefit 2011$ 144,475 Interest and other income$ 1,027 Save our IR Lagoon Campaign $ 2,339,849

Total Revenue$ 2,813,787

Total Expenditures Personnel and Administrative$ 355,500 Save Our IR Lagoon Campaign$ 90,836 Land Acquisition Interest Paid$ 111,863 Annual Benefit 2011$ 54,177 Save our IR Lagoon Purchases$ 1,740,404 IR Lagoon Acquisition Expenses$ 128,904 Marketing and Membership$ 24,885 Depreciation$ 1,162

Total Expenditures$ 2,507,731

Percentage of Total Expenditures ? $2,507,731

IR Lagoon Acquisition Expenses ? 5% Marketing and Membership ? 1% Personnel and Administrative ? 14% Save Our IR Lagoon Campaign ? 4% Land Acquisition Interest Payments ? 5% Annual Benefit 2011 ? 2% Save Our IR Lagoon Purchases ? 69%

*For a complete copy of IRLT's Financial Statements, please contact our office.


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