Bay Area Rapid Transit

7INTERNSHIP GUIDELINES FOR SUPERVISORS-863290-27387000WORKSITE SUPERVISOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENTYoung adults participating in BART’s Internship Programs should gain knowledge and experience related to their academic and/or career interests. We are committed to ensuring that internships are envisioned, developed, and upheld by our departments as meaningful learning experiences that inspire interest in jobs at BART and yield new knowledge and skills. Internships should be educational training opportunities, and mirror an academic experience as much as possible. Please be sensitive to union dynamics when providing internships in departments/units with represented employees. Interns should work under close supervision of existing staff and be given assignments that do not replace regular employees. Please review the following requirements for providing internship opportunities.Paid and Unpaid Interns If an internship is unpaid, this should be made explicitly clear to the intern. Interns choosing to volunteer must complete the Volunteer Internship Agreement.If an internship is paid through an organization in partnership with your department/unit, the intern must complete an Internship Profile. If an internship is paid from your department’s budget, the following forms must be completed:Internship Project Agreement and Statement of WorkForm W-9Invoice for payment processingAll forms are located on WebBART under Documents & Procedures > Download Forms > Human Resources. Please return completed forms to Workforce Development at HRPL@ or fax to x6386.Sexual Harassment Training Interns must complete Sexual Harassment Training within the first 5 days of their internship. To register your intern for the next in-class training contact May Cooper at HRPL@ or x6276.All Worksite supervisors (i.e. direct, alternates) must have completed Sexual Harassment Training within the last two-years. Supervisors that are out of compliance must register for in-class or online training, contact Susanna Ng-Lee at snglee@ or Donna Titus-Jackson at DTitus@ to confirm compliance and/or sign up for training. Review the Fair Labor Standards Act GuidelinesThe FLSA establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting employees in the private sector and in Federal, State, and local governments. For more information, please review:Fair Labor Standards Act guidelines: signing these guidelines, I acknowledge and understand the above statements:__________________________________ _______________________________ ___________________ Supervisor Name Supervisor Signature Date Signed Return the signed Internship Guidelines for Supervisors to Workforce Development at HRPL@.REQUESTING DISTRICT SECURITY ACCESS AND CLEARANCEDepartment of Justice (DOJ) Clearance Interns must receive a DOJ clearance to obtain building and network (i.e. Path drives, email) access. To schedule a fingerprint appointment for your intern, contact Yvonne Rusting at YRustin@ and x7073. Please see Management Procedure 16 for more details. Please note that a valid state issued identification card or U.S. Passport is required. (school identification cards will not be accepted) and appointments must be scheduled by the first day of the internship assignment.Identification Card/BadgeUpon DOJ clearance, complete the Request for Identification form located on the WebBART portal under Documents & Procedures > Download Forms > Security. The completed form should be submitted to BartIDBadge@ and HRIS@. Questions about badges should be directed to BART Police at work SecurityTo request network security, complete the BART Security Request form located on the WebBART portal under Documents & Procedures > Download Forms > Security. The completed form and questions should be submitted to HRIS@. Pass and Permit RequestTo request riding privileges, complete the Passes/Permit Request form located on the WebBART portal under Documents & Procedures > Download Forms > Human Resources. The completed form should be submitted to Lynette Slaten at lslaten@ or faxed to puter/Laptop RequestTo request a computer or laptop, contact The Office of the CIO at ITHD@.WORKPLACE ORIENTATION CHECKLIST:? Everyone in your unit should be made aware that an intern is starting and what their job will be. Introduce the intern to other staff members and encourage their support. ? Tour the intern's assigned work space, storage for personal belongings and where key staff members are located. Also, explain where bathrooms, breakrooms, copier, mail drop and office supplies etc. are located. ? Explain the emergency procedures. Show the intern the evacuation routes and where the First Aid Kit and Fire Extinguishers are located.? If applicable, review your office's standard policies and procedures.? If your intern has not received their badge explain the procedure for accessing your floor/building. Interns will not receive a badge until they clear through the Department of Justice.? Discuss expectations (i.e. dress code, absence/tardiness call-in procedures, time-off request, work schedule)? Provide intern with a copy of the BART ID Card Procedure and Electronic Equipment Use Rules. Contact HRPL@ for copies of brochures.? Provide intern with your business card and your best contact information.? Ask interns if they have any questions.REQU Helpful tips: DO’S AND don’t’SOne of the top objectives of this program is to encourage youth to consider BART for a future career option. We can succeed if the interns’ experience here is meaningful, dynamic and positive. Here are some helpful?“DOs and DON'Ts” for supervisors:Do prepare a document which lists the various tasks you expect your intern to do while working in your department. You may want to explain it’s a “living document” whereupon tasks may be added or removed.? When you came on board to the District, you had a document of the tasks you were expected to do in the form of a job description. Such a document for an intern will not only guide them during his/her time here, but help him/her prepare a stronger academic and job resume as well.Do give her?research projects to help her fill time in between work assignments. The research can be reviewing BART’s on-line history, or building a list of all the Environmental/Sustainability Project managers working in US Transit. These research projects could be aimed to either?learn the value of public transit or build their skills set—as long as they keep them from getting bored while you’re busy working on your own assignments.Do reinforce skills sets that are important to your work. If paying attention to detail is critical for the assignment, be clear on why proofreading and triple checking are necessary to do before the job is deemed complete.Do schedule check-ins to mentor your intern. The interns come in a range of ages and with a spectrum of maturity. Supervising high school interns is very different from supervising an adult. Taking on a mentorship role can make a difference in a youth’s life.Do have a back-up supervisor the intern may go to with questions or issues should you be out of the office during any day your intern is scheduled to work. If that’s not feasible, let your intern know beforehand what her duties are for that day and to communicate any issues via email if the need arises.Don’t leave interns out of project communications, email chains etc. – Especially when they have been working as a contributing member. Even if an intern’s role is small and limited, they deserve to be a part of the project team rather than an alienated member who is only remembered when there is tactical work.Don’t ignore problematic situations. If an intern is exhibiting unacceptable work behavior immediately contact HR to help you address the situation.Don’t forget to advise the intern of the range of projects he will be doing. Some may be as fun as touring the Mission while assisting the summer youth tours, others may be tedious, yet all the work here is valued and important.Don’t forget: the experience should be a positive one!37973015303500QUESTIONS? Email Workforce Development at HRPL@. ................

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