1 - Chiropractic

|The atheromatous calcification of the aorta that occurs w/normal |Which of the following results from hyperparathyroidism? |

|serum Ca level? |Osteopenia( generalized bone loss |

|Enzymatic fat necrosis |Increased weight loss |

|Metastatic calcification |Increased cortical sclerosing |

|Lipodydtrophy |Increased metabolism |

|Dystrophic calcification | |

| |What type of collagen is found 1st or earliest? |

|Increased secretion from anterior pituitary following closure of |Type 1( Wound healing |

|the epiphyseal plates could produce? |Type 2( Disc |

|Acromegaly |Type 3( Beginning wound healing |

|Pagets Dz. |Type 4( Basement membrane |

|Gigantism | |

|Cretinism |Who is most likely to have entrapment neuropathy of median nerve?|

| |Elderly males |

|A deficiency in which of the following trace elements results in |Athletic males |

|tetomy similar to that which accompanies hypocalcemia? |Children |

|Copper |Pregnant female( d/t water retention |

|Zinc | |

|Magnesium |Intercranial calcification occurs M/C in? |

|Iron |Oligiodendroglioma |

| |Medulloblastoma( #1 cerebellar tumor in children |

|Who is the most infectious member of the family? |Astrocytoma( #1 benign tumor of brain |

|Older people |Ependymoma( tumor of ependamal layer (top layer of brain) |

|Pregnant females |ventricles of brain. |

|Middle aged males | |

|School age children |Cardiac temponade is defined as? |

| |Aortic stenosis |

|Cer. Pulmonic may be a complication of which of the following? |Fluid in pericardial space |

|Patent ductus arteriosus |Excess fluid in capillaries |

|Kidney failure |Increased fluid in veins |

|Emphysema | |

|Essential hypertension |Which of the following is a primary immunodefiency? |

| |Hashimotos thyroidits |

|Which of the following conditions is characterized by T cell |Myasthenia gravis |

|deficiency due to lack of development of 3 & 4 pharyngeal |Burtons agammoglobulimia |

|pouches, deficiency of heart great vessels, mouth, ears, & |Aids |

|fauces? | |

|T-helper (-)( di Georges |Almost all pathological changes of systemic lupus erythematosus |

|B-cell (-)( Burtons |involve which of the following? |

|Improper clotting |Famma( test to determine lupus |

|Wischott Aldrich |Increased cytotoxins |

| |Increased IgG |

|What type of deficiency is delayed hypersensitive? |Increased immune cells |

|Type 1 | |

|Type 2 |Which of the following is an autosomal gluco-cerebral Dz. |

|Type 3 |w/hepatospleenomegaly? |

|Type 4 |Lymes Dz.( Bulls eye rash |

| |Kleinfelters Dz.( XXY chrosome |

|Skip |Marfans( Lens of eye dislocation, arachodactly, heart problems |

| |Gauchers |

|Which of the following is the most common degenerative Dz. of the|Which of the following is characterized by lesion that has |

|joints? |caseous necrosis in the center & surrounded by endothelial |

|Osteoarthritis |macrophages? |

|Rheumatoid arthritis |Tuberculosis |

|Gouty arthritis |Fibrosis |

|Migratory polyarthritis |Anthracosis |

| |Silicosis |

|Which of the following is responsible for post infectious | |

|glomulonephritus? |Release of histamine into the skin following cutaneus trauma |

|Group D staphylococcus |causes? |

|Staphylococcus streptococcus |Extracellular fluid filled capillaries |

|Staph. Aureus |Granulomatous Increase of mast cells |

|Beta hemolytic strep |Vasoconstriction causes blanching |

| |Vasodilatation of arterioles causing redness |

|Metastatic osteoblastic tumor in a malignancy most likely | |

|originates from which of the following? |Which of the following occurs in a keloid? |

|Breast( 80% osteolytic 20% osteoblastic |Response to wound healing |

|Lung( always osteolytic |Hypertrophic enlargement of scar tissue |

|Prostate( 80% osteoblastic 20% osteolytic. |Early granulomatous Dz. |

|Colon |Benign tumor |

| | |

|Which of the following is classified as a benign neoplasm? |What is the M/C benign tumor of the spine? |

|Lipoma |Hemangoma |

|Sarcoma |Osteoma( M/C in skull |

|Carcinoma |Osteochondroma( M/C in appendicular skeleton |

|Lymphoma & melanoma |Enchondroma( M/C hands & feet |

| | |

|Which of the following is a systemic immune complex reaction? |What causes hoarseness associated with carcinoma in the apex of |

|Poison oak( Type 4 |the lung? |

|Incomplete blood transfusion( type 2 |Metastasis of the speech area |

|Rheumatiod arthritis |Increased sputum |

|Food allergy |Esophageal atresia |

| |Laryngeal nerve damage |

|Serum sickness is an example of? | |

|Immune complex |Which of the following substances is produced in the cells & |

|Delayed immunity |increases inflammation d/t tissue damage? |

|Antibody antigen mediated complex |Prostaglandin’s |

|T-cell mediated complex |Histamine |

| |Leukotriene |

|A deficiency of vit. C most often effects? |Thrombus |

|Nerves | |

|Muscles |What is the result in the cell as a consequence of thyroid |

|Connective tissue |goiter? |

|Hemopoietic tissue |Hyperplasia( Increased # of cells |

| |Dysplasia( Changes of size shape & form |

|Wernecke-Korsakoff syndrome is caused by chronic alcoholisim is |Metaplasia( Sub. one cell for another |

|due to deficiency of which of the following? |Anaplasia( Cancer |

|B-6 | |

|B-3 |Which of the following types of thyrotoxicosis is M/C in patients|

|C |under 40? |

|B-1 |Graves Dz. |

| |Struma ovarii |

| |Iodine induced hyperthyroiditis |

|Which of the following is characterized by recanalizatioz? |Which of the following is a peirosteal encasement of necrotic |

|Thrombus( restores flow |tissue? |

|Sinuses |Sequestrum |

|Aneurysm |Involucrum |

|Fistulas |Cloaca |

| |Limbus |

|Circulatory level of which cell increases in an acute | |

|inflammatory response caused by bacterial infection? |Patients w/abstestosis are predisposed to? |

|Esinophil( Parasitic |Embolism |

|Lymphocytic( allergic Rx. |Tuberculosis |

|Neutrophils |Mesothelioma |

|Basophils( tissue/mast cells( Histamine |Aspergilliasis( Fungal ball |

| | |

|Dz. W/chronic rheumatoid arthritis & spleenomegaly is |A periasteal reaction described radiological as a sunburst Rx. Is|

|characteristic of? |M/C in |

|Marie Strumpells Dz.( AKA: ankylosing spondolytis |Fibrosarcoma |

|Felly’s syndrome |Osteoblastoma |

| |Osteosarcoma( Benign tumor |

| |Giant cell( Multi-nucleated macrophage |

| | |

|Which of the following affects the substantia nigra of basal |Which of the following is a degenerative Dz. that affects the |

|ganglia & results in resting tremors? |cranial nerve nuclei? |

|Alzheimer’s |Wilson’s Dz.( copper metabolism |

|Huntington’s Dz. |Progressive bulbar palsy( characterized by loss of eye movement. |

|Parkinson Dz. |Alzheimer’s |

|Myasthenia Gravis |Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |

| | |

|Megaloblastic enemia is caused by which of the following vit. |The Philadelphia chromosome is a risk factor for which leukemia? |

|deficiencies? |Acute lymphocytic |

|Vit. A( Xeropathalmia |Acute myelocytic |

|Vit. B12( Pernicious anemia |Chronic lymphocytic |

|Vit. C( Scurvy |Chronic myelocytic |

|Vit. D | |

| |Dilation of the inner mammary & subcapiular arteries hypertension|

|Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for an infant|& weakness of the upper limbs w/ decreased lower limb pulse |

|who develops projectile vomiting within the 1st 3 weeks of life? |occurs in which of the following? |

|Pyloric stenosis |Twisting of the aorta |

|Achalasia |Coarctation of the aorta |

|Merkels Diverticulitis |Aortic insufficiency |

|Zenker’s diverticulitis |Patent ductus arteriosus |

| | |

|The neoplasam found in AIDS’s patients is? |NOTE: 5 steps of water purification |

|Karposi sarcoma( Best choice |Coagulation of solutes( Flocculation |

|Non-hodgkins lymphoma( 2nd choice |Sedimentation |

|Wilms tumor in kidney effecting children |Filtration( Back wash filters or filter through sand |

|Melanoma |Aeration( addition of o2 to improve color & taste |

| |Chlorination |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|The substrate of a fully differentiated cell type to another is |Cretinism is caused by? |

|known as? |Hyperthyrodism |

|Anaplasia( is reversible( Is cancer |Hypothyrodism |

|Dysplasia( reversible |Goiter |

|Metaplasia |Hyperparathyrodism |

|Hyperplasia | |

| |Acromegaly & gigantism result from an ( in which of the |

|Which cell is increased in viral infections? |following? |

|Lymphocytes |Histamine |

|Neutrophils( Bacteria |Somatrophin |

|Monocytes |Parathormone |

|Eosinophils( alageries |TSH |

| | |

|Which of the following conditions is characterized by congenital |Subacute panaencephalitis is a rare sequel to? |

|absence or parasympathetic ganglia in the colon subsequent |Herpes simplex |

|constipation & dilation of the colon? |Chicken pox |

|Horners syndrome |Mumps |

|Hirschsprungs Dz |Measles |

|Merekel’s diverticulum | |

|Chagase’s Dz. |When there is degeneration of the lateral cells which of the |

| |following is affected |

|Which of the following is pseudohypertrophic M/C in? |Autonomic function |

|Myssthenia gravis( autosomal Dz F 40 |Vibration sense( Posterior column |

|Duchenne’s dystrophy( Calf muscles M fatal by 20yo |Motor skill( Anterior horn cells |

|Myotonic dystrophy( AKA: steinberts Dz |Temperature sensation( lateral column |

|Beckers dystrophy | |

| |Chronic passive congestion of the liver is typically seen in |

|Fatty liver, edema, & atrophy of the small bowel are |which of the following conditions? |

|characteristic in which of the following? |Right heart failure |

|Kwashiorkor( protein deficiency |Myocardial infarction |

|Marasmus( protein & calorie deficiency |Hypertension |

|Riboflavin deficiency( B2 deficiency( cheilisos |Left heart failure |

|Pellagra( B3 deficiency | |

| |A starry sky appearance of lymphoid tissue is characteristic of |

|Pannus formation is characterized in the pathogensis of? |which lymphoma? |

|Rheumatic Fever( Strepthpyrogensis |Hodgkin’s |

|Gout( Uric acid crystals |Burkett’s |

|Osteoarthritis |Non-hodgkins |

|Rheumatoid arthritis |ALL |

| | |

|Which of the following conditions is characterized by the |Which of the following causes hypoxia w/out ischemia? |

|presence of a 45X Karyotype? |Thrombosis |

|Turner’s syndrome |Arterial compression |

|Downs syndrome( Trisomy 21 |Anemia |

|Edwards syndrome( Trisomy 18 |Embolism |

|Kleinfelter’s syndrome( 47XXY | |

| |Patchy consolidation of the lung is characteristic of? |

| |Bronchitis |

| |Emphysema |

| |Bronchial asthma |

| |Bronchopneumonia |

| | |

|Loss of braking skills, the lack of ability to stop forward |A patient presents w/headaches & a hard pulseless temporal artery|

|movement of the hand when reaching for something results from |which of the following is most likely the cause? |

|blockage of? |Giant cell arthritis |

|Cerebellum | |

|Medulla | |

|Cortex | |

|Brainstem |A young male from central Africa has a rapidly expanding mass in |

| |the area of the jaw ? |

|The disease most likely to cause secondary orohitis in a post |Keratocanthoma |

|puberty male is? |melanoma |

|Mesles |squamous cell carcinoma |

|Mumps |Burketts lymphoma |

|German measles | |

|Chicken pox |A pulmonary embolus most commonly originates in the? |

| |Upper extremity |

|Giant cell arthritis primarily affects the? |Lower extremity |

|Muscular arteries |Kidney |

|Temporal A. |Brain |

|Abdominal A. | |

|Occipital A. |Where would the initial symptoms of myasthenis gravis be observed|

| |Extraocular |

|The genetic defect of the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine|Calf |

|in the liver results in? |Thigh |

|Mental retardation |Arms |

|( prothrombin time | |

|agammaglobulinemia |Pitting edema is typically caused by which of the following ? |

|( SGPT |Nexyedema |

| |Hyperthyrodism |

|Which of the following tumors is comprised of 3 germ cell layers?|Congestive heart failure |

|Sarcoma |Cirrosis of liver |

|Myloma | |

|Teratoma |Which of the following conditions is probably present if upon |

|Lipoma |palpation the median groove of the prostate cannot be palpated? |

| |Prostatitis |

|Which of the following conditions is characterized by |Benign prostatic hypertrophy |

|calcification of the temporal artery? |Granulomatous prostate |

|Atherosclerosis |Prostate carcinoma |

|Arteriosclerosis | |

|Giant cell arthritis |Which of the following produces exudative lesions caused by |

| |mycobacterium tuberculosis & contains caseous? |

| |Ashcoff dodies |

|What is the mechanism by which the herpes stays in the body long |Ghon lesion |

|after the infection? |Brodies abcess |

|Compromise lymphocytes |Guanari bodies |

|Sequestering of the virus genome in the sensory neuron (CNV). | |

|Replicates in spleen & liver |Tuberculosis of the spine is AKA for? |

| |Potts Dz. |

| |Lymes dz. |

|Hyperglycemia, obesity, & osteopenia char. of? |Stills dz |

|Hyperaidosteronism |Ankylosing spondylitis |

|Hypercortisolism | |

|Hyperparathyroidism | |

|Diabetes melitis | |

|Which type of Dz. Is ankylosing spondylitis? |Which of the following is a localized area of tissue necrosis |

|Degenerative |resulting from an immunologically induced necrotizing vasculitis?|

|Autoimmune |Type 3 hypersensitivity |

|Infectious |Tuberculin reaction |

|Inflammatory |Serum sickness |

| |Anaplasia |

|Pyknosis is characterized by nuclear? | |

|Dissecration |Mature cells of atypical size, shape, & organization are |

|Condensation |characteristic of? |

|Fragmentation |Anaplasia |

|Dissolution |Dysplasia |

| |Metaplasia |

|Mask-like face, claw-like fingers, hypertension & fibrosis of the|Cancer |

|esophagus are characteristic of which of the following Dz.’s? | |

|Scleroderma |Subluxation of the lens, laxity of ligaments, & cystic medial |

|Systemic lupus |necrosis of the aorta are characteristic of which of the |

|Raynauds Dz. |following? |

|Rheumatoid |Alcaptoneria |

| |Marfan’s syndrome |

|What is a functional vasopastic disorder which affects small |Systemic lupus |

|arteries & arterioles of the extremities? |Von recklinghausen syndrome( Neudofibro metosis (Café o’ latté |

|Thromeophlebus |spots) |

|Raynaud’s Dz. | |

|Dyspenea |In most types of allergic injuries the immediate transient phase |

|Beurgers Dz |of vascular permeability is mediated by which of the following? |

| |Complement |

|Skip |Histamine |

| |Anafavatoxin |

| |The Hoffman factor |

| | |

| |Antibody synthesis is a primary function of? |

| |Monocytes |

|Which of the following is not characteristic of Horner’s |Neutrophils |

|syndrome? (I don’t know if this is right) |Basophils |

|Dyspenea |Plasma cells |

|Nirosis | |

|Ptosis |Epidural hemorrhage most likely results from laceration of which |

|Enophthalmus |of the following arteries? |

| |Internal carotid |

|A small cystic projection from a joint capsule or tendon sheath |Middle menigeal |

|usually on the wrist is called? |Middle cerebral |

|Ganglion |Superficial temporal |

|Epidermoid cyst | |

|Synovial sarcoma |Synovial thickening & secondary inflammation w/edema but no |

|Nodule |pannus formation is seen in which of the following? |

| |Gouth arthritis |

|Hemorrhage in the reticular formation of the brain is a likely |RA |

|result in? |TB arthritis |

|Blindness |Osteoarthritis( DJD |

|aphasia | |

|anosmia | |

|Coma | |

|Ischemic necrosis as a consequence of cardiac muscle damage is |Which of the following conditions may lead to megaloblastic |

|which type of necrosis? |anemia? |

|Enzymatic |Atrophic gastric mucosa |

|Caseous |( intrinsic factor |

|Lifidifaction |Hypertrophic gastric mucosa |

|Coagulation |( paneth cells |

| | |

|Which of the following causes localized edema and accompanies |Generalized muscle weakness, poor intestinal tonus, & resultant |

|filariasis? |bloating, heart abnormalities & weakness of respiratory muscles |

|( hydrostatic pressure |characterizes which of the following deficiencies? |

|( osmotic pressure |Chloride |

|( venous pressure |K |

|Lymphatic obstruction |Magnesium( 2nd best answer |

| |Calcium |

|Which joints are affected in Heberden’s nodes? | |

|Interphalangeal |The most common malignant tumor of the large intestine is? |

|Ankle |Cancroid |

|Knee |lymphoma |

|Intervertebrae |Adenocarcinoma |

| |Squamous cell carcinoma |

|NOTE( HeBru HAY | |

|Heberdens nodes( DIP joint |Coccidiomycosis most commonly affects which of the following |

|Boughards nodes( PIP joints |organs? |

|Haygards nodes( PIP joints |Skin |

|Haygards nodes( RA |Intestine |

|RA does not effect DIP joints |Lung |

| |Heart |

|Thrombosis & embolism of which of the following vessels can cause| |

|a transmural infarction of the small intestine? | |

|Inferior mesenteric artery | |

|Superior mesenteric artery | |

|Superior mesenteric vein | |

|Inferior mesenteric vein | |

| | |

|Which of the following Dz. Produces symptoms due primarily to | |

|demyelinization of peripheral motor nerve axons? | |

|Multiple sclerosis( CNS | |

|Post-infectious polyradiculitis | |

|Myasthenia glairs | |

|Amyotrophic lateral schlerosis | |

| | |

| | |


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