Android decode base64 string to image


Android decode base64 string to image

MainActivity.kt package com.example.jetpack import android.content.context import import import android.os.bundle import android.text.method.ScrollingMovementMethod import Android.util.Base64 IMPORTATION AndroidX. import * Import Class Import MainActivity:. AppCompatActivity () {Overtride of fun Oncreate (SaviDinstancestate:? Bundle) {super.oncreate (savedinstancestate) setcontentview (r.layout.activity_main) // make mode text text scrolling textview.movementmethod = scrollingmementmethod () // Get the bitmap image FROM ACTIVITY VAL BITMAP FOLDER = ASSETSTOBITMAP () Bitmap "redflower.png"? . Apply {// code this bitmap to string base64 val base64string = Tobase64string () // View Base64 string of bitmap textview.text = base64string // basic decoding Bitmap string Val decodedbitmap: bitmap? = Base64string.tobitmap () // show bitmap decoded in image view imageview.setimagebitmap (decodedebitmap)}}} // extension function to get bitmap from funny activity context.assetstobitmap (filename: string):? Bitmap {try {return stream val = (filename) bitmapfactory.decodestream (stream)} catch (and: ioexception) {e.printstacktrace () null}} // extension function to encode bitmap to base64 fun string bitmap .tobase64string (): string {bytearrayoutputstream (). Apply {Pack (pressformat.jpeg, 90, this) base64.encodetostring return (tobytearray (), base64.default)}} // extension function to decode base string to fun bitmap string.tobitmap (): Bitmap? {Base64.decode (this, base64.default). Apply {return bitmapfactory.decodebytearray (this, 0, size)}} activity_main.xml Public Class Base64 extends OBJE CT JAVA.LANG.OBJECT AA ? Android.util.Base64 Utilities for encoding and decodes the base64 representation of binary data. See RFC 2045 and 3548. INT CRLF ENCODER BIT FLAG To indicate lines should be closed with a CRLF pair instead of an LF. The default default int values for encoder / decoder flags. INT NO_CLOSE flag to pass Base64OutputStream To indicate that it should not close the output flow is written when it is closed. INT NO_PADDING ENCODER Flag Morse omit the character '=' padding at the end of the output (if present). int NO_WRAP Encoder flag Morse omit line terminations (ie, It will be on a long line). INT URL_SAFE Coder / Bit Decoder Flag To indicate using the "URL and Safe Name" variant BASE64 (see RFC 3548 Section 4) where - and _ are used instead of + and /. Static byte [] DecodePare (String STR, INT FLAGS) Decode the base64 encoded data in input and return the data in a new byte array. Static byte (byte input [], INT Flags) [] Decode Detection Data encoded in BASE64 BASE64 and return the data in a new byte array. DECODE STATIC BYTE [] (byte [] input, Int Offset, It Len, Int Flags) Decode base64 encoded data in input and return the data in a new byte array. Static byte [] encoding (byte [] input, int flags) Base64-encode the data and return a data byte of newly assigned [] with the result. static byte [] encoding (input Byte [] input, INT OFFSET, LEN INT, INT FLAGS) Base64-encode the data and return a data byte of newly assigned [] with the result. Encoditostring of static string (byte [] input, int offset compensation, int len, int flags) Base64-encode the data and return a data string again assigned with the result. Encoditostring of static string (byte [] input, int flags) Base64-encode the data and return a data string again assigned with the result. From the Java.lang.Object Object Clone () class creates and returns a copy of this object. Equal Boolean (object OBJ) indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this. Void finalizes () called by the garbage collector on an object when the waste collection determines that there are no more references to the object. FINAL CLASS GETCLASS () Returns the runtime class of this object. INT hashcode () Returns a hash code value for the object. The final flight notification () wakes up on a single thread that is waiting for the monitor of this object. Final Void Notifyall () Choose all threads waiting on the monitor of this object. String tostring () Returns a string representation of the object. Final vacuum Wait (long timeout, int Nanos) Does so that the current thread awaits until another thread invokes the notify () method or the notifyall method () for this object or some other threads interrupts the current wire or a certain Quantity of real time has elapsed. Final vacuum Waiting (long timeout) does so that the current thread awaits that the other thread calls the notify () method or the notifyALAL () method for this object or has spent a specified amount of time. Final vacuum Wait () Causes The current thread Wait until another thread invokes the Notify () method or the NotifyAll method () for this object. Constants Public Static Final Int CRLF Encoder Band Band Flag to indicate that the lines should be terminated with a CRLF pair instead of just LF. It has no effect if NO_WRAP is specified as well. Constant value: 4 (0x00000004) default public static predefined default values for the default values for the flag encoder / decoder. Constant value: 0 (0x00000000) Public Static Final Int No_Close flag to pass to Base64OutputStream to indicate that it should not close the output stream that is winding when it is closed. Constant value: 16 (0x00000010) Public Static Final Int NO_Padding Encoder Band BIT flag to omit padding '=' characters at the end of the output (if any). Constant value: 1 (0x00000001) Public Static Final Int No_Wrap Band Encoder flag bit to omit all line terminators (i.e., the output will be on a long line). Constant value: 2 (0x00000002) Public Static Final Int URL_Safe Encoder / Decoder Band flag bits to indicate using the variant "URL and FileName Safe" base64 (see RFC 3548 Section 4) where - and _ are used instead of + and / . Constant value: 8 (0x00000008) Methods public static Public Byte [] decoding (string str, int flags) decoding the encoded data of base64 input and return the data in a new array of bytes. The padding "=" The characters in the end are considered optional, but if there are, there must be the correct number of them. Parameters Str String: the to be decoded, which is converted into input byte string using the default flag of chartset int: check certain functionality Decoded. Default to decode the standard base64. It throws illegalargumentException If the input contains incorrect padding of the static byte [] decryption (byte [] input, flags INT) decodes the base-input coded data64 and return the data in a new byte array. The padding "=" The characters eventually are considered optional, but if there are there, there must be the correct number of them. Parameters Insert Byte: the input array to decode the INT flags: Certain Certain controls of the decoded output. Default to decode the standard base64. It throws illegalargumentException If the input contains incorrect static bytes [] DECIPHING (input bytes [], OFFSET OFFSET, INT LEN, INT FLAGS) decode the base-input coded data and return data to a new byte array. The padding "=" The characters eventually are considered optional, but if there are there, there must be the correct number of them. Parameters Insert the byte: the data to decode the INT offset: the position within the input array in which to start Lent: the number of input bytes to decode the INT flags: controls some features of the decoded output. Default to decode the standard base64. It throws illegalargumentException If the input contains incorrect static byte byte byte [] encoding (byte [] Input, int flags) Base64-Code data data and return a newly assigned byte [] with the result. Parameters Insert Byte: The data to encode the INT flags: check certain features of the coded output. Pass the default setting in the output that adheres to RFC 2045. Static byte Public [] encoding (byte [] Input, int offset, int len, int flags) base64-code specified data and return a newly assigned byte [] With the result. Parameters Insert Byte: The data to encode the INT offset: the position within the input array in which to start Lent int: the number of input bytes to encode the INT flags: check certain features of the coded output. Pass the default results in the output that adheres to RFC 2045. Encodetstring of the public static string (byte [] input, IMT offset, compensate for Len, int flags) base64-codify data data and return a string awarded again with the result. Parameters Insert Byte: The data to encode the INT offset: the position within the input array in which to start Lent int: the number of input bytes to encode the INT flags: check certain features of the coded output. Pass the default value in the output that adheres to RFC 2045. Encodioditostring of the public static string (byte [] Input, flags int) base64-codify data data and return a string awarded with the result. Parameters Insert Byte: The data to encode the INT flags: check certain features of the coded output. Pass the default results in output that adheres to RFC 2045. 2045.

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