One, Two, Three Strikes Your Out


One, Two, Three Strikes Your Out.

Issues will be reported on the ROOTS cards (Umpire Evaluation Cards).

1 - A rating of 1 is what we hope to see, which mean everyone followed the rules and behaved accordingly and had a fun game of baseball.

2 – A rating of 2 means there was an issue that needs to be addressed. A warning may have been issued. A copy of the ROOTS card will be made and sent to the manager(s) as well as the PCA rep, Division Managers rep, UIC and League Vice-President. More information may be gathered from the umpire and manager(s). The manager(s) will be asked to address the issue.

3 – A rating of 3 is what we do not want. This signifies there was an incident. A warning may have been ignored or problems continued. A copy of the ROOTS card will be made and be sent immediately to the PCA rep, Division Managers Rep, UIC and League Vice-President. More information will be gathered from the umpires and manager(s) of that game.

The frequency of the incident(s) will determine the actions of the league.

1st Incident - The first incident will result in a warning. The severity of the incident may require more involvement and action from the league.

2nd Incident – The second incident will result in the manager forfeiting his position as manager or coach for one game. Again the severity of the incident may require more involvement and action from the league.

3rd. Incident – Hopefully it will never get this far. The third incident will result in a meeting of disciplinary committee and may result in the manager losing his position as manager.

This is of course a 2 way street. If there are any problems or concerns with any umpires please contact your division manager’s representative and/or the league UIC.

Thank you for your support and help in keeping this game of baseball enjoyable and fun.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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