
Unit 1: Analyzing Numerical Data: TV Aspect Ratio, Class Average, Slugging Average, Telephone and License Plates, UPC and Credit Card

1. Baseball great, Joe DiMaggio, has the following stats out of his 13 year MLB career:


389 Doubles       131 Triples     2214 Singles       361 Homeruns     6821 At- bats


Find the Slugging Percentage. Round final answer to the nearest hundredths place.


2. Phone numbers in France are 8 digits long, plus a 2-digit area code. They are in the format:


A can be any number 2-9. B can be any number 1-9. C can be any number 3-9

D can be any number 0-9. X can be any number 0-9.

How many numbers can the French have?


3. Find the check digit that would make the UPC valid.

a. 3-61324-39012- d

b. 0-14300-25433- d

4. Find the check digit that will make the credit card valid.

a. 6900 2472 0428 222d

b. 4444 6219 1573 987d

5. You go to Best Buy to buy a new TV that has large screen area. Your options are a Sony 40’’ Bravia with an aspect ratio of 16:9, and a Samsung 50’’ LED TV with an aspect ratio of 4:3. Round all answer to the nearest inch.

Sony Bravia Samsung LED TV

a. Draw a diagram. a.) Draw a diagram.

b. Find the width and the length. b.) Find the width and length.

c. Find the screen area. c.) Find the screen area

6. Barry Bonds broke Ruth’s record in 2001. Calculate Bonds’ slugging average in 2001 based on his stats:

SLG = [pic]

Singles: 49, Doubles: 32, Triples: 2, Homeruns: 73, Total At-Bats: 476

Find the Slugging Percentage. Round final answer to the nearest hundredths place.


7. Phone numbers in Egypt are 8 digits long, plus a 2-digit area code. They are in the format:


A can be any number 2-7. B can be any number 4-9. C can be any number 6-9

D can be any number 2-9. X can be any number 3-9.

How many total phone numbers can the Egyptians have?


8. In Johnny Unitas’ NFL career, he has completed 2,830 passes in 5,186 attempts for a total of 40,239 yards. He has thrown 290 touchdowns and 253 interceptions. Find Unitas’ career quarterback rating using the formula below. Round all answers to the nearest tenths place.

Percent of total completions (%COMP) = _________

Percent of total touchdowns (%TD) = __________

Percent of interceptions per attempt (%INT) = ___________

Average yards gained per attempt (YD) = __________

Quarterback rating: _________

9. Look at the two grading systems below for a math class at Howard High School and Westover High School.

| | |

|Howard High School Math |Westover High School Math |

|Test Average-50% |Test Average-60% |

|Final Exam Grade-20% |Final Exam Grade-15% |

|Homework-15% |Homework-15% |

|Class Participation-15% |Class Participation-10% |

a. Find the overall average with the following grades:

Test Grades on 4 tests = 80, 0, 82, 88

Final Exam Grade = 84

Homework = 90

Class Participation = 95

Howard High School

Westover High School

b. Suppose you want to find out how good you have to do on the final exam to make a 90 at each school. Your averages are:

Test Grades on 4 tests = 85

Homework = 90

Class Participation = 95

Howard High School

Westover High School

Unit 2: Probability: Venn Diagrams, Tree Diagrams, and Expected Value

10. Construct a Venn Diagram using the following information:

26 college freshman were interviewed

16 take English

17 take Math

10 take both English and Math

3 take neither

For Prom, Roy’s Restaurant is offering a very special menu. For $29.95, you get to choose an appetizer, an entrée, and a dessert. The managers have determined the percentage that teenagers will order each item. These percentages are listed next to the item.

|** Roy’s Restaurant ** $29.95 ** |

|Appetizer: |Entrée: |Dessert: |

|Shrimp Cocktail – 65% |Cheese Crusted Salmon – 5% |Ginger Cheesecake – 30% |

|Squash Salad – 10% |Tiger Shrimp – 20% |Hot Chocolate Soufflé – 70% |

|Mushroom Soup – 25% |Parmesan Chicken – 40% | |

| |Short Ribs – 35% | |

11. What is the probability of choosing shrimp cocktail and ginger cheesecake, with any entrée choice?

12. What is the probability of choosing squash salad or mushroom soup, tiger shrimp, and any dessert?

You are ordering a pizza and have narrowed your choices to the items in the table below.

|Size |Crust |Toppings |

|Medium |Thin |Extra Cheese |

|(0.3) |(0.4) |(0.2) |

| | | |

|Large |Traditional |Italian Sausage |

|(0.7) |(0.6) |(0.5) |

| | | |

| | |Pepperoni |

| | |(0.3) |

13. P (Medium, Thin, Extra Cheese)?

14.) P(Large, Traditional, any topping)?

15. You draw one card from a standard deck of playing cards. If you pick a face card, you will win $10. If you pick an even card, you win $8. If you pick an Ace, you lose $6.

16. Construct a Venn Diagram using the following information:

228 students like

84 students like sausage

25 students liked both pepperoni and sausage

38 students did not like either pepperoni or sausage

Jar 1 has 6 marbles in it, 2 red, 3 yellow, and 1 blue. Jar 2 has 4 cubes in it, 1 green, 1 white, 1 orange, and 1 purple.

17. What is the probability of selecting a red marble and a white cube without looking? _________

18. What is the probability of selecting a yellow marble and an orange cube without looking? ________

19. What is the probability of selecting a blue marble and a green cube? ________

20. The state championships for high school baseball are coming up. Officials estimate that 300 people will attend if it does not rain and 150 will if it does rain. The weather forecast indicates that there is a 30% chance it will rain on the day of the final game. And a 70% chance that it will not rain. Find the expected number of people who will come to the final game.

Unit 3: Statistical Studies: Box-and-Whisker Plot, Stem-and-Leaf Plot, and Experimental vs. Observational Studies

The table below displays the names of 22 Presidents and the age that they were inaugurated.


21. Construct and label a box-and-whisker-plot.

22. Construct a stem-and-leaf plot.

a. What is the mode? _______

b. What is the mean? _______

Identify whether the situation is experimental or observational.

23. Your personal trainer wanted to see the effects that protein shakes had on helping curb hunger throughout the day. He divided his trainees into two groups: Group A received the protein treatment and Group B a powder that they thought was the protein shake.

24. Your teacher recently noticed that many students in class were performing poorly on exams. She decided to make a survey to see how many hours a night students spent studying. Once she collected the surveys she saw that many students did not spend time at home studying.

The box & whisker graph below shows how much time was spent per night on homework for sophomore class at a certain high school during September.

Average Minutes Per Night Spent On Homework

25. What’s the range?

26. What is the median?

27. What is the: Minimum? _____ Q1? ____ Q3? _____ Max? _____


How to validate a UPC number or determine a check digit

Step 1: Underline all ODD position numbers and add them together. Multiply the sum by 3.

Step 2: Underline all EVEN position numbers and add them together.

Step 3: Add the sums for Step 1 and Step 2 together for the total sum.

Step 4: Choose a check digit that makes the calculation total a number whose final digit is 0 (divisible by 10).

How to validate a credit card or determine a check digit.

Step 1: Add the digits in the ODD positions. Multiply the sum by 2.

Step 2: Figure out how many digits in the ODD positions are bigger than 4.

Step 3: Add the even position digits.

Step 4: Add the 3 totals together. If the total is divisible by 10 it is valid. If the total is not divisible by 10 it is invalid.

How to determine a check digit

Step 5: Choose a check digit that makes the calculation total a number whose final digit is 0 (divisible by 10).




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