Annex B (In-processing/Out-processing Basic Airborne ...

Annex B (In-processing/Out-processing Basic Airborne Students) to 1-507th BACSOP

1. Purpose. To outline the operation of in/out-processing procedures of students within the Battalion.

2. General. When the Basic Airborne Student arrives at Ft Benning, the Soldier must report to Building 2747 (Student Accountability).

3. Inprocessing. The student must have in their possession:

a. Four (4) copies of orders assigning or attaching the individual to the 1-507th for Basic Airborne School (1x for Student Accountability and 3x for the BAC company).

(1) Attached personnel are TDY and return: service members of the Navy, Air Force, US Marine Corps, allied foreign militaries, and/or members of the National Guard/Army Reserves.

(2) Assigned personnel are those who are PCSing or TDY en route to another assignment.

b. Copy of a Physical Fitness Test administered by the individual's unit within the 6 months prior to the Basic Airborne Course start date. Scores are determined using the "17 to 21" age bracket, regardless of the age of the individual taking the test. The minimum scores required to attend the BAC are listed in the chart below:

PUSH-UPS SIT-UPS 2 MI RUN Flexed Arm Hang Slip Pull Simulator

MALE 42 53 15:54 20 Sec 20 Sec

FEMALE 19 53 18.54 20 Sec 20 Sec

NOTE: If a Soldier fails the Flexed Arm Hang, they will be assessed on the Slip Pull Simulator

c. A copy of their Physical Examination, DD-2808. DD-2808 states that the individual is physically qualified for Airborne, Special Forces, or Ranger training. If the Soldier has a 7349R, Initial Medical Review-Annual Medical Certificate, he must also present the DD-2808 to which it refers. The physical examination must have been given within five years of the course start date. If the individual is over the age of 35, he or she must also have an EKG, an "over-35" physical examination, and an Age Waiver.

(1) All Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps personnel must report to Building 2747. Once the individual has reported, he/she will be directed to the gaining BAC Company. Sister Service liaisons will meet the members at a designated time and place given to the gaining BAC Company Operations NCO.

(2) After the individual has met all prerequisites, they will fill out a DA form 647-1 (Personnel Register Card). The sign-in detail will attach the DA Form 647-1 to one (1) copy of the individual's orders bringing them to Airborne School. This is turned into the SIDPERS clerk.


Annex B (In-processing/Out-processing of Basic Airborne Students) to 1-507th BACSOP

(3) Sign-in detail will then stamp one copy of enlisted personnel (E-7 and below) and cadet orders with a temporary meal card stamp. This stamped copy of orders serves as a meal card for the individual while he or she is assigned or attached to the battalion. The students will maintain these copies throughout their stay at the 1-507th.

(4) The Basic Airborne Course classes are filled using ATRRS based on HQDA quota. Non-ATRRS personnel will be broken down into a priority system. Only personnel with valid ATRRS reservations will be allowed in the course with the following exceptions. Any slots above the ATRRS quota will be filled using the priority system below and approved by the Battalion Commander:

(a) Priority #1 ? Active-duty Army personnel either en route to Airborne, Ranger, or Special Operations Units or filling authorized Airborne slots and listed as a critical shortage MOS.

(b) Priority #2 ? Navy, USMC, and USAF personnel en route to an authorized Airborne position and listed as a critical shortage MOS.


(c) Priority #3 ? All reserve components forces en route to an authorized Airborne

4. BAC Drop/Recycle Criteria. The 1-507th PIR will drop students from the Basic Airborne Course for the following reasons:

a. APFT - Failed minimum 17-21 age group standards.

b. FPPT - Failed to Progress Physical Training.

c. FQMT - Failed to Qualify on the Mock Tower. The student is recycled to the next training company for retraining. If the individual fails to qualify twice on the same apparatus, he or she will be dropped from the course.

d. FQPLF - Failed to Qualify Parachute Landing Fall (Same as FQMT).

e. FQSLT - Failed to Qualify Swing Landing Trainer (Same as FQMT).

f. QUIT ? Individual will only be allowed to retrain with a waiver from the 1st O6 in the Chain of Command.

g. DISCIPLINARY DROP - This is a punitive permanent or temporary drop at the discretion of the Battalion Commander. Only the Battalion Commander can impose a permanent drop for disciplinary reasons.

h. RJMT - Refused to Jump the Mock Tower. Individual will only be allowed to retrain with a waiver from the 1st O6 in the Chain of Command.

i. RJFT - Refused to Jump the Free Tower. Individual will only be allowed to retrain with a waiver from the 1st O6 in the Chain of Command.

j. RJAC - Refused to Jump the Aircraft.


Annex B (In-processing/Out-processing of Basic Airborne Students) to 1-507th BACSOP k. Admin Drop - This is a non-punitive drop at the discretion of the Battalion Commander. l. Medical Drop - Medical Profile of more than 72 hours. This is a temporary drop and the

individual may return to the Airborne Course once medical personnel clear him or her to conduct Airborne training.

m. Medical Hold - Medical Profile less than 72 hours. The student is put on hold status in the company until medical personnel re-evaluate him or her. If the student returns with another profile, they then become a Medical Drop. If the individual gets a return to duty (RTD), they are recycled to the next training company.

n. When a student drops from BAC in the 1/507th, the Operations Sergeant will bring the student's change of status slip (FB Form 196) to Student Accountability stating the reason the student is being dropped/recycled. This change of status slip is kept on file at Student Accountability. Company Operations Sergeants will direct ALL students on how/when they will be recycled or out-processed.



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