Unit 10 Vocabulary - Weebly

Unit 10 Vocabulary

English 11 CP

I. Definitions - Use a dictionary to match the definitions to the word in the word bank.

accrue annotation antediluvian bedlam covert

debonair dun efficacious equanimity fortuitous

gist gratuitous imperious invective motley

munificent procrastinate provocative recondite reprobate

sedentary inimical

l. (adj.) tending to produce a strong feeling or response; arousing desire ____________

appetite; irritating, annoying; (n.) something that provokes or stimulates

2. (adj.) characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in ____________

one place

3. (adj.) overbearing, arrogant; seeking to dominate; pressing, compelling ____________

4. (adj.) freely given; not called for by circumstances, unwarranted ____________

5. (v.) to delay, put off until later ____________

6. (adj.) exceeding ordinary knowledge and understanding, profound, ____________


7. (adj.) extremely generous, lavish ____________

8. (adj.) unfriendly, hostile; harmful, unfavorable ____________

9. (adj.) showing great diversity or variety; composed of different elements ___________

or many colors; (n.) a multicolored woolen fabric; a jester’s costume, a

jester; a mixture of odd elements

10.(n.) a strong denunciation or condemnation; abusive language; (adj.) ____________

abusive, vituperative

11. (n.) a depraved, vicious, or unprincipled person, scoundrel; (adj.) ____________

wicked, corrupt, or unprincipled; (v.) to disapprove of, condemn

12. (adj.) relating to or typical of ancient times; antiquated ____________

13. (n.) calmness, composure, refusal to panic ____________

14. (v.) to demand insistently, especially payment of a debt; (n.) creditor ____________

(adj.) dark, dull, drab, dinghy, blackish

15. (v.) to grow or accumulate in the course of time; to happen as a natural ____________


16. (adj.) effective, producing results ____________

17. (n.) the essential part, main point or essence ____________

18. (n.) a critical or explanatory note or comment, especially for a ____________

literary work

19. (adj.) pleasant, courteous, lighthearted; smooth and polished (in ____________

manners and appearance)

20. (n.) a state or scene of uproar and confusion ____________

21. (adj.) hidden, disguised, purposefully kept secret; sheltered, secluded; ____________

(n.) a sheltered place, a hiding place

22. (adj.) accidental, happening by chance ____________

II. Completing the sentence – select the best word from the word bank for each sentence.

l. This research program is entirely devoted to developing a drug that will be ____________ in the treatment of arthritis. 2. The editorial on “Legal Rights for Teenagers” was so _______________ that it brought n more letters to the editor than any other single article we published all year.

3. The kinds of books I enjoy reading range from light and airy comedies to _______________ studies of social and philosophical problems.

4. No sooner had the incorrigible old ________________ gotten out of jail than he returned to the wicked ways that had landed him there in the first place.

5. My opponent’s last speech was filled with such wild charges, acrimonious language, and bitter ________________ that I walked out of the room without even trying to reply.

6. The ________________gift of the Mellon family made it possible to set up the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.

7. We have seen her accept victory with grace; now can she face defeat with _________?

8. It is up to the courts to decide how far police authorities may go in making use of _____________ means of surveillance to catch criminals.

9. Although their language was deliberately _______________, I did not allow it to cause me to lose my self-control.

10. As the British writer W.S. Maugham once observed, human nature is a (n) ______________ collection of strengths and weaknesses, foibles and fortes.

11. Our meeting seemed at the time to be entirely _____________ but I learned later that it was the result of a careful plan.

12. Their methods of running the family business are not just out-of-date; they are positively _________________.

13. Think of the great advantages that will ___________ to all of us if we can carry out a truly effective program to conserve and maintain our natural resources.

14. The basic theory of the United States Constitution is that concentration of power in any one branch of the government is _______________ to freedom.

15. ______________ broke out in the meeting hall as the speaker tried vainly to be heard over the angry shouting of the audience.

16. In view of the fact that I have been driving for many years without having a single accident, his advice on how to handle a car seemed entirely ______________

17. If you resent being ____________ by trades people, why not try paying your bills on time?

18. Although she said nothing to indicate her true feelings, the expression on her face gave away her __________________ sympathy for the young culprits.

19. It will be helpful if you can state the _____________ of his arguments in a few sentences.

20. Daily exercise is recommended particularly for people whose occupations are for the most part _____________________.

21. She is a leader who can command loyalty and instant obedience without resorting to abusive language, threats, or a (n) _____________________________ manner.

22. His elegant appearance was matched by the ______________ ease and polish of his manners.

23. Anyone who _____________ when the opportunity to make a very profitable deal presents itself is not going to be notably successful in the business world.

24. The revolutionary forces were a (n) _____________ group, made up of people of all ages, backgrounds, and political sympathies.

25. Next day, the instructor returned my theme with a number of comments, queries, and other ________________ penciled in the margin.

III. Synonyms – select the word that is the same as the given clues.

1. stimulating, arousing; vexing, galling; a stimulus, incentive ________________

2. vituperation, abuse; a diatribe, philippic ________________

3. variegated; heterogeneous, diverse; a fool ________________

4. the substance, essence, core, nucleus ________________

5. seated, sitting; stationary, static ________________

6. immoral, corrupt; a scoundrel, blackguard ________________

7. composure, tranquility, imperturbability ________________

8. bounteous, generous, lavish, liberal ________________

9. to stall, temporize, delay, dillydally ________________

10. to hound, pester, harass, and nag ________________

11. effective, effectual; potent, powerful ________________

12. antagoinistic; deleterious, pernicious ________________

13. commotion, pandemonium; chaos, anarchy ________________

14. domineering, overbearing, magisterial; urgent, imperative ________________

15. superannuated, archaic, antiquated ________________

16. abstruse, esoteric, arcane ________________

17. undercover, clandestine, sub-rosa ________________

18. a critical or explanatory footnote ________________

19. unjustified, uncalled-for, unwarranted; voluntary ________________

20. gracious, suave, urbane; carefree ________________

21. accidental, unintentional, chance, random ________________

22. to accumulate, to result, proceed from ________________

IV. Antonyms – select the best choice for a word that is opposite from the clues given.

l. intentional, deliberate, premeditated ________________

2. simple, easy to understand, uncomplicated ________________

3. justified, warranted ________________

4. friendly, favorable, beneficial, salutary ________________

5. active, peripatetic, migratory, vagrant ________________

6. a tribute, panegyric, encomium ________________

7. uniform, homogeneous, monochromatic ________________

8. fawning, obsequious; humble, unassuming ________________

9. boorish, churlish, distraught, agitated ________________

10. stingy, miserly, tightfisted, parsimonious ________________

11. peace and quiet, order, tranquility ________________

12. modern, up-to-date, state-of-the-art ________________

13. open, overt, undisguised ________________

14. upright, virtuous, moral; a saint ________________

15. excitability, flappability, agitation ________________

16. ineffective; worthless, useless ________________

17. dull, insipid, bland, un-stimulating ________________

18. to strike while the iron is hot ________________

19. to dwindle, decrease, diminish, and lessen ________________

20. bright, gaudy, flashy ________________


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