Come, Enter the Mikvah


And How It Has Affected the Mind of Nearly

Every Person Raised in Western Culture


St. Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225–1274)

From Wikipedia: “Thomism, (named for Thomas), is the philosophical school that arose as a legacy of the work and thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas, philosopher, theologian, and Doctor of the Church. In philosophy, his disputed questions and commentaries on Aristotle are perhaps his most well-known works. In theology, his Summa Theologica is one of the most influential documents in medieval theology and continues to be the central point of reference for the philosophy and theology of the Catholic Church. In the encyclical Doctoris Angelici, Pope Pius X cautioned that the teachings of the Church cannot be understood without the basic philosophical underpinnings of Thomas' major theses. Thomas Aquinas worked to create a philosophical system which integrated Christian doctrine with elements taken from Aristotle. Generally, he augmented the neo-platonic view of philosophy which, after Augustine, had become tremendously influential among medieval philosophers, with insights drawn from Aristotle. In this he was greatly influenced by his reading of earlier and contemporary Islamic philosophers, especially the works of Avicenna…”

From the teachings of Aquinas, taken from Greek philosophy, those in western culture have inherited a basic mind-reasoning known as “divided truth.” It is a type of dualistic thinking--compartmentalized thinking--that allows a person to believe something on two different levels, even opposing levels of thought, yet be totally at peace with oneself.

Psalm 86:11-12: “Teach me Your way, of Yahuweh. I will walk in Your truth. Unite my heart to fear Your Name. I will praise You, O Yahuweh, my Elohim, with all my heart, and I will glorify Your Name forevermore.”

The mixing of two different “truths,” or what the mind considers to be truth (right or wrong), is like mixing hot water with cold water. The combining of the two produces lukewarm water. Hot and cold are opposites, but when a divided mind accepts both as perfectly all right, Yahuweh’s sees it as “lukewarm,” -- a divided heart.

Revelation 3:14-16, Messiah speaking to the congregation at Laodicea, a historic picture of the “church” of our day: “I know your works, for they are neither cold or hot. I would rather you be either cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm and not cold or hot, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth.”

The King James makes it a little softer by saying: “…I will spew you out of My mouth.”

My friends, the time of spewing has come. I asked a question recently in the article “Is the Spirit of Yahuweh Leaving the Earth? - April 7, 2013.” The answer is “Yes.” The divided mind of most of His people is taking them far from Him. Now, the Spirit is dealing with only a few who have a single-mind, a servant-mind—those who align their whole life to conform to the requirements for discipleship with the Master Yahushua.

To be lukewarm is to take two opposing beliefs into our mind and blend them to justify one or the other.

Matthew 5:8: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Elohim.”

In Greek, the word for “pure” here means: To be “single-minded,” or “single-focused,” in thought and deed. Throughout the Word Yahuweh calls us to be set apart “AS HE IS” set apart! The mind that is set-apart to obey Yahuweh and worship only Him is single-focused.

No one just believes and never acts. If we hide an evil thought and think no one knows what we are thinking – beware. What is in us comes out at some point. People always eventually act on what they believe. The problem with the “divided truth,” is that people act on both reasoning’s, whichever one is convenient at the time, or blend the two. The mind becomes a chameleon – blending in with each new situation so that a person feels good about themselves. The mind always finds a way to protect us from any harm. If harm occurs, the emotions react. It is a defense mechanism, but usually in the negative realm. The Spirit of Yahuweh cannot convict a person of sin with dualistic thinking, for the person adjusts their thinking to always maintain their good image. In modern terms, this is “relative thinking.” The whore mind of the “jezebel” spirit can do as she pleases and feels no conviction at all. She can go to church or assembly and blend right in with the most spiritual of the lot. The convicting Spirit of Yahuweh cannot penetrate.

I had a dream back in the early 1990s showing one woman with two heads. The bottom line of the dream was that Yahuweh was showing me my double-mindedness. I have worked through this. I am American-born. I understand what has been done to program the minds of Americans, and all westerners, in general. Even though I grew up with more of an eastern mind-set, Abba still had to set me free from myself. Our mind-programming has put us in a cage with no door.

The word “heart” in Hebrew (lev) refers to the soul--mind, emotions, feelings, intellect, reasoning, and will. King David did not want a divided mind. He wanted his mind focused and united so that nothing intervened in his worship of, or his work for, Yahuweh!

From the Ancient Hebrew site, by Jeff Benner: “The Hebrews saw the heart as the seat of thought…to the ancient Hebrews the heart was the mind, including all thoughts and emotions.”

From an on-line Bible dictionary: “Heart,” in Hebrew, denotes a person's center for both physical and emotional-intellectual-moral activities.

“Divided Truth,” is a coined phrase that describes the dividing and compartmentalizing of the soul/mind into two separate belief systems, which can exist in harmonious cohabitation within one another. Compartmentalizing creates, in essence, two side-by-side file cabinets in the mind.

The soul/mind operates through your brain, and receives input from the five senses of your physical body. It serves the lusts of your flesh, the pride of life, and the exaltation of “self.” The soul/mind emotions relates to your life-force that contacts the earthly realm. It is the seat of the sin-prone nature—the nature that rebels against the restraints of Yahuweh. By dividing it/compartmentalizing it, one can believe two opposing things, and yet live in peace with both, justifying both if questioned. The soul is also vulnerable to being taught by Satan, and demons, from the “supernatural realm.” Thus the mind can become “twisted” or “wick-ed” to experience and thus believe what the demonic realm wants it to believe. Therefore you have “mediums,” tarot card readers, fortune tellers, wizards, witches, warlocks, diviners, and all sorts of related people who have tapped into the demonic realm. The demons often come as “spirit guides.” Thus we have writers of books for young people that are filled with the teaching of “spirit guides,” like Harry Potter.

My son, Derek, made this comment: There is no such thing as divided truth. Truth cannot be divided! This is why Messiah said I'd rather you be hot or cold (single-minded - single-focused). He cannot stand mixture, as with His Father, it doesn't compute with His nature. This is why Messiah said that the prostitutes and tax collectors will enter the Kingdom before the "righteous," because they are what they are--single-minded to get what they want. Messiah felt comfortable around these types of people because they had no hidden, twisted agenda. 

He is right. There is really no such thing as “divided truth,” for real Truth cannot be divided. The usefulness of the division, which the “flesh” loves, is between two different concepts, philosophies, or opinions of what is thought to be true, or between facts that lead to human pride. By each person picking and choosing what is truth for them, they can do as they will and still believe they are OK with their concept of “God.”

I have found in my years of working with Christians and Messianic people, particularly as a minister, that “divided truth” suits the religious person much more than it suits the secular mind, or the mind of atheists and agnostics. I also worked many years in the business world with secular people. The average secular is more content and happy than those with religious beliefs. Their mind is united--to please themselves. Their mind (behind the brain) and spirit (in the loins area of the body), the two making up our “spirit man,” are both united in pleasing their “flesh”-driven carnal sin-prone nature. They have no religious pressure nagging at their mind to conform to a belief-system. They are what they are, for good or bad. This is why I have said, and I’ve heard others say, that it is easier to get along with the average secular, intellectual, atheist, or agnostic, than with people in their own religious group. Few seculars have any reason to be masked, especially now with all types of new cultural “freedoms.” Everything is coming out of the closet now, and society is justifying their beliefs. Look at the favor homosexuals are getting!

Yet, I realize that even secular people have their problems with “divided truth.” I think that most are moral people, perhaps holding onto a fragment of a belief-system from childhood within the context of their chosen moral guidelines. Yet, they, like all human beings, wrestle with the lusts of their flesh. It is just that their conscience is usually not as shamed if they cross ethical or moral lines and they are exposed, like most religious people would be. Few are judgmental of those who cross moral lines. They feel comfortable living on a purely natural plain. Of course, they often hide “affairs,” “alcoholism,” and vices like gambling or pornography, but so do so-called “believers.” For seculars, hiding vices is simply so that they can continue in secret with no hassles.

Cartoons, children movies, and other children’s programming on TV, in videos, games, books, and magazines, are slowly but surely compartmentalizing your child’s mind, so that the mind-programmers of the dark kingdom, whether Illuminati, religion, public school, or the culture itself, can program in what it wants your child to believe. I know symbols used by the dark kingdom, and the beliefs and teachings of the occult, and of Satanism. I can sit and watch a favorite cartoon and point out many evil things. The programmers are preparing children to accept the entourage of the coming evil ones, and to proudly be a part of their kingdom, even if they have to turn against parents, siblings, and friends, to their death. The concept of “divided truth,” will cause many to betray one another--slander, character assassinate, and even kill others--then justify it through “truth” in another compartment of their mind. You may be aiding your own death in the future by allowing the world to program your family, for this mind-conditioning has been used in many countries to cause children to kill their parents, siblings, friends and others. (Mark 13:9-13)

By putting information into compartments of your mind, you can believe even conflicting things and yet justify both as truth. Blessed are those who are set-apart from the world, and teach their children to be set-apart! But, these parents and children are few and far between. Most rely on the church or assembly to teach their children. Most parents do not take the time to instruct their children as Yahuweh demands – Deuteronomy 6:5-9.

Ever wonder why there are so few Jews in prison? From age 3, among devout Jews, they begin to teach their children the Word – beginning in Leviticus. Why Leviticus? Because it gives the boundaries of right and wrong, and the penalty for sin, which is rebelling, revolting and breaking out of the boundaries of the Torah (the instructions and teachings of the Kingdom of heaven for our good life on earth). Those that faithfully guard the Torah, with the nature of Messiah (Galatians 5:22-24) towards Abba and man, and teach their children to guard it, are very blessed. Their children’s minds are not going to be “divided.” Almost no one who really guards the Torah watches TV, because they know it’s evil.

Leviticus 11:44-45; 19:1, 20:7-8, I Peter 1:16, etc., tell us that we are to be set-apart AS HE IS set apart. This means that the things the world calls “good” will be set aside! Notice that His discourses on set-apartness begin with His dietary rules. He is the Creator. He knows what we should eat to stay healthy, and what we should not eat. By being set-apart from the defiled things that we should not eat, we stay healthy. His people should be the healthiest people on earth.

He wants us highly disciplined. In Hebrews 12, He says that if we will not allow Him to discipline us, we are not His children (we are “bastards”).

The word “hypocrite,” refers to a person who pretends to believe one thing, so acts to his benefit in public, but then acts another way in private. To a person with “divided truth,” they are not a hypocrite. They can justify openly everything they believe on both levels.

The Torah reflects the nature, ways, and thinking of the Creator. It is a united Covenant for His people. Christianity has thrown out the Torah. Talk about fragmented! There are over 5,000 denominations and organizations in Christianity, each believing their doctrines are right. Yahuweh is not in this system!

Remember, at the very core of Greek/Roman culture is the gratifying and pampering of the flesh, along with the exaltation of man as a god--the exaltation of Humanism. [Refer to: “The Anchor”/April 8, 2010, which compares Platonic philosophy with the Word]

I have written articles on how the American people have been mind-programmed from earliest childhood, preparing their minds to receive the deceptions of the Illuminati. [Refer to: “Mind Programming, Hidden Manipulation, and the World Brain”/September 2006, and “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons”/October 29, 2007]

Now, I finally understand more fully what I have been speaking into for so many years--the great divide between the reasoning process of those in the West and those in the East, as well as of all mankind outside the influences of western culture. [Refer to “East vs. West/August 2009] The division is HUGE.

In general, the ancient cultures of the East do not lean toward “divided truth” reasoning. The intellect does not rule. All too often emotions rule. But, for the most part, they act outwardly on what they believe in all aspects of their life.

The mind-processing of western culture shuts out almost all from understanding the nature, ways, thinking/reasoning, and personality of Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel, and Yahushua Messiah. It is almost, if not totally, impossible to understand what the Word is saying from a western mind-set, which is so foreign to the mind of Yahuweh. Thus, Western religion uses the Bible to “prove” various reasoning. Man interprets what he wants it to say through the mind of his culture. To do so, he has to take verses out of context. The Word can only be understood within the whole context of what is said--from Genesis to Revelation—and from understanding the culture into which He is speaking. The Word is only written to one people group, in one Land, under one Covenant with Yahuweh. He is an exclusivist as the Word proves. Messiah is an exclusivist, as the Word proves. I have written about this in such articles as “Royal Secrets and Exclusivity”/October 29, 2010.

The only way to know what Yahuweh is really saying is to submit to teaching by His Spirit. Only by understanding Eastern ancient cultural thinking, can one thoroughly understand what is being said. The Spirit of Yahuweh certainly will lead you into all truth IF you take the time to let Him. Because early on, the Roman Catholic Church told their people not to read the Bible but listen to the pope and the priests, Christians, even today, listen to pastors, big-name teachers, evangelists, and so-called prophets, but do not seek Truth from the Truth-giver.

The Orthodox Jews use a snide remark to describe Messianics, especially Western ones, who were formerly Christians but who have added the guarding of Torah to Messianic belief. The expression is: “They are the same woman in another dress.” This has truth in it. Most who have come out of Christianity and now guard Torah maintain thinking, and a lifestyle, that reflects the Western-Christian mind. It is not what one does on a performance level in public that reflects their true nature, but how they act when they are not performing!

Elohim’s thinking is, for the most part, absolutely foreign, alien, and undesirable, to the mind’s reasoning of the West. His Word does not pamper the flesh! He demands that we discipline our mind by allowing Him to rein it in and put it under His control. (Hebrews 12) He is the Creator! We are the created!

He demands that we die to self-will if we are going to take on His will! He demands that we be “single-minded,” if we are to be His children!

II Corinthians 6:14-7:1 makes this very clear. II Corinthians 6:17-18, and 7:1 draw the conclusion: “`Come out from among them and be separate says Yahuweh, and do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you. And I shall be a Father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to Me,’ says Yahuweh the Almighty. Having, then, these promises beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of the flesh and spirit, perfecting set-apartness in the fear of Elohim.”

The usual praying a prayer to receive “Jesus,” and then going out and living life as one pleases to serve self is 100% foreign to Yahuweh and Yahushua. You either sign on 100% to follow Him, or He does not want you.

His words in Matthew 10:34-39, Matthew 13:9-17, Luke 18:18-30, Mark 8:34-38, and John 4:17-20 are very hard. He made it very hard to follow Him – it being nothing less than forsaking all and dying to self will. If these two requirements are not met, you are not one of His disciples (taught ones). No one can find Yahuweh or Yahushua through intellectual beliefs.

There has to be a transformation of the spirit – “True New Birth.” [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/July 30, 2009]

Messiah makes it very clear, that those who are taught by Yahuweh and learn are the ones who come to Him (John 5:44-47; 6:44-45) Action must accompany faith, or it is not faith, it is a belief-system of the head! Ya’cob 4:4 tells us that if we are friends with this world, we are enemies of Yahuweh. Ya’cob tells us that without corresponding actions our faith is fraudulent. (Ya’cob 2:19-26)

The evil ones have no divided mind! They do not deal in “truth” of any kind. They are united in all of their being to fulfill their goal of taking over your mind. The way they do it is to divide your mind into duel “truths,” which are not Yahuweh’s Truth, but natural or religious truths, so that you are an easy one to program any way they want to program you.

We are commanded to have the mind of Messiah. Now reason this: Is Messiah’s mind divided into different “truths,” in which he says one thing and then does another? Does He have to justify Himself? Can you even imagine Yahuweh having a divided mind? If we are to be like Them, then think! We have to be single-minded!

Have you ever heard this statement: “United we stand, divided we fall!”

Have you ever heard this statement: “Divide and conquer?”

If the enemy can divide your mind, he can make you think anything he wants you to think, and he can make you very peaceful with your divided “truth,” reasoning. He just doesn’t want you to know Yahuweh’s pure Truth, as taught by His Spirit into our re-born spirit. So, he takes some of Yahuweh’s truth and mixes it with deception, and feeds it to you as Yahuweh’s truth. It’s the old poison in the apple trick. He usually takes the mixture route, especially with sincere people. This way, he can pervert truth right and left, and the sincerely ignorant can receive it as “revelation knowledge from God.” Most don’t check things out with the whole Word, so they think they really have truth, when it is a mixture of truth and error. They go on their way thinking they are so right with God and man, yet they’re in a ditch.

Only Yahuweh has the right to teach you! He allows others He has taught to teach you, as He wills, and to confirm, as He wills. This is why I give so much Scripture in my articles – so that you can go to Him and let Him tell you what He wants to tell you!!!

Most in Western culture create a God in their own image, so that he fits into the context of western civilization. Thus, few know Yahuweh or Yahushua. This is exactly what first century Hellenized Jews and Greeks did in creating the pagan conglomerate religion of Christianity. The Torah (teachings) of the Elohim of Israel were incompatible with the thinking and desires of the pagan culture of Greece.

The philosophy of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and their disciplines, influenced the “thinkers” of the Church, like Aquinas, and their influence permeated all of Christianity. Protestantism did not erase Greek thinking.

Then there was the Alexandria school of Biblical interpretation, which sprang up in the 2nd century. “St.” Augustine was a product of that. It taught “allegorizing,” of the Scriptures. Thus the Scriptures can be made to say anything a person wants them to say. This philosophy also has permeated the church, causing so many divisions.

When I taught English in Mongolia, I had students confide in me about the many different Christian denominations that were coming into Mongolia, everything from Mormonism, and the Jehovah’s Witnesses, to the Evangelical Free Church, the Baptists, the Presbyterians, the Charismatic denominations, and others. One Baptist young man came to me with great grief. He said that because of all the divisions of Christianity coming into Mongolia, most Mongolian youth had decided to turn back to Buddhism, which was the national religion before the Communists took over. Once free from Communism, as with the famous Kubla Kahn of ancient legend, many Mongolians wanted to be Christians. But, the internal fighting among the denomination made them disgusted. There was one South Korean pastor who came in and established a church that just taught the Word. He took new believers on missionary trips to their aimogs (villages), where they could share their testimony with friends and family. He taught them to pray. He taught them to love the Word and to know God. He had no denominational affiliate. I sent all my students there.

Because of the “divided truth” philosophy, the Scriptures are often read by Westerners with a glazed-over mind. There is no reality to the Scriptures. They tell us to forsake all to follow a Master, but that is incompatible with getting what we want for ourselves. Westerners, like the ancient Greeks, are raised from toddler age to think that life consists of pleasing themselves--having what one wants, succeeding in life, gaining possessions, raising positions, having money, popularity, a social life, friends, being entertained, and having enjoyment.

Jezebel-like spirits abound in western culture, in women and men – especially in the “ministry.” I was an ordained minister in Christianity for a long time, so I know. Jealousy and competition are “normal” attitudes in “the ministry.” Humility is almost non-existent.

The sign that one is really born of the Spirit is their nature. Does their nature conform to the “fruit of the re-born spirit,” as outlined in Galatians 5:21-24.

[Refer to: Your Nature, and Corresponding Lifestyle, Exposes What God You Really Serve/May 27, 2013]

In “The True New Birth,” there are 40 things that happen by the sovereign work of the Spirit that transform a person into a totally new creation. [Refer to the article by this name, under The Mikvah of Eternal Salvation on ]

Hebrew understanding of “faith,” is that what you believe, you act out in everyday life, or you’re a deceiver, a fake.

He has to be Master of all. If we submit to Him, we submit to His discipline and training, testing, and more testing. It is like a soldier entering “boot camp.” Sh’aul addresses this in II Timothy 2:3-4, which begins with submitting to hardship as a good soldier. It is through hardship and suffering for righteousness’ sake, as we obey Yahuweh and not man, that we come to know Yahuweh. It is through testing us in hard times that He comes to know us. If He does not know us, then at His coming, He will say to us what He says to the “foolish virgins,” – “Truly I say to you, I do not know you.”

The whole Word is united. There is no “Old Testament,” superseded by a “New Testament.” The Word is one complete unit! Yahushua expands the teachings of Yahuweh into the realm of our lifestyle. He is not divided!

I Corinthians 1:26-31: “…For look at your calling brothers, there are not many wise according to the flesh, not many wise, not many noble. But, Elohim has chosen the foolish things of this world to put to shame the wise, and Elohim has chosen the weak of this world to put to shame the strong. And Elohim has chosen the low-born of this world, the despised, and the ones who are (called) nothing, that He might bring to nothing the ones who think they are something--so that no flesh can boast in His Presence…”

Religion easily can make a person proud and haughty, thinking themselves superior to others, or think they are wretched sinners who deserve no good--pride in reverse. But Yahuweh tells us who we are from His standpoint. Our prayer must be: “Search me, O El, and know my heart. Try me, and know my thoughts. And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24) As the Psalm says earlier, He knows us through and through. So, why fool yourself, or try to fool Him, or others? Let us have one mind that is pure and set-apart and thus one focused lifestyle that honors Him?

Being “humble” is simply being honest about ourselves, neither exalting or debasing ourselves.

Matthew 18:1-4: “`…Who, then, is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven?’ And Yahushua called a child to Him and placed him in their midst, and said, `Truly I say to you, that unless you turn and become as little children, you shall by no means enter the Kingdom of heaven.’ ”

A little child raised without mind-compartmentalizing technology and teaching, has a single mind, a simple trust, a forgiving nature, loving nature, and a giving nature. Little children do not reason from “divided truth.”

To further clarify “divided truth” reasoning:

From Tom Horn, in his latest book, Exo-Vaticana, relates how Jesuit astronomers believe, as does the Pope, in Darwinism/Evolution, and in alien beings that are superior to mankind, who will come to earth as our friends. They openly say that the Bible is filled with myths. Tom Horn names some of these prominent Jesuit astronomers. He says that they “have adopted a `two-tiered’ worldview based on a divided concept of truth as described by the acclaimed evangelical philosophy, Dr. Frances Shaffer. Shaffer traced the origin of the `divided truth’ concept to Roman Catholic Doctor of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274).”

Aquinas divided between “grace,” – one’s belief in God (whatever is truth for them)--and “nature,” a lower thinking that lives on the visual, earthly plane, and has to do with man’s body (flesh) and mind’s desires.

Horn says: “The idea is that truth is divided. There are two kinds of truth: one accessed by reason and evidence, and the other by blind faith.”

He goes on to show that this division is a weapon used by man to separate between what Elohim says in His Word, and what man learns and experiences through his 5 senses. It is also a weapon used by Satan.

It comes down to the common statement of today: “That may be true for you, but it’s not true for me.”

Speaking of “blind faith,” -- faith that is not grounded in “thus says Yahuweh,” --when the days of horror come, those who have not prepared for it spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically, will forsake their head-belief systems like crazy people, because their God is not real – the horror is real. I’ve heard several say: “If we don’t get raptured out of here and we have to suffer, and see our children die, then I am going to deny Jesus, because he is not the God I thought he was.” This thinking is an honest reflection of what “divided truth” will do in the days ahead. Talk about apostasy!!!

Horn says: “All liberal theology is predicated on the divided truth concept.”

But, then, Tom, all that was called “Christianity” by the Greeks and Romans was liberal theology from the beginning – a mixture of paganism with some truth.

Sha’ul said: “The mystery of iniquity is already at work.” That was the first century. The anti-messiah is called “the man of sin” (iniquity). Sha’ul and the other Apostles fought the early stages of Christianity and rabbinic Judaism fiercely, for these forces were beginning to pervert the purity of the teachings of Messiah and Torah.

Horn says: “Vatican II thrives on this division...” “…Jesuit astronomers embrace neo-Darwinism and astrobiology, which claim to represent Christ. In this way they can assure us they have faith, while at the same time denying that it has any relevancy to science.” “The Jesuits admit that belief in God is a matter of private feelings and religious beliefs, but it has nothing to do with success in the real world.”

As Dr. Shaffer pointed out, the upper level of the dualistic, or divided, mind can believe in God, in salvation, in eternal life, and other doctrines of the Bible that are favorable to ones’ self-life, while the lower compartment can believe that to be friends with the world is a good thing, in order to be “successful,” to enjoy what the world calls “entertainment,” and to have what the world offers for security and comfort.

This two-level reasoning is totally opposite of Yahuweh--opposite of His nature, His ways, and His thinking! Yet it is the reasoning of 99.9% of those in Western culture!

Yet, the whole Word screams that we are enemies of Elohim if we buy into the allurements of the Lucifer-controlled world system. This is why passages of Scripture like Romans 8 plead with “believers” not to walk in the “flesh,” but to walk in the Spirit--for to walk in the flesh is spiritual death. “You cannot serve Elohim and mammon,” Messiah said. “Mammon” was a pagan god of fortune and money. This dualistic mind can believe all sorts of things on both levels, and justify their goodness at the same time.

Homosexuals of the Metropolitan Churches (the homosexual denomination) believe that they can practice homosexuality and be born-again Christians. People believe they can pray a prayer to “receive Jesus,” go on to live a worldly life, and when they die they go to heaven. Most feel good about themselves without ever checking with the whole of Scripture, or with Yahuweh or Yahushua, to find out if they are really “good” or not. Our eternal life is not in heaven anyway – read the Word!

This is how big-name evangelists and pastors can have affairs with their secretaries, even be homosexual, divorce their wives, and continue on in their fame and wealth. Tolerance for what Yahuweh calls “evil” is the “norm.”

Isaiah 5:20: “Woe to those that call evil good and good evil.”

But, since “God” is love, tolerance of evil is rampant. Few pastors teach anything that might upset their congregation. They fear losing their money and their popularity. If people don’t like what the pastor says, they go somewhere else to hear what they want to hear. It is becoming so rampant that it is frightening.

This is how organizations can rake in multi-millions of dollars a year in the name of promoting the “Gospel,” and at the same time teach doctrines that are alien to Yahuweh. Both the TBN and CBN networks are good examples.

Can a person with a divided mind be truly “saved,” -- born again?

If you have read very many of my articles, you know that one of the strongest things I teach is the division between the soul and spirit. Yet, almost no churches or assemblies are teaching this very basic truth.

Hebrews 4:12: At the true new birth--the Scriptural new birth that begins with faith and commitment--the sword of His Word separates between the soul and the spirit. Then the war begins! It is the spirit that is re-born, and perfected. It is the spirit which is the portal into the eternal realm of Yahuweh. It is into this re-born spirit that the Spirit of Yahuweh can enter, if asked (Luke 3:16). It is here that He teaches, comforts, convicts of sin, leads us, and talks to us. He never wastes His time talking to our mind-reasoning, because it is divided.

The war is between the rebellious sin-prone self-loving soul and the re-born spirit which is subject to Yahuweh – IF A PERSON HAS HAD THE TRUE NEW BIRTH! We must allow Him to discipline the rebellious soul, so that it submits to the authority of the Spirit, so that we are not divided, but one whole unit—in the likeness of Messiah and Yahuweh.

Scripture is very clear about the division between the soul and the spirit. Two different words are used, both in Hebrew and Greek, for the soul, and the spirit.

Romans 12:2: “Be not conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you prove what is that good, and well-pleasing, and perfect will of Elohim.” The mind is “renewed” by the Word, and discipline of the Spirit.

II Corinthians 3:17-18: “Now Yahuweh is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of Yahuweh is, there is freedom. And we all, as with unveiled face, see as in a mirror the glory of Yahuweh, and are transformed into that same likeness, from glory to glory, as by the Spirit.” Powerful! He does the transforming as we keep our eyes focused on our loving Father, and allow Him to work in us!

One of the fastest ways to be transformed is to daily sit quietly in His Presence, listening to soft worship music that feeds the spirit, speaking the Psalms, singing, praying, worshipping, and submitting to His will. In His Presence we can be transformed!

To make things as clear as possible: The mind works through the brain, human emotions, and natural feelings. In Scripture it is called “the soul.” The soul/mind-- emotions, personality, reasoning, and will--connect to the world around it by the five senses – sight, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting. The soul is our life-force in this natural world, which is carried through the blood. All commercial advertisements appeal to one of these senses, or to “common sense reasoning,” in which the mind-programmers tell you what is right or wrong. The subtle messages, subliminal suggestions, of Lucifer/Satan work through the soul to encourage pride and rebellion. This is why Yahuweh won’t deal with the volatile mind and emotions, but only through the re-born spirit. This is why Abba cannot speak to anyone if they are in a state of negative thinking, and/or negative emotions! He is Light. He will not talk to us if we are wallowing in the darkness of self-pity, whining, complaining--darkness! This is why so few hear from Him – because they live on a natural plain in their mind and emotions! [Refer to: “Forty Ways Elohim Speaks to His People”/2005]

Greek culture, upon which Western culture is based, was saturated with ways to please the flesh/the body and the senses, satiating the mind with beauty and pleasantness of all types, including all forms of sexuality. Greek culture set the will of man free to lavish himself in whatever he lusted after. In Greek religion, people worshipped a pantheon of many gods – each god suited to whatever one wanted, or needed. Rome copied Greek culture in many things. Constantine, to unite His Empire, in 325 CE, took all the gods of the Greco/Roman pantheon, and reduced them to one supreme God that they could all worship – a sun god that fit into the personalities of all the other gods--“another Jesus.” Thus, modern Christianity presents pretty much a smorgasbord of “pick and choose,” whatever you want to add to the basic beliefs of your chosen group. If you want to deny basic beliefs you just keep quiet and pretend. After all, the social life can be very good!

Leonard Ravenhill, a famous evangelist of former days, said: “The Word is not a smorgasbord, where you can pick and choose what you want to believe and discard the rest.” Too bad Leonard was a victim of the smorgasbord!

So, can a person with “divided truth” be saved? Salvation takes place in the spirit, not the soul/mind. Our Father has given the new birth to us by His mercy and grace, as a result of our faith in His Son. Yes, of course, we can be saved if our mind is united in belief in the death and resurrection of the Jewish Messiah of the Gospels. But, as I said, then the war begins. It is what we do with our salvation that matters. One who is truly born again will allow the Spirit to unite their mind in the Word, so that they do not have any “divided truth.” Messiah said: “And you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.” His Truth sets us free. Man’s religious “truth” puts us in bondage to man. When one chooses to submit to the teachings of a man, a group, a denomination, they turn from hearing from Yahuweh, cap their spirit, shut off the eternal realm, and live on the low-plain of this earth. Thus the world becomes their friend. This one is in danger of losing salvation because they have cut off their link to His Presence.

We do not deserve any of His kindness, let alone His mercy. But, He expects us to grow up and allow Him to mature us into His image and likeness. From an understanding by Sadhu Sundar Singh, if a person continues to deny His Word and sin, or rebel against known truth, or go about their business and leave Him out, when they pass from this life there is a chance that they are so far from Yahuweh that they would not choose the Kingdom of Light if they could, but rather would feel more comfortable in the chambers of darkness. Our eternal destiny is dependent on where our “heart” is--where our deepest love is, where our enjoyment is, where we feel most comfortable.

Most want to go to an Elysian Fields-type of heaven. They do not want the punishment of hell. But, they do not want the responsibility of being a citizen of the Kingdom of Light.

Philippians 3:20-21: “For our citizenship is in heaven, from where we eagerly wait for the Savior, the Master Yahushua Messiah, who shall change our mortal body to be conformed to His esteemed body...”

We are entering the prophesied days of “great tribulation.” If you are not born of the Spirit, but have a nice belief system that suits you, whether right or wrong, and if you are not filled with and controlled by the Spirit, when the tremendous hypnotic powers of demons and technology begin to scramble your brain, you will give in right away, and throw out your God to embrace the foreign gods, to save your life. Only those who are truly born of the Spirit, and grow to maturity, will know how to rely on the “mind of the spirit” when the human soul-mind shuts down. They will overcome in victory! I’ve taught a lot on what happens when the natural mind shuts down, for in almost dying of malaria in Africa, I found that I could operate out of the mind of the spirit when I didn’t even remember my own name.

Be born of the Spirit, filled with the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, be taught by the Spirit, and submit your mind to His transformation. Then you will be changed into His likeness, and gain His strength and endurance. You will walk in peace, joy, love, kindness, humility, gentleness, faith, long-suffering, self-control, and glorious freedom. You will be a whole being – united. Make sure of your eternal salvation. [Refer also to: “Guard Your Salvation”/November 2007]

Be sure in reading any of my articles to look up all Scriptures and read them in context, so that the Spirit can teach you what He wants you to know!

Shalom, with His love,

Yedidah, September 19, 2013


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