Introduction and Organization of Material

Curriculum Change WorkbookMedical Assisting Education Board2015 Standards - MAERB Core CurriculumTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction and Organization of Material PAGEREF _Toc434562609 \h 1Part 1: Current Program Schedule and Courses PAGEREF _Toc434562610 \h 3Part 2: Proposed Program Schedule and Courses PAGEREF _Toc434562611 \h 4Part 3: Background PAGEREF _Toc434562612 \h 5Part 4: Complete Description of the Changes PAGEREF _Toc434562613 \h 6Part 5: Distribution of the MAERB Core Curriculum PAGEREF _Toc434562614 \h 7Cognitive Objectives PAGEREF _Toc434562615 \h 7Psychomotor Competencies PAGEREF _Toc434562616 \h 18Affective Competencies PAGEREF _Toc434562617 \h 24Part 6: Syllabi PAGEREF _Toc434562618 \h 26Introduction and Organization of MaterialBased upon MAERB Policy 235, it is required to report the following curriculum changes to the MAERB Accreditation office:Addition or deletion of coursesChange in the method of delivery modality A change in the total number of clock or credit hours Redistribution of course content without a credit changeRenumbering, renaming or re-sequencing of coursesFor each of these above-listed scenarios, MAERB requests that you describe the changes in a cover letter, which is to be sent to your program’s Case Manager via email, along with electronic copies of all revised syllabi. The cover letter should include the reason for the change, a brief description of the modifications, the timing and implementation of the change, and a statement regarding the number of clock/credit hours before and after the change. The procedure for submitting the change, however, can vary according to the specific change, as some changes require you to submit a completed curriculum change workbook. Prior to submitting anything to the office, it is recommended that you contact your Case Manager in order to ascertain the process that will be most effective for the curriculum change that is planned for a specific program. The following two changes require submission of a completed curriculum change workbook, along with the same above-requested cover letter and electronic copies of all revised syllabi. Addition or deletion of courses (if the course contains the MAERB core curriculum)More than a 10% change in the cumulative clock or credit hours of the program’s curriculumIf there is a change in method of delivery that includes the teaching and assessing of the psychomotor competencies in either “Foundations of Clinical Practices” or “Safety and Emergency Practices” through a distance education modality (see policy 132 for more details), then there is a special workbook, Teaching Invasive or Protective Competencies via Distance Education (TIPCDE), that must be completed. You will need to contact your Case Manager for the TIPCDE Workbook. The syllabi that you submit should have very abbreviated titles of ten characters or less, as the model below outlines:When MAERB approves your curriculum change, the program will be invoiced accordingly, based upon the fee outlined in Policy 115 and the MAERB Accreditation Fee Schedule. General InformationTitle of Medical Assisting Program Click here to enter text.Address of Institutional Webpage for Program, if applicableClick here to enter text.Award grantedChoose an item.Sponsoring InstitutionClick here to enter text.Mailing Address 1Click here to enter text.Mailing Address 2Click here to enter text.City, State, ZipClick here to enter text.Institution Phone Number (include hyphens)Click here to enter text.WebsiteClick here to enter text.Name and Contact information for person with the central responsibility for the preparation and submission of the Curriculum Change.Workbook. Name and CredentialsClick here to enter text.TitleClick here to enter text.Mailing AddressClick here to enter text.City, State, ZipClick here to enter text.Phone Number (include hyphens)Click here to enter text.EmailClick here to enter text.OverviewLength of current program in monthsClick here to enter text.Length of proposed program in monthsClick here to enter text.Current system of credit or clock hours (highlight which one)Choose an item.Proposed system of credit or clock hours (highlight which one)Choose an item.Current total number of credit or clock hoursClick here to enter text.Proposed total number of credit or clock hoursClick here to enter text.Current type of academic terms (semester, quarters, blocks) Choose an item.Proposed type of academic terms (semester, quarters, blocks) Choose an item.Part 1: Current Program Schedule and CoursesPlease list the courses within the medical assisting program that the students are required to take currently, prior to any proposed change. It is not necessary to list the general education courses. The only courses that should be listed are the ones that contain the MAERB Core Curriculum. Course NumberCourse Title# of Lecture Hours# of Lab hours# of credits (if applicable)Cognitive objectives taught (yes/no)Psychomotor/Affective Competencies taught (yes/no)Term TakenPrerequisite, if anyEnter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Part 2: Proposed Program Schedule and CoursesPlease list the courses that the students will be required to take after the proposed change. It is not necessary to list the general education courses. The only courses that should be listed are the ones that contain the MAERB Core Curriculum. Course NumberCourse Title# of Lecture Hours# of Lab hours# of credits (if applicable)Cognitive objectives taught (yes/no)Psychomotor/Affective Competencies taught (yes/no)Term TakenPrerequisite, if anyEnter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Enter here.Part 3: Background What are the reasons for this proposed change in the program’s curriculum?Click here to enter text.In what ways did your advisory committee provide input to and assist in developing this proposed change? Click here to enter text.What new resources are necessary due to the proposed change in the program, and how will they be acquired? Click here to enter text.What institutional process did you need to follow in order to put the curriculum change into place? Click here to enter text.Do you anticipate that these proposed changes will affect the program outcomes (retention, job placement, employer and graduate satisfaction, and certifying exam participation and passage)? Click here to enter text.Part 4: Complete Description of the ChangesPlease go into detail about the nature of the changes. For example, if you have shifted the sequence of the courses as well as cut down on the number of credit hours, explain the shift of sequence and why some credit hours were eliminated. If, for example, you determined that an entire “content area” of the MAERB Core Curriculum needed to be taught in a completely different course, explain why that determination was made. If you have determined to incorporate a two-part practicum, explain in detail how you will ensure that the students will cover and be assessed on the appropriate cognitive objectives and psychomotor and affective competencies prior to their being put into place. Details will be very important in understanding the context of the change. Click here to enter text.Part 5: Proposed Distribution of the MAERB Core CurriculumCognitive ObjectivesCourse Number (e.g., MED 101, MED 107)Crosswalk (if applicable) If the program creates its own course learning objectives and does not use the number and precise language of the cognitive objective on the syllabus, include the course learning objective listed on syllabus that covers the specific objective. I.C Anatomy & Physiology??I.C.1. Describe structural organization of the human bodyEnter here.Enter here.I.C.2. Identify body systemsEnter here.Enter here.I.C.3. Describe:a. body planesEnter here.Enter here.b. directional termsEnter here.Enter here.c. quadrantsEnter here.Enter here.d. body cavitiesEnter here.Enter here.I.C.4. List major organs in each body systemEnter here.Enter here.I.C.5. Identify the anatomical location of major organs in each body systemEnter here.Enter here.I.C.6. Compare structure and function of the human body across the life spanEnter here.Enter here.I.C.7. Describe the normal function of each body systemEnter here.Enter here.I.C.8. Identify common pathology related to each body system including: a. signsEnter here.Enter here.b. symptoms Enter here.Enter here.c. etiology Enter here.Enter here.I.C.9. Analyze pathology for each body system including:a. diagnostic measuresEnter here.Enter here.b. treatment modalitiesEnter here.Enter here.I.C.10. Identify CLIA waived tests associated with common diseases Enter here.Enter here.I.C.11. Identify the classifications of medications including: a. indications for useEnter here.Enter here.b. desired effectsEnter here.Enter here.c. side effectsEnter here.Enter here.d. adverse reactionsEnter here.Enter here.I.C.12. Identify quality assurance practices in healthcareEnter here.Enter here.I.C.13. List principles and steps of professional/provider CPREnter here.Enter here.I.C.14. Describe basic principles of first aid as they pertain to the ambulatory healthcare settingEnter here.Enter here.?II.C Applied MathematicsII.C.1. Demonstrate knowledge of basic math computationsEnter here.Enter here.II.C.2. Apply mathematical computations to solve equationsEnter here.Enter here.II.C.3. Define basic units of measurement in:a. the metric systemEnter here.Enter here.b. the household systemEnter here.Enter here.II.C.4. Convert among measurement systemsEnter here.Enter here.II.C.5. Identify abbreviations and symbols used in calculating medication dosagesEnter here.Enter here.II.C.6.?Analyze healthcare results as reported in: a.??? graphs Enter here.Enter here.b.??? tables Enter here.Enter here.?III.C Infection ControlIII.C.1.??? List major types of infectious agents Enter here.Enter here.III.C.2.??? Describe the infection cycle including: a.??? the infectious agentEnter here.Enter here.b.??? reservoirEnter here.Enter here.c.??? susceptible hostEnter here.Enter here.d.??? means of transmissionEnter here.Enter here.e.??? portals of entryEnter here.Enter here.f.???? portals of exitEnter here.Enter here.III.C.3.??? Define the following as practiced within an ambulatory care setting:Enter here.Enter here.a.??? medical asepsisEnter here.Enter here.b.??? surgical asepsisEnter here.Enter here.III.C.4.??? Identify methods of controlling the growth of microorganismsEnter here.Enter here.III.C.5.??? Define the principles of standard precautionsEnter here.Enter here.III.C.6. Define personal protective equipment (PPE) for: a. all body fluids, secretions and excretionsEnter here.Enter here.b. bloodEnter here.Enter here.c. non-intact skinEnter here.Enter here.d. mucous membranesEnter here.Enter here.III.C.7. Identify Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulations that impact healthcare practicesEnter here.Enter here.?IV.C NutritionIV.C.1.?? Describe dietary nutrients including:a.??? carbohydratesEnter here.Enter here.b.??? fatEnter here.Enter here.c.??? proteinEnter here.Enter here.d.??? mineralsEnter here.Enter here.e.??? electrolytesEnter here.Enter here.f.???? vitaminsEnter here.Enter here.g.??? fiberEnter here.Enter here.h.??? waterEnter here.Enter here.IV.C.2.?? Define the function of dietary supplementsEnter here.Enter here.IV.C.3.?? Identify the special dietary needs for:a.??? weight controlEnter here.Enter here.b.??? diabetesEnter here.Enter here.c.??? cardiovascular diseaseEnter here.Enter here.d.??? hypertensionEnter here.Enter here.e.??? cancerEnter here.Enter here.f.???? lactose sensitivityEnter here.Enter here.g.??? gluten-freeEnter here.Enter here.h.??? food allergiesEnter here.Enter here.?V.C Concepts of Effective CommunicationV.C.1. Identify styles and types of verbal communicationEnter here.Enter here.V.C.2. Identify types of nonverbal communicationEnter here.Enter here.V.C.3. Recognize barriers to communicationEnter here.Enter here.V.C.4. Identify techniques for overcoming communication barriersEnter here.Enter here.V.C.5. Recognize the elements of oral communication using a sender-receiver processEnter here.Enter here.V.C.6. Define coaching a patient as it relates to:a. health maintenanceEnter here.Enter here.b. disease preventionEnter here.Enter here.c. compliance with treatment planEnter here.Enter here.d. community resources Enter here.Enter here.e. adaptations relevant to individual patient needsEnter here.Enter here.V.C.7. Recognize elements of fundamental writing skillsEnter here.Enter here.V.C.8. Discuss applications of electronic technology in professional communicationEnter here.Enter here.V.C.9. Identify medical terms labeling the word partsEnter here.Enter here.V.C.10. Define medical terms and abbreviations related to all body systemsEnter here.V.C.11. Define the principles of self-boundariesEnter here.Enter here.V.C.12. Define patient navigator Enter here.Enter here.V.C.13. Describe the role of the medical assistant as a patient navigatorEnter here.V.C.14. Relate the following behaviors to professional communication:a. assertiveEnter here.Enter here.b. aggressive Enter here.Enter here.c. passive Enter here.Enter here.V.C.15. Differentiate between adaptive and non-adaptive coping mechanismsV.C.16. Differentiate between subjective and objective informationEnter here.Enter here.V.C.17. Discuss the theories of:a. MaslowEnter here.Enter here.b. Erikson Enter here.Enter here.c. Kubler-RossEnter here.Enter here.V.C.18. Discuss examples of diversity: ??a. culturalEnter here.Enter here.b. social Enter here.Enter here.c. ethnicEnter here.Enter here.?VI.C Administrative FunctionsVI.C.1. Identify different types of appointment scheduling methodsEnter here.Enter here.VI.C.2. Identify advantages and disadvantages of the following appointment systemsa. manualEnter here.Enter here.b. electronicEnter here.Enter here.VI.C.3. Identify critical information required for scheduling patient proceduresEnter here.Enter here.VI.C.4. Define types of information contained in the patient’s medical recordEnter here.Enter here.VI.C.5. Identify methods of organizing the patient’s medical record based on:a. problem-oriented medical record (POMR)Enter here.Enter here.b. source-oriented medical record (SOMR)Enter here.Enter here.VI.C.6. Identify equipment and supplies needed for medical records in order to:a. Create Enter here.Enter here.b. MaintainEnter here.Enter here.c. StoreEnter here.Enter here.VI.C.7. Describe filing indexing rules Enter here.Enter here.VI.C.8. Differentiate between electronic medical records (EMR) and a practice management systemEnter here.Enter here.VI.C.9. Explain the purpose of routine maintenance of administrative and clinical equipmentEnter here.Enter here.VI.C.10. List steps involved in completing an inventoryEnter here.Enter here.VI.C.11. Explain the importance of data back-upEnter here.Enter here.VI.C.12. Explain meaningful use as it applies to EMREnter here.Enter here.?VII.C Basic Practice FinancesVII.C.1. Define the following bookkeeping terms:a. chargesEnter here.Enter here.b. paymentsEnter here.Enter here.c. accounts receivableEnter here.Enter here.d. accounts payableEnter here.Enter here.e. adjustmentsEnter here.Enter here.VII.C.2. Describe banking procedures as related to the ambulatory care setting Enter here.Enter here.VII.C.3. Identify precautions for accepting the following types of payments:a. cashEnter here.Enter here.b. checkEnter here.Enter here.c. credit cardEnter here.Enter here.d. debit cardEnter here.Enter here.VII.C.4. Describe types of adjustments made to patient accounts including:a. non-sufficient funds (NSF) checkEnter here.Enter here.b. collection agency transactionEnter here.Enter here.c. credit balanceEnter here.Enter here.d. third partyEnter here.Enter here.VII.C.5. Identify types of information contained in the patient's billing recordEnter here.Enter here.VII.C.6. Explain patient financial obligations for services renderedEnter here.Enter here.?VIII.C Third Party ReimbursementVIII.C.1. Identify:a. types of third party plansEnter here.Enter here.b. information required to file a third party claimEnter here.Enter here.c. the steps for filing a third party claimEnter here.Enter here.VIII.C.2. Outline managed care requirements for patient referralEnter here.Enter here.VIII.C.3. Describe processes for:a. verification of eligibility for servicesEnter here.Enter here.b. precertificationEnter here.Enter here.c. preauthorizationEnter here.Enter here.VIII.C.4. Define a patient-centered medical home (PCMH) Enter here.Enter here.VIII.C.5. Differentiate between fraud and abuseEnter here.Enter here.?IX.C Procedural and Diagnostic CodingIX.C.1. Describe how to use the most current procedural coding systemEnter here.Enter here.IX.C.2. Describe how to use the most current diagnostic coding classification systemEnter here.Enter here.IX.C.3. Describe how to use the most current HCPCS level II coding systemEnter here.Enter here.IX.C.4. Discuss the effects of:a. upcoding Enter here.Enter here.b. downcoding Enter here.Enter here.IX.C.5. Define medical necessity as it applies to procedural and diagnostic codingEnter here.Enter here.?X.C Legal ImplicationsX.C.1. Differentiate between scope of practice and standards of care for medical assistantsEnter here.Enter here.X.C.2. Compare and contrast provider and medical assistant roles in terms of standard of careEnter here.Enter here.X.C.3. Describe components of the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA)Enter here.Enter here.X.C.4. Summarize the Patient Bill of RightsEnter here.Enter here.X.C.5. Discuss licensure and certification as they apply to healthcare providersEnter here.Enter here.X.C.6. Compare criminal and civil law as they apply to the practicing medical assistantEnter here.Enter here.X.C.7. Define:a. negligenceEnter here.Enter here.b. malpracticeEnter here.Enter here.c. statute of limitations Enter here.Enter here.d. Good Samaritan Act(s)Enter here.Enter here.e. Uniform Anatomical Gift ActEnter here.Enter here.f. living will/advanced directivesEnter here.Enter here.g. medical durable power of attorneyEnter here.Enter here.h. Patient Self Determination Act (PSDA)Enter here.Enter here.i. risk managementEnter here.Enter here.X.C.8. Describe the following types of insurance:a. liabilityEnter here.Enter here.b. professional (malpractice)Enter here.Enter here.c. personal injuryEnter here.Enter here.X.C.9. List and discuss legal and illegal applicant interview questionsEnter here.Enter here.X.C.10. Identify:Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) ActEnter here.Enter here.Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA)Enter here.Enter here.Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA)Enter here.Enter here.X.C.11. Describe the process in compliance reporting:a. unsafe activitiesEnter here.Enter here.b. errors in patient careEnter here.Enter here.c. conflicts of interestEnter here.Enter here.d. incident reportsEnter here.Enter here.X.C.12. Describe compliance with public health statutes:a. communicable diseasesEnter here.Enter here.b. abuse, neglect, and exploitationEnter here.Enter here.c. wounds of violence Enter here.Enter here.X.C.13. Define the following medical legal terms:a. informed consentEnter here.Enter here.b. implied consentEnter here.Enter here.c. expressed consentEnter here.Enter here.d. patient incompetenceEnter here.Enter here.e. emancipated minorEnter here.Enter here.f. mature minorEnter here.Enter here.g. subpoena duces tecumEnter here.Enter here.h. respondent superiorEnter here.Enter here.i. res ipsa loquitorEnter here.Enter here.j. locum tenensEnter here.Enter here.k. defendant-plaintiffEnter here.Enter here.l. depositionEnter here.Enter here.m. arbitration-mediationEnter here.Enter here.n. Good Samaritan lawsEnter here.Enter here.?XI.C Ethical ConsiderationsXI.C.1.??? Define:a.??? ethicsEnter here.Enter here.b.??? moralsEnter here.Enter here.XI.C.2.??? Differentiate between personal and professional ethicsEnter here.Enter here.XI.C.3. Identify the effect of personal morals on professional performanceEnter here.Enter here.?XII.C Protective PracticesXII.C.1.??? Identify:a.??? safety signsEnter here.Enter here.b.??? symbolsEnter here.Enter here.c.??? labelsEnter here.Enter here.XII.C.2.??? Identify safety techniques that can be used in responding to accidental exposure to:a.??? bloodEnter here.Enter here.b.??? other body fluidsEnter here.Enter here.c.??? needle sticksEnter here.Enter here.d.??? chemicalsEnter here.Enter here.XII.C.3.??? Discuss fire safety issues in an ambulatory healthcare environmentEnter here.Enter here.XII.C.4.??? Describe fundamental principles for evacuation of a healthcare settingEnter here.Enter here.XII.C.5.??? Describe the purpose of Safety Data Sheets (SDS) in a healthcare settingEnter here.Enter here.XII.C.6.??? Discuss protocols for disposal of biological chemical materials Enter here.Enter here.XII.C.7.??? Identify principles of:a.??? body mechanicsEnter here.Enter here.b.??? ergonomicsEnter here.Enter here.XII.C.8.??? Identify critical elements of an emergency plan for response to a natural disaster or other emergencyEnter here.Enter here.Psychomotor CompetenciesCourse Number (e.g., MED 101, MED 107)If the program creates its own course learning objectives and does not use the number and precise language of the psychomotor competency on the syllabus, include the course learning objective listed on syllabus that covers the specific competency. I.P Anatomy & Physiology??I.P.1.??? Measure and record:??a.??? blood pressureEnter here.Enter here.b.??? temperatureEnter here.Enter here.c.??? pulseEnter here.Enter here.d.??? respirationsEnter here.Enter here.e.??? heightEnter here.Enter here.f.???? weightEnter here.Enter here.g.??? length (infant)Enter here.Enter here.h.??? head circumference (infant)Enter here.Enter here.i.????? pulse oximetryEnter here.Enter here.I.P.2.??? Perform:a. electrocardiographyEnter here.Enter here.b. venipunctureEnter here.Enter here.c. capillary punctureEnter here.Enter here.d. pulmonary function testingEnter here.Enter here.I.P.3. Perform patient screening using established protocolsEnter here.Enter here.I.P.4. Verify the rules of medication administration:a. right patientEnter here.Enter here.b. right medicationEnter here.Enter here.c. right doseEnter here.Enter here.d. right routeEnter here.Enter here.e. right timeEnter here.Enter here.f. right documentationEnter here.Enter here.I.P.5. Select proper sites for administering parenteral medicationEnter here.Enter here.I.P.6. Administer oral medicationsEnter here.Enter here.I.P.7. Administer parenteral (excluding IV) medicationsEnter here.Enter here.I.P.8. Instruct and prepare a patient for a procedure or a treatmentEnter here.Enter here.I.P.9. Assist provider with a patient examEnter here.Enter here.I.P.10. Perform a quality control measureEnter here.Enter here.I.P.11. Obtain specimens and perform:Enter here.Enter here.a.??? CLIA waived hematology testEnter here.Enter here.b.??? CLIA waived chemistry testEnter here.Enter here.c.??? CLIA waived urinalysisEnter here.Enter here.d.??? CLIA waived immunology testEnter here.Enter here.e.??? CLIA waived microbiology testEnter here.Enter here.I.P.12. Produce up-to-date documentation of provider/professional level CPREnter here.Enter here.I.P.13. Perform first aid procedures for:a. bleedingEnter here.Enter here.b.??? diabetic coma or insulin shockEnter here.Enter here.c.??? fracturesEnter here.Enter here.d.??? seizuresEnter here.Enter here.e.??? shockEnter here.Enter here.f.???? syncopeEnter here.Enter here.???II.P Applied Mathematics??II.P.1. Calculate proper dosages of medication for administrationEnter here.Enter here.II.P.2. Differentiate between normal and abnormal test results Enter here.Enter here.II.P.3. Maintain lab test results using flow sheetsEnter here.Enter here.II.P.4. Document on a growth chartEnter here.Enter here.???III.P Infection Control??III.P.1.??? Participate in bloodborne pathogen trainingEnter here.Enter here.III.P.2.??? Select appropriate barrier/personal protective equipment (PPE)Enter here.Enter here.III.P.3.??? Perform handwashingEnter here.Enter here.III.P.4.??? Prepare items for autoclavingEnter here.Enter here.III.P.5.??? Perform sterilization proceduresEnter here.Enter here.III.P.6.??? Prepare a sterile fieldEnter here.Enter here.III.P.7.??? Perform within a sterile fieldEnter here.Enter here.III.P.8.??? Perform wound careEnter here.Enter here.III.P.9.??? Perform dressing changeEnter here.Enter here.III.P.10.? Demonstrate proper disposal of biohazardous materiala.??? sharpsEnter here.Enter here.b.??? regulated wastesEnter here.Enter here.???IV.P Nutrition??IV.P.1. Instruct a patient according to patient’s special dietary needsEnter here.Enter here.???V.P Concepts of Effective Communication??V.P.1. Use feedback techniques to obtain patient information including:??a. reflectionEnter here.Enter here.b. restatement Enter here.Enter here.c. clarificationEnter here.Enter here.V.P.2. Respond to nonverbal communicationEnter here.Enter here.V.P.3. Use medical terminology correctly and pronounced accurately to communicate information to providers and patientsEnter here.Enter here.V.P.4. Coach patients regarding:a. office policies Enter here.Enter here.b. health maintenanceEnter here.Enter here.c. disease preventionEnter here.Enter here.d. treatment planEnter here.Enter here.V.P.5. Coach patients appropriately considering:a. cultural diversity Enter here.Enter here.b. developmental life stageEnter here.Enter here.c. communication barriersEnter here.Enter here.V.P.6. Demonstrate professional telephone techniquesEnter here.Enter here.V.P.7. Document telephone messages accuratelyEnter here.Enter here.V.P.8. Compose professional correspondence utilizing electronic technologyEnter here.Enter here.V.P.9. Develop a current list of community resources related to patients’ healthcare needsEnter here.Enter here.V.P.10.? Facilitate referrals to community resources in the role of a patient navigator Enter here.Enter here.V.P.11. Report relevant information concisely and accuratelyEnter here.Enter here.?VI.P Administrative FunctionsVI.P.1. Manage appointment schedule using established prioritiesEnter here.Enter here.VI.P.2. Schedule a patient procedureEnter here.Enter here.VI.P.3. Create a patient’s medical record Enter here.Enter here.VI.P.4. Organize a patient’s medical recordEnter here.Enter here.VI.P.5. File patient medical recordsEnter here.Enter here.VI.P.6. Utilize an EMR Enter here.Enter here.VI.P.7. Input patient data utilizing a practice management systemEnter here.Enter here.VI.P.8. Perform routine maintenance of administrative or clinical equipmentEnter here.Enter here.VI.P.9. Perform an inventory with documentationEnter here.Enter here.?VII.P Basic Practice FinancesVII.P.1. Perform accounts receivable procedures to patient accounts including posting:a. chargesEnter here.Enter here.b. paymentsEnter here.Enter here.c. adjustmentsEnter here.Enter here.VII.P.2. Prepare a bank depositEnter here.Enter here.VII.P.3. Obtain accurate patient billing informationEnter here.Enter here.VII.P.4. Inform a patient of financial obligations for services renderedEnter here.Enter here.?VIII.P Third Party ReimbursementVIII.P.1. Interpret information on an insurance cardEnter here.Enter here.VIII.P.2. Verify eligibility for services including documentationEnter here.Enter here.VIII.P.3. Obtain precertification or preauthorization including documentationEnter here.Enter here.VIII.P.4. Complete an insurance claim formEnter here.Enter here.?IX.P Procedural and Diagnostic Coding??IX.P.1. Perform procedural codingEnter here.Enter here.IX.P.2. Perform diagnostic codingEnter here.Enter here.IX.P.3. Utilize medical necessity guidelines Enter here.Enter here.?X.P Legal ImplicationsX.P.1.??Locate a state’s legal scope of practice for medical assistants Enter here.Enter here.X.P.2.??Apply HIPAA rules in regard to:a.??privacyEnter here.Enter here.b.??release of informationEnter here.Enter here.X.P.3.??Document patient care accurately in the medical record Enter here.Enter here.X.P.4.??Apply the Patient’s Bill of Rights as it relates to:a.??choice of treatmentEnter here.Enter here.b.??consent for treatmentEnter here.Enter here.c.??refusal of treatment Enter here.Enter here.X.P.5.??Perform compliance reporting based on public health statutes Enter here.Enter here.X.P.6.??Report an illegal activity in the healthcare setting following proper protocol Enter here.Enter here.X.P.7.??Complete an incident report related to an error in patient careEnter here.Enter here.?XI.P Ethical ConsiderationsXI.P.1.? Develop a plan for separation of personal and professional ethicsEnter here.Enter here.XI.P.2.??Demonstrate appropriate response(s) to ethical issues Enter here.Enter here.?XII.P Protective PracticesXII.P.1.??Comply with:a.??safety signsEnter here.Enter here.b.??symbolsEnter here.Enter here.c.??labelsEnter here.Enter here.XII.P.2.??Demonstrate proper use of:a.??eyewash equipmentEnter here.Enter here.b.??fire extinguishersEnter here.Enter here.c.??sharps disposal containersEnter here.Enter here.XII.P.3.? Use proper body mechanicsEnter here.Enter here.XII.P.4.??Participate in a mock exposure event with documentation of specific steps Enter here.Enter here.XII.P.5.??Evaluate the work environment to identify unsafe working conditionsEnter here.Enter here.Affective CompetenciesCourse Number (e.g., MED 101, MED 107)If the program creates its own course learning objectives and does not use the number and precise language of the affective competency on the syllabus, include the course learning objective listed on syllabus that covers the specific competency. I.A Anatomy & Physiology??I.A.1. Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient assessmentEnter here.Enter here.I.A.2. Incorporate critical thinking skills when performing patient care Enter here.Enter here.I.A.3. Show awareness of a patient’s concerns related to the procedure being performedEnter here.Enter here.?II.A Applied MathematicsII.A.1. Reassure a patient of the accuracy of the test resultsEnter here.Enter here.?III.A Infection ControlIII.A.1. Recognize the implications for failure to comply with Center for Disease Control (CDC) regulations in healthcare settingsEnter here.Enter here.?IV.A NutritionIV.A.1. Show awareness of patient’s concerns regarding a dietary change Enter here.Enter here.???V.A Concept of Effective Communication??V.A.1.??? Demonstrate: ??a.??? empathy Enter here.Enter here.b.??? active listeningEnter here.Enter here.c.??? nonverbal communicationEnter here.Enter here.V.A.2.??? Demonstrate the principles of self-boundariesEnter here.Enter here.V.A.3.??? Demonstrate respect for individual diversity including:a.??? genderEnter here.Enter here.b.??? raceEnter here.Enter here.c.??? religionEnter here.Enter here.d.??? age Enter here.Enter here.e.??? economic statusEnter here.Enter here.f.???? appearanceEnter here.Enter here.V.A.4.??? Explain to a patient the rationale for performance of a procedure Enter here.Enter here.?VI.A Administrative FunctionsVI.A.1. Display sensitivity when managing appointmentsEnter here.Enter here.?VII.A Basic Practice FinancesVII.A.1. Demonstrate professionalism when discussing patient's billing recordEnter here.Enter here.VII.A.2. Display sensitivity when requesting payment for services renderedEnter here.Enter here.?VIII.A Third Party ReimbursementVIII.A.1. Interact professionally with third party representativesEnter here.Enter here.VIII.A.2. Display tactful behavior when communicating with medical providers regarding third party requirementsEnter here.Enter here.VIII.A.3. Show sensitivity when communicating with patients regarding third party requirementsEnter here.Enter here.???IX.A Procedural and Diagnostic Coding??IX.A.1. Utilize tactful communication skills with medical providers to ensure accurate code selectionEnter here.Enter here.?X.A Legal ImplicationsX.A.1.??? Demonstrate sensitivity to patient rightsEnter here.Enter here.X.A.2. Protect the integrity of the medical record Enter here.Enter here.?XI.A Ethical ConsiderationsXI.A.1.??? Recognize the impact personal ethics and morals have on the delivery of healthcareEnter here.Enter here.?XII.A Protective PracticesXII.A.1.??? Recognize the physical and emotional effects on persons involved in an emergency situationEnter here.Enter here.XII.A.2. Demonstrate self-awareness in responding to an emergency situationEnter here.Enter here.Part 6: SyllabiPlease attach the complete set of syllabi for the proposed changes, along with your cover letter and this completed curriculum change workbook. ................

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