Jordan University of Science & Technology

|Jordan University of Science & Technology |

|Faculty of Computer & Information Technology |

|Department of Computer Information SysteMicrosoft |

|Year: 2014/2015 |Semester: Summer |

|Course Information |

|Course Title |Computer Skills |

|Course Number |CIS 100 |

|Prerequisites |None |

|Course Website | |

|Instructor |Dr. Nouh Alhindawi |

|E-mail | |

|Required Text Book |

|Title |Computer Skills |

|Author(s) |Eyad Alshareef & Dr.Qusai AbuEine |

|Publisher | |

|Year |2013 |

|Edition |First |

|Book Website | |

|Assessment Policy |

|Assessment Type |Expected Due Date |Weight |

|First Exam |To be announced by the dept. |20% |

|Second Exam |To be announced by the dept. |25% |

|Final Exam |To be announced later |40% |

|Student activities(Quizzes) |To be announced later |15% |

|Course Objectives |

|To understand basic computer components. |

|To be able to use windows 7. |

|To be able to type papers and reports using MICROSOFT-Word 2010 |

|To be able to create charts and analyze data using MICROSOFT-Excel 2010 |

|To be able to create presentation using MICROSOFT-Power point 2010 |

|To be able to use and search through the Internet. |

|Teaching & Learning Methods |

|Text Book, Class lectures, lecture notes, and assignments are designed to achieve the course objectives. |

|You should read the assigned chapters before class, complete assignments on time, participate in class and do whatever it takes for you to |

|grasp this material. Ask questions. Ask lots of questions. |

|You are responsible for all material covered in the class. |

|Please communicate any concerns or issues as soon as practical either in class, by phone or by Email. |

|Learning Outcomes |

|should be able to understand basic computer components. |

|should be able to use window |

|should be able to type papers and reports using Microsoft-Word. |

|should be able to create charts and analyze data using Microsoft-Excel |

|should be able to create presentation using Microsoft-Power point |

|Should be able to use and search through the internet. |

|Week |Topics |

|1,2 |Introduction to computer |

| |Definition of Computers. |

| |Definition of data, information and knowledge. |

| |Benefits (functions) of Computers. |

| |Computer hardware. |

| |Operating systems (their definition and functions). |

| |Example of operating systems(Dos, Windows, Unix, …….. ). |

| |Classification of computers according to their sizes (Mainframe, Minicomputers & Microcomputers. |

| |Computer Viruses |

|3 |Operating System ( Windows 7) |

| |What windows 7? Desktop first screen? Recycle Bin? My Computer? My Network Places? |

| |Windows Manipulation (Open, close, move, resize, maximize, minimize) |

| |Taskbar: its components (Start menu, System tray, and task body), start menu iteMicrosoft (Shutdown, Run, Help, Finds, Settings, |

| |Documents and programs) |

| |Windows Explorer (Creating, deleting, copying and renaming files and folders) |

|4,5 |Word Processing (MICROSOFT Word 2010) |

| |What is MICROSOFT-Word? |

| |How to open and close MICROSOFT-Word? |

| |MICROSOFT-word screen editor |

| |Creating Document. |

| |Save & Save as. |

| |Open an existing document. |

| |Creating headers and footers. |

| |Formatting a document. |

| |Select a text (select a word, sentence, line, paragraph, whole documents) |

| |Delete a text. |

| |Cut copy and paste with a single file and cross files. |

| |Spell checking. |

| |Formatting a paragraph. |

| |Creating tables. |

| |Inserting pictures into documents. |

| |Print and Print Preview dialog |

| |Getting some statistic on documents (e.g. word counting). |

|6 |Spreadsheet (MICROSOFT-Excel) 2010 |

| |What is MICROSOFT-Excel? |

| |MICROSOFT-Excel Screen Editor. |

| |Creating spreadsheet (book), selecting cells, entering values, formatting cells, cut, copy, and paste of cells, insert and delete |

| |of column and rows. |

| |Doing calculation in cells. |

| |What IF analysis? |

| |Auto Fill. |

| |Saving a book. |

| |Creating and formatting a chart. |

|7 |MICROSOFT-PowerPoint 2010 |

| |What is MICROSOFT-PowerPoint |

| |PowerPoint screen editor. |

| |Creating presentation. |

| |Dealing with text objects. |

| |Combining text with art. |

| |See the difference kind of view option |

| |Animation Objects |

| |Adding action buttons |

| |Data Show |

|8 |Introduction to Internet |

| |What is the internet? Advantages of the Internet? |

| |Internet Browsers (Netscape communicator and internet Explores). |

| |Hypertext & Hyperlinks. |

| |The Web, Websites and the http protocol |

| |Search Engine (Yahoo, Google, …… etc) |

| |Web-based E-mail (Hotmail and Yahoo free E-mails). |

| |Attaching file to E-mail |

|Additional Notes |

|ExaMicrosoft |The format for the exams is generally Multiple-choice question |

| |All your exams will be Online Exam |

| |To make sure you pass the exams, you should do the assignments by yourself. |

|Makeup ExaMicrosoft |Makeup exam should not be given unless there is a valid excuse. |

| |Arrangements to take an exam at a time different than the one scheduled MUST be made prior to the scheduled exam time. |

|Drop Date |Last day to drop the course is before the tenth (10h) week of the current semester. |




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