Lesson Plan - Jerry Travis.com

Lesson Plan

|Name: Jerry Smith |Date: 4-26-2005 |Lesson Length: 270 minutes |

|School: Breathitt ATC |Grade Level: High School |Students: 17 |

|# of IEPs:2 |Subject: Computer Applications |Topic: Creating a Personal PowerPoint |

| | |Presentation |


Broad Objective: Knowing PowerPoint commands isn’t enough to get you noticed: Being able to put content into PowerPoint to create a meaningful, coherent presentation makes all the difference. This lesson will allow students to practice putting together a cohesive presentation by making a PowerPoint about themselves.

Specific Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to with a minimum of 70% accuracy:

1. Create a PowerPoint presentation about themselves and their interests with a minimum of 8 slides.

2. Choose and insert pictures and graphics that relate to student interest.

3. Choose a layout and color scheme that represents the student’s personality.

Essential Questions:

1. How do we insert and arrange PowerPoint slides?

2. What are some things that you could use to describe yourself to others?

3. What colors best represent your personality?

4. If you had to choose four pictures to tell things about yourself, what would those pictures be? Why did you choose those particular pictures?


Kentucky Academic Expectations:

1.16 Students use computers and other kinds of technology to collect, organize, and communicate information and ideas.

Students must use a computer to complete this assignment.

2.37 Students demonstrate skills and work habits that lead to success in future schooling and work.

Students must use their time wisely in order to complete the assignment in the allotted time frame.

5.2 Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products.

Students must make decisions about what visual things represent them and what they are about.

Core Content for Assessment:

PL-H-4.5.2 The following skills are needed to seek, obtain, maintain, and change jobs/careers and postsecondary opportunities: continuing a job search, writing a letter of application, completing an application, securing a letter of reference, preparing a résumé, knowing interview techniques, learn about employer/job, make a list of questions to ask, prepare materials to take, prepare answers to questions you may be asked, writing a follow-up letter, following proper procedure when changing jobs (e.g., give advance notice, write a letter of resignation)

KY Skill Standards:

OF Demonstrate basic computer skills

OF002 Insert a graphic in document

OF014 Create high-quality visual aids

OF015 Match software to work on hand

AB006 Write with accuracy, brevity, and clarity

SCANS Standards:

C5 Acquires and Evaluates Information

C6 Organizes and Maintains Information

C19 Applies Technology to a Task

F7 Creative Thinking

NBEA Standard:

ISS 8 Select and use word processing, desktop publishing, database, spreadsheet, presentation graphics, multimedia, and imaging software and industry-and subject-specific software.

Kentucky Business Education Program of Studies:

use a presentation program with text body, graphics, and animation


The students have learned the basics of creating a PowerPoint presentation (i.e. inserting slides, choosing color schemes, changing slide layouts, etc.). This lesson will allow students to practice filling a PowerPoint with meaningful content, which in this case is information about themselves.


MS PowerPoint







The actual information you put into your presentations is just as important as the look and feel of your presentation. What better way to practice organizing the content of a presentation than creating a presentation about yourself!


What information should I put in my personal presentation?

• name

• age

• birth place

• interests

• lists of favorite things (food, movies, songs, singers, cars, sports, etc.)

• information about family/friends

What type of pictures?

• pictures of yourself

• pictures of your favorite things

Where can I get the pictures?

• clipart

• Google Image Search

How should I choose a color scheme?

• use your favorite colors

• or use colors that fit your personality (hyper = bright colors; calm = soft, pastel colors; etc)

I will then show my personal PowerPoint presentation.


(The following rubric will be given to the students)

You must create a PowerPoint presentation about yourself with at least eight slides (the first slide should be the title slide). After you have completed your PowerPoint, you will present your presentation to the class. Use the following rubric to help you make sure you have included all the necessary information:

1. Has a title slide with the student’s name ____ / 10 points.

2. Has at least seven slides (excluding the title slide) ____ / 20 points.

3. Has at least three lists of the student’s favorite things ____ / 15 points.

4. Includes pictures relating to slide contents ____ / 20 points.

5. Has a color scheme related to the student’s personality or interests _____ / 10 points.

6. Slideshow uses animations ____ / 10 points.

7. Contains few spelling errors ____ / 10 points.

8. Student presents presentation to the class ____ / 15 points.

9. Giving the presentation in front of the class _____ / 100 points.


Informal formative assessment will take place while the students are creating their presentations. A formal formative assessment will happen as students are presenting their presentations to the class.

Higher order thinking: Why is it not a good idea to animate every element in a slide?

Open-response question: If you had to describe yourself with only three pictures, what three pictures would you choose? Why?

IEP Modifications:

I will provide more one-on-one instruction to one of my IEP students during this lesson. I will ask him more scaffolding questions to help guide him to the information he needs to include in this PowerPoint. Usually, he is fine once I help him get started.


This is the most popular lesson I teach in Computer Applications. The students love to tell about themselves, which is evident in the quality of most of the products. Every time I teach this lesson, I am amazed at how creative the presentations are.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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