Syllabus – Basic Computer Skills & Critical Thinking

Audience: First time Bloggers

• Blogging Examples

o What is a Blog? Why Blog?

o Dave Barry’s Blogging Joke and Cartoons

o Model Blog Sites

• Create a Blog

o How to choose a Blogging Platform. Free Blogs.

o Create your first blog your email account

o Choose a template. Enter User Information. Complete User Description

o Post your first entry. Publish and view your blog

• Upload Images

o Upload images using

o Upload images from . Upload from the www

o Use images as a hyperlink


• Customize your Blog

o Edit Sidebars and use Custom Templates

o Blog writing tips- ()

o Rebeeca Blood’s 10 Writing Tips

o Blog Ethics.

• Special Blogging Features

o Using Sitemeter.

o Promote your blog using blogroll and trackbacks

o Using Google Adsense. RSS feeds and Aggregators

• How to Make Money with Blogging

o How bloggers make money ()

o Finding and attracting an audience. Things to avoid: What works and doesn’t work

o How to optimize your blog on search engines

• Blogging Resources

o Blog tracking directories. (, Technorati, Livejournal

o Online Blogging Tutorials

o Blog Portals and Online Communities

o Books about Blogging


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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