SBI3U Evolution Unit Review - Mr. Shanks' Class

SBI3U Evolution Unit Review

|History of Earth & Evolution |

|Terms: |Concepts: |

|Big Bang, basic organic molecules, Miller-Urey apparatus, |What was the early Earth like? How long did these conditions last? Which factors were needed for |

|thermal protenoid, simple & complex carbon-based molecules, |early life & where did they come from? How did the Miller-Urey experiment work? What does the Lost|

|hydrothermal vent, geothermal energy, solar energy, |City teach us about early Earth? How were protective capsules & membranes formed? Why was RNA used|

|phospholipid, liposome, RNA, ribozymes, chemoautotrophic, |as a reproductive molecule instead of DNA? How did early life cope with: strong UV light (no |

|desiccation, mass extinction, climate change, glaciation, |ozone), getting energy, extreme temperatures & desiccation? How did life evolve? – the general |

|continental drift, cladogram, phylogeny, morphology, |timeline for early evolution from the first prokaryotes to the first primates. What caused the |

|primitive characteristics, derived characteristics, shared |various mass extinctions, what went extinct and when did they happen? How do you make a cladogram?|

|derived characteristics, outgroup |How do you read a cladogram? |

|What do I need to study in this section? Questions I have are… |

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|Evidence for Evolution |

|Terms: |Concepts: |

|Fossil, body fossil, unaltered remains, encrustations, amber |What is a fossil and how are they formed? What are the different fossil types- how are |

|entombment, resin, refrigeration, altered remains, lithification, |they formed and what can we learn from them? How do we date fossils: indirect vs. direct|

|permineralization, replacement, recrystalization, carbonization, trace |fossil dating. How do we find the relative age of a series of fossils? How do we date |

|fossils, stride, gastrolith, coprolite, erosion, radio-isotope, half |volcanic ash using radiometric dating (isotope decay)? How is artificial selection |

|life, parental, daughter, Fossil Patterns, Homologous structures, |similar to & different than natural selection? What are the assumptions & inferences of|

|embryonic structures, vestigial features, artificial selection, |Darwinian evolution by natural selection? What is the difference between macro & |

|macroevolution, microevolution, species, common ancestor |microevolution? The giraffe example. |

|What do I need to study in this section? Questions I have are… |

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|History of Evolutionary Theory & Theorists |

|Terms: |Concepts: |

|Catastrophism, Actualism, erosion, Uniformatism, |Before the discovery of fossils what was the current theory of evolution? What did Buffon & Erasamus Darwin |

|Galapagos Islands, Galapagos Mockingbirds & |theorize? What did Lamarck theorize? Who was Charles Darwin? Where did his 5-year trip on the HMS Beagle take|

|Finches, Giant Tortoises, Woodpecker Finch, |him? What did Darwin see? What did Darwin do when he returned to England? Who was Alfred Russell Wallace? |

|Wallace’s Line, Wallacea, On the Origin of |Where did he go to study life and evolution? What did Darwin & Wallace conclude? How were their theories the |

|Species, Thomas Huxley |same? How were they different? |

|What do I need to study in this section? Questions I have are… |

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|Mechanisms of Evolution |

|Terms: |Concepts: |

|Population, allele, genetic drift, bottleneck effect, founder effect, gene |Why do we say that evolution happens with populations and not individuals? How do |

|flow, mutation, single base change, addition, deletion, TATA promoter, |alleles become more or less common in a population? Why is mutation not “random”? |

|duplication, trait, mean, range, stabilizing selection, directional |What are some possible types of mutations…are some more beneficial or detrimental |

|selection, disruptive selection, sexual selection, facial symmetry, selection|than others? How are alleles selected for or against? What impact does this have |

|by female & male, isolating mechanism, prezygotic mechanisms, postzygotic |on the population? How do averages influence sexual selection, why is being |

|mechanisms, ecological isolation, temporal isolation, behavioural isolation, |“average” good? Why is having high hormone levels beneficial in mate selection? |

|mechanical isolation, gametic isolation, zygotic mortality, hybrid |Why have we evolved to find certain traits attractive? How does isolation affect |

|inviability, hybrid infertility, speciation, allotpatric speciation, |evolution? How are different species formed? How does natural selection happen (be|

|sympatric speciation, divergent evolution, convergent evolution, placental |specific)? How fast does evolution happen? |

|mammals, marsupials, natural selection, theory of gradualism, transitional | |

|form, theory of punctuated equilibrium | |

|What do I need to study in this section? Questions I have are… |

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|Hominid Evolution |

|Terms: |Concepts: |

|Bonobo, Chimpanzee, Gorilla, Sagittal crest, Sahelanthropus |How did the habitat changes in Africa affect primate evolution? Under which conditions did |

|tchadensis, Ardipithecus ramidus, Australopithecus anamensis, |our ancestors evolve? What did they eat as herbivores? As carnivores? What challenges did our|

|Australopithecus anamensis, Australopithecus afarensis, |ancestors face to survive and find food? How did we overcome these problems? How are our |

|Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus, Homo habilis, Homo |bones different from those of gorillas and chimpanzees? What are the overall characteristics |

|erectus, Homo neanderthalis, Homo sapiens idaltu, Homo sapiens |of the difference species of hominids? What is the difference between homo sapiens sapiens & |

|sapiens |homo sapiens idaltu? What are some overall trends in hominid evolution? What are the three |

| |major groups of hominids? |

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