Unit 5: Construction Drawing Techniques - Scheme of Work ...

Scheme of work

Guided learning hours (GLH): 30

Number of lessons: 30

Duration of lessons: 1 hour

Learners should spend lesson time and non-supervised time working on assignments.

|Lesson |Unit content* |Activities |Links to other units |

|1 |Unit introduction |Teacher/tutor presentation (approx. 10 minutes): outline the nature of the learning aims and| |

| | |the number of assignments that learners will be expected to complete. | |

|Learning aim A: Understand the requirements to produce construction drawings |

|1 (cont.) |Topic A.1: Purpose of drawings |Teacher/tutor input: explain the various stages in the construction process, followed by |Unit 1: Construction Technology |

| |Information required at various stages of the construction |group discussion of the information required at each stage. |Unit 4: Construction Processes |

| |process |Use the RIBA Plan of Work to introduce learners to the different stages in the construction |and Operations |

| | |process, explaining the role of the architect at each stage. | |

| | |Learner activity: in groups, compile a list of the information required at each stage, and | |

| | |what this information will be used for. | |

|2 |Topic A.1: Purpose of drawings |Teacher/tutor input: explain the purpose of location drawings. |Unit 4: Construction Processes |

| |Types and purpose of drawings – location drawings |Show learners examples of location drawings. Demonstrate the interpretation of location |and Operations |

| | |drawings. | |

| | |Learner activity: using the example location drawings, describe the locations of various | |

| | |plots or other items. | |

|3 |Topic A.1: Purpose of drawings |Teacher/tutor input: explain the purpose of presentation drawings. | |

| |Types and purpose of drawings – presentation drawings |Demonstrate the interpretation of presentation drawings. | |

| | |Lead a whole-group discussion on the use of such drawings. | |

| | |Learner activity: discuss the different types of client that architects may have to work | |

| | |with, and consider the client’s role in a construction project. | |

| | |Look at an example of a presentation drawing and list its purpose, features and quality. | |

| | |Then feed this information back to the rest of the class. | |

|4 |Topic A.1: Purpose of drawings |Teacher/tutor input: explain the purpose of working drawings. Then move on to explain |Unit 6: Exploring Carpentry and |

| |Types and purpose of drawings – working drawings, assembly |assembly drawings and component drawings. |Joinery (Topic A.1) |

| |drawings and component drawings |Lead a whole-class discussion to identify the purposes of these drawings. | |

| | |Using examples, demonstrate the interpretation of working drawings, assembly drawings and | |

| | |component drawings. | |

| | |Introduce the concept of drawing to a ‘scale’. | |

| | |Learner activity: in small groups, discuss how these drawings are produced and suggest the | |

| | |scale to which each has been drawn. | |

| | |As a final activity, complete a revision activity to recap what has been learned in lessons | |

| | |1–4. | |

|5 |Topic A.1: Purpose of drawings |Teacher/tutor input: lead a group discussion about the questions on the presentation slide. | |

| |Types and purpose of drawings |Divide learners into pairs or small groups. Each group should be given an example of a | |

| | |different drawing type. | |

| | |Learner activity: each pair or small group should research the purposes of their drawing | |

| | |type and then present their findings to the rest of the group. Record the information from | |

| | |these presentations on a flipchart or interactive whiteboard. | |

|6 |Topic A.2: Manual materials and equipment |Teacher/tutor input: explain the purpose of manual drawing equipment. | |

| |Manual drawing equipment |Demonstrate the operation of each piece of equipment. | |

| | |Learner activity: in pairs and with teacher/tutor guidance, try using the different pieces | |

| | |of manual drawing equipment. | |

|7 |Topic A.2: Manual materials and equipment |Teacher/tutor input: explain the different manual drawing materials. | |

| |Manual drawing materials |Demonstrate and provide examples of how and where these materials are used. | |

| | |Learner activity: in small groups, produce a poster for the classroom. The poster should | |

| | |summarise the equipment and materials required for manual drawing exercises and describe the| |

| | |use of the equipment/these materials. | |

| | |Start to practise using manual drawing techniques. | |

| | |Teacher/tutor input: provide guidance and assistance to learners when practising manual | |

| | |drawing techniques. | |

|8 |Topic A.3: Computer-aided drafting (CAD) |Teacher/tutor input: explain what CAD is. Explain the CAD environment that learners will be | |

| |Basic drawing commands and editing commands to produce and erase|using in this unit. | |

| |lines, circles, text |Demonstrate and/or provide examples of basic drawing and editing commands. | |

| | |Learner activity: explain how to draw a rectangle using CAD software; then guide learners to| |

| | |do so. | |

|9 |Topic A.3: Computer-aided drafting (CAD) |Teacher/tutor input: explain how to draw a circle and to save, zoom and pan. | |

| |Basic drawing commands and editing commands to produce and erase|Demonstrate and/or provide examples of these commands. | |

| |lines, circles, text |Learner activity: using CAD software, draw a circle. Try the zoom and pan commands. | |

| |Manipulation of views, including zoom and pan options |Teacher/tutor input: describe the different formats that learners may have to save their | |

| |Saving the drawing data in an appropriate format |drawings in and make sure that they save their work from this session in an appropriate | |

| | |format. | |

|10 |Topic A.3: Computer-aided drafting (CAD) |Teacher/tutor input: explain the following learner activity. | |

| |Drawing template, to typically include: |Learner activity: with teacher/tutor guidance, draw a title block to become familiar with | |

| |border |the drawing template. | |

| |title block | | |

| |projection | | |

| |scale | | |

| |drawing number | | |

| |title of drawing | | |

| |material | | |

| |names of drawing creator | | |

| |who checks/authorises the drawing. | | |

|11 |Topic A.3: Computer-aided drafting (CAD) |Teacher/tutor input: lead a whole-group discussion on evaluation of CAD drawing techniques. | |

| |Health and safety requirements of CAD |Provide learners with scenario-based tasks. These tasks should encourage them to evaluate | |

| |Evaluation of using CAD |the use of CAD software in the construction industry. Encourage them to consider the health | |

| | |and safety implications of using CAD in this activity. | |

| | |Learner activity: complete scenario- based tasks. At the end of the session, present the | |

| | |findings to the rest of the group. | |

|12 |Assignment 1 |Teacher/tutor input: give an overview of assignment requirements, the nature of the | |

| | |assessment and the timeline for completion and submission. | |

| | |Learner activity: work on assignment. | |

|13 |Assignment 1 |Learner activity: work on assignment. | |

|14 |Assignment 1 |Learner activity: work on assignment. | |

|Lesson |Unit content* |Activities |Links to other units |

|Learning aim B: Explore the production of construction drawings |

|15 |Topic B.1: Drawing conventions |Teacher/tutor input: explain the use of various lines and hatchings. | |

| |Lines and hatchings |Learner activity: create a ‘glossary’ of the different kinds of hatching and the materials | |

| | |they represent. | |

|16 |Topic B.1: Drawing conventions |Teacher/tutor input: explain the concept of scale. | |

| |Drawing to a scale |Demonstrate how to use a triangular scale. | |

| | |Learner activity: measure the classroom, then draw the room to a scale of 1:100. | |

|17 |Topic B.1: Drawing conventions |Teacher/tutor input: explain the techniques of dimensions and annotations. | |

| |Dimensions and annotations |Learner activity: using the drawing produced in lesson 16, annotate the drawing. | |

|18 |Topic B.1: Drawing conventions |Teacher/tutor input: explain how components of a building are illustrated. |Unit 1: Construction Technology |

| |Representing components |Learner activity: in pairs or small groups, produce an A4 sheet of the standard symbols that| |

| | |should be used in drawings. | |

|19 |Topic B.1: Drawing conventions |Teacher/tutor input: explain the importance of the north sign and the use of abbreviations. | |

| |Other symbols and orthographic projections |Explain some of the standards that affect construction drawing techniques. | |

| |Standards |Learner activity: a tutor-led whole-class discussion on the importance of using the north | |

| | |sign and the use of abbreviations. | |

| | |Teacher/tutor input: introduce the concept of the first angle projection method. Demonstrate| |

| | |its use. | |

| | |Learner activity: practise using the first angle projection method. | |

|20 |Topic B.2: Drawings |Teacher/tutor input: using example drawings, explain the general layout and sequence of | |

| |General layout of a drawing and sequence of production |producing a manual drawing. | |

| | |Learner activity: create a sequence for the production of their own drawings (for sessions | |

| | |20–25). | |

|21 |Topic B.2: Drawings |Teacher/tutor input: provide learners with a floor plan. | |

| |Production of drawings – floor plan |Learner activity: draw the example floor plan to an appropriate scale, using standard | |

| | |conventions, symbols, annotations and layout. | |

| | |Teacher/tutor input: guide learners in their use of drawing equipment and techniques. | |

|22 |Topic B.2: Drawings |Learner activity: draw the example floor plan to an appropriate scale, using standard | |

| |Production of drawings – floor plan |conventions, symbols, annotations and layout. | |

| | |Teacher/tutor input: guide learners in their use of drawing equipment and techniques. | |

|23 |Topic B.2: Drawings |Teacher/tutor input: provide learners with examples of front and rear elevations. | |

| |Production of drawings – front and rear elevations |Learner activity: draw the example front and rear elevations to an appropriate scale, using | |

| | |standard conventions, symbols, annotations and layout. | |

|24 |Topic B.2: Drawings |Teacher/tutor input: provide learners with examples of roof and foundation details. |Unit 1: Construction Technology |

| |Production of drawings – roof and foundation details |Learner activity: draw the example roof detail to an appropriate scale, using standard | |

| | |conventions, symbols, annotations and layout. | |

|25 |Topic B.2: Drawings |Teacher/tutor input: provide learners with a section. |Unit 1: Construction Technology |

| |Production of drawings – section |Learner activity: draw the example section to an appropriate scale, using standard | |

| | |conventions, symbols, annotations and layout. | |

|26 |Assignment 2 |Teacher/tutor input: presentation giving an overview of assignment requirements, nature of | |

| | |assessment, and timeline for completion and submission of the assignment. | |

| | |Learner activity: work on the production of one floor plan, one front and one rear | |

| | |elevation, one section, one foundation detail and one roof detail, using appropriate | |

| | |standards, conventions and scale. | |

|27–29 |Assignment 2 |Learner activity: work on assignment. | |

|30 |Assignment 2 |Learner activity: work on assignment. | |

| | |Teacher/tutor input: give final grades and feedback for Assignments 1 and 2. | |

|TOTAL: 30 hours |

*See the specification for full details of unit content.


BTEC Level 3 National Children's Play, Learning and Development

Teaching and Assessment Pack

Unit X [TITLE]

BTEC First Construction and the Built Environment

Unit 5: Construction Drawing Techniques



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