Hindu Institute of Technology

Hindu Institute of Technology, SonepatName of Faculty: Discipline: Applied ScSemester: 1Subject: English Language-ILesson Plan Duration: 15 DaysWeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayTopicPracticalDayTopicWeek 1Day 1Unit-1 Basics of CommunicationDay 1Self and peer introductionDay 2Definations of communicationDay 3Process of ComunicationDay 2Self and peer introductionWeek 2Day 1Types of Communication IntroductionDay 1Newspaper readingDay 2Formal and Informal communicationDay 3Oral and Written CommunicationDay 2Newspaper readingWeek 3Day 1Verbal and Non-Verbal communicationDay 1Just a minute session-ExtemporeDay 2Test unit-1Day 3Unit-2 Functional Grammar IntroductionDay 2Just a minute session-ExtemporeWeek 4Day 1NounDay 1Greeting and starting a conversationDay 2PronounDay 3Verb Classification IntroductionDay 2Just a minute session-ExtemporeWeek 5Day 1Main Verb, Auxiliary verbDay 1Leave takingDay 2Assignment with PresentationDay 3ModalsDay 2Mock testsWeek 6Day 1ModalsDay 1File CheckDay 2PunctuationsDay 3PunctuationsDay 2ThankingWeek7Day 1Tenses IntroductionDay 1ThankingDay 2Present tenseDay 3Past TenseDay 2Wishing wellWeek 8Day 1Future tenseDay 1Wishing wellDay 2Test Unit-2Day 3Unit-3 Reading Skill introductionDay 2PresnetationWeek 9Day 1Unseen passage for comprehensionDay 1PresnetationDay 2One Word SubstitutionDay 3One Word SubstitutionDay 2Talking about likes and dislikesWeek 10Day 1Prefixes, SuffixesDay 1Talking about likes and dislikesDay 2Prefixes, SuffixesDay 3Assignment with PresentationDay 2Group disscussionWeek 11Day 1Antonyms, SynonymsDay 1Group disscussionDay 2Antonyms, SynonymsDay 3Test unit-3Day 2Listening Exercises.Week 12Day 1Unit-4 Writing skill IntroductionDay 1Listening Exercises.Day 2Picture compositionDay 3Picture compositionDay 2QuizWeek 13Day 1Picture compositionDay 1QuizDay 2Writing paragraphDay 3Writing paragraphDay 2VivaWeek 14Day 1Writing paragraphDay 1VivaDay 2Assignment with PresentationDay 3Doubts and testDay 2PresentationWeek 15Day 1NoticeDay 1PresentationDay 2NoticeDay 3NoticeDay 2Mock testsHINDU INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, SONEPATName of Faculty: Ms. AnilaDiscipline: Applied Sc.Semester: 1Subject: Chemistry-ILesson Plan Duration: 15 weeksWeekTheoryPracticalLecture DayTopicPractical DayTopicWeek 1Day 1Unit-1 Basic Concept ofChemistryDay 1Volumetric analysis and apparatus used in volumetric analysisDay 2Physical Classification of matter –solids, liquids, gases.Day 3Chemical Classification of matter –element, compounds and mixturesDay 2Volumetric analysisand apparatus used in volumetric analysisWeek 2Day 1Symbols of elements and valency,writing of chemical formulae of simple compoundsDay 1Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid or potassium permanganateDay 2Calculation of percentage of elements in simple compounds using atomic and molecular masses (Atomic mass of elements shouldbe provided)Day 3Test Unit-1Day 2Preparation of standard solution of oxalic acid or potassiumpermanganateWeek 3Day 1Unit-2 Introduction of Atomic Structure and Chemical BondingDay 1To prepare N/20 oxalic acid/ potassium dichromate solution from given N/10 oxalic acid/ potassium dichromate solution.Day 2Fundamental particles- mass and charges of electrons, protons and neutrons with names of the scientists who discovered thesefundamental particlesDay 3Fundamental particles- mass and charges of electrons, protons and neutrons with names of the scientists who discovered these fundamental particlesDay 2To prepare N/20 oxalic acid/ potassium dichromate solution from given N/10 oxalic acid/ potassiumdichromate solution.Week 4Day 1Bohr’s model of atom. Successes and limitations of atomic theory (qualitative treatment only)Day 1File CheckDay 2Bohr’s model of atom. Successes and limitations of atomic theory (qualitative treatment only)Day 3Atomic number, atomic mass number isotopes and isobarsDay 2Model Test papersWeek 5Day 1Chemical bonding and cause of bonding and types such as ionic bond in NaCl sigma (σ) and pi (π) covalent bonds in H2, HCl, Cl2Day 1To determine strength of given sodium hydroxide solution by titrating against standard oxalic acid solution using phenolphthaleinindicator.Day 2Metallic bonding- explanation with the help of electron gas (sea) modelDay 3AssignmentDay 2To determine strength of given sodium hydroxide solution by titrating against standard oxalic acid solution using phenolphthaleinindicator.Week 6Day 1Test Unit-2Day 1Estimation of total dissolved solids ingiven tap waterDay 2Unit-3 Introduction of SolutionsDay 3Definition of solution, solute and solvent with examplesMethods to express the concentration of solution- molarity (M), molality (m) and normality(N) and numericals based on calculation of M, m and N Introduction to pH of solution, simple numericals on pH and industrial applications of pH Definition of buffer solution and industrial applications of bufferssolutions.Day 2Estimation of total dissolved solids ingiven tap waterWeek7Day 1Day 1Determination of pH of given solution using pH meterDay 2Day 3Day 2Determination of pH ofgiven solution using pH meterWeek 8Day 1Test Unit-3Day 1File CheckDay 2Unit-4 Water resources on EarthDay 3Classification of water – soft water and hard water, action ofsoap on hard water, types of hardness, causes of hardnessDay 2Mid Term VivaWeek 9Day 1units of hardness – mg per litre(mgL-1) and part per million (ppm) and simple numericalsDay 1Electroplate the given strip of Fe/Cu with Cu/NiDay 2Disadvantages caused by the use of hard water in domestic and boilerfeed waterDay 3Removal of hardness -Permutit process and Ion-exchange process.Day 2Electroplate the given strip of Fe/Cu withCu/NiWeek 10Day 1Removal of hardness -Permutit process and Ion-exchange process.Day 1Estimation of total dissolved solids in given tap waterDay 2AssignmentDay 3Natural water sterilization bychlorine and UV radiation and reverse osmosisDay 2Estimation of totaldissolved solids in given tap waterWeek 11Day 1Indian Water Quality standards asper WHO/BIS.Day 1Determination of pH of given solution using pH meterDay 2Test Unit-4Day 3Unit-5 Introduction to Electro ChemistryDay 2Determination of pH ofgiven solution using pH meterWeek 12Day 1Electronic concept of oxidation, reduction and redox reactionsDay 1Mock TestDay 2Definition of terms: electrolytes, non-electrolytes, conductors,insulators, semi-conductors with suitable examplesDay 3Faraday’s laws of electrolysis and simple numerical problems.Day 2Estimation of total hardness of water using standard EDTA solution and using erichrome black-T (solochrome black-T) indicator and approximately neutral buffer solution (pHrange 7-11)Week 13Day 1Industrial Application of Electrolysis – Electroplating, electrolytic refining andelectrometallurgyDay 1Estimation of total hardness of water using standard EDTA solution and using erichrome black-T (solochrome black-T)indicator and approximately neutralDay 2Application of redox reactions in electrochemical cells – commercial dry cell (Primary), Commerciallyused lead storage battery andlithium ion battery (Secondary cell)buffer solution (pH range 7-11)Day 3Application of redox reactions in electrochemical cells – commercial dry cell (Primary), Commercially used lead storage battery and lithium ion battery (Secondary cell)Day 2Estimation of total hardness of water using standard EDTA solution and using erichrome black-T (solochrome black-T) indicator and approximately neutral buffer solution (pHrange 7-11)Week 14Day 1Test Unit-5Day 1Estimation of total hardness of water using standard EDTA solution and using erichrome black-T (solochrome black-T) indicator and approximately neutral buffer solution (pHrange 7-11)Day 2Unit-6 Introduction to Organic ChemistryDay 3Tetra valency and catenation property of carbon to produce huge organic compoundsDay 2Estimation of total alkalinity of given water sample by titrating it againststandard sulphuric acid solutionWeek 15Day 1Classification of organic compounds on the basis offunctional groupsDay 1Estimation of total alkalinity of given water sample by titrating it against standard sulphuric acid solutionDay 2Nomenclature of simple organic compounds in accordance withI.U.P.A.C. (compounds having six carbon atoms in a moleculebelongs to alkanes(simple and with halo substitution)Day 3alkenes, alkynes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones,carboxylic acids) (compounds containingmore than one functional groups are excluded)Day 2File CheckLESSON PLANNAME OF THE FACULTY : Ms. Neelam GuptaDISCIPLINE: MECHANICAL, CIVIL, ELX & COMM, ELECT, COMPSEMESTER: FIRSTSUBJECT: APPLIED PHYSICS LESSION PLAN DURATION: 15 WEEKSWEEKTHEORYPRACTICALLECTURE DAYTOPIC (WITH ASSIGNMENT & TESTS)PRACTICAL DAYTOPIC111. Units and Dimensions:Physical quantities Units - fundamental and derived units, systems of units (FPS, CGS and SI units) 1Familiarisation with vernier caliper, screw gauge, spherometer and find their least count.2Dimensions and dimensional formulae of physical quantities 3area, volume, velocity, acceleration, momentum, force, impulse, work, power, energy4surface tension, stress, strain, moment of inertia.25Principle of homogeneity of dimensions2To find volume of solid sphere using a vernier caliper6Dimensional equations 7Limitations of dimensional analysisApplications of dimensional equations8conversion from one system of units to other for density,39force, work, energy, , 3To find internal diameter and depth of a beaker using a vernier caliper and hence find its volume.10velocity and acceleration11checking of correctness and derivation of formulas (potential energy, kinetic energy, pressure)12Assignment4132. Force and Motion Introduction4To find the diameter of wire using screw gauge.14Scalar and vector quantities – examples, representation of vector15Addition of Vectors, Triangle and Parallelogram law (Statement only), 16Scalar and Vector Product(statement and formula only)517Force, Resolution of force into two parts5To find thickness of paper using screw gauge.18Newton’s laws of motion (Statement and examples), 19Momentum, Conservation of linear momentum(statement only)20its applications such as recoil of gun.Impulse and its examples621Circular motion, definition of angular displacement, angular velocity, 6To determine the thickness of glass strip using a spherometer22angular acceleration, frequency, time period. 23Relation between linear and angular velocity, linear acceleration and angular acceleration24Revision725Centripetal and centrifugal forces (definition and formula only)7To verify parallelogram law of forces26Assignment27Application of centripetal force such as Banking of roads (derivation of angle of banking)283. Work, Power and Energy : Introduction829Work and its units, types of work(zero work, positive work and negative work with examples)8Revision30Energy and its units: Kinetic energy 31potential energy with examples and their derivation 32Assignment933Principle of conservation of mechanical energy for freely falling bodies, 9Revision34examples of transformation of energy35Power (definition ,formula and units)36Friction: types, laws of limiting friction, Coefficient of friction10374 Rotational Motion : (Rotatory motions with examples)10Checking of files & viva-voce1038Definition of torque 39angular momentum and their examples40Conservation of angular momentum (quantitative) and its examples41Moment of inertia and its physical significance1142radius of gyration (definition, derivation and formula).11Revision43Application of rotational motions in transport vehicles, and machines44Revision45 5. Properties of Matter Elasticity: definition and types of stress and strain, 46different types of modulii of elasticity, Hooke’s law12Checking of files & viva-voce1247Pressure: definition, its units, atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure, absolute pressure1248Surface tension: definition, its units, applications of surface tension, effect of temperature on Surface tension1349Viscosity :definition, units, effect of temperature on viscosity13Checking of files & viva-voce50Fluid motion, stream line and turbulent flow.51Applications of surface tension and viscosity52Revision14536. Heat and temperature Difference between heat and temperature14Revision of practical’s54Modes of transfer of heat (Conduction, convection and radiation with examples). 55Properties of heat radiation56Different scales of temperature and their relationship1557Principles of measurement of temperature.15Revision of practical’s58 Thermal conductivity(definition),co-efficient of thermal conductivity59Mercury thermometer (Principle, construction and working.)60Applications of modes of transfer of heatLesson PlanName of the Faculty: Mr. Rajesh KumarDiscipline : Applied ScienceSemester: 1st Subject: Applied Mathematics-ILesson plan duration: 15 weeksWeekTheoryLecture DayTopic (including assignments /tests)Week11stComplex Numbers: definition of complex number, real and imaginary parts of a complex number2ndReal and imaginary parts of a complex number3rdPolar and Cartesian Form and their inter conversion, 4thConjugate of a complex number5th Modulus and amplitude of complex numberWeek21stAddition subtraction of complex number2ndMultiplication and division of complex number3rdRevision/ Assignment4thRevision5th RevisionWeek21stClass Test2nd Logarithms and its basic properties3rdLogarithms and its basic properties4thPartial fractions (linear factors, repeated linear factors).5th Partial fractions (non-reducible quadratic factors excluding repeated factors).Week31stPartial fractions (non-reducible quadratic factors excluding repeated factors).2ndMeaning of npr & ncr (mathematical expression).3rdBinomial theorem (without proof) for positive integral index4thBinomial theorem (without proof) for positive integral index (expansion and general form)5th Binomial theorem for any index (expansion without proof)Week41stFirst and second binomial approximation with application to engineering problems.2ndRevision/Assignment3rdRevision4thRevision5th Class TestWeek51stDeterminants and Matrices – Evaluation of determinants (upto 3rd order by Laplace expansion method only)2ndSolution of equations (upto 3 unknowns) by Crammer’s rule3rdDefinition of Matrices and its types, addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices (upto 3rd order)4thDefinition of Matrices and its types, addition, subtraction and multiplication of matrices (upto 3rd order)5th Minors and Co-factorsWeek61stInverse of a matrix by Adjoint method (upto 3rd order)2ndInverse of a matrix by Adjoint method (upto 3rd order)3rdSolution of simultaneous equations (upto 3rd order) by Matrix method4thSolution of simultaneous equations (upto 3rd order) by Matrix method5th Area of a triangle using determinants.Week71stRevision/ Assignment2ndRevision3rdRevision4thClass Test5th Concept of angle, measurement of angle in degrees, grades, radians and their conversionsWeek1Week81stConcept of angle, measurement of angle in degrees, grades, radians and their conversions2ndT-Ratios of Allied angles (without proof)3rdSum, Difference formulae and their applications (without proof).4thProduct formulae (Transformation of product to sum, difference and vice versa).5th Product formulae (Transformation of product to sum, difference and vice versa).1stT-Ratios of multiple angles, sub-multiple angles (2A, 3A, A/2).2ndT-Ratios of multiple angles, sub-multiple angles (2A, 3A, A/2).3rdApplications of Trigonometric terms in engineering problems such as to find an angle of elevation, height, distance etc.4thApplications of Trigonometric terms in engineering problems such as to find an angle of elevation, height, distance etc.5th Applications of Trigonometric terms in engineering problems such as to find an angle of elevation, height, distance etc.Week91stRevision/ Assignment2ndRevision3rdRevision4thClass Test5th Cartesian and Polar co-ordinates (two dimensional)Week101stCartesian and Polar co-ordinates (two dimensional)2ndConversion from cartesian to polar co-ordinates and vice-versa3rdSlope of a line, equation of straight line in various standards forms (without proof);4thSlope of a line, equation of straight line in various standards forms (without proof);5th slope intercept form, intercept form, one-point form, two-point form, symmetric form, normal form, general formWeek111stSlope intercept form, intercept form, one-point form, two-point form, symmetric form, normal form, general form2ndSlope intercept form, intercept form, one-point form, two-point form, symmetric form, normal form, general form3rdIntersection of two straight lines4thConcurrency of lines5th Angle between straight linesWeek121stParallel and perpendicular lines2ndPerpendicular distance formula3rdConversion of general form of equation to the various forms.4thConversion of general form of equation to the various forms.5th Revision/ AssignmentWeek131stRevision2ndRevision3rdClass Test4thGeneral equation of a circle and its characteristics5th General equation of a circle and its characteristicsWeek141stTo find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Centre and radius2ndTo find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Centre and radius3rdTo find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Three points lying on it4thTo find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Three points lying on it5th To find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Coordinates of end points of a diameterWeek151stTo find the equation of a circle, given:*??????? Coordinates of end points of a diameter2ndRevision/ Assignment3rdRevision 4thRevision5th Class Test Lesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:3rd SemesterSubject:FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGLesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)PracticalTopicDayDay1,21. Introduction1, 21.Determination of voltage-1.1 Application and Advantages of Electricalcurrent relationship in a dc circuitEnergyunder specific physical conditions-Different forms of energyand to draw conclusions (to verify-Advantages of electrical energyohm’s law)-Uses of electrical energy3,41.2 Basic Electrical Quantities32.Filament lamp-Basic concept of charge, current, voltage,a) Measure the resistance of aresistance, power, energy and their unitscold lamp filament with the help of-Conversionof units of work, power andcalculations.energy from one form to another.4,52. DC Circuits4b)Measure the current drawn by-Ohm’s law, resistances in series andthe lamp at different voltages fromparallel.zero to 220 volts and theresistance of lamp at differentvoltages, plot a graph betweencurrent and voltage6,7-Kirchhoff’s laws and their applications in53.a)To verify that Rt = R1+R2+….solving electrical network problems.Rn where R1, R2 Rn etc. areresistances connected in series.8,9,10-Network theorems such as Thevenin’s6b) To verify R1, R2 etc. aretheorem, superposition theorem Maximumresistances connected in parallelpower transfer theorem and Norton’stheorem.11-Star-delta transformation7Verification of Kirchhoff’s currentand voltage laws applied to DCcircuitsa) to construct a circuitarrangement consisting ofresistances in series,parallel combinationb)identification of node points inthe circuitc)to see that algebraic sum ofcurrents at node point is zerod)to see that algebraic sum ofemfs and voltage drops in a closedloop is zero123. Batteries85.To find ratio of inductance-Basic idea about primary and secondaryvalues of a coil having air /iron13cellscore respectively and to see the-Working principle, construction andeffect of introduction of a magneticapplications of Lead acid, Nickel Cadmiumcore on coil inductance14and Silver Oxide Cells-Charging methods used for lead acid15accumulator-Care and maintenance of a lead acid16battery-Grouping of cells in series and parallel(simple numerical problems).17,184. Magnetism and Electromagnetism96. To construct an RL and RC-Introduction to electromagnetism, Magneticcircuit and to measurefield around a straight current carryingconductor and a solenoid and methods toa)their impedancefind its direction, force between two parallelb)phase angle between voltagecurrent carrying conductors.19-Force on a conductor placed in theand currentmagnetic fieldc)construct impedance triangle20.21-Series magnetic circuits, simple problems22,23-Concept of hysteresis, loop and hysteresisloss.245. Electromagnetic Induction107. Measurement of power and-Faraday's Laws of electromagneticpower factor of a single phase25inductionRLC circuit. To calculate kVA and-Lenz's lawkVAR26-Fleming's Right and Left Hand Rule27-Principle of self and mutual induction28-Principle of self and mutually inducede.m.f. and simple problems29-Inductances in series and parallel30-Energy stored in a magnetic field31-Concept of eddy currents, eddy currentloss326. AC Fundamentals118. Testing a battery for its charged-Concept of A.C. generation (single phasecondition and to charge itand three phase)33-Difference between A.C and D.C34,35-Concept of alternating current and voltage,equation of instantaneous values, averagevalue, r.m.s value, form factor, power factoretc.36-Concept of phase and phase difference.37,38-Representation of alternating sinusoidalquantities by vectors39,40-Phasor algebra (addition, subtraction,multiplication and division of complexquantities)41,427. AC Circuits-AC through pure resistance, inductanceand capacitance-Alternating voltage applied to RL,RC and43,44,45 RLC series and parallel circuits (impedance triangle, phasor diagram and their solutions) -Introduction to susceptance, conductanceand admittance-Power in pure resistance, inductance,47,48 capacitance, RL, RC, RLC circuits-Active and reactive components of current49,50 and their significance-Power factor and its practical significance518. Poly-Phase Systems-Advantages of 3? over 1- ? system-Star & delta connections (derive relationship b/w phase Voltage(Vph), Line Voltage (VL ) and Phase Currrent (Iph), Line Current (I L) in star ,delta connections-3-phase balanced and unbalanced circuits-Power in 3-phase circuitsLesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:3rd SemesterSubject:ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING MATERIALSLesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)Practical TopicDayDay1, 2,31.Classification-Classificationofmaterialsintoconducting,semiconductingandinsulating materials through a briefreference to their atomic structure andenergy bands42.Conducting Materials52.1Introduction62.2 Resistance and factors affecting itsuch as alloying and temperature etc72.3Classification of conducting materialas low resistivity and high resistivitymaterials, low resistance materials8,92.3.1Copper:Generalpropertiesasconductor:Resistivity,temperaturecoefficient,density, mechanical properties of hard-drawn and annealed copper, corrosion,contact resistance. Application in thefield of electrical engineering10,112.3.2Aluminium:asconductor:Generalpropertiesresistivity, temperaturecoefficient,density, mechanical properties of hardandannealedaluminium,solderability,contactresistance.Applications in the field of electrical12,13engineering.2.3.3Steel:Mechanical properties of steel,applications in the field of electricalengineering.2.3.4Introduction to bundle conductors and its applications.2.3.5Low resistivity copper alloys:Brass, Bronze (cadmium and Beryllium), their practical applications with reasons for the same-2.4Applications of special metals e.g. Silver, Gold, Platinum etc.2.5High resistivity materials and theirapplications e.g., manganin, constantan, Nichrome, mercury, platinum, carbon and tungsten2.6Superconductors and their applications19,20 3. Review of Semi-conducting MaterialsSemi-conductorsandtheirproperties,Materialsusedforelectroniccomponentslikeresistors,capacitors,diodes, transistors and inductors etc.4. Insulating materials; General22,23Properties:4.1 Electrical Properties:Volumeresistivity, surfaceresistance,dielectricloss,dielectricstrength(breakdown voltage) dielectric constant24,254.2Physical Properties:Hygroscopicity, tensile and compressivestrength, abrasive resistance, brittleness26,274.3Thermal Properties:Heat resistance, classification accordingto permissible temperature rise. Effectof overloading on the life of anelectrical appliance, increase in ratingwith the use of insulating materialshavinghigherthermalstability,Thermalconductivity, Electro-thermalbreakdown in solid dielectrics28,294.4Chemical Properties:Solubility, chemical resistance,weatherability30,314.5 Mechanicalproperties, mechanicalstructure, tensile structureInsulating Materials and their applications:5.1Plastics5.1.1Definition and classification5.1.2Thermosetting materials:35,36,37 Phenol-formaldehyde resins (i.e. Bakelite) amino resins (urea formaldehyde and Melamine-formaldehyde), epoxy resins - their important properties and applications37,38 5.1.3Thermo-plastic materials: Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethelene, silicones, their important properties and applications39,40,415.2Natural insulating materials,,42,43,properties and their applications-Mica and Mica products-Asbestos and asbestos products -Ceramic materials (porcelain andsteatite)-Glass and glass products -Cotton-Silk -Jute-Paper (dry and impregnated) -Rubber, Bitumen-Mineral and insulating oil for transformers switchgear capacitors, high voltage insulated cables, insulating varnishes for coating and impregnation-Enamels for winding wires -Glass fibre sleeves46,47 5.3Gaseous materials; Air, Hydrogen,Nitrogen, SF their properties andapplications48,496. Magnetic Materials:6.1Introduction - ferromagneticmaterials, permeability, B-H curve,magnetic saturation, hysteresis loopincluding coercive force and residualmagnetism, concept of eddy current andhysteresis loss, Curie temperature,50magnetostriction effect.6.2Soft Magnetic Materials:516.2.1Alloyed steels with silicon: Highsilicon, alloy steel for transformers, lowsilicon alloy steel for electric rotatingmachines6.2.2Cold rolled grain oriented steelsfor transformer, Non-oriented steels for54rotating machine6.2.3Nickel-iron alloys556.2.4Soft Ferrites56,576.3Hard magnetic materialsTungsten steel, chrome steel, hardferrites and cobalt steel, theirapplications7. Special MaterialsThermocouple, bimetals, leads soldering58,59,60 and fuses material and their,61applicationsIntroduction of various engineering 62,63,64 materials necessary for fabrication of electrical machines such as motors,generators, transformers etcLesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:3rd SemesterSubject:ELECTRONICS - IILesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)PracticalTopicDayDay1Difference between voltage and1To study the effect of couplingpower amplifiercapacitor on lower cut off frequencyand upper cut off frequency byplotting frequency response curve ofa two stage RC coupled amplifier2, 3Important terms in Power Amplifier,2To measure (a) optimum load (b)collector efficiency, distortion andoutput power (c) signal handlingdissipationcapacity of a push-pull amplifierCapability4, 5, 6Classification of power amplifier class3To observe the effect of negativeA, B and Ccurrent feedback on the voltage gainof a single stage transistor amplifierby removing emitter bye-passcapacitor7Class A single-ended power amplifier,4To measure (a) voltage gain (b)its working and collector efficiencyinput and output impedance for anemitter follower circuit8Impedance matching in a power5To measure frequency generation inamplifier using transformerHartley9Heat sinks in power amplifiers6To measure frequency generation inR-C Phase Shift oscillator10Push-pull amplifier: circuit details,7To observe the differentiated andworking and advantages (nointegrated square wave on a CROmathematicalfor different values of R-C timederivations)constant11, 12Principles of the working of8Clipping of both portion of sine-wavecomplementary symmetry push-pullusing : diode and dc sourceamplifier13Tuned Voltage Amplifier - Introduction9Clipping of both portion of sine-waveusing : zener diodes14, 15Series and parallel resonance ( No10Clamping a sine-wave to : Negativemathematical derivation)dc voltage16, 17Single and double tuned voltage11Clamping a sine-wave to : Positiveamplifiersdc voltage18Frequency response of tuned voltage12To generate square-wave using anamplifiersastable multivibrator and to observethe wave form on a CRO and verifythe result using p-spice software19, 20Applications of tuned voltage amplifiers13To observe triggering and workingof a bistable multivibrator circuit andobserve its output wave form on aCRO21, 22Feedback and its importance, positive14To use the op-Amp (IC 741) asand negative feedback and their needinverting one and non-invertingamplifiers, adder, comparator,integrator and differentiator andverify the result using p-spicesoftware23Voltage gain of an amplifier with15To study the pin configuration andworking of IC 555 and its use asnegative feedbackmonostable and astablemultivibrator24Effect of negative feedback on16To realize the regulated powervoltage gain, stability, distortion, bandsupply by using three terminalwidth, output and input impedance ofvoltage regulator ICs such as 7805,an amplifier (No mathematical7905, 7915 etc. and verify the resultderivation)using p-spice software25, 26Typical feedback circuits27Effect of removing the emitter by-passcapacitor on a CE transistor amplifier28Emitter follower and its applications29Sinusoidal Oscillators – positivefeedback in amplifiers30Difference between an oscillator andan alternator31Essentials of an oscillator32, 33,Circuit details and working of LC34oscillators viz. Tuned Collector,Hartley and Colpitt’s oscillators35R-C oscillator circuits36phase shift and Wein bridge oscillatorcircuits37Introduction to piezoelectric crystaland crystal oscillator circuit38, 39Concept of Wave-shaping40R-C differentiating41integrating circuits42, 43Diode clipping circuits44, 45Diode clamping circuits46Applications of wave-shaping circuits47Transistor as a switch (explanationusing CE transistor characteristics)48Collector coupled astablemultivibrator49monostable multivibrator50bistable monostable51Brief mention of uses of multivibrators52, 53Working and applications of transistorinverter circuit using power transistors54, 55Working Principles of different typesof power supplies56, 57CVTs, IC voltage regulator (78XX,79XX)58The basic operational amplifier59The differential amplifier2390775-7556500The emitter coupled differential amplifierOffset even voltages and currentsBasic operational amplifier applications, integrator and differentiator, summer, subtractorFamiliarization with specifications and pin configuration of IC 741Block diagram and operation of 555 IC timerLesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:3rd SemesterSubject:ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DESIGN AND DRAWING - ILesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)PracticalTopicDayDay1-61.Symbols and Signs ConventionsVarious Electrical Symbols used inDomestic and Industrial Installation andPowerSystem(Generation,TransmissionandDistributionincluding Sub-stations) as per BISCode.7-192.Wiring Diagram2.1.Wiringdiagram oflight, fan, belland alarm circuits.(6 Sheets)2.2.Staircase and godown wiring20-313. panels/Distribution BoardsDesign and Drawing ofpanels/Distribution board usingMCB, ELCB main switches andchange over switches fordomestic installation, industrialand commercial installation.32-434.Orthographic projections of SimpleElectrical Parts? Bus bar post/ Kit Kat? Pin type and shackle type insulator(Pin Type 11kV/66kV)? Bobbins of a small transformer /choke? Stay insulators/Suspension typeinsulators? Rotor of a squirrel cage inductionmotor? Motor body (induction motor) as perIS Specifications (using outsidedimensions)? Slip rings of 3-phase induction Motor.? Stator of 3 phaseInduction motor(Sectional View)44-505. Prepare wiring diagram andblock diagrams forcircuits/systems using anyEngineering Graphicpackage(preferably CAD)Lesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:3rd SemesterSubject:ESTIMATING AND COSTING IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERINGLesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)PracticalTopicDayDay1Purpose of estimating and costing1,2,3Framing of Tender and reply to tenderto get job/project2proforma for making estimates4,5,6Identification of wiring for differentapplications3preparation of materials7,8,9Prepare an estimate for a Two roomresidential building as per given plan4schedule, costing, price list10,11,12Prepare an estimate for serviceconnection for residential buildinghaving connected load ---- kW.5, 6, 7preparation of tender document (with13,14Visit a nearby substation and list the2-3 exercises)components with diagram8net price list, market survey,overhead charges, labour charges,electrical point method and fixedpercentage method,9Contingency10enquiries, comparative statements,orders for supply, payment of bills11Tenders – its constituents,finalization, specimen tender12Cleat13Batten14Casing & capping15conduit wiring16comparison of different wiringsystems17selection and design of wiringschemes for particular situation(domestic and Industrial)18Selection of wires and cables, wiringaccessories and use of protectivedevices i.e. MCB, ELCB etc19Use of wire-gauge and tables ( to beprepared/arranged)20, 21Domestic installations; description ofvarious tests to test the wiringinstallation before commissioning22standard practice as per IS and IErules23, 24Planning of circuits, sub-circuits andposition of different accessories25electrical layout26, 27,preparing estimates including cost as28, 29per schedule rate pattern and actualmarket rateIndustrial installations; relevant IE rules and IS standard practices31, 32,planning, designing and estimation ofinstallation for single phase motors of different ratings34, 35,electrical circuit diagram, starters,36, 37,preparation of list of materials,38, 39estimating and costing exercises onworkshop with singe-phase, 3-phasemotor load and the light load (3-phasesupply system)40, 41,Service line connections estimate for42, 43,domestic upto 10 KW4445, 46,Industrial loads upto47, 48,20 KW (over-head and under groundconnections) from pole to energy meter50, 51,Transmission and distribution lines52, 53(overhead and underground) planningand designing of lines with differentfixtures, earthing etc. based on unitcost calculationsTypes of substationssubstation schemes and components56, 57 estimate of 11/0.4 KV pole mounted substation up to 200 KVArating, methods of earthing of substationsKey Diagram of 66 KV/11KV SubstationKey Diagram of 11 KV/0.4 KV Substation61, 62 Single line diagram, layout sketching of outdoor, indoor 11kV sub-station63, 64 Single line diagram, layout sketching of outdoor, indoor 33kV sub-stationLesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:5th SemesterSubject:ELECTRICAL POWER –ILesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)PracticalTopicDayDay1Main resources of energy, conventionaland non-conventional2,3,4,5,Different types of power stations,6,7thermal, hydro, gas, diesel andnuclear power stations. Flowdiagrams and brief details of theiroperation, comparison of thegenerating stations on the basis ofrunning cost, site, starting,maintenance etc.8,9,10Importance of non-conventionalsources of energy in the presentscenario. Brief details of solarenergy, bio-energy, wind energy11Fixed and running cost, loadestimation, load curves,12,13,demand factor, load factor,14Diversity factor, power factor andtheir effect on cost of generation,simple problems there on.15,16,Base load and peak load power17stations, inter-connection of powerstations and its advantages, conceptof regional and national grid.18,19Layout of transmission system,selection of voltage for H.T and L.Tlines, advantages of high voltage forTransmission of power in both ACand DC20,21Comparison of different systems: ACversus DC for power transmission,conductor material and sizes fromstandard tables22,23,Constructional features of24,25transmission lines: Types of supports, types of insulators, Types of conductors, Selection of insulators, conductors, earth wire and their accessories, Transposition of conductors and string efficiency of suspension type insulators, Bundle Conductors.26,27Mechanical features of line:Importance of sag, calculation ofsag, effects of wind and ice relatedproblems; Indian electricity rulespertaining to clearance28,29,Electrical features of line:30,31Calculation of resistance, inductance and capacitance without derivation in a.c. transmission line, voltage regulation, and concept of corona. Effects of corona and remedial measures, Transmission Losses32,33,Lay out of HT and LT distribution34,35system, constructional feature ofdistribution lines and their erection.LT feeders and service mains;Simple problems on AC radialdistribution system,determination of size ofconductor36,37Preparation of estimates of HT andLT lines (OH and Cables).38,39Constructional features of LT (400V), HT (II kV) underground cables,advantages and disadvantages ofunderground system with respect tooverhead system.Calculation of losses in distribution system41,42Faults in underground cables-determine fault location by MurrayLoop Test, Varley Loop Test43,44,Brief idea about substations; outdoor grid sub-station 220/132 KV, 66/33 KV outdoor substations, pole mounted substations and indoor substation46,47,Layout of 33/11 and kV/400Vdistribution substation and various auxiliaries and equipment associated with it.Concept of power factorReasons and disadvantages of low power factor51, 52Methods for improvement of powerfactor using capacitor banks, VARStatic Compensator (SVC)Lesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:5th SemesterSubject:ELECTRICAL MACHINES-IILesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)PracticalTopicDayDay1, 2, 3,-Main constructional features of1Demonstration of revolving4synchronous machine includingfield set up by a 3-phasecommutator and brushless excitationwound statorsystem,-Generation of three phase emf5, 6, 7-Production of rotating magnetic field2,3To plot relationship between noin a three phase windingload terminal voltage and-Concept of distribution factor andexcitation current in acoil span factor and emf equationsynchronous generator atArmature reaction at unity, lag andconstant speedlead power factor8, 9,-Operation of single synchronous4Determination of the10,11machine independently supplying arelationship between theload - Voltagevoltage and load current of anregulation by synchronousalternator, keeping excitationimpedance methodand speed constant-Need and necessary conditions ofparallel operation of alternatorsSynchronizing an alternator(Synchroscope method) with thebus bars12, 13,-Operation of synchronous machine5,6Determination of the regulation14,15as a motor –its starting methodsand efficiency of alternator from-Effect of change in excitation of athe open circuit and shortsynchronous motorcircuit test14, 15,-Concept and Cause of hunting and7Synchronization of16,17,its preventionpolyphase alternators and18,19-Rating and cooling of synchronousload sharingmachines-Applications of synchronousmachines (as an alternator, as asynchronous condenser)20,21,-Salient constructional features of8,9Determination of the effect22,23squirrel cage and slip ring 3-phaseof variation of excitation oninductionperformance of amotorssynchronous motor-Principle of operation, slip and itssignificance24,25,-Locking of rotor and stator fields10Study of ISI/BIS code for 3-26,27,-Rotor resistance, inductance, emfphase induction motors28and current-Relationship between copper lossand the motor slip29,30,-Power flow diagram of an induction11Perform at least two tests on31,32,motora 3- phase induction motor as33-Factors determining the torqueper BIS code-Torque-slip curve, stable andunstable zones34,35,-Effect of rotor resistance upon the12Determination of efficiency by36,37,torque slip relationship(a) no load test and blocked38-Double cage rotor motor and itsrotor test on an induction motorapplications(b)direct loading of an induction-Starting of 3-phase inductionmotor (refer BIS code) (b)motors, DOL, star-delta, autodirect loading of an inductiontransformermotor (refer BIS code)39,40,-Causes of low power factor of13Determination of effect of rotor41,42,induction motorsresistance on torque speed43-Testing of 3-phase motor on nocurve of an induction motorload and blocked rotor test and tofind efficiency-Speed control of induction motor-Harmonics and its effects,cogging and crawling inInduction Motors.44,45,-Single phase induction motors;14To study the effect of a46,47Construction characteristics andcapacitor on the starting andapplicationsrunning of a single-phase-Nature of field produced in singleinduction motor by changingphase induction motorvalue of capacitor and also toreverse the direction of rotationof a single phase inductionmotor48,49,50Split phase induction motor- Capacitors start and run motor-Shaded pole motor- Reluctance start motor51,52Alternating current series motor anduniversal motors53,54Single phase synchronous motor-Reluctance motor-Hysteresis motor55,56Construction and working principleof linear induction motor57,58,stepper motor, servomotor,59,60submersible motor, introduction toenergy efficient motors.Lesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:5th SemesterSubject:IECDLesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)PracticalTopicDayDay1, 2, 3,-Construction and working principles1, 2To draw V-I characteristics of an4, 5of an SCR, two transistor analogySCRand characteristics of SCR- SCR specifications and rating7, 8,9-Construction, working principles3, 4To draw V-I characteristics ofand V-I characteristics of DIAC,a TRIACTRIAC and Quadriac-Basic idea about the selection ofheat sinks for SCR and TRIACS10,11Methods of triggering a Thyristor.5, 6To draw V-I characteristics of aStudy of triggering circuitsDIAC12UJT, its Construction, working7, 8To draw uni-junction transistorprinciples and V-I characteristics,characteristicsUJT relaxation oscillator13,14,-Commutation of Thyristors9Observe the output wave of15,16(Concept)an UJT relaxation oscillator-Series and parallel operation ofThyristors-Applications of SCR, TRIACS andQuadriac such as light intensitycontrol, speed controlof DC and universal motor, fanregulator, battery charger etc.- dv/dt and di/dt protection of SCR.17,18,-Single phase half wave controlled10Observe the wave shape across19rectifier with resistive load andSCR and load of an illuminationinductive load, Concept ofcontrol circuitfreewheeling diode.-Single phase half controlled fullwave rectifier (No mathematicalderivation)20,21,-Single phase fully controlled full11Fan speed regulator using22,23,wave rectifier bridge (WorkshopsTRIAC Quadriac24,25only)(fabrication of this circuit)-Single phase full wave centretapped rectifier (Workshops only)-Three phase full wave halfcontrolled bridge rectifier(Workshops only)-Three phase full wave fullycontrolled bridge rectifier(Workshops only)26,27,Inverter-introduction, working12Speed-control of a DC shunt28,29principles, voltage and currentmotor or universal motordriven series and parallelinverters and applications30,31,Choppers-introduction,13To observe the output wave32,33types of choppers andshape on CRO of a Singletheir working principlesphase half controlled full waveand applicationsrectifier34,35,Dual converters-introduction,14Single phase controlled rectifier36working principles and applications37,38,Cyclo-converters- introduction,15Use of Variable Frequency39types, working principles andDrive for running a 3 phaseapplicationsInduction motor40,41,-DC drives control (Basic Concept)42,43-Half wave drives-Full wave drives-Chopper drives44,45,4-AC drives control6,47,48- Phase control-Variable frequency a.c. drives-Constant V/F application49,50,-Voltage controlled inverter drives51,52-Constant current inverter drives-Cyclo convertors controlled ACdrives- Slip control AC drives53,54,-UPS, Stabilizers, SMPS55,56,-UPS online, off line57-Storage devices (batteries) andtheir maintenanceLesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:5th SemesterSubject:DEMPLesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)PracticalTopicDayDay1,2,3,4Decimal, binary, octal, hexa-decimal1,2Verification and interpretation oftruth table for AND, OR, NOT,BCD and ASCII code numberNAND, NOR, X-OR gatessystems and theirinter-conversion5,6,7-Binary and Hexadecimal addition,3Construction of Half Adder/Fullsubtraction and multiplicationAdder using gates-1’s and 2’s complement methodsof addition/subtraction8,9,10,Definition, symbol and truth tables4To verify the truth table for R-S11for inverter, OR, AND, NAND, NORand JK flipflopand X-OR exclusive-AND gates12,13Boolean Relations and their5Construction and testing of anyapplicationscounter14,15,-DeMorgan’s Theorems6Verification of operation of a 8-bit16-K-Map up to four variablesD/A Converter17,18,-Half adder, Full adderWriting assembly language19,20-Encoder, Decorderprogramme using numemoanicsand test them on ?P Kit(any three)7,8,9,10a) Addition of two 8-bit numbersb) Subtraction of two 8-bitnumbersc) Multiplication of two 8-bitnumbersd) Division of two 8-bit numberse) Finding average of N givenintegerf) Finding maximum number out ofthree given numeric21,22,-Multiplexer/Demultiplexer11Assembly language programming23,24-Display Devices (LED, LCD and 7-for different applications on 8051segment display)microcontroller24,25,-J-K Flip-Flop26-R-S Flip-Flop27,28,-D-Type Flip-Flop29,30-T-Type Flip-Flop-Applications of Flip-Flops31,32,Introduction to Shift Registers and33,34Counters35,36,A/D and D/A Converters37,38,-A/D converter (Counter ramp,39,40successive approximation method ofA/D Conversion)- D/A converters (Binaryweighted, R-2R D/AConverter)41,42,Semi-conductor Memories Types,43,44,merits, demerits, and applications45,4647,48,Study of 8085 microprocessor49,50,architecture, pin configuration,51,52bus organisation, registers flags,interrupts53,54,Instruction set of 808555,56,microprocessor, addressing modes,57,58instruction format. Writing somesimple assembly languageprogrammes including debugging.Use of stacks and sub-routines inprogrammingInterfacing and data transfer between peripheral, I/O and microprocessor60,61,Study of peripheral chips – 8251,62,638155, 8051, 8257, 825964,65Introduction of 16-bit, 32-bitmicroprocessor, theiradvantages over 8-bitmicroprocessorLesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:5th SemesterSubject:ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATIONLesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)PracticalTopicDayDay1,2Definition, Scope and Importanceof Environmental Education3,4,5Basics of ecology, biodiversity, ecosystem and sustainabledevelopment6,7,Sources of pollution8,9,- natural and manmade, causes,10,11,effects and control measures of12,13,pollution14,15(-air,-water,-noise,-soil,-radioactive and-nuclear) and their units ofmeasurement16,17,Solid waste management18,19,– Causes,20-effects and-control measures of urban andindustrial waste21,22,Mining and23,24deforestation– Causes, effects andcontrol measures25,26,Environmental Legislation27- Water (prevention and control ofpollution) Act 1974,28,29,Air (Prevention and Control ofPollution) Act 1981 and Environmental Protection Act 1986,31,32,Role and Function of State PollutionControl Board, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)34,35,Role of Non-conventional Energy36,37,Resources38,39(-Solar Energy,-Wind Energy,-Bio Energy,-Hydro Energy)40,41Current Issues in EnvironmentalPollution – Global Warming,42,43Green House Effect, Depletion ofOzone Layer,44,45,Recycling of Material,Environmental Ethics, Rain Water Harvesting,47,48,Maintenance of Groundwater, Acid49,50Rain, Carbon Credits.Lesson PlanName of the Faculty:Discipline:Electrical EngineeringSemester:5th SemesterSubject:EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS - IILesson Plan Duration:15-16 WeekWeekTheoryPracticalLectureTopic (including assignment / test)PracticalTopicDayDay1,2,Writing skills3,4,-Official and business5,6,correspondence7,8-Job application - covering letterand resume-Report writing - key features andkinds9,10Oral Communication Skills11,12,-Giving advice13,14,-Making comparisons15,16,-Agreeing and disagreeing17,18,19,20,-Taking turns in conversation21,22,-Fixing and cancelling23,24,appointments25,26,Generic Skills27,28-Stress management-Time management- Negotiations and conflictresolution-Team work and leadershipqualities ................

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