Everyday Conversation

Everyday Conversation >>> Requests and questions

Phrase Book

? The model phrase in bold and its listed variants (see below) are all recognized by UT-103.

Everyday Conversation

Requests and questions

Could you do me a favor? Would you help me? Would you do me a favor? Would you assist me? Please help me! Can you help me? Can you do something for me? Can you assist me? Can I ask you for a favor?

F*: Pouvez-vous me rendre un service? G: W?rden Sie mir bitte einen Gefallen tun? S: ?Me puede hacer un favor?

Will you help me with this problem? Will you help me solve this problem? I'm stuck on this problem; can you help me? I need your help with this matter. I need your help on this question. I need your help on this problem. Can you help me with this problem? Can you help me solve this problem? Can you help me in this matter? Can you help me in the matter?

F: Pouvez-vous m'aider, s'il vous pla?t? G: W?rden Sie mir bitte helfen, dieses Problem zu l?sen? S: ?Me puede ayudar con este problema?

Do you speak English? Do you know English?

How do you say...?

Say it once more please. Repeat it once more please. Please repeat what you said. Please repeat that again. Could you please say it once again? Could you please repeat it once again?

F: Parlez-vous anglais? G: Sprechen Sie Deutsch? S: ?Habla Usted Ingl?s?

F: Comment dit-on...? G: Wie sagt man...? S: ?C?mo se dice?

F: Pouvez-vous r?p?ter, s'il vous pla?t? G: K?nnten Sie das bitte wiederholen? S: Por favor, rep?telo otra vez.

Please speak slower. Slow down, please. Go slowly, please. Could you not speak so fast?

F: Pouvez-vous parler plus lentement? G: Bitte sprechen Sie langsamer. S: Por favor, hable despacio.

* F ? French, G ? German, S ? Spanish 21

Everyday Conversation >>> Requests and questions

Please write it down for me. Write it down here, please. Please write it here.

I don't know what it is. What does this mean?

How far is...?

How many? How much?

What is the length?

How much is it? What does it cost?

Is there a bathroom here? Where is the toilet? Where is the restroom? Where is the bathroom? Is there a toilet here? Is there a restroom here? Is there a public restroom here I can use? Is there a men's room nearby? Is there a ladies' room nearby? How can I find a toilet? How can I find a bathroom? How can I find a WC?

F: Ecrivez ?a ici, s'il vous pla?t. G: Schreiben Sie es bitte hier auf. S: Por favor, escr?balo aqu?.

F: Qu'est-ce que c'est? G: Was ist das? S: ?Qu? es esto?

F: C'est loin...? G: Wie weit ist...? S: ?Qu? tan lejos est?...?

F: Combien? G: Wie viele? S: ?Cu?nto?

F: A quelle distance? G: Wie lang? S: ?A qu? distancia?

F: ?a co?te combien? G: Was kostet das? S: ?Cu?nto es?

F: O? se trouvent les toilettes? G: Gibt es hier eine Toilette? S: ?D?nde se encuentran los ba?os?


Everyday Conversation >>> Greetings


I'm glad to see you again. I'm happy to see you again. It's good to see you again. It's great to see you again. I'm happy we could meet again. I'm glad we could meet again. Nice to see you again. I'm so glad we ran into each other.

F: Je suis heureux de vous revoir. G: Es freut mich, Sie wiederzusehen. S: Es un agrado volver a verte.

Long time no see. It's been ages. It's been a while. It's been so long. It's been such a long time.

F: ?a fait longtemps que l'on ne s'est pas vus. G: Lange nicht gesehen. S: No le he visto desde hace tiempo.

Have a good time! Good luck. Break a leg! I wish you well. I wish you luck. Have fun.

F: Bonne chance. G: Viel Gl?ck. S: ?Suerte!

I wish you all the best. Congratulations. Best wishes. Many happy returns. Hope all goes well.

F: F?licitations. G: Meine Gl?ckw?nsche. S: ?Felicidades!

Have a nice trip! Have a good trip! Bon voyage! Happy trails!

F: Bon voyage! G: Gute Reise! S: ?Buen viaje!

Best wishes for your birthday! Happy birthday!

Merry Christmas!

Happy holidays! Seasons greetings.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

F: Joyeux anniversaire. G: Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! S: ?Feliz cumplea?os!

F: Joyeux No?l! G: Frohe Weihnachten! S: ?Feliz Navidad!

F: Meilleurs voeux. G: Sch?nen Urlaub! S: Felices Fiestas.

F: Bonne ann?e! G: Alles Gute f?rs neue Jahr! S: ?Feliz A?o Nuevo!

Happy Easter!

I hope you get better soon. I hope you'll get better soon. I wish you a quick recovery. I hope you'll be on your feet soon. Get well soon. Hope you feel better.

F: Joyeuses P?ques! G: Frohe Ostern! S: ?Felices Pascuas!

F: Bon r?tablissement! G: Gute Besserung. S: Espero que te mejores.


Everyday Conversation >>> Greetings

Cheers! Bottoms up! Your health! To...

F: Sant?! G: Prost! S: ?Salud!


Everyday Conversation >>> Thanks


Thank you. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot! It's very much appreciated. I appreciate it. Many thanks. Thanks for your help. Thank you for your trouble. Thank you for your time. Thank you for your help.

F: Merci beaucoup. G: Vielen Dank. S: Gracias.

That's very kind of you. That's very nice of you. That's so kind of you. That's so nice of you. You're very generous. You're very kind. You have been very kind. You helped me a lot, thank you.

F: Vous ?tes tr?s gentil. G: Das ist sehr nett von Ihnen. S: Usted es muy amable.

I'm very grateful to you. I'm really grateful to you. I appreciate your help. I'm very much obliged to you. I'm in your debt. I'm very thankful to you. Much obliged.

F: Je vous remercie infiniment. G: Ich bin Ihnen sehr verbunden. S: Le estoy muy agradecido.

Thanks for your kind words.

Thank you for a nice day. Thank you, I had a nice time today. I had a lot of fun today, thanks. I enjoyed myself today, thank you.

F: Merci pour votre r?confort. G: Danke f?r Ihre netten Worte. S: Le agradezco sus amables palabras.

F: Merci pour cette agr?able journ?e. G: Danke f?r einen wunderbaren Tag. S: Gracias por un agradable d?a.



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