Qlikview basic tutorial

20001511302000213360qlikview basic tutorialThis describes how to login to the QlikView Server with some basic instructions for using QlikView6900096000qlikview basic tutorialThis describes how to login to the QlikView Server with some basic instructions for using QlikView730005518785centerPlanning & Business IntelligenceDocument Version 02.12.16 2420096000Planning & Business IntelligenceDocument Version 02.12.16 Contents Welcome to this basic QlikView Tutorial. This has been provided to get you started using the QlikView dashboards available from Planning and Business Intelligence.Please note that this guide is not comprehensive and will not cover all aspects of QlikView usage. Use the guide as a starting point but investigate QlikView further by pointing and clicking images, dropdowns etc to see what results you get. There is much hidden under the surface. LoginData Protection Act QlikView BasicsUniversity of Glasgow Definitions How Do I? TutorialLoginQlikView is a web-based tool that works with most standard browsers. The following browsers are supported:BrowserMinimum VersionInternet Explorer7Google Chrome18Mozilla Firefox12Apple Safari5It should be noted that the main testing carried out has been done on Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Chrome. Feedback on these and other browsers would be welcome. Please also be aware that the interface can be slightly different depending on what browser you are using so the images presented in this document may not be exactly as shown. To login to the Access point of the QlikView Server, go to: you will find a URL link which will take you to the following the login page:Enter your User Name you use for other University systems. The password will be the password associated with your personal GUID.Once you have signed in the QlikView Access Point will show you the QlikView Dashboard files to which you have access, something similar to the following:The Student_Dashboard is now split into six smaller individual bespoke dashboards in order to provide a better faster less cumbersome response. The six individual tabs are named as follows: Student_Headcount_Dashboard: Provides details of student headcounts based on career, residency, academic plan, courses etc, students are assigned to Schools & Colleges based on the Owner of the Academic Plan they are associated with. Student_FTE_Dashboard: Provides details of students FTE based on career, residency, courses etc and the corresponding Schools & Colleges (University of Glasgow, Cost Centre) to which the FTE is assigned. Student_PGR_Dashboard: Provides details of PGR Students and their Supervisors: Postgraduate Principal Supervisor (PGPS) and Postgraduate Secondary Supervisor, students supervisor load is assigned to the School & College their supervisors are associated with. Additionality this dashboard contains analysis of both PGR completion rates and time to complete their PGR studies. Student_Graduation_Dashboard:Provides details of Student Graduations based on career, residency, etc. Student_Athena_SWAN_Dahsboard:Provides Student details relevant to a Schools/Colleges Athena SWAN application. This data is provided in collaboration with the Equality and Diversity Unit, please contact them for further information about the data presented in this individual dashboard. Student_Course_Income_Dashboard:Provides information on a Courses financial income based on information provided the finance office.Click on the individual dashboard you wish to view, so for example let us start with the Student_Headcount_Dashboard. This takes you to the Main Menu/Front Page as shown in the picture below: Click the Start button/label as shown above.You should see something like the following which is the Information page which gives some background on the headcount methodology used: You will see a number of navigation buttons situated at the bottom of the screen, these are used to navigate your where around the dashboard and view different pages of info. You may not all see the same number of tabs, those starting with a star ‘*’ fullfill specific needs not required by everyone. If you choose say the navigation Career button then you will see something like: Data Protection Act Data Protection Act 1998 These dashboards are protected by the data protection act as follows:Declaration: I understand that authorisation for access to University records is granted strictly on an individual basis for specific and limited purposes in accordance with the requirements of my job. It is prohibited for me to use my authorisation for access for any other purposes. It is prohibited to transfer my authorisation for access to any other individual. I further understand that any data held in, or extracted from, or input into, central records must be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998.QlikView BasicsQlikView AccesspointThe login screen for QlikView:DashboardThe file you open in QlikView:NavigationButtonThese are the different buttons available at the bottom of the dashboards for navigation:List Box (usually on the left hand side on most tabs) This is an example of a list box which allows you to select (in this instance) a College:Navigating Dropdown MenuThe down arrow tab allows you to see a dropdown menu of all the tabs and you can make your tab selection from here e.g.: Once the down arrow is selected you will see something like, allowing you to see a dropdown menu of all the tabs and you can make your tab selection from here:Button This is an example of a button within the Student_Headcount_Dashboard:They are often used to provide specific selections, that might otherwise be difficult/cumbersome to achieve via conventional list boxes.Colour guidance when making selections Selected values turn green and unrelated values turn grey i.e. Full-Time and Part-Time respectively in this example: Values compatible with the current selection turn white e.g. if I select the College of Med, Vet & Life Sci it becomes green because it is selected. The School of Medicine and School of Veterinary Medicine are relevant to the current selection therefore they are white. The Adam Smith Business School and the Arts College Administration are not relevant to the current selection so they are grey. The filters that are currently applied (top left of most tabs) This shows what items you are currently looking at i.e. what your filtered selection is:Clear AllThe clear all will clear all selections and defaults to the current Term:Clearing Selections individuallyUse the eraser beside the selection. E.g. if you select the eraser beside the Academic_Load eraser on the following selection:You would then get:The eraser can be used in the Current Selections box at the top left, or from the individual lists beside College Name, School Name etc.Selecting multiple values in a list boxMake your first selection by clicking it as normal then make subsequent selections by holding down the CTRL button on the keyboard and clicking required selections.Cycle buttonsTo cycle through different screens. See the one in the College/School sheet, obtained by clicking on the College/School Navigation button, which enable the user to cycles through the following different data views:Selecting data from multiple termsYou can only select one term at a time. If you wish to export data to Excel you need to do this in separate exports for each term.Sorting order of display of dataThis cannot be done easily in QlikView but the data can also be exported and formatted in Excel if required.Data Protection For data protection purposes, when the Ethnicity navigation button is selected then the student details tabs are suppressed.Exporting data to Excel Choose the Excel button from the tab you wish to export. For example if you scroll to the right of the Student Details sheet you will see the following button:PrintingSee the print button in the College/School Level s which lets you print the following screen onto a web page. The you can CTRL + P to print it:University of Glasgow DefinitionsStandard Student Population Headcount/MethodologyThe Standard Student Population methodology, as agreed with Colleges, only includes those students who are fully registered at the time the data is extracted. This Standard Student Population focuses on the main categories of students (Undergraduate, Postgraduate (Taught and Research) and Life Long Learning) who are based primarily on-campus. The Standard Student Population excludes students from the following categories:Academic Prog: 7104 – Clinical ScholarHigher Doctorate (HD) and (EXTN) StudentsAcademic Plans with a Field of Study labelled as ‘OUTCAMP’The numbers presented represent physical students for the individual criteria selected. A student may be associated with more than one College or School if they are doing a joint degree. It is therefore possible that individual School totals may not sum up to the College Total if a student is associated with more than one School i.e. the student will be counted as a headcount of one in each of the individual schools but will not be double counted at College level. The same applies at University Level when a student’s Plan is joint between 2 Colleges. Similarly in some circumstances a student maybe associated with more than one Career, therefore it is possible that the individual Career totals may not sum up to the University total.IMPORTANT NOTE WHEN OUTPUTTING DATA TO SCREEN OR SPREADSHEET:Please be aware that often if you are extracting the detailed student data to view on screen or to export onto a spreadsheet then there may be more rows than there are students. An example of where this might happen is that a student may have 2 rows of plan data if they are on a joint plan which is across 2 Schools as mentioned above. Another example is in the course data a student could have say 5 or 6 individual courses and therefore they would have 5 or 6 rows of data. Additional Separate Categories Students from the following ‘Additional Separate Categories’, while not included in the Standard Student Population, are presented at the request from individual Colleges as additional headcounts which are over and above the Standard Student Population:Exam OnlyChristies Auction HouseThesis PendingErasmus OutgoingExchange OutLanguage Year OutDistance Learning SabbaticalOnlineSingapore Institute of Technology (Engineering)Singapore Institute of Technology (Computer Science)Singapore Institute of Technology (Nursing)University of Electronic Science and Technology China (UESTC)Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre (SUERC)Majan University College, Oman Nankai University5. How Do I? This section is also contained in the main QlikView dashboard for your convenience.-552091103517006. Tutorial Simple Query ExampleTo search for data you just click on something you want to know more about.Click the ‘Start …’ icon on the Main Menu/Front Page of the Student_Headcount_Dashboard.Click on the College/School button. Take note of the current headcount which is counting the whole University. You can select the Clear All button on the left of the screen just to be sure that this is the case. In the list box College Name on the left of the screen, place the mouse cursor on the value College of Science & Eng and click to select this College. The colour of the cell turns green and moves to the top of the colleges list. In Qlikview terms, this value is selected as shown below:Take note of the new headcount. It will have decreased as you now have only one College selected. The result of the search is displayed instantaneously in all the other tabs. You immediately see which of the values in the other list boxes are compatible with the selection and which are not. The cells of associated field values are white; cells which are not associated are grey. You will see this grey effect if you scroll down the School Names list. All Schools which are not part of the College of Science and Engineering will be grey. To clear your selection, click on the selected cell again, or click on another cell in the same list box. The new selection will replace your previous selection.You can select the Clear All button at any time which removes all your selections. To select more than one item in the same list box, hold the CTRL key down while selecting additional values. If the items you are selecting are adjacent to your first selection, you can instead hold the left mouse button down while dragging the mouse cursor.The data shown in all screens will now relate to all of the items chosen in the list box (except for the MD20/40 which are a specially selected subset of students). 4441190-3683000Data can be exported into excel by clicking on the ‘Send to Excel’ button which can be seen circled in red below (as an example the Domicile Sheet is considered here):19019527315200Combining Selections ExampleAnother value in another list box can be selected in combination with a previously selected value. When you select an optional value from a list box and then select another optional value from another list box, QlikView will show the combinations belonging to both selections. Remaining in the College/School Level tab select the Clear All button on the Dashboard. This will clear all current selections and return you to the present term and show the data for the whole University. Suppose you want to know how many Undergraduate students are within the School of Chemistry taking Academic Plan: F104-2207 Chem Med Chem (WP), Msci.In the list box College Name, place the mouse cursor on the value College of Science & Eng and click it to select this College.In the list box School Name, place the mouse cursor on the value School of Chemistry and click to select this School.In the list box Career on the left, place the mouse cursor on the value ‘UG’ to select undergraduates.As you went through each of these selections the headcount of the number of students selected kept reducing. If you then click on the button entitled Headcount of Students Registered on Individual Plans (second one along circled below):156464032829500You will see all the academic Plans associated with UG Students within the School of Chemistry. Remember that all data from dashboards can be exported to ‘Excel’ by clicking on the ‘Send to Excel’ button, circled in red: You can now scroll down the list to see/select the information you require. For example, by clicking on F104-2207 under the Acad Plan column, this Dashboard will show the number of students on the selected Plan. Click on the Student Details tab to display the individual student data for the specified selection:All sheets can be accessed from the buttons shown at the bottom of the Screen. The current selections are automatically carried across most sheets for your convenience within each tab. The ability to drill down to individual students is available for all sheets except for Ethnicity due to Data Protection constraints. Keeping Track Of Your Selections Example When you make many selections at the same time it can sometimes be hard to keep track of them. In order to help you with this we have introduced a Current Selections window into all the appropriate tabs within the Dashboards. This is located at the top left of the screen. For example on the College/School sheet you will find a Current Selections window in the top left hand side of the screen. This lists all fields in which selections have been made and the values selected. For example if we select Clear All and then select UG students for the current term 16/17, (by default Clear All defaults to the current term) we will see the following appear within the Current Selections window:Try making some additional selections and watch how they are reflected in the current selections box, for example select a particular plan or group of plans.As stated previously you may clear all current selections by clicking the Clear All button just below the Current Selections box.You may also remove individually selected items within the Current Selections box by using the ‘eraser’ icon beside each individual selection: Please note that Term cannot be erased and to change this you need to click on the appropriate Term in the header (top right).Searching Values Example The most common selections are available within list boxes on the left hand side of the screen. Additional fields are available from the Search box which is located top right:This lets you search on the following fields:You can use the arrow on the search to select from this list or use text search e.g. to search for Zoology you can type “zool” in this search box and you will see something like the following: You can choose one of these plans or if you select return, all plans containing “zool” are selected (note the search is not case sensitive).Create your own bespoke ad-hoc report A recently added feature is ability for users to create their own bespoke ad-hoc reports, sometimes it is necessary to produce a count of students based on specific required dimensions and selections. Although this information is available via the Student Details button this approach will hopefully be faster and neater:In the Student_Headcount_Dashboard click the Report Creation button at the bottom of the screen .You can create a report based on a Students (Plan/Prog) details or those involving a Students Course details, the default is (Plan/Prog). However, you can easily switch to course by clicking on Create Student Course Report: Your screen will look something like this:As an example we are asked to produce a report detailing the number of UG Students we have in each individual School (associated with the College of Science and Engineering) and Year of Program.So our dimensions are School Name & Year of Program, whilst our selections are College of Science and Engineering and UG Career.Let us first select our dimensions (School Name & Year of Program), by clicking on the square next to these names in the Student Data Dimensions column, so we have:Select the College of Science & Eng in the College Name list box and UG in the Career list box, so we have: 3) Our Student Data, might look something like: Which contains the information we require, don’t worry if you would like the columns in a different order, you can easily change that by simply clicking on the top of the column you would like to move and moving it to a different location, so I could just as easily present the data as:and then export to excel and/or print to distribute the data to those requiring it.Searching for an Individual Student where the ID is known In the Student_Headcount_Dashboard click on either the Student Details or Course Details button at the bottom of the screen. Select the Clear All button to show all students.Type in the student ID here: and press return on the keyboard. Additional note: You will only be able to see the students in the Standard Student Population so if a student you are interested in does appear then they are either not registered, are in the Additional Student Population category or are not part of the population extracted at all – see the Guidance tab which fully explains which students are included. Feedback and commentsWe hope this Tutorial helps to show you some of the potential of using QlikView to explore your data.Feedback on the dashboards would be welcome at bi-strategy@glasgow.ac.ukThank you!See Appendix A: Qlikview Buttons – quick overview of data underlying each for further information ................

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