Foundations of Education

[Pages:556] Foundations of Education


Foundations of Education

Allan C. Ornstein

St. John's University

Daniel U. Levine

Emeritus, University of Missouri at Kansas City and University of Nebraska at Omaha

Houghton Mifflin Company Boston New York

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PART ONE: Understanding the Teaching Profession 1

Chapter 1 Motivation, Preparation, and Conditions for the Entering Teacher 2 Chapter 2 The Teaching Profession 30

PART TWO: Historical and Philosophical Foundations 53

Chapter 3 World Roots of American Education 54 Chapter 4 Pioneers of Modern Teaching 92 Chapter 5 Historical Development of American Education 122 Chapter 6 Philosophical Roots of Education 159

PART THREE: Political, Economic, and Legal Foundations 199

Chapter 7 Governing and Administering Public Education 200 Chapter 8 Financing Public Education 225 Chapter 9 Legal Aspects of Education 248

PART FOUR: Social Foundations 289

Chapter 10 Culture, Socialization, and Education 290 Chapter 11 Social Class, Race, and School Achievement 321 Chapter 12 Providing Equal Educational Opportunity 353

PART FIVE: Curricular Foundations 393

Chapter 13 The Purposes of Education 394 Chapter 14 Curriculum and Instruction 413

PART SIX : Effective Education: International and American Perspectives 445

Chapter 15 International Education 446 Chapter 16 School Effectiveness and Reform in the United States 471

Glossary 509

Index I-1


Preface xv

PART ONE: Understanding the Teaching Profession 1

CHAPTER 1 Motivation, Preparation, and Conditions for the Entering Teacher 2

Choosing a Career in Teaching 3 Motivations for Choosing Teaching 3 The Challenge of Teaching All Students 3 From Preservice to Practice: Considerations 4 Teaching Force Diversity: A Growing Concern 4 Overview 1.1: Ways to Improve Your Employment Prospects 6

Supply/Demand and Salaries 6 Job Opportunities 6 Pay Scales and Trends 8

Preparing Teachers 10 Certification 10 Taking Issue: Alternative Certification 13 Trends in Preservice Education 14 Adequacy of Preparation Programs 15

Prospective Teachers: Abilities and Testing 16 Teacher Abilities 16 Testing Teachers 17

Job Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction 18 Teacher Satisfaction 18 State and District Standards and Teacher Stress 19 Coping with Stress 20

Reforming Schools by Improving Teacher Qualifications and Functioning 20

National Reports 20 Technology @ School: An Internet Location for

Prospective Teachers 21 The No Child Left Behind Act 22 The NBPTS and the INTASC 24 Holmes and Other Groups 24 Reactions to the National Reforms 25

School Reform and Teacher Empowerment 26

Outlook for Teaching 27

CHAPTER 2 The Teaching Profession 30

Is Teaching a Profession? 31 A Defined Body of Knowledge 32 Controlling Requirements for Entry and Licensing 33 Autonomy in Deciding About Spheres of Work 34 High Prestige and Economic Standing 34

Trends Toward Professionalism 36 The Scope of Collective Bargaining 36 Professional Practice Boards 36 Mediated Entry 37 Video Case: Teacher Accountability: A Student Teacher's Perspective 38 Staff Development 39 Technology @ School: Professional and Development Opportunities on the World Wide Web 40 Merit Pay 40 School-Based Management 41 Taking Issue: Merit Pay 42 Video Case: Teaching as a Profession: Collaboration with Colleagues 43

Teacher Organizations 43 From Preservice to Practice: The SBDM Team 44 Overview 2.1: Comparison of the National Educations Assodiation (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) 45 National Education Association (NEA) 45 American Federation of Teachers (AFT) 46 Specialized Professional Organizations 47 Religious Education Organizations 47 Parent-Teacher Groups 47 Overview 2.2: Major Specialized Professional Organizations for Teachers 48 Overview 2.3: Professional Organizations Students Can Join 49 Organizations for Prospective Teachers 49

viii Contents

PART TWO: Historical and Philosophical Foundations 53

CHAPTER 3 World Roots of American Education 54

Education in Preliterate Societies 55 From Preservice to Practice: Connecting the Past and the Present 56

Education in Ancient Chinese Civilization 56 Confucian Education 57 Overview 3.1: Key Periods in Educational History 58 China's Contribution to World and Western Education 61

Education in Ancient Egypt 62 Religious and Secular Concerns 62 Egypt's Historical Controversies 63

The Hebraic Tradition in Education 63 Education in Ancient Greek and Roman Civilizations 65

The Sophists 67 Socrates: Education by Self-Examination 68 Taking Issue: Universal Truth or Cultural Relativism? 69 Plato: Eternal Truths and Values 70 Aristotle: Cultivation of Rationality 71 Isocrates: Oratory and Rhetoric 73 Education in Ancient Rome 73 The Greek and Roman Contributions to

Western Education 75

Islam, Arabic Learning, and Education 75 Medieval Culture and Education 77

Aquinas: Scholastic Education 78 The Medieval Contribution to Western Education 79

Renaissance Classical Humanism 79 Overview 3.2: Major Educational Theorists to A.D. 1600 80 Erasmus: Critic and Humanist 81 Overview 3.3: Significant Events in the History of Western Education to A.D. 1650 82 The Renaissance Contribution to Western Education 84

The Religious Reformation and Education 84 Luther: Protestant Reformer 86 The Reformation's Contribution to Western Education 87

The Enlightenment's Influence on Education 87

CHAPTER 4 Pioneers of Modern Teaching 92

Comenius: The Search for a New Method 93 Principles of Teaching and Learning 94 Education and Schooling 95 Influence on Educational Practices Today 95

Rousseau: Educating the Natural Person 95 Overview 4.1: Educational Pioneers 96

Principles of Teaching and Learning 98 Education and Schooling 99 Influence on Educational Practices Today 99 Video Case: Elementary School Language Arts: Inquiry

Learning 99

Pestalozzi: Educator of the Senses and Emotions 100

Principles of Teaching and Learning 100 Education and Schooling 101 Influence on Educational Practices Today 101

Herbart: Systematizing Teaching 102 Principles of Teaching and Learning 102 Education and Schooling 102 Influence on Educational Practices Today 102

Froebel: The Kindergarten Movement 103 Principles of Teaching and Learning 103 Education and Schooling 104 Influence on Educational Practices Today 104

Spencer: Social Darwinist and Utilitarian Educator 105

Principles of Teaching and Learning 105 Education and Schooling 106 Influence on Educational Practices Today 106

Dewey: Learning Through Experience 106 Principles of Teaching and Learning 107 Taking Issue: Dewey's Learning by Experience 108 Education and Schooling 108 Influence on Educational Practices Today 109

Addams: Socialized Education 109 Principles of Teaching and Learning 110 Education and Schooling 110 Influence on Educational Practices Today 111

Montessori: The Prepared Environment 111 Principles of Teaching and Learning 111 Education and Schooling 112 Influence on Educational Practices Today 112

Piaget: Developmental Growth 113 Principles of Teaching and Learning 113 Education and Schooling 114 From Preservice to Practice: A New Lesson 115 Influence on Educational Practices Today 116

Freire: Liberation Pedagogy 116 Principles of Teaching and Learning 116 Education and Schooling 117 Influence on Educational Practices Today 117 Technology @ School: Building Your Philosophy of Technology in Education 118

Thinking About Pioneers in Education as Historical Mentors 118

Contents ix

CHAPTER 5 Historical Development of American Education 122

The Colonial Period 123 New England Colonies 123 Overview 5.1: Significant Events in the History of American Education 124 Middle Atlantic Colonies 126 Southern Colonies 127 Colonial Education: A Summary View 128

The Early National Period 128 Franklin: The Academy 129 Jefferson: Education for Citizenship 129 Taking Issue: Schools and American Culture 130 Benjamin Rush: Church-Related Schools 131 Webster: Schoolmaster of the Republic 131

The Movement Toward Public Schooling 132 The Common School 132 Mann: The Struggle for Public Schools 133 Normal Schools and Women's Education 134 Catharine Beecher: Preparing Women as Teachers 134 The One-Room School 135 Technology @ School: Studying the One-Room School 136 The McGuffey Readers 136

The Development of American Secondary Schools 137

The Academy: Forerunner of the High School 137 The High School 137 Secondary-School Organization 139 The Development of Educational Technology 140 Video Case: Multimedia Literacy: Integrating Technology into

the Middle School Curriculum 141

The American College and University 141

Education in a Culturally Diverse Society 142 African Americans 142 Native Americans 145 Latino Americans 146 Asian Americans 148 From Preservice to Practice: Some Differing Viewpoints 149 Arab Americans 151

Historical Trends 152 The Immigration Controversy 152 A Persistent Issue: Teaching About Evolution 152 Gender Equity 153 Educating Students with Disabilities 154 The U.S. Department of Education 154 Reducing School Violence 154 War on Terrorism 154

CHAPTER 6 Philosophical Roots of Education 159

Special Terminology 161 Overview 6.1: Philosophies of Education 163

Idealism 164 Key Concepts 164 The Basic Questions 165 Implications for Today's Classroom Teacher 166

Realism 166 Key Concepts 167 The Basic Questions 168 Implications for Today's Classroom Teacher 169

Pragmatism 169 Key Concepts 170 The Basic Questions 171 Video Case: Middle School Science Instruction: Inquiry Learning 171 Technology @ School: The Debate over Standardized Testing 172 Implications for Today's Classroom Teacher 172

Existentialism 173 Key Concepts 173 The Basic Questions 174 Implications for Today's Classroom Teacher 175 An Existentialist School: Summerhill 175

Postmodernism 176 Key Concepts 177 The Basic Questions 178 Implications for Today's Classroom Teacher 179

Educational Theories 180 Overview 6.2: Theories of Education 180

Essentialism 181 The Basic Questions 182 Implications for Today's Classroom Teacher 183

Perennialism 183 The Paideia Proposal 185 The Basic Questions 185 Implications for Today's Classroom Teacher 185 Taking Issue: Education: Child Centered or Subject Matter? 186

Progressivism 187 Key Concepts 188 The Basic Questions 188 Implications for Today's Classroom Teacher 190

Critical Theory 191 Key Concepts 191 The Basic Questions 192 Implications for Today's Classroom Teacher 193


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