Basic Word Processing Functions

Keyboarding 1Basic Formatting InstructionsOpen Microsoft Word. Type your name (left) in a footer along with the class period (center) and the filename (right), You. Save the document as You in your Student Folder |Assignments folder. Use the No Spacing style. Change the horizontal alignment to center.On the Home ribbon, click No Spacing in the Styles group.139065022352000In the Paragraph group, click Center alignment. 3971925-508000Click the Bold Button (Home tab, Font group) and type Character Formatting. Make this text 36 pts. Change the font to 11 pts. before continuing, and click bold to turn it off.Press the Enter key twice3971925160020DS00DS.Type the following poem. 32194501524000YOU Shortcut KeysboldCtrl + bitalicsCtrl + iunderlineCtrl + u4676775120015Press Enter at the end of each line.Press Enter at the end of each line.3476625882015004019550882015DS00DSYou are the fellow who has to decidewhether you’ll do it or toss it aside whether you’ll seek the goal that’s afar or just be contented to stay where you Edgar A. GuestSelect the Title “YOU” bold it, and change the size to 20 pts. Select the entire poem except the title. Click the Italics button on the formatting toolbar or press Ctrl I (All the selected text is now Italic text)Select “do” and underline it. Then using the format painter, underline “toss” and “seek” in the poem. 189547519748500Select the title “YOU” and highlight it yellow. Select the words “where you are” and strikethrough those words. Select “whether” (both of them), change their size to 16 pts. and make them bold. 194310018986500Select the last line of the poem, which says “by Edgar A. Guest.” Increase the font size two times using the Grow Font command, and change the font case to all Capitalize Each Word. Turn off italics.Press Enter four times after the line that says “By Edgar A. Guest” and type the following poem. The font size is 14.4610100254000Press Enter at the end of each line.Press Enter at the end of each line.Stick to your task till it sticks to you. Beginners are many and finishers few.Honor, power, place, and praiseWill always come to those who stay.Stick to your task till it sticks to you. Bend at it, sweat at it, smile at it too,For out of the bend and the sweat and the smileWill come life’s victories after a while.(Author Unknown)399097523876000Select this poem, change the font to Arial, and change the font color to red. 4610100-508000Select one word from each line, and change the Text Effects such as Outline, Shadow, Reflection, or Glow. Use eight different effects. Text Effects are in the Font group Select the Author Unknown line and make it subscript. 3505200-508000Resave the file as Basic Formatting. 340042524130000526732523939500To change a filename or to change the location of a file, use Save As, by clicking File | Save As.Preview your document. Make sure it fits on one page.Print your document. Put it in the basket. ................

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