Language Arts

Goddard: Fifth Grade-Common Core State Standards (CCSS) English/Language ArtsQuarter Taught: Quarter 1 ? Quarter 2 ? Quarter 3 ? Quarter 4 ?Strand: Reading for Foundational Skills K-5Code: 5.RF.3Boxed Sub-heading: Phonics and Word RecognitionStandard: Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ?Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ? Level 3: Strategic Thinking ?Level 4: Extended Thinking ? What Know (nouns) DefinitionList the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context. FORMTEXT ?????Phonics: Teaching reading, writing, and spelling by training beginners to associate letters with their sound values. Children learn the sounds of individual letters first, then the sounds of letters in combination and in simple words. For example, students use the method of chunking words into syllables to pronounce words. Hopelessly – hope / less / ly FORMTEXT ?????Word Analysis Skills: The identification and/or decoding of a word the reader does not immediately recognize. For example, students use prefixes, suffixes, and roots to decode words. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Be Able to Do (Verbs) DefinitionList the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard. FORMTEXT ?????Know: To understand FORMTEXT ?????Apply: To use what knowledge a student already has to complete a task FORMTEXT ?????Decoding: To extract meaning from FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)The student FORMTEXT ????? Students will be able to read words correctly at their grade level.Essential Questions: FORMTEXT ?????Do I recognize the words I am saying? FORMTEXT ?????Am I using the strategies I’ve learned to pronounce words I don’t recognize? FORMTEXT ?????What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.Learning SequencePrior skill(s) needed FORMTEXT ?????1 FORMTEXT ?????Identify syllabication patterns FORMTEXT ?????2 FORMTEXT ?????Identify root words FORMTEXT ?????3 FORMTEXT ?????Explain meanings of prefixes and suffixes FORMTEXT ?????4 FORMTEXT ?????Accurately read words with Greek and Latin roots FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Assessment Item Type:Selected Response ?Extended Constructed Response ?Technology Enhanced ?Performance Task ?Writing Prompt ?Oral Response ?Eligibility ? Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:Example 1: FORMTEXT ?????Provide a list of grade-level appropriate words and have students chunk them into syllables for decoding.Example 2: FORMTEXT ?????Create a chart that organizes words according to structural features. For example, in a lesson focusing on affixes, give students post-it notes with words having common affixes. The chart could have three divisions: words with prefixes, words with suffixes, words with both.Example 3: FORMTEXT ?????Create flashcards with grade-appropriate prefixes and suffixes and play games to reinforce their meaning.Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites: FORMTEXT ????? – choose the option for prefixes/suffixes/root words FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ? Quarter 2 ? Quarter 3 ? Quarter 4 ?Strand: Reading for Foundational Skills K-5Code: 5.RF.3aBoxed Sub-heading: Phonics and Word RecognitionStandard: Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of context.Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ?Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ? Level 3: Strategic Thinking ?Level 4: Extended Thinking ? What Know (nouns) DefinitionList the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context. FORMTEXT ?????Letter-Sound Correspondences: The principle that each letter represents a unit of sound (a phoneme). These should be taught one at a time. The sounds are represented by the letters of the alphabet and each letter used represents a separate sound. For example, letters that occur frequently in simple words (a, m, and t) are taught first. FORMTEXT ?????Syllabication Patterns: Syllabication is the act, process, or method of forming or dividing words into syllables. There are basic syllabication patterns that revolve around vowels and the consonants surrounding them. The longer the words, the more important it is to know the syllable chunks. For example the word CAT is a one-syllable word with a CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) pattern. FORMTEXT ?????Morphology: The study of the structure and form of words. For example, students identify the root, prefix, and suffix of a word. FORMTEXT ?????Roots: The base word. FORMTEXT ?????Affixes: The prefixes and suffixes in a word. FORMTEXT ?????Multisyllabic Words: Words with many syllables. FORMTEXT ?????Be Able to Do (Verbs) DefinitionList the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard. FORMTEXT ?????Use: Apply what students know to complete a task FORMTEXT ?????Read: To look at carefully so as to understand the meaning of FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)The student FORMTEXT ????? Students will be able to use skills to read unfamiliar words when they are found in a story or written by themselves.Essential Questions: FORMTEXT ?????Am I using the strategies I’ve learned to pronounce words I don’t recognize? FORMTEXT ?????Am I finding the root words and using what I know about prefixes and suffixes to pronounce words I don’t recognize? FORMTEXT ?????What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.Learning SequencePrior skill(s) needed FORMTEXT ?????1 FORMTEXT ?????Identify syllabication patterns FORMTEXT ?????2 FORMTEXT ?????Identify root words FORMTEXT ?????3 FORMTEXT ?????Explain meanings of prefixes and suffixes FORMTEXT ?????4 FORMTEXT ?????Accurately read words with Greek and Latin roots FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Assessment Item Type:Selected Response ?Extended Constructed Response ?Technology Enhanced ?Performance Task ?Writing Prompt ?Oral Response ?Eligibility ? Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:Example 1: FORMTEXT ?????Example 2: FORMTEXT ?????Example 3: FORMTEXT ?????Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites: FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ? Quarter 2 ? Quarter 3 ? Quarter 4 ?Strand: Reading for Foundational Skills K-5Code: 5.RF.4Boxed Sub-heading: FluencyStandard: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ?Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ? Level 3: Strategic Thinking ?Level 4: Extended Thinking ? What Know (nouns) DefinitionList the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context. FORMTEXT ?????Accuracy: Reading correctly. FORMTEXT ?????Fluency: Reading smoothly with ease and expression in a given amount of time. FORMTEXT ?????Comprehension: Understanding what you read. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Be Able to Do (Verbs) DefinitionList the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard. FORMTEXT ?????Support: Help or prove FORMTEXT ?????Read: To look at carefully so as to understand the meaning of FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)The student FORMTEXT ????? Students will be able to read smoothly with minimal errors and understand what is being read. They will be able to do it in a specific time frame.Essential Questions: FORMTEXT ?????Did I read as smoothly as I could? FORMTEXT ?????Did I try to use the strategies I’ve learned to understand what I just read? FORMTEXT ?????What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.Learning SequencePrior skill(s) needed FORMTEXT ?????1 FORMTEXT ?????Identify the purpose for reading the text FORMTEXT ?????2 FORMTEXT ?????Read with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive reading FORMTEXT ?????3 FORMTEXT ?????Explain how context can help to confirm or self correct for word recognition FORMTEXT ?????4 FORMTEXT ?????Uses rereading as a strategy for comprehension FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Assessment Item Type:Selected Response ?Extended Constructed Response ?Technology Enhanced ?Performance Task ?Writing Prompt ?Oral Response ?Eligibility ? Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:Example 1: FORMTEXT ?????Reader’s TheaterExample 2: FORMTEXT ?????Choral ReadingExample 3: FORMTEXT ?????Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites: FORMTEXT ????? – activities and lesson plans for teaching fluency FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ? Quarter 2 ? Quarter 3 ? Quarter 4 ?Strand: Reading for Foundational Skills K-5Code: 5.RF.4aBoxed Sub-heading: FluencyStandard: Read on-level text with purpose and understanding.Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ?Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ? Level 3: Strategic Thinking ?Level 4: Extended Thinking ? What Know (nouns) DefinitionList the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context. FORMTEXT ?????Text: The story or passage being read. FORMTEXT ?????Purpose: Determining what should be learned or discovered. FORMTEXT ?????Understanding: Comprehension in reading. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Be Able to Do (Verbs) DefinitionList the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard. FORMTEXT ????? Read: To look at carefully so as to understand the meaning of FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)The student FORMTEXT ????? Students will be able to read and understand text on their grade level.Essential Questions: FORMTEXT ?????Does this story make sense to me? FORMTEXT ?????Why am I reading this selection? FORMTEXT ?????What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.Learning SequencePrior skill(s) needed FORMTEXT ?????1 FORMTEXT ?????Identify the purpose for reading the text FORMTEXT ?????2 FORMTEXT ?????Read with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive reading FORMTEXT ?????3 FORMTEXT ?????Explain how context can help to confirm or self correct for word recognition FORMTEXT ?????4 FORMTEXT ?????Uses rereading as a strategy for comprehension FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Assessment Item Type:Selected Response ?Extended Constructed Response ?Technology Enhanced ?Performance Task ?Writing Prompt ?Oral Response ?Eligibility ? Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:Example 1: FORMTEXT ?????Select text within student Lexile Level and consider their interests when making selectionsExample 2: FORMTEXT ?????Read and retell either written or orally (Paraphrasing, Summarizing)Example 3: FORMTEXT ?????Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites: FORMTEXT ?????teachervision. – Works on summarizing and retelling FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ? Quarter 2 ? Quarter 3 ? Quarter 4 ?Strand: Reading for Foundational Skills K-5Code: 5.RF.4bBoxed Sub-heading: FluencyStandard: Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings.Depth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ?Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ? Level 3: Strategic Thinking ?Level 4: Extended Thinking ? What Know (nouns) DefinitionList the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context. FORMTEXT ?????Prose: The ordinary form of written or spoken language. The text or story being read. FORMTEXT ?????Poetry: The art of rhythmical composition or literary work in metrical form. FORMTEXT ?????Accuracy: Reading correctly. FORMTEXT ?????Rate: How fast a student reads. FORMTEXT ?????Expression: Conveying or representing feeling when reading. Students should be altering their voice based on punctuation, purpose, and the mood of the story. FORMTEXT ?????Successive: In order or uninterrupted sequence. One right after the other. FORMTEXT ?????Orally: Out loudBe Able to Do (Verbs) DefinitionList the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard. FORMTEXT ????? Read: To look at carefully so as to understand the meaning of FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)The student FORMTEXT ????? Students will be able to read back-to-back grade-level material, including poetry, in a specific amount of time with expression and minimal errors.Essential Questions: FORMTEXT ?????Did I read with expression? FORMTEXT ?????Did I read at an appropriate rate? FORMTEXT ?????What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.Learning SequencePrior skill(s) needed FORMTEXT ?????1 FORMTEXT ?????Identify the purpose for reading the text FORMTEXT ?????2 FORMTEXT ?????Read with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive reading FORMTEXT ?????3 FORMTEXT ?????Explain how context can help to confirm or self correct for word recognition FORMTEXT ?????4 FORMTEXT ?????Uses rereading as a strategy for comprehension FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Assessment Item Type:Selected Response ?Extended Constructed Response ?Technology Enhanced ?Performance Task ?Writing Prompt ?Oral Response ?Eligibility ? Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:Example 1: FORMTEXT ?????Model reading poetry to students for exposureExample 2: FORMTEXT ?????Example 3: FORMTEXT ?????Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites: FORMTEXT ????? – you can select and author or a specific poem you want to read FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Quarter Taught: Quarter 1 ? Quarter 2 ? Quarter 3 ? Quarter 4 ?Strand: Reading for Foundational Skills K-5Code: 5.RF.4cBoxed Sub-heading: FluencyStandard: Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessaryDepth of Knowledge:Level 1: Recall ?Level 2: Basic Application-skill/concept ? Level 3: Strategic Thinking ?Level 4: Extended Thinking ? What Know (nouns) DefinitionList the key concepts (nouns/noun phrases) and provide a common definition of the nouns/noun phrases as used in this context. FORMTEXT ?????Context: The parts of a story the precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect. FORMTEXT ?????Word Recognition: The ability of a student to recognize written words correctly and with ease. FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Be Able to Do (Verbs) DefinitionList the verbs that are key learning targets, then determine the meaning within the context of the standard. FORMTEXT ????? Use: Apply what students know to complete a task FORMTEXT ?????Confirm: Prove to be true FORMTEXT ?????Self-Correct: Fix errors or mistakes made while reading FORMTEXT ?????Reread: Read again FORMTEXT ?????This standard means a student will know and be able to do…(use your own words)The student FORMTEXT ????? Students will be able to self-monitor in order to understand what they are reading. They will recognize when they need to reread.Essential Questions: FORMTEXT ?????When I made a mistake, did I go back and correct it? Did the text make more sense once I fixed my error? FORMTEXT ?????Did I go back and reread the material I did not understand? FORMTEXT ?????What learning progressions are needed to master this standard? Give specific, measurable skill statements.Learning SequencePrior skill(s) needed FORMTEXT ?????1 FORMTEXT ?????Identify the purpose for reading the text FORMTEXT ?????2 FORMTEXT ?????Read with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive reading FORMTEXT ?????3 FORMTEXT ?????Explain how context can help to confirm or self correct for word recognition FORMTEXT ?????4 FORMTEXT ?????Uses rereading as a strategy for comprehension FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Assessment Item Type:Selected Response ?Extended Constructed Response ?Technology Enhanced ?Performance Task ?Writing Prompt ?Oral Response ?Eligibility ? Example: Provide possible instructional learning example/formative assessment item(s) for this standard:Example 1: FORMTEXT ?????Partner ReadExample 2: FORMTEXT ?????Use sticky notes to identify words that are unknown or confusing – Reread or discuss with a partner for understandingExample 3: FORMTEXT ?????Instructional Resources/Tools/Referenced Websites: FORMTEXT ????? – Context Clues – Millionaire Game (Rags to Riches) FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? ................

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