Mrs. McNelis



Knowledge of basic mathematics is absolutely necessary for survival in today’s world. Mathematics as a survival tool is implemented in almost every phase of personal and business life. How effectively one is able to use that important tool may determine how well one is able to prepare for the future, manage one’s personal and business resources, and benefit from ones efforts as a consumer, worker, or business person.

The main purpose of the Applied Mathematics course is to assist students in learning to use mathematics effectively as a tool in their personal and business lives. After you have completed this course, you will effectively be able to:

- understand terminology relating to personal and business mathematics applications

- apply basic math skills to the solution of both personal and business applications

- use common mathematics formulas to solve a variety of problems


Students will be required to have certain materials in class with them each day so that they may fully participate in class: - Pen/Pencil - Notebook - Textbook - Calculator

A three ring binder is recommended for the course since there will be numerous handouts given in class.

Class Expectations

You are first and foremost required to obey any expectations/rules set forth in the CB South student handbook or by the CB South administration. However, there are some additional expectations that I have for this classroom, listed below. I have also highlighted some CB South rules to remember:


- Be prepared for class each day, and be ready to start class when the bell rings

- Food is not permitted in class

- Cell phone policy and Dress Code policy will be strictly adhered to.

- Always ask permission to leave the classroom. Be sure to sign out and in

- Your work must be neat, organized, and legible. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that all work be done in pencil


1. Absences

a. If you know you will be absent ahead of time, please let me know.

b. It is your responsibility to obtain any assigned work and complete it. If you do not ask me for missed work or homework, I will not give it to you.

c. The length of time you have to complete the missed work will be the same length of time that you were absent (Example: if you were absent for 3 days, you have 3 days to complete the missed work.)

d. If you cut class, you will NOT be able to make up missed assignments.

2. Lateness & Cuts

a. Lateness & Cuts will be handled in accordance with the Central Bucks South Policy, found in your student handbooks

Grading Policy

Grades will be earned through a point-based system. Students will receive points for classwork, tests, quizzes, and projects completed. All grades will be posted online as soon as they are graded. A student’s marking period grade will be computed using the following weights:

Classwork = 50% Tests/Quizzes/Projects = 50%


What you do in class will be collected daily and graded for both completeness and accuracy.


1. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced; Tests will always be announced

2. Calculators will be allowed on all tests and quizzes; however, there may be parts of tests and/or quizzes that have a non-calculator section

3. Giving OR receiving any unauthorized assistance is considered cheating. Any students found cheating will be given a 0 on the test or quiz. Programming unauthorized formulas or information into graphing calculators is considered cheating

4. Silence is required during all tests and quizzes until EVERYONE finishes- Please bring something else to do in case you finish the test or quiz early.

5. Tests will be out of 100 points. Quizzes will be out of 50 points. Projects will differ in point values, however students will always be given a grading rubric for projects so they are aware of the value.

Final Exam and Performance Assessments

1. The Final Exam will be worth 14% of your final course grade & will be a comprehensive multiple choice exam

2. There are 2 Core Assessments will be given during the course. Each will be worth 3% of the final grade

a. Students must meet proficiency on the Core Assessments in accordance with Central Bucks policy

Final Course Grade

1. The final course grade will be calculated as follows:

a. First Marking Period grade 40%

b. Second Marking Period grade 40%

c. Final Exam 14%

d. Performance Assessment (2) 6%

Extra Help

Please see me to arrange a time that is convenient for both of us.

Academic Integrity Policy

Students are expected to meet academic challenges with the highest degree of integrity and honesty. When questions arise about research or learning activities, students should demonstrate the discipline necessary to seek guidance from their teacher, rather than resorting to inappropriate behaviors that may undermine their own academic integrity and the learning process. All students should read and understand the CBS Academic Integrity Policy, and ask questions or seek clarification if they are unsure of how that policy relates to academic work in general or to specific assignments for this course. Consequences will result when this policy is violated.

NAME:_______________________________ Mrs. McNelis: Applied Math


I recognize that I have read and understand the Fact Sheet for Applied Math class. I further understand that I am expected to adhere to these policies and rules.

Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date:____________

Students: Please fill out the following so that I may know a bit more about you.

|Clubs/Activities: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Sports: | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

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|Job(s): |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Health Concerns: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| | | | | | | | | |

|Last math class/teacher/grade rec'd: |  |/ |  |/ |  | | |

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|Other current math classes/ teacher: |  |/ |  |  | | | |

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I recognize that I have read the attached Fact Sheet for Applied Math and understand the expectations of my child during this course.

Parent/Guardian Signature: ____________________________________ Date:____________

Parents: Please fill out the contact information below.

NAME: _____________________________________________

Email address: _______________________________

Home phone: _________________________________________

Cell phone: __________________________________________


NAME: _____________________________________________

Email address: _______________________________

Home phone: _________________________________________

Cell phone: __________________________________________


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