Principal – W

Principal – Mr. Steve Rauh Vice-Principals – J. Bach, B. Daudlin, G. Thomson


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| |Math 11 Pre-calculus |

| |Course Outline |

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Teacher: Mrs. B. Baldwin

E-mail: Website:

|Chapter |Topic |Approx. Timeline |

|- |Review of Math 10 |September |

|3 |Quadratic Functions |Sept – Oct |

|4 |Quadratic Equations |Oct - Nov |

|8 |Systems of Equations |November |

|9 |Linear & Quadratic Inequalities |Nov – Dec |

|5 |Radical Expressions and Equations |January |

|6 |Rational Expressions and Equations |February |

|7 |Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions |March – April |

|2 |Trigonometry |April - May |

|1 |Sequences and Series |May – June |

|- | |June |

Topics Covered:


Students will be continuously assessed and grades will be cumulative throughout the year (year-long grading). Students will be assigned a mark each term that reflects their work since September.

Your final mark will be assigned as follows:

• Class mark 75%

• Final Exam 25%


1. You will need to pass a basic math skills competency test at 80% before a mark will be awarded in Pre Calc Math 11. Failure to achieve 80% will result in an “I mark” until this standard is achieved.

The date of this test will be: _____________________________

2. Enrolment for Calculus 12 next year will be prioritized based on Pre Calculus Math 11 marks. It is recommended that a minimum mark of 75% should be obtained to consider Calculus 12.

Additional Resources:

• Calculator: The use of a graphing calculator will be required for this course. The TI 83, 83+, 84 of 84+ is recommended. Please check with me before purchasing any other calculators.

• Coil Notebook: It is recommended, although not required, that your homework be completed in a notebook. A notebook of graph paper is ideal.

Academic Misconduct:

Any incidence of academic misconduct will be dealt with very seriously. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following: giving out test information to others, failing to show up on the agreed upon time for a test, bringing unauthorized material into a test, communicating during a test, plagiarism of another’s work, copying another’s work, collusion (helping another to be dishonest), or removing test materials from the classroom. In short, academic misconduct is considered to be any behaviour that gains an unfair advantage for a student over the other students.

Any student to be found in violation of the principles of academic misconduct:

1. Parents will be informed of the incident by a telephone call and/or a written notice. Counselors and administration will also be informed. A mark of zero may be awarded for the assignment.

2. The student may not be eligible to receive any letters of reference or recommendation, school-based awards or scholarships.

3. The student’s other teachers may be informed of the infraction and may be asked to report any incident of a similar type to the administration.

Some specific Mrs. Baldwin rules…


Class will always start on time and the door will be closed and locked. If you are late please wait outside and I will open the door when it is convenient during the class. This may be after the class has started a quiz or test giving you less time to complete your work.

Missed Tests:

It is your responsibility to be aware of upcoming tests and quizzes. If you are away on the day of a test you must be excused on that calendar day in the office system. An excuse after the day of the test will need to be followed up with a phone call from a parent or guardian. You will be expected to write a makeup test on the first day that you are back to class. There are no makeup quizzes as they are returned the following day.

Cell Phones:

Cell phones are not allowed during instructional time. This means during a lesson or group activity – they must be put away out of sight in a pocket, backpack or purse. Cell phones are permitted during seat work for appropriate use only. This includes listening to music, using a calendar, noting assignments, looking up information related to the task at hand etc. This does not include games, youtube, facebook etc. If I see you using your phone inappropriately during class it may be confiscated until the end of class.

Homework Assignments:

Homework and assignments must be submitted on time. 10% will be deducted for late assignments for every calendar day.

Food & Drink:

You are allowed to eat and drink in my classroom so long as:

1) Any food has been brought from home and is carried in a re-usable container.

2) Any drinks are carried in a re-usable water bottle or thermos.

* There is to be no garbage left behind in the classroom. The compost and garbage bins are located around the corner near the cafeteria.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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