Mathematics Essential Skills

Provo School District’s Mathematics Essential Skills List

|Kindergarten Math |

|Pre-requisites |Essential Skill |State Core |

|Rote count to 10 |Identify and use simple relationships among whole numbers up to 30. |Standard 1.1 |

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|Know letters and colors | | |

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|Recognize circles and squares | | |

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|Sort by color, shape or size | | |

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|Write 5 numbers | | |

| |Write numerals 1 – 10. |Standard 1.1 |

| |Use one to one correspondence when counting a set of objects up to 30. |Standard 1.1 |

| |Identify, duplicate, describe, and extend simple repeating and growing |Standard 2.2 |

| |patterns. | |

| |Identify and create simple geometric shapes and describe simple |Standard 3.1 |

| |spatial relationships. | |

| |Use ordinal numbers from 1st to 10th to identify position in a chosen |Standard 1.1 |

| |order. | |

| |Sort by a variety of attributes |Standard 2.1 |

|1st Grade Math |

|Pre-requisites |Essential Skill |State Core |

|Number order / counting |Read, write and count numbers to 100 |Standard 1.1 |

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|1 to 1 correspondence | | |

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|Basic shape identification | | |

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|Less/more least/greatest | | |

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|Counting on to add | | |

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|Basic patterns | | |

| |Model, describe, and illustrate the meanings of addition and |Standard 1.3 |

| |subtraction and use these operations to solve problems. | |

| |Use the “+”,“-”, “=” symbols. |Standard 2.2 |

| |Know tens and ones place value |Standard 1.2 |

| |Identify, describe, and create simple geometric figures. |Standard 3.1 |

| |Read calendars |Standard 3.2 |

| |Know and work with greater than or less than |Standard 1.1 |

| |Identify one more, one less, 10 more, and 10 less than a given number |Standard 1.2 |

| |Read clocks to the nearest half hour |Standard 3.2 |

| |Identify penny, nickel, dime, quarter and dollar |Standard 3.2 |

| |Skip count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s |Standard 2.2 |

|2nd Grade Math |

|Pre-requisites |Essential Skill |State Core |

|Basic number sense |Identify and represent the relationships among numbers, quantities, and|Standard 1.1 |

| |place value in whole numbers up to 1000. | |

|Addition and subtraction 0 – 5 | | |

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|Conceptual-spatial relationships | | |

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|Estimation | | |

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| |Compare and order numbers up to 1000 using the terms “greater than”, |Standard 1.1 |

| |“less than” or “equal to” and use the symbols >, ................

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