Fundamentals of Math, 2nd ed. Lesson Plan Overview

Fundamentals of Math Lesson Plan OverviewThis Standard Lesson Plan allocates 90 days for each semester. Test Packet, supplementary material to Student Text and Teacher’s EditionStudent Activities, supplementary material to Student Text and Teacher’s EditionTeacher’s Toolkit CD, included in Teacher’s Edition*Bible Integration topics covered in the Teacher’s Edition or Student ActivitiesDayTopicPagesSupport MaterialsBible Integration*Chapter 1: Whole Numbers1Introductionviii–ixGod created man to manage animals (Gen. 1:26)Man is to love both God and his neighbor (Mark 12:30–31)21.1 Ordering and RoundingMath in Use—Charles Lindbergh1–7Roman NumeralsEgyptian NumeralsComparing Whole NumbersMan is to use nature to declare God’s greatness (Rom. 11:36)God reveals mysteries and allows discovery (Dan. 2:21–22)God commanded numbering OT men (Ex. 38:26; Num. 1; 26:51) 31.2 Addition and Subtraction8–12Quiz 1 (1.1)A child of God is united with Christ (Rom. 8:17)41.3 Estimating Sums and Differences12–17Comparing, Estimating, and Adding Whole Numbers51.4 Multiplication and Division18–25Quiz 2 (1.2–1.3)Calculator Skill ISubdue the EarthSelect the OperationsGrace and peace are multiplied to the believer (2 Pet. 1:2)*God commands man to subdue the earth (Gen. 1:28)*61.5 Estimating Products and Quotients25–31Properties of AdditionDistributive PropertyProperties of Multiplication7Problem Solving—Select the Operations32–33Quiz 3 (1.4–1.5)81.6 Properties of Numbers34–39God’s Word is settled, dependable, and valuable (Psa. 119:89,105)*91.7 Exponents39–43Quiz 4 (1.6)Exponents101.8 Square Roots43–46111.9 Order of Operations46–48Quiz 5 (1.7–1.8)Order of Operations12Math & Scripture—Numbers in Bible Poetry49Quiz 6 (1.9)Prime Truths (Psa. 53:3)13Chapter 1 Review50–51Mathardy: Ch. 1Chapter 1 ReviewChapter 1 Cumulative Review14Chapter 1 TestChapter 2: Decimals152.1 Writing Decimals52–58Decimal Place ValueRepeating DecimalsChristians should be “salt” to the world, a healing and preserving influence (Matt. 5:13; Col. 4:6)*162.2 Comparing and Rounding58–62Rounding DecimalsRounding Decimal Quotients172.3 Addition and Subtraction63–66Quiz 1 (2.1–2.2)Operations with Decimals182.4 Multiplication66–70Quiz 2 (2.3)Multiplying Decimals192.5 Division70–75Curie, God, and KnowledgeGod’s knowledge is infinite (Rom. 11:33–36, Col. 2:3)*The Lord gives wisdom (Psa. 94:9–10; Prov. 2:3–6; 9:10)*202.6 Estimating76–80Quiz 3 (2.4–2.5)Estimating Sums21Problem Solving—Make a Table81–82222.7 Square Roots83–86232.8 Scientific Notation 86–91Quiz 4 (2.6–2.7)Multiplying and Dividing by Powers of TenScientific Notation24Math in Use—Marie Curie 2.9 Operations in Scientific Notation92–97Calculator Skill 225Math & Scripture—Tithing98Quiz 5 (2.8–2.9)Prime Truths (Mal. 3:10)26Chapter 2 Review99–101Mathardy: Ch. 2Chapter 2 ReviewChapter 2 Cumulative Review27Chapter 2 TestChapter 3: Number Theory283.1 Factors and Multiples102–108Calculator Skill 3Christians should seek wisdom (Prov. 4:7; Eccles. 7:25)293.2 Divisibility108–111Divisibility303.3 Prime Numbers111–115Quiz 1 (3.1–3.2)Prime Numbers and Prime factorizationChrist is our foundation (Col. 2:7; Eph. 2:19–22)31Math in Use—Jesus 3.4 Greatest Common Factor116–120The Euclidean AlgorithmAll things were made by Christ (Jn. 1:3; 6:9–14; 8:58)Christ paid for our sins on the cross (Luke 23:46; Isa. 53:5–6)323.5 Least Common Multiple120–125Quiz 2 (3.3–3.4)GCF and LCMProblems with GCF and LCM33Problem Solving—Guess and CheckGuess and Check343.6 Bases126–128Number Bases353.7 Hexadecimal128–131Quiz 3 (3.5–3.6)Studying CreationThe heavens declare the glory of God (Psa. 19:1; Rom. 1:16–20)*Man should glory in God (Jer. 9:24)*363.8 Working with Bases132–136Further Practice with Number Bases373.9 Number Patterns136–139Quiz 4 (3.7–3.8)38Math & Scripture—Hebrew Calendar140Quiz 5 (3.9)Prime Truths (Titus 2:13)39Chapter 3 Review141–143Mathardy: Ch. 3Chapter 3 ReviewChapter 3 Cumulative Review40Chapter 3 TestChapter 4: Fractions414.1 Fractions and Mixed Numbers144–151Bible fractions are common (Gen. 41:34; Ex. 16:36; 24:6)Knowledge (light) aids our communication of the gospel (Matt. 5:16)424.2 Equivalent Fractions151–155How Does God Reveal Himself?Number Theory TermsGod is revealed in Scripture (Isa. 45:22; Lam. 3:22; Ex. 25)*God is revealed in Christ (Matt. 9)*God is revealed in creation (Gen. 1:31; Rom.1:20)*434.3 Comparing and Ordering155–160Quiz 1 (4.1–4.2)Comparing FractionsFraction Manipulatives44Problem Solving—Find a Pattern4.4 Adding Fractions161–167Adding FractionsFraction Manipulatives454.5 Subtracting Fractions167–170Quiz 2 (4.3–4.4)Adding and Subtracting Fractions464.6 Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers170–174Word Problems with Mixed NumbersFraction Manipulatives474.7 Multiplying Fractions175–178Quiz 3 (4.5–4.6)Multiplying Fractions484.8 Dividing Fractions178–181Calculator Skill 4Fraction Manipulatives494.9 Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Numbers182–187Quiz 4 (4.7–4.8)Complex FractionsApplying Mixed NumbersSoft music can relax the hearer (1 Sam. 16:23)50Math in Use—Fannie Farmer 4.10 Order of Operations188–19151Math & Scripture—Fractions192Quiz 5 (4.9–4.10)Prime Truths (Heb. 7:4)52Chapter 4 Review193–195Mathardy: Ch. 4Chapter 4 ReviewChapter 4 Cumulative Review53Chapter 4 TestChapter 5: Forms of Rational Numbers545.1 Rational Numbers196–202God is the Master Designer (Gen. 1:27; Jer. 1:5; Isa. 43:7)Glorifying God is our ultimate responsibility (1 Cor. 10:31)*555.2 Ratio and Rate202–206Unit PricingGod directed Gideon to reduce his army (Judges 6–8)Rates are mentioned in the Bible (1 Kings 10:25; 2 Kings 25:30)565.3 Proportions207–211Quiz 1 (5.1–5.2)ProportionRatio and Proportion57Problem Solving—Estimate an Answer 5.4 Scale Drawing212–219Titanic and GodMan’s pride brings destruction (Gen. 1:1–9; Prov. 16:18)*God is faithful to all generations (Psa. 119:90)*585.5 Decimals and Rational Numbers220–225Quiz 2 (5.3–5.4)Renaming Decimals as Fractions59Math in Use—Aaron5.6 Percent226–232Proportion and PercentPercents and DecimalsPercents and FractionsSin brings judgment from God (Lev. 10:1–2; Num. 16)605.7 Finding the Part232–237Quiz 3 (5.5–5.6)615.8 Finding the Percent237–241Calculator Skill 5625.9 Finding the Whole 241–243Percent: Mixed Review63Math & Scripture—Ratios244Quiz 4 (5.7–5.9)Prime Truths (Prov. 9:10)64Chapter 5 Review245–247Mathardy: Ch. 5Chapter 5 ReviewChapter 5 Cumulative Review65Chapter 5 TestChapter 6: Using Percents666.1 Enlargement and Reduction248–253Percents in ActionFinding PercentsGrowth of the Nation IsraelA steward is required to be faithful (1 Cor. 4:2)God fulfilled His promise that Abraham’s seed would increase greatly (Gen. 15; 22; Num. 1)*67Problem Solving—Identify Useful Information254–255686.2 Discounts256–259696.3 Sales Tax260–264Quiz 1 (6.1–6.2)Calculator Skill 6Sales TaxChristians have a responsibility to pay taxes (Matt. 17:24–27)706.4 Simple InterestMath in Use—Charles Drew264–268Simple InterestUse God’s gifts to you in His service (Luke 19)Charging excessive interest is prohibited (Deut. 23:19–20)*716.5 Commission269–272Quiz 2 (6.3–6.4)726.6 Percent Change272–276Quiz 3 (6.5)Finding PercentsUsing Percents73Math & Scripture—Multiplication and Division277Quiz 4 (6.6)Prime Truths (Psa. 19:1)74Chapter 6 Review278–279Mathardy: Ch. 6Chapter 6 ReviewChapter 6 Cumulative Review75Chapter 6 TestChapter 7: Measurement767.1 Customary Units of Length280–286Now is the time to make wise spiritual decisions (2 Cor. 6:2; James 4:14)Jesus is the way of salvation (John 14:6)777.2 Customary Units of Capacity and Weight287–290Customary Unit Conversions787.3 Units of Time290–294Quiz 1 (7.1–7.2)Elapsed TimeMan is subject to time (Eccl.3:1)797.4 Metric Units294–299Calculator Skill 7MassVacation to CanadaMetric Units of Length807.5 Converting Metric Units299–303Quiz 2 (7.3–7.4)Renaming Metric UnitsSalvation requires conversion (Matt. 18:3; Rom. 6:23)81Math in Use—Noah7.6 Precision304–309Measurements of Bible TimesThe cubit and furlong were biblical measures of distance (Gen. 6:15; Ex. 37:1; Deut. 3:11; Rev. 21:16–17)*The Flood illustrates that sin results in death (1 Pet. 3:20; Matt. 24:37–39)*82Problem Solving—Draw a Diagram310–311Quiz 3 (7.5–7.6)837.7 Time Zones312–316Time Zones847.8 Temperature316–32185Math & Scripture—Measuring with Cubits322Quiz 4 (7.7–7.8)Prime Truths (Matt. 6:27)86Chapter 7 Review323–325Mathardy: Ch. 7Chapter 7 ReviewChapter 7 Cumulative Review87Chapter 7 Test88Review for Final Exam89Review for Final Exam90Final Exam (Chapters 1–7)Chapter 8: Introduction to Geometry918.1 Basic Geometric Figures326–332Measuring AnglesMath and CreationChrist created all (Col. 1:16)Creation reveals God’s glory and handiwork (Psa. 19:1)*928.2 Pairs of Angles333–337Lines and Angles93Problem Solving—Work Backwards338–339Working BackwardsProve all things (1 Thess. 5:21)*948.3 Polygons340–346Quiz 1 (8.1–8.2)958.4 Triangles and Quadrilaterals346–351Triangles968.5 Pythagorean Theorem351–354Quiz 2 (8.3–8.4)The Pythagorean Thm. by DissectionCalculator Skill 8978.6 Perimeter355–358Quiz 3 (8.5)Perimeter988.7 Circles and CircumferenceMath in Use—Hiram 358–364Circles and QuadrilateralsHiram used his talents to serve God (1 Kings 7:14, 40)The temple pointed to Christ (Heb. 8:5; 10:1,12,14)*998.8 Congruent Figures365–368Quiz 4 (8.6–8.7)1008.9 Similar Figures369–376Geometry Terms101Math & Scripture—Hiram’s Molten Sea377Quiz 5 (8.8–8.9)Prime Truths (1 Kings 7:26)102Chapter 8 Review378–381Mathardy: Ch. 8Chapter 8 ReviewChapter 8 Cumulative Review103Chapter 8 TestChapter 9: Area and Volume1049.1 Areas of Rectangles and Squares382–388Problems with AreaPlanning is a crucial part of a building project (Luke 14:28–30)Successful building relies on a sure foundation (Matt. 7:24–27)*1059.2 Areas of Parallelograms and Triangles388–392Areas1069.3 Areas of Trapezoids393–396Quiz 1 (9.1–9.2)107Math in Use—Jokichi Takamine9.4 Areas of Circles397–402Areas of Circles1089.5 Areas of Similar Figures402–405Quiz 2 (9.3–9.4)The HeavensAs we consider the heavens, we should praise God (Psa. 8)*109Problem Solving—Reduce to a Simpler Problem406–407Quiz 3 (9.5)Solve a Simpler Word ProblemGod breathed life into His creatures (Col. 1:17)*1109.6 Surface Area408–4143-D FiguresSurface AreaNets1119.7 Volumes of Prisms414–418Volumes1129.8 Surface Area and Volume of Circular Cylinders418–421Quiz 4 (9.6–9.7)Derived Areas and VolumesCalculator Skill 9113Math & Scripture—Measuring Objects422Quiz 5 (9.8)Prime Truths (Deut. 25:15)114Chapter 9 Review423–425Mathardy: Ch. 9Chapter 9 ReviewChapter 9 Cumulative Review115Chapter 9 TestChapter 10: Probability and Statistics11610.1 Fundamental Principle of Counting426–434God is in control of everything, even the casting of lots (Jonah 1:7; Prov. 16:33; Matt. 27:35)11710.2 Permutations435–43911810.3 Probability439–443Quiz 1 (10.1–10.2)119Math in Use—Joshua444Quiz 2 (10.3)Lots were used in the Bible to make decisions (Acts 1:26; Lev. 16:8–10; Joshua 18:10)12010.4 Descriptive Measures445–449Survey ProjectCalculator Skill 10Range, Mode, Median, MeanStatistics and ScriptureChristians are to discern truth from error (Rom. 12:2; Isa. 7:15; Ezek. 44:23; Prov. 28:5; Ezra 10:16; Matt. 10:16)*12110.5 Circle Graphs449–453Circle Graphs12210.6 Bar and Line Graphs453–459Quiz 3 (10.4–10.5)Bar and Line Graphs12310.7 Histograms460–465124Problem solving—Persuade with Data466–468Quiz 4 (10.6–10.7)Using Statistics to PersuadePersuasion can be used for good or for evil (Matt. 27:20; Acts 13:43)12510.8 Diagramming Data469–474Statistics with Graphs and Diagrams126Math & Scripture—Probability475Quiz 5 (10.8)Prime Truths (Joshua 1:6)127Chapter 10 Review476–479Mathardy: Ch. 10Chapter 10 ReviewChapter 10 Cumulative Review128Chapter 10 TestChapter 11: Integers12911.1 Comparing480–485Jesus forgives sin debt, whether large or small (Luke 7:41–47)13011.2 Absolute Value485–488Comparing Integers and Absolute Value13111.3 Addition488–492Quiz 1 (11.1–11.2)Reasonable WitnessingAlgebra MatChristians are to be ready to give a reason for our hope to all (I Pet. 3:15; Rom. 1:16; 10:9)*13211.4 Subtraction493–495Adding and Subtracting IntegersAlgebra Mat13311.5 Multiplication496–499Quiz 2 (11.3–11.4)Algebra Mat13411.6 DivisionMath in Use—Abraham 499–503Integer ApplicationsMultiplying and Dividing IntegersAbraham believed and obeyed God (Rom. 4:3)God desires for you to have faith like Abraham (Heb. 11:8–19)13511.7 Integer Operations504–507Quiz 3 (11.5–11.6)Modular ArithmeticCalculator Skill 11Operations with Integers136Problem Solving—Multiple Steps508–509Quiz 4 (11.7)Using Multiple Steps13711.8 Real Numbers510–514138Math & Scripture—Addition and Subtraction515Quiz 4 (11.8)Prime Truths (Acts 2:41)139Chapter 11 Review516–517Mathardy: Ch. 11Chapter 11 ReviewChapter 11 Cumulative Review140Chapter 11 TestChapter 12: Introduction to Algebra14112.1 Variables and Expressions518–523Day of AtonementYoung people need to mature (Heb. 5:12–14Christ’s atoning work did away with OT Day of Atonement (Jn. 19:30; Lev. 16:29–34; Heb. 9)*14212.2 Evaluating Expressions523–525Evaluating Expressions14312.3 Writing Expressions526–530Quiz 1 (12.1–12.2)Using Algebraic ExpressionsWriting Algebraic Expressions14412.4 Writing Equations530–533Jesus is equal to God (John 5:18; Phil. 2:6)The Bible uses “equal” (Ezek. 45:14; Psa. 55:13; Matt. 20:12; Luke 20:34–36; Rev. 21:16)*145Math in Use—Wernher von Braun534–535Quiz 2 (12.3–12.4)14612.5 Solving Equations Involving Addition and Subtraction536–539Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations14712.6 Solving Equations Involving Multiplication and Division540–543Quiz 3 (12.5)Calculator Skill 12Solving Multiplication and Division Equations14812.7 Solving Two–Step Equations543–547Quiz 4 (12.6)Formulas for Figurate Number PatternsSolving Two–Step EquationsWriting and Solving Equations149Problem Solving—Apply Algebra548–549Quiz 5 (12.7)15012.8 Inequalities550–55315112.9 Solving Inequalities553–556152Math & Scripture—Variables557Quiz 6 (12.8–12.9)Prime Truths (John 8:34)153Chapter 12 Review558–559Mathardy: Ch. 12Chapter 12 ReviewChapter 12 Cumulative Review154Chapter 12 TestChapter 13: Relations and Functions15513.1 The Coordinate Plane560–566Graphs from Experimental Ordered PairsCoordinate PlaneIf a young person inputs Bible principles into his life, then his life’s output will please God 15613.2 Relations566–570Quiz 1 (13.1)Calculator Skill 1315713.3 Functions570–575Identifying Functions15813.4 Function Rules575–579Quiz 2 (13.2–13.3)Function Rules159Math in Use—Elisha Otis13.5 Graphing Linear Functions580–586Graphing Linear Functions160Problem Solving—Predict with Graphs587–588Quiz 3 (13.4–13.5)Using Graphs to Predict16113.6 Slope589–595Functions in the BibleThe life spans of OT patriarchs can be graphed as a function of generation (Gen. 5, 9, 11, 25)*16213.7 Translations595–603163Math & Scripture—Functions604Quiz 4 (13.6–13.7)Prime Truths (1 Peter 3:15)164Chapter 13 Review605–607Mathardy: Ch. 13Chapter 13 ReviewChapter 13 Cumulative Review165Chapter 13 TestChapter 14: Logic and Set Theory16614.1 Simple Statements608–615Calculator Skill 14Sound reasoning characterized Paul’s ministry (Acts 18:4; 19:8)Christ exemplified reasoning and logic (Isa. 1:18; Matt. 12:22–30; Luke 20:21–44)*16714.2 Compound Statements615–62116814.3 Conditional Statements622–626Quiz 1 (14.1–14.2)Statements and Negations16914.4 Reasoning626–632LogicGod and His Word are truth (Psa. 119:142; Isa. 25:1; John 14:6; 15:26; 17:17)Paul’s arguments are logical (Rom. 5:17–19; 8:10,13; 11:24)*170Math in Use—Paul 633Quiz 2 (14.3–14.4)Paul emphasized the power of God over human reasoning (1 Cor. 1:17–18; 2:5)Paul’s practice was to reason out of the Scriptures (Acts17:2)Christians should be dead to sin (Rom. 6:1–14)*17114.5 Sets634–63717214.6 Subsets637–641Subsets17314.7 Union and Intersection641–645Quiz 3 (14.5–14.6)Venn Diagrams to Test for Valid ArgumentsUnions and Intersections174Problem Solving—Reason Logically14.8 Finite and Infinite Sets646–651Review of SetsCumulative Review of Word ProblemsAfter testing ideas by the Word of God, Christians can hold on to them firmly (1 Thess. 5:21)175Math & Scripture—Logic652Quiz 4 (14.7–14.8)Prime Truths (John 16:13a)176Chapter 14 Review653–655Mathardy: Ch. 14Chapter 14 ReviewChapter 14 Cumulative Review177Chapter 14 Test178Review for Final Exam179Review for Final Exam180Final Exam (Chapters 7–13) ................

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