Five Basic Principles of the Enlightenment

Five Basic Principles of the Enlightenment

Identify who said the following quotes.

___________ 1. "…the life of a man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." A pessimistic outlook on human nature.

___________2. " Wherever law ends, Tyranny begins." A government exists to protect man's natural rights and if they fail to do so, the people have a right to overthrow the government.

___________3. "I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." The belief of the freedom of speech for all exists here.

___________4. "Power should be a check to power." Believed that the separation of powers in government was necessary to keep them balanced and prevent any one branch from gaining too much power.

___________5. "Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains." Society placed many limitations on human behavior.

Complete the following

Social Contract Diagram

The Social Contract







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