Creative Coding Summer 2017WritersDan StiglitzJames Ng SupervisorRobert Soel 23812505334000BELLMORE-MERRICKCENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICTBOARD OF EDUCATION 2017-2018 Nancy Kaplan, Ed.D., PresidentNina Lanci, Vice President Marion Blane Steve Enella John Ferrara Wendy Gargiulo Janet GollerGina PiskinCENTRAL ADMINISTRATIONJohn DeTommasoSuperintendent of SchoolsMara Bollettieri, Psy.D.Deputy Superintendent Kate FreemanMichael HarringtonAssistant Superintendents Table of ContentsIntroduction to Creative Coding Rational for coding curriculum development; summary presentation slidesScope and sequence Unit outlines and sample lessonsDigital CitizenshipMaze code HatchPythonWebsite Development Introduction to Creative Coding The purpose of this curriculum is to provide an additional technology option for incoming 7th grade students at both Merrick and Grand Avenue Middle schools. Students will have an opportunity to take a course sequence that links technology and family consumer science classes. The Creative Coding class will act as the first in the sequence to introduce students to the basics of computer coding which will prepare them to leverage their new computer skills in a family and consumer science class that will focus on 21st century learning and communication in the context of an entrepreneurship curriculum. ??The overall goal of the coding class is to inspire students to learn how to code while building problem-solving skills essential to success in STEAM disciplines. ?At the start of Creative Coding, students are introduced to key ideas of cyber safety. Students will discuss proper usage of the Internet, how to control their digital footprint and how sharing online can lead to both positive and negative consequences. ?All students in Creative Coding will join an online coding community in the KidOYO learning platform called “OYOclass”. As members of OYOClass, students will have access to wide variety of activities and lessons in multiple coding languages. The teacher will act as a guide to introduce key concepts and ideas, while students will have many options within the online modules to choose their activities. The course content will increase in depth and sophistication as the student’s work through the various task and challenges in Maze Code, Hatch, Python, and Web. Each course section builds upon the next leading into a capstone of web development in HTML. Throughout the semester, students will work through coding challenges and receive digital badges as they acquire skills. Each badge represents a micro-credential that has all of the information linked to the project completed, link to the project as well as the person who approved the project completion. These micro-credentials are something that the students can take with them after the completion of the course and use at any level to demonstrate their knowledge of coding. ?The day-to-day lessons of Creative Coding are closely integrated with the resources on the OYOclass learning platform. ?The lessons will include teacher-guided digital presentations, online video tutorials, any many structured learning games and activities written into the OYOclass website. ?Along the way, students’ work is monitored by online mentors in the digital OYOclass community. In addition to conducting daily lessons, the classroom teachers have the role of mentors along with a network of trained college CS students and professional computer scientists employed by KidOYO. ?The mentor network provides timely feedback as students work on challenges and earn digital badges in various computer languages. ??***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***?Rational for Coding Curriculum Development(Summary of Presentation Slides)-56197558102500-52387540957500-285750000-419100000Creative Coding Scope and Sequence Unit 1 - Digital CitizenshipAcceptable Use PolicyInternet SafetyCyberbullyingUnit 2 - Maze CodeCompletion of levels 1-12Using loops, “if” statementsBeyond level 12, writing statements in basic codeWorking beyond to level 24 for masteryUnit 3 - HatchGetting to know HatchControlled movementsCreating a multi-level mazeCreating an interactive game with feedbackUnit 4 - PythonPrint statements and variablesUsing turtle to draw shapes and designsPython pixel art using codeUnit 5 - Web Site DevelopmentIntroduction to HTMLCreating new sites Adding/editing pagesNavigation barInserting images/linksInserting projects created throughout semesterUnit overview- Digital CitizenshipBig Idea: CommunicationConceptual Rationale:We live in an Internet based world. Students are spending more and more time on websites,social media and more. With this increasing time on the computer students need to have a greater understanding on the proper usage, pitfalls and ways to protect themselves and information online. Established Goals: NYS Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology Standard 5: TechnologyNYS Learning Standards for English Language ArtsStandard 1: Language for Information and Understanding Standard 4: Language for Social Interaction Time Frame: Approximately 6 class periodsEssential Questions:What is appropriate use for a school computer?How can you protect yourself on the Internet?Why is cyber-bullying such a big problem?How can we control our digital footprint?Students will understand...There are things that they can and cannot do on school computers.That the Internet is very useful but can pose many risks.Not all people on the Internet are who they say they are and can cause harm to them.That proper computer and Internet usage can prevent harm to their computer and themselves.Students will know...What is appropriate and inappropriate when using district computers and connectivity.What cyberbullying is, how to identify it, and how to prevent it.How to safely use the Internet and other related resources.That unsafe computer and Internet usage can cause harm to their computer and themselves.Students will be able to...Recognize appropriate and safe computer and Internet usage.Determine the appropriate actions if they find themselves in an unsafe situation.Explain how cyber-bullying can be more harmful to someone than “regular” bullying.Student Orientation / Teaching Strategies:Teacher directed instruction and demonstrationHands on individual involvementCooperative learning and sharingUtilization of teacher website Application of Common Core Standards including reading and writingAssessment:Quizzes and final presentationSatisfactory completion of assigned tasksSuccessful application of newly acquired skills and prior knowledge***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***?Sample lesson plan - CyberbullyingBig Idea: Digital CitizenshipTopic: Social NetworkingEstablished Goals: NYS Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology Standard 5: TechnologyTime Frame: Approximately 1 class periodAim: What rules should we follow when adding “friends” on online networks?Motivation: Why do you think they want you to put so much information up about you on these sites? Do you think people monitor that information?ER- to get followers, to seem popular, so show offEssential Questions:How can students be safe online?How can you identify a person online?Students will understand...The dangers of using the Internet to interact with strangers.The pitfalls of online communicationStudents will know...Not all people online are who they say they are.Ways in which to try to identify people online. Students will be able to...Effectively attempt to identify people onlineDescribe proper interactions with other people online.Misunderstandings: Everything online is easily removedPeople online are only there to talk and share information with youEverybody online just wants to be friends and talk to youStudent Orientation / Teaching Strategies:Teacher directed instruction and demonstrationHands on individual involvementCooperative learning and sharingInternet video with question promptsApplication of Common Core Standards including reading and writingLearning Experiences:Procedure: Whole ClassWatch the “Post-to-be Private” video. Ask students: What are some positive aspects of social networking sites?Keeps you connected to friends and family, encourages, creative self-expression, sharpens writing skills.Is everyone really “friends” online?Why do people want to build up their friends/followers list? To feel popular or well-liked.What is Slick trying to tell Allie about having her profile set to private?Even if your profile is set to private, you should still think before you post and add only people you know in real-life to your friends list.Discuss as a class the risks and guidelines that can be set when accepting someone as a friend online.Student Activity:Divide the students into groups of two or three (making 10 groups).Pass out the envelopes.Tell the students that each group has profile from a social networking site that is set to private.Have students read the shared profile on the outside of the envelope.Students in their groups decide whether to accept this person as a “friend” on their own profile.Then they write down why they would or would not befriend this person.Have each group open the envelopes to see if the new friend’s actual identity matched the shared profile.Ask students to raise their hands if the person’s identity inside their envelope was different than the person profiled on the outside.Have students talk about the differences between the profiles on the outside and the true identity.People who are on the Internet do not always tell the truth about who they are.Anyone can ask to be your friend online, even when your profile is set to private.In pairs, have the students discuss: Even if your profile is set to private, what can someone still find out about you?Someone can still find out your name, age, location, sometimes screen name, and see your picture.Anyone can request to be your friend; it’s up to you to accept or deny them.What rules can you follow to stay safer on your social networking site?Only accepting friends that you know in real life, not sharing personal information that reveals your location or how to contact you, making sure your friends don’t post revealing information about you, and keeping your blog information private.Summary/Wrap-up:Have students give examples to help persuade their friend.If time allows, students could have students read the letters out loud and vote on whether they convinced the rest of the class.Homework:Students may finish the letter at home if they have not completed it. Assessment:Students will write a persuasive letter encouraging their fictional friend, depending on the scenario they’ve chosen, to rethink their behavior.Students should write at least 3 persuasive reasons to tell their friend to stop.***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***?Unit overview - Maze CodeBig Idea: Blocky Language CodingConceptual Rationale:As an introduction to coding, students will use the blocks to organize commands to control the cursor. This will serve as an introduction to the language, order or operations and basic commands that can be performed in other coding languages. Established Goals: NYS Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology Standard 5: TechnologyTime Frame: Approximately 3 class periodsEssential Questions:What is coding?How can we manipulate the turtle using block coding?How can we translate block coding into future languages?Students will understand...Ways to manipulate the turtle to move in directions.Programming is a language and series of commandsStudents will know...How to move left, right, back and forward.How to create loops How to create if paths.Students will be able to...Move the cursor through the different levels of the mazes.Use different coding blocks to complete tasks.Discover ways to create mazes on their ownStudent Orientation / Teaching Strategies:Teacher directed instruction and demonstrationHands on individual involvementCooperative learning and sharingUtilization of Oyo classroom communityAssessment:Satisfactory completion of assigned tasksSatisfactory completion of 12 levels to acquire Maze Challenge Badge in Oyo community.Successful application of newly acquired skills in future lesson modules.***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***?Sample lesson plan - Maze CodeBig Idea: Introduction to CodingTopic: Maze Code Established Goals: NYS Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology Standard 5: TechnologyTime Frame: Approximately 1 class periodAim: How can we use Maze Code as an introduction to coding in the real world?Motivation: Think about games in which you give basic commands to tell something or someone to do something? What types of commands do you use?Essential Questions:How do we effectively give commands in Blocky coding language.Students will understand...Basic programming language using Blocky style coding.Students will know...How to use Block codes to control the cursor.How to use back, forward, left, right and loops.Students will be able to...Complete the first 12 levels of Maze Code.Use loops, if path and directional blocks to complete the mazes. Misunderstandings: The order in which the blocks are organized can be a challenge.Students may confuse the directions in which they have to turn.There are a limited number of blocks that can be used to complete certain tasks.Student Orientation / Teaching Strategies:Teacher directed instruction and demonstrationHands on individual involvementCooperative learning and sharingInternet video with question promptsApplication of Common Core Standards including reading and writingLearning Experiences:Procedure: Discuss with students the motivation question of how we give commands. Ask them to think about the way in which we tell people or things to perform tasks.We are now going to using a form of coding called “Blocky”Each block represents a command for that object to move. You have to create ?a list of blocks that tell the object to move from the beginning to the X at the end.Student Activity:Students will log into their Oyo accounts and open up the Maze Code appOnce there, they can begin the levels. Each level grows progressively to be more difficult, while also including new blocks and skills.Students needing assistance can talk to students around them, the teacher as well as the “Hint” button on the page. Summary/Wrap-up:As students progress at their own pace the teacher should be circulating the room and checking for understanding. Students can move ahead at their own pace from levels 1-24.After successfully completing 12 levels, they can submit for the Maze Challenge badge.Homework:Continue to work up to level 12 on Maze Code.Assessment:Completion of the first 12 levels of Maze Code and receiving the Maze Code badge on the Oyo community. ***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***?Unit overview - Hatch!/ScratchBig Idea: Learning The Building Blocks of Programming through HatchHatch is a block based program used to help students learn how to code where the scripts are embedded into the blocks. ?The use of the blocks assist students in their learning by laying the foundation for understanding sequencing and problem solving in coding.Established Goals: NYS Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology Standard 5: TechnologyTime Frame: Approximately 5 class periodsAim: What is Hatch!/ScratchEssential Questions:How Hatch!/Scratch are foundations to learning programmingWhat can be used to make programming more efficient (lines of code needed/blocks needed)Students will understand...Blocks are scriptsSequential Problem SolvingDifferent statements and how to integrate them into their programStudents will know...What a sprite isHow to use different block types to program with Hatch!/ScratchWhat scripts areWhat loops areStudents will be able to...Use block based programming to create games, puzzlesUse advanced blocks to make their program more efficientCreate, save and share their projectWork with backdropsEarn badges by completing challengesStudent Orientation / Teaching Strategies:Teacher directed instruction and demonstrationHands on individual involvementCooperative learning and sharingInternet video with question promptsApplication of Common Core Standards including reading and writingAssessment:Earning badges from completing Hatch! Challenges***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***?Sample lesson plan - Hatch/ScratchBig Idea: Programming through scripts embedded into blocksTopic: Using Hatch to drawEstablished Goals: NYS Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology Standard 5: TechnologyTime Frame: Approximately 1 class periodsAim:How to draw basic shapes with Hatch!Motivation:Begin class with completed work and demonstrate the functionality on screen or have students operate the keyboard and mouse to run the hatch programHave more advanced hatch projects for show and tellEssential Questions:What can you do with the different blocks found in Hatch What are scriptStudents will understand...Different types of blocksHow scripts are embedded into blocksHow to use loopsStudents will know...What a sprite isWhat a loop isStudents will be able to...Control/change the spriteChange color, direction and drawMisunderstandings: Student Orientation / Teaching Strategies:Teacher directed instruction and demonstrationHands on individual involvementCooperative learning and sharingInternet video with question promptsApplication of Common Core Standards including reading and writingLearning Experiences:Procedure: Log into the system and demonstrate Hatch!Show completed hatch challenges and demonstrate their functionMonitor student progress as they are lead through a sequence of basic programming to make the sprite do simple movements like forward, left and right, pen up and down, etc.Student Activity:Students log into computers and program their sprite to complete the given tasks in order to complete challenges.Students will follow steps to make their sprite do simple movementsSummary/Wrap-up:Ask higher level questions to enhance understanding of what is actually going on in the programming Propose questions that will lead students to the next level of programming such as color or color change and fill colorAssessment:Complete Hatch!2 assessment challenge (draw a hexagon and octagon)***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***?Unit overview - PythonBig Idea: Python is a versatile popular programming languagePython is a popular programming language that is used by many companiesPython can be used to make automated scripts, data analysis, web programming (especially back-end web development), and even making games. There are many libraries out there that have been made by various people and can be used simply by installing them and importing them into your own code. You can install it onto your own machine and use any text editor or even command-line to use it. Python Mini is an OYOClass app allowing you to use and see immediate results in your browser but it isn’t fully capable of everything Python has to offer.Established Goals: NYS Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology Standard 2: Information SystemsStandard 5: TechnologyStandard 7: Interdisciplinary Problem SolvingNYS Learning Standards for English Language ArtsStandard 1: Language for Information and Understanding Standard 4: Language for Social Interaction Time Frame: Approximately 5 class periodsEssential Questions:What is Python and Python MiniStudents will understand...What Python Mini isWhat libraries areStudents will know...How to start Python MiniHow to use Python Mini to complete appropriate challengesHow to access Python Mini LibrariesHow to use the libraries in to complete their challengesStudents will be able to...Start, make and save a new fileWrite and share basic programs with Python miniWrite print statements and commentsApply loops in their programDraw with TurtlesAccess libraries Student Orientation / Teaching Strategies:Teacher directed instruction and demonstrationHands on individual involvementCooperative learning and sharingInternet video with question promptsApplication of Common Core Standards including reading and writingAssessment:Earning Badges from completing Python Mini Challenges***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***?Sample lesson plan - Python MiniBig Idea: Python is a versatile popular programming languageTopic: Drawing with TurtleEstablished Goals: NYS Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology Standard 2: Information SystemsStandard 5: TechnologyStandard 7: Interdisciplinary Problem SolvingNYS Learning Standards for English Language ArtsStandard 1: Language for Information and Understanding Standard 4: Language for Social Interaction Time Frame: Approximately 1 class periodsAim: How to Draw in Python Mini with TurtleMotivation:Begin class with completed work and demonstrate the functionality on screen or have students operate the keyboard and mouse to run pythonHave more advanced python projects for show and tellEssential Questions:What is a turtle?Students will understand...What the turtle library isStudents will know...How to import turtleHow to program turtle movements and draw with turtleStudents will be able to...Program the turtles movements (left, right, positive, negative, rotations, pen up and down and relocate position)Change colors and fill colorMisunderstandings: ?Mistakes will be made in spelling and syntaxStudent Orientation / Teaching Strategies:Teacher directed instruction and demonstrationHands on individual involvementCooperative learning and sharingInternet video with question promptsApplication of Common Core Standards including reading and writingLearning Experiences:Procedure: Explaining what turtle is and demonstrating what the turtle doesStep by step lead students through importing a turtle and the proper way to write the code necessary to complete the challengeStudent Activity:Students will name their turtle Students will program the turtles movements (right, left, pen up and down, colors, filling, circles and positioning)Summary/Wrap-up:Question students regarding similarities and differences between python and hatchAsk leading questions to enhance understanding of Python programming language or take questions down during class to be addressed at the end of classAssessment:Completing the Spiralgraph Challenge after a series of Python Lesson Activities***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***?Unit overview - Website DevelopmentBig Idea: Communication and Website DevelopmentConceptual Rationale:Websites are useful for presenting and organizing information and students should have the basic skills needed to utilize this medium. Through the use of a student website portfolio, all student work will be organized and maintained in one central location. Established Goals: NYS Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology Standard 5: TechnologyTime Frame: Approximately 5 class periods (Can be non-consecutive)Essential Questions:How can using a website be helpful?What are important aspects of any website?Students will understand...The use of HTML coding to create a websiteStudents will know...How to create a website using HTML editing languageHow to design and organize a website for publishingStudents will be able to...Create a basic website to showcase their projects throughout the semesterStudent Orientation / Teaching Strategies:Teacher directed instruction and demonstrationHands on individual involvementCooperative learning and sharingUtilization of student created websitesUtilization of teacher website Application of Common Core Standards including reading and writingAssessment:Satisfactory completion of assigned tasksSatisfactory completion of website portfolio tasksSuccessful application of newly acquired skills and prior knowledge***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***?Sample lesson plan - Web Design Big Idea: Introduction to HTMLTopic: Web Development- HTMLEstablished Goals: NYS Learning Standards for Math, Science, and Technology Standard 5: TechnologyTime Frame: Approximately 1 class periodAim: How can we create a website to share our work on the Internet?Motivation: What are some things that make you want to go to one site over another?Essential Questions:Why do people create websites?What are key elements of a website?How can we use coding to design and build a website?Students will understand...How to organize a websiteWhy designing a website can be helpfulStudents will know...Basic coding language before they beginHTML 5 coding languageThe purpose of using websitesStudents will be able to...Create an introduction message Insert a photo on the homepage of their website.Misunderstandings: Student Orientation / Teaching Strategies:Teacher directed instruction and demonstrationHands on individual involvementCooperative learning and sharingInternet video with question promptsApplication of Common Core Standards including reading and writingLearning Experiences:Procedure: Begin with students responses of what make them choose one site over another.Pull up some of the students websites they spend time and discuss why they go there over other ones. (Reminder, school appropriate sites)Student Activity:Students will log into the Kidoyo platform and open up the OyoWebsite App.Once inside they will think about the question posed prior of what are key elements of a website.Menu, introductions, logos, headlines, fonts, pictures, colors, layoutStudents will setup their own subdomain on the Oyo platform. ***They should use a nickname or screen name since they will be a publically accessible website.After they have chosen their name of the site they can now put on their first introduction message on their site.Students will click on New File and a create a new sidebar tab called , Index.htmlThis will act as the homepage of the website. Subsequent pages can be named whatever is desired or needed.Using the Oyo webeditor has directions in the lesson one of the Oyo class Web IntroductionMenu BarThe area marked red in the screenshot above is the menu bar. The menu bar has several buttons that each have a unique functionality.+New File - Creates a new HTML, CSS or JS file. It also allows you to upload image and audio files to your website.Magnifying Glass Icon - Searches a file within your subdomain. It useful once you have many of them.Gear Icon - Change your subdomain or link your custom domain to your OYO Website.Save - Save the current file.Preview - View the current file.Rename - Rename the current file.Download - Download the current file. You can take it with you to another host server.Delete - Delete the current file.Visit My Site - View your website's index.html, your website's homepage.Summary/Wrap-up:Once students have created their introduction and message, if they have time they can save photos that they want to upload on their site during the coming lessons.Make sure that they download and save them to their computer and not just copy them. They can create a folder in Google Drive or in their profile to work on organization.Homework:Not necessary unless students run out of time.Assessment:Completion and creation of a website within the subdomain, index page and welcome message.***Online educational resources in the OYOclass learning platform are proprietary materials of the KidOYO organization and will not appear in this curriculum guide. ***? ................

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