Writing Rubric - SMSU

Writing Rubric

|Rubric |First-Year Outcome: |Second-Year Outcome: |Third-Year Outcome: |Fourth-Year Outcome: |

| |Beginning Competencies |Developing Competencies |Practicing Competencies |Accomplished Competencies |

|Purpose and Audience |The writing meets the requirements of|The writing meets the requirements of|The writing meets the requirements of the|The writing meets the requirements of the |

| |the assignment, engages the audience,|the assignment, engages the audience,|assignment, engages the audience, and |assignment, engages the audience, and |

| |and demonstrates a basic familiarity |and demonstrates an average |demonstrates an above average facility |demonstrates a proficient facility with |

| |with audience and purpose appropriate|familiarity with audience and purpose|with audience and purpose appropriate for|audience and purpose appropriate for the |

| |for the particular discipline and/or |appropriate for the particular |the particular discipline and/or genre |particular discipline and/or genre for which|

| |genre for which the student is |discipline and/or genre for which the|for which the student is writing. |the student is writing. |

| |writing. |student is writing. | | |

| Main Idea |The writing is clear and focused; |The writing is clear and focused; |The writing is clear and focused; reader |The writing is clear and focused; reader can|

| |reader can understand the main idea |reader can easily understand the main|can easily understand the main idea |easily understand the main idea (e.g., |

| |(e.g., thesis, focus, hypothesis, |idea (e.g., thesis, focus, |(e.g., thesis, focus, hypothesis, |thesis, focus, hypothesis, research |

| |research question, etc.). |hypothesis, research question, etc.).|research question, etc.). The main idea |question, etc.). The manner in which the |

| | | |is incorporated into the text in a manner|main idea is presented in the text |

| | | |appropriate for the discipline and genre.|demonstrates proficiency with the |

| | | | |expectations of the discipline and genre. |

|Development and |Supporting details are suitable to |Supporting details are suitable to |Supporting details are suitable to |Supporting details are suitable to purpose |

|Support |audience and purpose; material drawn |audience and purpose; material drawn |purpose and audience; material drawn from|and audience; material drawn from external |

| |from external sources is incorporated|from external sources is incorporated|external sources is synthesized and |sources is synthesized and integrated into |

| |into the text. Reasoning is sound and|into the text. Reasoning is sound and|integrated into the text. Reasoning is |the text. |

| |does not contain logical fallacies. |does not contain logical fallacies. |sound and does not contain logical |In addition, the writing exhibits a |

| | |In addition, the writing exhibits a |fallacies. |proficient command of the subject matter |

| | |basic familiarity with the questions,|In addition, the writing exhibits an |that reveals an adept demonstration of the |

| | |values, and methods used by the |above average use of subject matter that |student’s ability to relate disciplinary |

| | |particular discipline and/or genre in|provides an adequate demonstration of the|content to practical examples and |

| | |which the student is writing. |student’s growing familiarity with the |applications. The student uses sound |

| | | |questions, values, and methods used by |reasoning and provides a comprehensive |

| | | |the particular discipline and/or genre in|analysis of details, facts and concepts |

| | | |which the student is writing. |demonstrating the student’s proficiency in |

| | | | |his/her field of study. |

|Rubric |First-Year Outcome: |Second-Year Outcome: |Third-Year Outcome: |Fourth-Year Outcome: |

| |Beginning Competencies |Developing Competencies |Practicing Competencies |Accomplished Competencies |

|Organization |Organization is clear and coherent; |Organization is clear and coherent; |Organization is clear and coherent; order|Organization is clear and coherent; order |

| |order and structure are present; |order and structure are present; |and structure are present; clear |and structure are present; clear sequencing |

| |clear sequencing and paragraphing; |clear sequencing and paragraphing; |sequencing and paragraphing; developed |and paragraphing; developed introduction and|

| |developed introduction and |developed introduction and |introduction and conclusion. In addition,|conclusion. In addition, the student |

| |conclusion. |conclusion. In addition, the student |the student demonstrates an above average|demonstrates a proficient understanding of |

| | |demonstrates a beginning |understanding of how to appropriately |how to appropriately organize his/her work |

| | |understanding of how to appropriately|organize his/her work for the particular |for the particular discipline and/or genre |

| | |organize his/her work for the |discipline and/or genre in which he/she |in which he/she is writing. |

| | |particular discipline and/or genre in|is writing. | |

| | |which the student is writing. | | |

|Style |The style is appropriate for the |The writing is clear and language is |The writing is clear and language use is |The writing is clear and language use is |

| |rhetorical context and the language |appropriate to the rhetorical context|precise. The student makes above average |precise. The student makes proficient use of|

| |choices suit the audience. |and audience but may call attention |use of language in a way that is |language in a way that is appropriate for |

| | |to itself in minor ways (e.g., the |appropriate for the particular discipline|the particular discipline and/or genre in |

| | |purpose of this paper is...; I feel |and/or genre in which the student is |which the student is writing. |

| | |that...; etc.). The student is |writing. | |

| | |beginning to use language in a way | | |

| | |that is appropriate for the | | |

| | |particular discipline and/or genre in| | |

| | |which the student is writing. | | |

|Sentence Structure |Formulaic or tedious sentence |Effective and varied sentences; |Effective and varied sentences; some |Each sentence structured effectively and |

| |patterns; shows some errors in |errors (if any) due to lack of |variety of sentence style and length. |powerfully. Rich, well-chosen variety of |

| |sentence construction; some |careful proofreading; syntax errors | |sentence styles and length. |

| |non-standard syntax usage. |(if any) reflect uses as | | |

| | |colloquialisms. | | |

|Mechanics & |Contains some errors of punctuation, |Contains few punctuation, spelling, |Contains rare punctuation, spelling, |Virtually free of punctuation, spelling, |

|Presentation |spelling, and/or capitalization. |or capitalization errors. Few |and/or capitalization errors. No |capitalization errors; appropriate format |

| |Errors do not usually interfere with |formatting errors. |formatting errors. |and presentation for assignment. |

| |meaning. Formatting incorrect in a | | | |

| |few places. | | | |

|Rubric |First-Year Outcome: |Second-Year Outcome: |Third-Year Outcome: |Fourth-Year Outcome: |

| |Beginning Competencies |Developing Competencies |Practicing Competencies |Accomplished Competencies |

|Vocabulary & Word |Errors of diction, and usage, while |Ordinary vocabulary range, mostly |Good vocabulary range and accuracy of |Exceptional vocabulary range, accuracy, and|

|Usage |evident, do not interfere with |accurate; some colloquial terms. |usage. |correct and effective word usage. |

| |readability. | | | |

|Citing Sources |Any material drawn from a source is |Any material drawn from a source is |Any material drawn from a source is |Any material drawn from a source is |

| |properly documented and cited. |credible and relevant and is properly|properly cited and documented in a format|properly cited and documented in a format |

| | |documented and cited. |that is appropriate for the particular |that is appropriate for the particular |

| | | |discipline and/or genre in which the |discipline and/or genre in which the |

| | | |student is writing. |student is writing. |

*Rubrics have been culled from these sources:

✓ America Public University. “Undergraduate Writing Rubric (Lower Level).” Learning Outcomes Assessment.

✓ America Public University. “Undergraduate Writing Rubric (Upper Level).” Learning Outcomes Assessment.


✓ Mankato State University. General Education Goals and Competencies for English.

✓ Oregon Department of Education. Official Scoring Guide, Writing.

✓ Saint Mary’s College School of Extended Education. College-Level Writing Rubric.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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